AA Search

26 results (costing 614 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
565Mana Burn (26)125 WIZ (LS)80 / 61420m T7Cast: Mana Burn XX (100000 Mana)
Mana Burn XX, when activated, consumes mana to deal 4900000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 34200 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes.
565Mana Burn (25)120 WIZ (ToL)75 / 53420m T7Cast: Mana Burn XIX (90000 Mana)
Mana Burn XIX, when activated, consumes mana to deal 4200000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 29600 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes.
565Mana Burn (24)115 WIZ (ToV)70 / 45920m T7Cast: Mana Burn XVIII (80000 Mana)
Mana Burn XVIII, when activated, consumes mana to deal 3500000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 25000 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes.
565Mana Burn (23)110 WIZ (RoS)70 / 38920m T7Cast: Mana Burn XVII (70000 Mana)
Mana Burn XVII, when activated, consumes mana to deal 2800000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 20400 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes.
565Mana Burn (22)105 WIZ (TBM)60 / 31920m T7Cast: Mana Burn XVI (60000 Mana)
Mana Burn XVI, when activated, consumes mana to deal 2400000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 19200 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes.
565Mana Burn (21)100 WIZ (TBM)50 / 25920m T7Cast: Mana Burn XV (50000 Mana)
Mana Burn XV, when activated, consumes mana to deal 2000000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 16000 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes.
565Mana Burn (20)95 WIZ (TBM)40 / 20920m T7Cast: Mana Burn XIV (40000 Mana)
Mana Burn XIV, when activated, consumes mana to deal 1600000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 12800 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes.
565Mana Burn (19)90 WIZ (TBM)30 / 16920m T7Cast: Mana Burn XIII (30000 Mana)
Mana Burn XIII, when activated, consumes mana to deal 1200000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 9600 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes.
565Mana Burn (18)85 WIZ (SoD)12 / 13936m T7Cast: Mana Burn XII (20000 Mana)
Mana Burn XII, when activated, consumes up to 20000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (17)83 WIZ (SoD)9 / 12736m T7Cast: Mana Burn XI (19000 Mana)
Mana Burn XI, when activated, consumes up to 19000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (16)81 WIZ (SoD)7 / 11836m T7Cast: Mana Burn X (18000 Mana)
Mana Burn X, when activated, consumes up to 18000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (15)80 WIZ (SoD)5 / 11136m T7Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana)
Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes.
565Mana Burn (14)80 WIZ (SoD)5 / 10642m T7Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana)
Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes.
565Mana Burn (13)80 WIZ (SoD)5 / 10148m T7Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana)
Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes.
565Mana Burn (12)80 WIZ (SoD)5 / 9654m T7Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana)
Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes.
565Mana Burn (11)80 WIZ (SoD)5 / 9160m T7Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana)
Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes.
565Mana Burn (10)80 WIZ (SoD)5 / 8666m T7Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana)
Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes.
565Mana Burn (9)80 WIZ (SoF)12 / 8172m T7Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana)
Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (8)78 WIZ (SoF)9 / 6972m T7Cast: Mana Burn VIII (16000 Mana)
Mana Burn VIII, when activated, consumes up to 16000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (7)76 WIZ (SoF)7 / 6072m T7Cast: Mana Burn VII (15000 Mana)
Mana Burn VII, when activated, consumes up to 15000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (6)75 WIZ (TSS)9 / 5372m T7Cast: Mana Burn VI (12000 Mana)
Mana Burn VI, when activated, consumes up to 12000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (5)73 WIZ (TSS)9 / 4472m T7Cast: Mana Burn V (11000 Mana)
Mana Burn V, when activated, consumes up to 11000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (4)71 WIZ (TSS)9 / 3572m T7Cast: Mana Burn IV (10000 Mana)
Mana Burn IV, when activated, consumes up to 10000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (3)70 WIZ (DoD)12 / 2672m T7Cast: Mana Burn III (9000 Mana)
Mana Burn III, when activated, consumes up to 9000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (2)65 WIZ (PoP)9 / 1472m T7Cast: Mana Burn II (6000 Mana)
Mana Burn II, when activated, consumes up to 6000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.
565Mana Burn (1)59 WIZ (SoL)5 / 572m T7Cast: Mana Burn I (3000 Mana)
Mana Burn I, when activated, consumes up to 3000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).