AA Search

13 results (costing 152 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
1122Phantasmal Opponent (13)125 ENC (LS)30 / 1527m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent VII
Phantasmal Opponent VII, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (12)120 ENC (ToL)25 / 1227m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent VI
Phantasmal Opponent VI, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (11)115 ENC (ToV)20 / 977m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent V
Phantasmal Opponent V, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (10)110 ENC (RoS)20 / 777m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent IV
Phantasmal Opponent IV, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (9)105 ENC (TBM)12 / 577m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent III
Phantasmal Opponent III, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (8)95 ENC (TBM)9 / 457m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent II
Phantasmal Opponent II, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (7)95 ENC (TBM)5 / 367m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent I
Phantasmal Opponent I, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (6)90 ENC (HoT)5 / 317.5m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent I
Phantasmal Opponent I, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (5)89 ENC (HoT)5 / 268m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent I
Phantasmal Opponent I, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (4)88 ENC (HoT)5 / 218.5m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent I
Phantasmal Opponent I, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (3)87 ENC (HoT)5 / 169m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent I
Phantasmal Opponent I, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (2)86 ENC (HoT)5 / 119.5m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent I
Phantasmal Opponent I, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 30 seconds.
1122Phantasmal Opponent (1)81 ENC (SoD)6 / 610m T64Cast: Phantasmal Opponent I
Phantasmal Opponent I, when activated, summons a level *%R#2 reflection of your target to distract that opponent for 60 seconds.
The reflection's melee attacks have a *%R$2% chance per hit to trigger *%R*@2%N on its target.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).