AA Search

9 results (costing 0 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Presence of Fear: Enabled (18)125 SHD (LS)0 / 2351s1: Add Defensive Proc: Presence of Fear III with -30% Rate Mod
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 30% penalty) to trigger Presence of Fear III on attackers when struck in melee combat, which seizes targets that are 3 or fewer levels higher than you with fear, leaving them unable to react for 2000 seconds.
Presence of Fear: Enabled (16)122 SHD (LS)0 / 2001s1: Add Defensive Proc: Presence of Fear III with -40% Rate Mod
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 40% penalty) to trigger Presence of Fear III on attackers when struck in melee combat, which seizes targets that are 3 or fewer levels higher than you with fear, leaving them unable to react for 2000 seconds.
Presence of Fear: Enabled (14)120 SHD (ToL)0 / 1651s1: Add Defensive Proc: Presence of Fear III with -50% Rate Mod
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 50% penalty) to trigger Presence of Fear III on attackers when struck in melee combat, which seizes targets that are 3 or fewer levels higher than you with fear, leaving them unable to react for 2000 seconds.
Presence of Fear: Enabled (12)120 SHD (ToL)0 / 1351s1: Add Defensive Proc: Presence of Fear III with -60% Rate Mod
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 60% penalty) to trigger Presence of Fear III on attackers when struck in melee combat, which seizes targets that are 3 or fewer levels higher than you with fear, leaving them unable to react for 2000 seconds.
Presence of Fear: Enabled (10)115 SHD (ToV)0 / 1051s1: Add Defensive Proc: Presence of Fear III with -70% Rate Mod
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 70% penalty) to trigger Presence of Fear III on attackers when struck in melee combat, which seizes targets that are 3 or fewer levels higher than you with fear, leaving them unable to react for 2000 seconds.
Presence of Fear: Enabled (8)110 SHD (ToV)0 / 801s1: Add Defensive Proc: Presence of Fear III with -75% Rate Mod
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 75% penalty) to trigger Presence of Fear III on attackers when struck in melee combat, which seizes targets that are 3 or fewer levels higher than you with fear, leaving them unable to react for 2000 seconds.
Presence of Fear: Enabled (6)105 SHD (TDS)0 / 551s1: Add Defensive Proc: Presence of Fear III with -80% Rate Mod
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 80% penalty) to trigger Presence of Fear III on attackers when struck in melee combat, which seizes targets that are 3 or fewer levels higher than you with fear, leaving them unable to react for 2000 seconds.
Presence of Fear: Enabled (4)105 SHD (TDS)0 / 371s1: Add Defensive Proc: Presence of Fear II with -95% Rate Mod
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 95% penalty) to trigger Presence of Fear II on attackers when struck in melee combat, which seizes targets that are 3 or fewer levels higher than you with fear, leaving them unable to react for 1500 seconds.
Presence of Fear: Enabled (2)105 SHD (TDS)0 / 211s1: Add Defensive Proc: Presence of Fear I with -90% Rate Mod
Cast: Disable Ability
This ability is ENABLED. Expend the current rank to disable its effects.
This passive ability grants you a chance (with a 90% penalty) to trigger Presence of Fear I on attackers when struck in melee combat, which seizes targets that are 3 or fewer levels higher than you with fear, leaving them unable to react for 1000 seconds.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).