AA Search

6 results (costing 47 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
2899Levant (6)105 NEC (TBM)15 / 4710s T611: Increase Spell Haste by 50%
2: Limit Spell: Levant I
Cast: Levant I
This ability, when activated, teleports you to a relatively safe location in your current zone with a 2.5 second cast time.
2899Levant (5)102 NEC (TBM)10 / 3210s T611: Increase Spell Haste by 40%
2: Limit Spell: Levant I
Cast: Levant I
This ability, when activated, teleports you to a relatively safe location in your current zone with a 3 second cast time.
2899Levant (4)100 NEC (RoF)5 / 2210s T611: Increase Spell Haste by 30%
2: Limit Spell: Levant I
Cast: Levant I
This ability, when activated, teleports you to a relatively safe location in your current zone with a 3.5 second cast time.
2899Levant (3)98 NEC (RoF)5 / 1710s T611: Increase Spell Haste by 20%
2: Limit Spell: Levant I
Cast: Levant I
This ability, when activated, teleports you to a relatively safe location in your current zone with a 4 second cast time.
2899Levant (2)96 NEC (RoF)5 / 1210s T611: Increase Spell Haste by 10%
2: Limit Spell: Levant I
Cast: Levant I
This ability, when activated, teleports you to a relatively safe location in your current zone with a 4.5 second cast time.
2899Levant (1)85 NEC (UF)7 / 710s T61Cast: Levant I
This ability, when activated, teleports you to a relatively safe location in your current zone with a 5 second cast time.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).