/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
927 | Poison Arrows (18) | 125 RNG (LS) | 40 / 438 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows XVIII Poison Arrows XVIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XVIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 3950 mana to deal 80000 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (17) | 122 RNG (LS) | 40 / 398 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows XVII Poison Arrows XVII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XVII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 3700 mana to deal 75500 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (16) | 120 RNG (ToL) | 35 / 358 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows XVI Poison Arrows XVI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XVI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 3450 mana to deal 71000 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (15) | 117 RNG (ToL) | 35 / 323 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows XV Poison Arrows XV, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XV as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 3200 mana to deal 66500 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (14) | 115 RNG (ToV) | 30 / 288 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows XIV Poison Arrows XIV, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XIV as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2950 mana to deal 62000 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (13) | 112 RNG (ToV) | 30 / 258 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows XIII Poison Arrows XIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2700 mana to deal 57500 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (12) | 108 RNG (RoS) | 30 / 228 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows XII Poison Arrows XII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2475 mana to deal 53548 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (11) | 106 RNG (RoS) | 30 / 198 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows XI Poison Arrows XI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2400 mana to deal 49044 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (10) | 105 RNG (TBM) | 26 / 168 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows X Poison Arrows X, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk X as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2350 mana to deal 44698 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (9) | 103 RNG (TBM) | 24 / 142 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows IX Poison Arrows IX, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk IX as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2225 mana to deal 40303 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (8) | 101 RNG (TBM) | 22 / 118 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows VIII Poison Arrows VIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk VIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2175 mana to deal 38592 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (7) | 99 RNG (TBM) | 20 / 96 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows VII Poison Arrows VII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk VII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2150 mana to deal 36980 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (6) | 96 RNG (TBM) | 18 / 76 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows VI Poison Arrows VI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk VI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1925 mana to deal 31721 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (5) | 94 RNG (TBM) | 16 / 58 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows V Poison Arrows V, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk V as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1775 mana to deal 28019 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (4) | 92 RNG (TBM) | 14 / 42 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows IV Poison Arrows IV, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk IV as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1675 mana to deal 23595 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (3) | 90 RNG (HoT) | 12 / 28 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows III Poison Arrows III, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk III as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1525 mana to deal 18019 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (2) | 88 RNG (HoT) | 9 / 16 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows II Poison Arrows II, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk II as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1475 mana to deal 14918 damage. |
927 | Poison Arrows (1) | 86 RNG (HoT) | 7 / 7 | 3m T5 | Cast: Poison Arrows I Poison Arrows I, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk I as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1450 mana to deal 13185 damage. |
| Poison Arrows XVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk XVIII 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows XVIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XVIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 3950 mana to deal 80000 damage. |
| Poison Arrows XVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk XVII 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows XVII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XVII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 3700 mana to deal 75500 damage. |
| Poison Arrows XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk XVI 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows XVI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XVI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 3450 mana to deal 71000 damage. |
| Poison Arrows XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk XV 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows XV, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XV as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 3200 mana to deal 66500 damage. |
| Poison Arrows XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk XIV 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows XIV, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XIV as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2950 mana to deal 62000 damage. |
| Poison Arrows XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk XIII 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows XIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2700 mana to deal 57500 damage. |
| Poison Arrows XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk XII 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows XII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2475 mana to deal 53548 damage. |
| Poison Arrows XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk XI 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows XI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk XI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2400 mana to deal 49044 damage. |
| Poison Arrows X | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk X 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows X, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk X as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2350 mana to deal 44698 damage. |
| Poison Arrows IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk IX 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows IX, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk IX as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2225 mana to deal 40303 damage. |
| Poison Arrows VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk VIII 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows VIII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk VIII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2175 mana to deal 38592 damage. |
| Poison Arrows VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk VII 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows VII, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk VII as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 2150 mana to deal 36980 damage. |
| Poison Arrows VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk VI 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows VI, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk VI as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1925 mana to deal 31721 damage. |
| Poison Arrows V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk V 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows V, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk V as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1775 mana to deal 28019 damage. |
| Poison Arrows IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk IV 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows IV, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk IV as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1675 mana to deal 23595 damage. |
| Poison Arrows III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk III 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows III, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk III as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1525 mana to deal 18019 damage. |
| Poison Arrows II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk II 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows II, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk II as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1475 mana to deal 14918 damage. |
| Poison Arrows I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 120h (72000 ticks) 2: Add Skill Proc: Poison of Kesh`yk I 3: Limit Skill: Archery Poison Arrows I, when activated, grants your archery attacks a chance to trigger Poison of Kesh`yk I as long as you have at least 10% mana, which consumes 1450 mana to deal 13185 damage. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk XVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance XVIII 1: Decrease Current HP by 80000 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 3950 mana to deal 80000 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk XVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance XVII 1: Decrease Current HP by 75500 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 3700 mana to deal 75500 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance XVI 1: Decrease Current HP by 71000 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 3450 mana to deal 71000 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance XV 1: Decrease Current HP by 66500 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 3200 mana to deal 66500 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance XIV 1: Decrease Current HP by 62000 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 2950 mana to deal 62000 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance XIII 1: Decrease Current HP by 57500 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 2700 mana to deal 57500 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance XII 1: Decrease Current HP by 53548 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 2475 mana to deal 53548 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance XI 1: Decrease Current HP by 49044 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 2400 mana to deal 49044 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk X | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance X 1: Decrease Current HP by 44698 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 2350 mana to deal 44698 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance IX 1: Decrease Current HP by 40303 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 2225 mana to deal 40303 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance VIII 1: Decrease Current HP by 38592 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 2175 mana to deal 38592 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance VII 1: Decrease Current HP by 36980 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 2150 mana to deal 36980 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance VI 1: Decrease Current HP by 31721 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 1925 mana to deal 31721 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk V | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance V 1: Decrease Current HP by 28019 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 1775 mana to deal 28019 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance IV 1: Decrease Current HP by 23595 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 1675 mana to deal 23595 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance III 1: Decrease Current HP by 18019 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 1525 mana to deal 18019 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance II 1: Decrease Current HP by 14918 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 1475 mana to deal 14918 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison of Kesh`yk I | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Poison -30 Recourse: Poison Arrows Penance I 1: Decrease Current HP by 13185 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker Consumes 1450 mana to deal 13185 damage. This spell cannot be twincast. This spell will not break root. |
| Poison Arrows Penance XVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 3950 Consumes 3950 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance XVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 3700 Consumes 3700 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 3450 Consumes 3450 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 3200 Consumes 3200 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 2950 Consumes 2950 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 2700 Consumes 2700 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 2475 Consumes 2475 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 2400 Consumes 2400 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance X | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 2350 Consumes 2350 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 2225 Consumes 2225 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 2175 Consumes 2175 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 2150 Consumes 2150 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 1925 Consumes 1925 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 1775 Consumes 1775 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 1675 Consumes 1675 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 1525 Consumes 1525 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 1475 Consumes 1475 mana. |
| Poison Arrows Penance I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Decrease Current Mana by 1450 Consumes 1450 mana. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).