/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
565 | Mana Burn (26) | 125 WIZ (LS) | 80 / 614 | 20m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XX (100000 Mana) Mana Burn XX, when activated, consumes mana to deal 4900000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 34200 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (25) | 120 WIZ (ToL) | 75 / 534 | 20m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XIX (90000 Mana) Mana Burn XIX, when activated, consumes mana to deal 4200000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 29600 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (24) | 115 WIZ (ToV) | 70 / 459 | 20m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XVIII (80000 Mana) Mana Burn XVIII, when activated, consumes mana to deal 3500000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 25000 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (23) | 110 WIZ (RoS) | 70 / 389 | 20m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XVII (70000 Mana) Mana Burn XVII, when activated, consumes mana to deal 2800000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 20400 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (22) | 105 WIZ (TBM) | 60 / 319 | 20m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XVI (60000 Mana) Mana Burn XVI, when activated, consumes mana to deal 2400000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 19200 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (21) | 100 WIZ (TBM) | 50 / 259 | 20m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XV (50000 Mana) Mana Burn XV, when activated, consumes mana to deal 2000000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 16000 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (20) | 95 WIZ (TBM) | 40 / 209 | 20m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XIV (40000 Mana) Mana Burn XIV, when activated, consumes mana to deal 1600000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 12800 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (19) | 90 WIZ (TBM) | 30 / 169 | 20m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XIII (30000 Mana) Mana Burn XIII, when activated, consumes mana to deal 1200000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 9600 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (18) | 85 WIZ (SoD) | 12 / 139 | 36m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XII (20000 Mana) Mana Burn XII, when activated, consumes up to 20000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (17) | 83 WIZ (SoD) | 9 / 127 | 36m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn XI (19000 Mana) Mana Burn XI, when activated, consumes up to 19000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (16) | 81 WIZ (SoD) | 7 / 118 | 36m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn X (18000 Mana) Mana Burn X, when activated, consumes up to 18000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (15) | 80 WIZ (SoD) | 5 / 111 | 36m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana) Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (14) | 80 WIZ (SoD) | 5 / 106 | 42m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana) Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (13) | 80 WIZ (SoD) | 5 / 101 | 48m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana) Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (12) | 80 WIZ (SoD) | 5 / 96 | 54m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana) Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (11) | 80 WIZ (SoD) | 5 / 91 | 60m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana) Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (10) | 80 WIZ (SoD) | 5 / 86 | 66m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana) Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes. |
565 | Mana Burn (9) | 80 WIZ (SoF) | 12 / 81 | 72m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn IX (17000 Mana) Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (8) | 78 WIZ (SoF) | 9 / 69 | 72m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn VIII (16000 Mana) Mana Burn VIII, when activated, consumes up to 16000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (7) | 76 WIZ (SoF) | 7 / 60 | 72m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn VII (15000 Mana) Mana Burn VII, when activated, consumes up to 15000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (6) | 75 WIZ (TSS) | 9 / 53 | 72m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn VI (12000 Mana) Mana Burn VI, when activated, consumes up to 12000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (5) | 73 WIZ (TSS) | 9 / 44 | 72m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn V (11000 Mana) Mana Burn V, when activated, consumes up to 11000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (4) | 71 WIZ (TSS) | 9 / 35 | 72m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn IV (10000 Mana) Mana Burn IV, when activated, consumes up to 10000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (3) | 70 WIZ (DoD) | 12 / 26 | 72m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn III (9000 Mana) Mana Burn III, when activated, consumes up to 9000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (2) | 65 WIZ (PoP) | 9 / 14 | 72m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn II (6000 Mana) Mana Burn II, when activated, consumes up to 6000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
565 | Mana Burn (1) | 59 WIZ (SoL) | 5 / 5 | 72m T7 | Cast: Mana Burn I (3000 Mana) Mana Burn I, when activated, consumes up to 3000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn XX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells Hate: 245000 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 34200 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Spell Resource Tap 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Decrease Current HP by 4900000 (If Type 8451) Mana Burn XX, when activated, consumes mana to deal 4900000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 34200 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
| Mana Burn XIX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells Hate: 210000 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 29600 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Spell Resource Tap 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Decrease Current HP by 4200000 (If Type 8451) Mana Burn XIX, when activated, consumes mana to deal 4200000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 29600 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
| Mana Burn XVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells Hate: 175000 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 25000 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Spell Resource Tap 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Decrease Current HP by 3500000 (If Type 8451) Mana Burn XVIII, when activated, consumes mana to deal 3500000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 25000 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
| Mana Burn XVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells Hate: 140000 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 20400 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Spell Resource Tap 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Decrease Current HP by 2800000 (If Type 8451) Mana Burn XVII, when activated, consumes mana to deal 2800000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 20400 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
| Mana Burn XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells Hate: 120000 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 19200 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Spell Resource Tap 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Decrease Current HP by 2400000 (If Type 8451) Mana Burn XVI, when activated, consumes mana to deal 2400000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 19200 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
| Mana Burn XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells Hate: 100000 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 16000 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Spell Resource Tap 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Decrease Current HP by 2000000 (If Type 8451) Mana Burn XV, when activated, consumes mana to deal 2000000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 16000 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
| Mana Burn XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells Hate: 80000 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 12800 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Spell Resource Tap 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Decrease Current HP by 1600000 (If Type 8451) Mana Burn XIV, when activated, consumes mana to deal 1600000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 12800 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
| Mana Burn XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 2m (20 ticks) Max Hits: 500 Matching Spells Hate: 60000 1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 9600 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Exclude Lifetap 3: Limit Effect: Exclude Spell Resource Tap 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Decrease Current HP by 1200000 (If Type 8451) Mana Burn XIII, when activated, consumes mana to deal 1200000 damage, increase the damage your target takes from 500 non-lifetap direct damage spells by 9600 points per spell, and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 2 minutes. |
| Mana Burn XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 80000 Damage Mana Burn XII, when activated, consumes up to 20000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 76000 Damage Mana Burn XI, when activated, consumes up to 19000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 72000 Damage Mana Burn X, when activated, consumes up to 18000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 68000 Damage Mana Burn IX, when activated, consumes up to 17000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 6 minutes. |
| Mana Burn VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 64000 Damage Mana Burn VIII, when activated, consumes up to 16000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 60000 Damage Mana Burn VII, when activated, consumes up to 15000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 48000 Damage Mana Burn VI, when activated, consumes up to 12000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 44000 Damage Mana Burn V, when activated, consumes up to 11000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 40000 Damage Mana Burn IV, when activated, consumes up to 10000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 36000 Damage Mana Burn III, when activated, consumes up to 9000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 24000 Damage Mana Burn II, when activated, consumes up to 6000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
| Mana Burn I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single (If No Mana Burn Buff) Resist: Magic -1000 Duration: 60s (10 ticks) 1: Mana Burn up to 12000 Damage Mana Burn I, when activated, consumes up to 3000 mana to deal 40% of that mana as direct damage and prevents additional Mana Burn spells from landing on that target for 60 seconds. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).