/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (16) | 125 WAR (LS) | 200 / 2200 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy VII on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Rupture This passive ability grants your Shield Rupture combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy VII on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 36000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (15) | 120 WAR (NoS) | 195 / 2000 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy VI on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Rupture This passive ability grants your Shield Rupture combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy VI on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 30000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (14) | 120 WAR (ToL) | 200 / 1805 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy V on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Splinter This passive ability grants your Shield Splinter combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy V on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 24000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (13) | 115 WAR (CoV) | 205 / 1605 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy IV on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Splinter This passive ability grants your Shield Splinter combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy IV on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 18000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (12) | 115 WAR (ToV) | 200 / 1400 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy III on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Sunder This passive ability grants your Shield Sunder combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy III on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 12000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (11) | 110 WAR (RoS) | 200 / 1200 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy II on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Break 3: Limit Spells: Shield Sunder This passive ability grants your Shield Break and Shield Sunder combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy II on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 6000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (10) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 1000 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (100% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 100% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (9) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 900 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (90% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 90% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (8) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 800 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (80% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 80% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (7) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 700 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (70% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 70% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (6) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 600 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (60% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 60% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (5) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 500 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (50% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 50% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (4) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 400 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (40% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 40% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (3) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 300 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (30% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 30% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (2) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 200 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (20% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 20% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy (1) | 105 WAR (EoK) | 100 / 100 | - | 1: Cast: Myrmidon's Synergy I on Spell Use (10% Chance) 2: Limit Spells: Shield Topple 3: Limit Spells: Shield Break This passive ability grants your Shield Topple and Shield Break combat abilities a 10% chance to trigger Myrmidon's Synergy I on all group members within a 0 foot radius, which absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits for 6 seconds. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 6 Incoming Hits Or Spells Or DS 9: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 36000 Absorbs up to 36000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits. |
| Shield Rupture | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance VII 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1390 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slashes savagely at your opponent's shield, inflicting a 2H Slash attack with 1390 base damage. Reflects Bracing Stance VII on you, which will absorb damage from the next 2 incoming attacks. |
| Shield Rupture Rk. II | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance VII 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1460 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slashes savagely at your opponent's shield, inflicting a 2H Slash attack with 1460 base damage. Reflects Bracing Stance VII on you, which will absorb damage from the next 2 incoming attacks. |
| Shield Rupture Rk. III | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance VII 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1533 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slashes savagely at your opponent's shield, inflicting a 2H Slash attack with 1533 base damage. Reflects Bracing Stance VII on you, which will absorb damage from the next 2 incoming attacks. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 6 Incoming Hits Or Spells Or DS 9: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 30000 Absorbs up to 30000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy V | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 6 Incoming Hits Or Spells Or DS 9: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 24000 Absorbs up to 24000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits. |
| Shield Splinter | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance VI 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1147 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slashes savagely at your opponent's shield, inflicting a 2H Slash attack with 1147 base damage. Reflects Bracing Stance VI on you, which will absorb damage from the next 2 incoming attacks. |
| Shield Splinter Rk. II | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance VI 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1204 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slashes savagely at your opponent's shield, inflicting a 2H Slash attack with 1204 base damage. Reflects Bracing Stance VI on you, which will absorb damage from the next 2 incoming attacks. |
| Shield Splinter Rk. III | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance VI 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1264 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slashes savagely at your opponent's shield, inflicting a 2H Slash attack with 1264 base damage. Reflects Bracing Stance VI on you, which will absorb damage from the next 2 incoming attacks. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 6 Incoming Hits Or Spells Or DS 9: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 18000 Absorbs up to 18000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy III | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 6 Incoming Hits Or Spells Or DS 9: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 12000 Absorbs up to 12000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits. |
| Shield Sunder | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance V 1: 2H Slash Attack for 946 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slashes savagely at your opponent's shield, inflicting a 2H Slash attack with 946 base damage. Reflects Bracing Stance V on you, which will absorb damage from the next 2 incoming attacks. |
| Shield Sunder Rk. II | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance V 1: 2H Slash Attack for 993 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slashes savagely at your opponent's shield, inflicting a 2H Slash attack with 993 base damage. Reflects Bracing Stance V on you, which will absorb damage from the next 2 incoming attacks. |
| Shield Sunder Rk. III | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance V 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1043 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slashes savagely at your opponent's shield, inflicting a 2H Slash attack with 1043 base damage. Reflects Bracing Stance V on you, which will absorb damage from the next 2 incoming attacks. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy II | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 6 Incoming Hits Or Spells Or DS 9: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 6000 Absorbs up to 6000 total damage from 6 direct damage spell or melee hits. |
| Shield Break | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance 1: 2H Slash Attack for 687 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slams a shield into an opponent, inflicting damage and knocking them off-balance. You will be protected from the next two incoming attacks. |
| Shield Break Rk. II | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance 1: 2H Slash Attack for 721 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slams a shield into an opponent, inflicting damage and knocking them off-balance. You will be protected from the next two incoming attacks. |
| Shield Break Rk. III | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance 1: 2H Slash Attack for 757 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slams a shield into an opponent, inflicting damage and knocking them off-balance. You will be protected from the next two incoming attacks. |
| Myrmidon's Synergy I | - | - | 0s | Target: Caster Group Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 5 Incoming Hits Or Spells Or DS 9: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 5000 Absorbs up to 5000 total damage from 5 direct damage spell or melee hits. |
| Shield Topple | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance 1: 2H Slash Attack for 246 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slams a shield into an opponent, inflicting damage and knocking them off-balance. You will be protected from the next two incoming attacks. |
| Shield Topple Rk. II | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance 1: 2H Slash Attack for 279 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slams a shield into an opponent, inflicting damage and knocking them off-balance. You will be protected from the next two incoming attacks. |
| Shield Topple Rk. III | - | - | 15s | Target: Single Resist: Unresistable Recourse: Bracing Stance 1: 2H Slash Attack for 302 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Slams a shield into an opponent, inflicting damage and knocking them off-balance. You will be protected from the next two incoming attacks. |
| Bracing Stance VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 2 Incoming Hit Successes 1: Absorb Melee Damage: 40%, Total: 59000 Absorbs 40% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of 59000, or 2 attacks. |
| Bracing Stance VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 2 Incoming Hit Successes 1: Absorb Melee Damage: 40%, Total: 45539 Absorbs 40% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of 45539, or 2 attacks. |
| Bracing Stance V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 2 Incoming Hit Successes 1: Absorb Melee Damage: 40%, Total: 36431 Absorbs 40% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of 36431, or 2 attacks. |
| Bracing Stance | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 2 Incoming Hit Successes 1: Absorb Melee Damage: 40%, Total: 29145 Absorbs 40% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of 29145, or 2 attacks. |
| Bracing Stance | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 2 Incoming Hit Successes 1: Absorb Melee Damage: 40%, Total: 413 Absorbs 40% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of 413, or two attacks. |
| Bracing Stance | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 2 Incoming Hit Successes 1: Absorb Melee Damage: 40%, Total: 488 Absorbs 40% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of 488, or two attacks. |
| Bracing Stance | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 6s (1 ticks) Max Hits: 2 Incoming Hit Successes 1: Absorb Melee Damage: 40%, Total: 525 Absorbs 40% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of 525, or two attacks. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).