AA Search

9 results (costing 194 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Pact of the Wurine (9)125 BST (LS)40 / 1941sCast: Pact of the Wurine IX
Pact of the Wurine IX, when activated, triggers Pact of the Wurine Form permanently transforming you into a white werewolf, increases your accuracy by 35%, movement speed by 143%, maximum mana by 21000 points, maximum health by 21000 points, and mana regeneration by 200 points.
Pact of the Wurine (8)120 BST (ToL)35 / 1541sCast: Pact of the Wurine VIII
Pact of the Wurine VIII, when activated, triggers Pact of the Wurine Form permanently transforming you into a white werewolf, increases your accuracy by 35%, movement speed by 114%, maximum mana by 16500 points, maximum health by 16500 points, and mana regeneration by 170 points.
Pact of the Wurine (7)115 BST (ToV)30 / 1191sCast: Pact of the Wurine VII
Pact of the Wurine VII, when activated, triggers Pact of the Wurine Form permanently transforming you into a white werewolf, increases your accuracy by 35%, movement speed by 85%, maximum mana by 12000 points, maximum health by 12000 points, and mana regeneration by 140 points.
Pact of the Wurine (6)110 BST (RoS)30 / 891sCast: Pact of the Wurine VI
Pact of the Wurine VI, when activated, triggers Pact of the Wurine Form permanently transforming you into a white werewolf, increases your accuracy by 35%, movement speed by 56%, maximum mana by 7500 points, maximum health by 7500 points, and mana regeneration by 110 points.
Pact of the Wurine (5)105 BST (TBM)18 / 591sCast: Pact of the Wurine V
Pact of the Wurine V, when activated, triggers Pact of the Wurine Form permanently transforming you into a white werewolf, increases your accuracy by 30%, movement speed by 56%, maximum mana by 5000 points, maximum health by 5000 points, and mana regeneration by 100 points.
Pact of the Wurine (4)105 BST (TDS)15 / 411sCast: Pact of the Wurine IV
Pact of the Wurine IV, when activated, triggers Pact of the Wurine Form permanently transforming you into a white werewolf, increases your accuracy by 30%, movement speed by 56%, maximum mana by 2200 points, maximum health by 2200 points, and mana regeneration by 85 points.
Pact of the Wurine (3)95 BST (VoA)12 / 261sCast: Pact of the Wurine III
Pact of the Wurine III, when activated, triggers Pact of the Wurine Form permanently transforming you into a white werewolf, increases your accuracy by 25%, movement speed by 56%, maximum mana by 900 points, maximum health by 900 points, and mana regeneration by 42 points.
Pact of the Wurine (2)81 BST (SoD)7 / 141sCast: Pact of the Wurine II
Pact of the Wurine II, when activated, triggers Pact of the Wurine Form permanently transforming you into a white werewolf, increases your accuracy by 20%, movement speed by 56%, maximum mana by 440 points, maximum health by 440 points, and mana regeneration by 10 points.
Pact of the Wurine (1)76 BST (SoF)7 / 71sCast: Pact of the Wurine I
Pact of the Wurine I, when activated, triggers Pact of the Wurine Form permanently transforming you into a white werewolf, increases your accuracy by 10%, movement speed by 56%, maximum mana by 400 points, maximum health by 400 points, and mana regeneration by 5 points.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).