AA Search

11 results (costing 396 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Promised Interposition (11)121 CLR (LS)60 / 396-1: Cast: Promised Interposition XI on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
12: Limit Spells: Promised Reclamation
13: Limit Spells: Promised Remediation
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition XI, which will heal your target for 80000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Reclamation
Promised Remediation
Promised Interposition (10)120 CLR (NoS)55 / 336-1: Cast: Promised Interposition X on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
12: Limit Spells: Promised Reclamation
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition X, which will heal your target for 70000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Reclamation
Promised Interposition (9)118 CLR (ToL)50 / 281-1: Cast: Promised Interposition IX on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
12: Limit Spells: Promised Reclamation
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition IX, which will heal your target for 60000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Reclamation
Promised Interposition (8)115 CLR (CoV)45 / 231-1: Cast: Promised Interposition VIII on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition VIII, which will heal your target for 50000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Interposition (7)115 CLR (ToV)40 / 186-1: Cast: Promised Interposition VII on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition VII, which will heal your target for 40000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Interposition (6)113 CLR (ToV)40 / 146-1: Cast: Promised Interposition VI on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition VI, which will heal your target for 30000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Interposition (5)110 CLR (TBL)40 / 106-1: Cast: Promised Interposition V on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition V, which will heal your target for 20000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Interposition (4)108 CLR (RoS)30 / 66-1: Cast: Promised Interposition IV on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition IV, which will heal your target for 13000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Interposition (3)105 CLR (TBM)14 / 36-1: Cast: Promised Interposition III on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition III, which will heal your target for 10000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Interposition (2)102 CLR (TBM)12 / 22-1: Cast: Promised Interposition II on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition II, which will heal your target for 8000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption
Promised Interposition (1)100 CLR (TBM)10 / 10-1: Cast: Promised Interposition I on Spell Use (100% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable
3: Limit Spells: Promised Renewal
4: Limit Spells: Promised Restoration
5: Limit Spells: Promised Recuperation
6: Limit Spells: Promised Resurgence
7: Limit Spells: Promised Restitution
8: Limit Spells: Promised Reformation
9: Limit Spells: Promised Rehabilitation
10: Limit Spells: Promised Remedy
11: Limit Spells: Promised Redemption
This passive ability causes your Promised Healing line of spells to apply Promised Interposition I, which will heal your target for 5000 health if they are hit by a direct damage spell or melee attack that deals 15000 or more damage, for 18 seconds.
This focus applies to the following spells:
Promised Renewal
Promised Restoration
Promised Recuperation
Promised Resurgence
Promised Restitution
Promised Reformation
Promised Rehabilitation
Promised Remedy
Promised Redemption

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).