AA Search

11 results (costing 395 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
1133Rallying Call (11)125 BRD (LS)50 / 39510m T11Cast: Rallying Call XI (30000 Mana)
Rallying Call XI, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 12000 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (10)122 BRD (LS)50 / 34510m T11Cast: Rallying Call X (27500 Mana)
Rallying Call X, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 11000 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (9)120 BRD (ToL)45 / 29510m T11Cast: Rallying Call IX (25000 Mana)
Rallying Call IX, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 10000 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (8)120 BRD (ToL)45 / 25010m T11Cast: Rallying Call VIII (22500 Mana)
Rallying Call VIII, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 9000 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (7)115 BRD (ToV)40 / 20510m T11Cast: Rallying Call VII (20000 Mana)
Rallying Call VII, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 8000 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (6)110 BRD (ToV)40 / 16510m T11Cast: Rallying Call VI (17500 Mana)
Rallying Call VI, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 7000 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (5)105 BRD (TBM)35 / 12510m T11Cast: Rallying Call V (15000 Mana)
Rallying Call V, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 6000 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (4)100 BRD (TBM)30 / 9010m T11Cast: Rallying Call IV (11250 Mana)
Rallying Call IV, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 4500 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (3)95 BRD (TBM)25 / 6010m T11Cast: Rallying Call III (7500 Mana)
Rallying Call III, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 3000 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (2)90 BRD (TBM)20 / 3510m T11Cast: Rallying Call II (5000 Mana)
Rallying Call II, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 2000 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.
1133Rallying Call (1)85 BRD (TBM)15 / 1510m T11Cast: Rallying Call I (3000 Mana)
Rallying Call I, when activated, consumes endurance and mana to increase your target's mana regeneration by 1200 and endurance regeneration by *%R#4 for 30 seconds but will break early if the target takes any offensive action.
This effect can only be used on a melee class target that has less than 30% endurance or any other class that has less than 30% mana.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).