AA Search

6 results (costing 12 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Nature's Bounty (6)75 RNG, DRU (TSS)2 / 12-1: Increase Chance to Double Forage by 100%
This passive ability grants a 100% chance to forage a second time when using your forage skill.
Nature's Bounty (5)73 RNG, DRU (TSS)2 / 10-1: Increase Chance to Double Forage by 90%
This passive ability grants a 90% chance to forage a second time when using your forage skill.
Nature's Bounty (4)71 RNG, DRU (TSS)2 / 8-1: Increase Chance to Double Forage by 80%
This passive ability grants an 80% chance to forage a second time when using your forage skill.
Nature's Bounty (3)55 RNG, DRU (OoW)3 / 6-1: Increase Chance to Double Forage by 75%
This passive ability grants a 75% chance to forage a second time when using your forage skill.
Nature's Bounty (2)53 RNG, DRU (OoW)2 / 3-1: Increase Chance to Double Forage by 50%
This passive ability grants a 50% chance to forage a second time when using your forage skill.
Nature's Bounty (1)51 RNG, DRU (OoW)1 / 1-1: Increase Chance to Double Forage by 25%
This passive ability grants a 25% chance to forage a second time when using your forage skill.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).