AA Search

18 results (costing 215 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
11073Playing Possum (18)105 BST (TBM)21 / 21515s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 70%
Cast: Playing Possum V (400 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 97% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 70% and prevents resisted spells from breaking your feigned deaths.
11073Playing Possum (17)104 BST (TBM)17 / 19415s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 70%
Cast: Playing Possum IV (350 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 96% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 70% and prevents resisted spells from breaking your feigned deaths.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 3 seconds.
11073Playing Possum (16)103 BST (TBM)15 / 17718s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 70%
Cast: Playing Possum IV (350 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 96% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 70% and prevents resisted spells from breaking your feigned deaths.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 seconds.
11073Playing Possum (15)102 BST (TBM)18 / 16220s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 70%
Cast: Playing Possum IV (350 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 96% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 70% and prevents resisted spells from breaking your feigned deaths.
11073Playing Possum (14)100 BST (RoF)15 / 14420s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 70%
Cast: Playing Possum III (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 95% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 70% and prevents resisted spells from breaking your feigned deaths.
11073Playing Possum (13)100 BST (RoF)13 / 12920s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 70%
Cast: Playing Possum II (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 90% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 70% and prevents resisted spells from breaking your feigned deaths.
11073Playing Possum (12)98 BST (RoF)11 / 11620s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 60%
Cast: Playing Possum II (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 90% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 60% and prevents resisted spells from breaking your feigned deaths.
11073Playing Possum (11)96 BST (RoF)10 / 10520s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 50%
Cast: Playing Possum II (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 90% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 50% and prevents resisted spells from breaking your feigned deaths.
11073Playing Possum (10)95 BST (VoA)10 / 9520s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 40%
Cast: Playing Possum II (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 90% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 40%.
11073Playing Possum (9)95 BST (VoA)9 / 8520s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 30%
Cast: Playing Possum II (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 90% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 30%.
11073Playing Possum (8)95 BST (VoA)7 / 7620s T531: Increase Chance to Feign Death Through Spell Hit by 20%
Cast: Playing Possum II (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 90% chance of success.
As a passive effect, this ability reduces the chance that your feigned deaths will be broken by detrimental spells that successfully land on you by 20%.
11073Playing Possum (7)95 BST (VoA)12 / 6920s T53Cast: Playing Possum II (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with a 90% chance of success.
11073Playing Possum (6)95 BST (VoA)13 / 5720s T53Cast: Playing Possum I (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with an 80% chance of success.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 seconds.
11073Playing Possum (5)94 BST (VoA)11 / 4422s T53Cast: Playing Possum I (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with an 80% chance of success.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 seconds.
11073Playing Possum (4)93 BST (VoA)9 / 3324s T53Cast: Playing Possum I (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with an 80% chance of success.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 seconds.
11073Playing Possum (3)92 BST (VoA)7 / 2426s T53Cast: Playing Possum I (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with an 80% chance of success.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 seconds.
11073Playing Possum (2)91 BST (VoA)5 / 1728s T53Cast: Playing Possum I (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with an 80% chance of success.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 2 seconds.
11073Playing Possum (1)85 BST (UF)12 / 1230s T53Cast: Playing Possum I (300 End)
This ability, when activated, allows you to instantly Feign Death with an 80% chance of success.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).