AA Search

15 results (costing 234 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
801Knee Strike (15)120 WAR (ToL)30 / 23430s T41Cast: Knee Strike XV
Knee Strike XV, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 700, reduces their avoidance by 30% for 18 seconds, and triggers Knee Strike Snare III which reduces movement speed by 30% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (14)120 WAR (ToL)30 / 20430s T41Cast: Knee Strike XIV
Knee Strike XIV, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 600, reduces their avoidance by 30% for 18 seconds, and triggers Knee Strike Snare III which reduces movement speed by 30% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (13)115 WAR (ToV)25 / 17430s T41Cast: Knee Strike XIII
Knee Strike XIII, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 500, reduces their avoidance by 30% for 18 seconds, and triggers Knee Strike Snare III which reduces movement speed by 30% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (12)110 WAR (ToV)25 / 14930s T41Cast: Knee Strike XII
Knee Strike XII, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 400, reduces their avoidance by 30% for 18 seconds, and triggers Knee Strike Snare III which reduces movement speed by 30% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (11)105 WAR (TDS)18 / 12430s T41Cast: Knee Strike XI
Knee Strike XI, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 325, reduces their avoidance by 30% for 18 seconds, and triggers Knee Strike Snare III which reduces movement speed by 30% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (10)103 WAR (TDS)16 / 10630s T41Cast: Knee Strike X
Knee Strike X, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 300, reduces their avoidance by 28% for 18 seconds, and triggers Knee Strike Snare II which reduces movement speed by 25% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (9)101 WAR (TDS)14 / 9030s T41Cast: Knee Strike IX
Knee Strike IX, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 275, reduces their avoidance by 26% for 18 seconds, and triggers Knee Strike Snare I which reduces movement speed by 20% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (8)100 WAR (CotF)12 / 7630s T41Cast: Knee Strike VIII
Knee Strike VIII, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 250 and reduces their avoidance by 24% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (7)100 WAR (CotF)12 / 6430s T41Cast: Knee Strike VII
Knee Strike VII, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 225 and reduces their avoidance by 22% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (6)100 WAR (CotF)12 / 5230s T41Cast: Knee Strike VI
Knee Strike VI, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 200 and reduces their avoidance by 20% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (5)97 WAR (RoF)12 / 4030s T41Cast: Knee Strike V
Knee Strike V, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 175 and reduces their avoidance by 18% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (4)91 WAR (VoA)12 / 2830s T41Cast: Knee Strike IV
Knee Strike IV, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 150 and reduces their avoidance by 18% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (3)86 WAR (HoT)9 / 1630s T41Cast: Knee Strike III
Knee Strike III, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 125 and reduces their avoidance by 18% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (2)60 WAR (UF)5 / 730s T41Cast: Knee Strike II
Knee Strike II, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 100 and reduces their avoidance by 18% for 18 seconds.
801Knee Strike (1)55 WAR (SoD)2 / 230s T41Cast: Knee Strike I
Knee Strike I, when activated, strikes your target with a Kick skill attack with a base damage of 75 and reduces their avoidance by 18% for 18 seconds.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).