AA Search

6 results (costing 290 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
1282Marr's Gift (6)125 PAL (LS)70 / 29010m T32Cast: Marr's Gift VI
Marr's Gift VI, when activated, offers a silent prayer to Marr, which instantly heals 100000 health, and restores 65000 mana, and 15000 endurance.
1282Marr's Gift (5)120 PAL (ToL)65 / 22010m T32Cast: Marr's Gift V
Marr's Gift V, when activated, offers a silent prayer to Marr, which instantly heals 80000 health, and restores 55000 mana, and 13000 endurance.
1282Marr's Gift (4)115 PAL (ToV)60 / 15510m T32Cast: Marr's Gift IV
Marr's Gift IV, when activated, offers a silent prayer to Marr, which instantly heals 60000 health, and restores 45000 mana, and 11000 endurance.
1282Marr's Gift (3)110 PAL (RoS)60 / 9510m T32Cast: Marr's Gift III
Marr's Gift III, when activated, offers a silent prayer to Marr, which instantly heals 40000 health, and restores 35000 mana, and 9000 endurance.
1282Marr's Gift (2)105 PAL (TBM)20 / 3510m T32Cast: Marr's Gift II
Marr's Gift II, when activated, offers a silent prayer to Marr, which instantly heals 30000 health, and restores 15000 mana, and 7500 endurance.
1282Marr's Gift (1)100 PAL (RoF)15 / 1510m T32Cast: Marr's Gift I
Marr's Gift I, when activated, offers a silent prayer to Marr, which instantly heals 20000 health, and restores 10000 mana, and 4500 endurance.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).