AA Search

11 results (costing 55 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Nerves of Steel (11)85 ROG (HoT)5 / 55-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 80%
This passive ability grants you an 80% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of and prevents resisted spells (that you are not the initial target of) from breaking invisibility.
Nerves of Steel (10)83 ROG (HoT)5 / 50-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 75%
This passive ability grants you a 75% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of and prevents resisted spells (that you are not the initial target of) from breaking invisibility.
Nerves of Steel (9)81 ROG (HoT)5 / 45-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 70%
This passive ability grants you a 70% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of and prevents resisted spells (that you are not the initial target of) from breaking invisibility.
Nerves of Steel (8)75 ROG (SoD)5 / 40-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 65%
This passive ability grants you a 65% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of and prevents resisted spells (that you are not the initial target of) from breaking invisibility.
Nerves of Steel (7)74 ROG (SoD)5 / 35-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 60%
This passive ability grants you a 60% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of and prevents resisted spells (that you are not the initial target of) from breaking invisibility.
Nerves of Steel (6)73 ROG (SoD)5 / 30-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 55%
This passive ability grants you a 55% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of and prevents resisted spells (that you are not the initial target of) from breaking invisibility.
Nerves of Steel (5)70 ROG (OoW)5 / 25-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 50%
This passive ability grants you a 50% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of and prevents resisted spells (that you are not the initial target of) from breaking invisibility.
Nerves of Steel (4)69 ROG (OoW)5 / 20-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 40%
This passive ability grants you a 40% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of.
Nerves of Steel (3)68 ROG (OoW)5 / 15-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 30%
This passive ability grants you a 30% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of.
Nerves of Steel (2)67 ROG (OoW)5 / 10-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 20%
This passive ability grants you a 20% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of.
Nerves of Steel (1)66 ROG (OoW)5 / 5-1: Increase Chance to Remain Hidden When Hit By AE by 10%
This passive ability grants you a 10% chance to remain hidden if you are hit by an area of effect spell that you are not the initial target of.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).