/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
1159 | Saint's Unity (11) | 125 CLR (LS) | 55 / 370 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity XI (1315 Mana) Saint's Unity XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Avowed that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (10) | 120 CLR (ToL) | 50 / 315 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity X (1215 Mana) Saint's Unity X, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of Penance that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (9) | 115 CLR (ToV) | 45 / 265 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity IX (1115 Mana) Saint's Unity IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of Sincerity that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (8) | 110 CLR (RoS) | 45 / 220 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity VIII (1015 Mana) Saint's Unity VIII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Merciful that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (7) | 105 CLR (RoS) | 40 / 175 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity VII (845 Mana) Saint's Unity VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Ardent that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (6) | 100 CLR (RoS) | 35 / 135 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity VI (745 Mana) Saint's Unity VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Reverent that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (5) | 95 CLR (RoS) | 30 / 100 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity V (685 Mana) Saint's Unity V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Zealous that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (4) | 90 CLR (RoS) | 25 / 70 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity IV (565 Mana) Saint's Unity IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Earnest that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (3) | 85 CLR (RoS) | 20 / 45 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity III (425 Mana) Saint's Unity III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Devout that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (2) | 80 CLR (RoS) | 15 / 25 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity II (350 Mana) Saint's Unity II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Solemn that you have scribed. |
1159 | Saint's Unity (1) | 75 CLR (RoS) | 10 / 10 | 2m T56 | Cast: Saint's Unity I (310 Mana) Saint's Unity I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Sacred that you have scribed. |
Saint's Unity XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of the Avowed (v470) Saint's Unity XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Avowed that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity X | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of Penance (v470) Saint's Unity X, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of Penance that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of Sincerity (v470) Saint's Unity IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of Sincerity that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of the Merciful (v470) Saint's Unity VIII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Merciful that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of the Ardent (v470) Saint's Unity VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Ardent that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of the Reverent (v470) Saint's Unity VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Reverent that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of the Zealous (v470) Saint's Unity V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Zealous that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of the Earnest (v470) Saint's Unity IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Earnest that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of the Devout (v470) Saint's Unity III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Devout that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of the Solemn (v470) Saint's Unity II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Solemn that you have scribed. | |
Saint's Unity I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Armor of the Sacred (v470) Saint's Unity I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Armor of the Sacred that you have scribed. | |
Armor of the Avowed | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 9177 2: Increase AC by 114 to 150, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 9177 4: Increase Current Mana by 155 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 9177 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 9177, armor class by 1718, and mana regeneration by 155 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Avowed Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 9635 2: Increase AC by 120 to 158, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 9635 4: Increase Current Mana by 163 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 9635 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 9635, armor class by 1804, and mana regeneration by 163 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Avowed Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 10117 2: Increase AC by 125 to 166, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 10117 4: Increase Current Mana by 171 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 10117 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 10117, armor class by 1894, and mana regeneration by 171 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of Penance | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 7584 2: Increase AC by 94 to 124, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 7584 4: Increase Current Mana by 128 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 7584 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 7584, armor class by 1417, and mana regeneration by 128 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of Penance Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 7963 2: Increase AC by 99 to 130, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 7963 4: Increase Current Mana by 134 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 7963 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 7963, armor class by 1488, and mana regeneration by 134 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of Penance Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 8361 2: Increase AC by 103 to 136, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 8361 4: Increase Current Mana by 141 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 8361 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 8361, armor class by 1562, and mana regeneration by 141 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of Sincerity | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 5982 2: Increase AC by 74 to 98, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 5982 4: Increase Current Mana by 105 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 5982 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 5982, armor class by 1117, and mana regeneration by 105 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of Sincerity Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 6281 2: Increase AC by 78 to 103, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 6281 4: Increase Current Mana by 110 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 6281 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 6281, armor class by 1173, and mana regeneration by 110 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of Sincerity Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 6595 2: Increase AC by 82 to 108, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 6595 4: Increase Current Mana by 116 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 6595 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 6595, armor class by 1232, and mana regeneration by 116 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Merciful | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 4718 2: Increase AC by 61 to 80, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 4718 4: Increase Current Mana by 86 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 4718 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 4718, armor class by 921, and mana regeneration by 86 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Merciful Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 4954 2: Increase AC by 64 to 84, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 4954 4: Increase Current Mana by 90 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 4954 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 4954, armor class by 967, and mana regeneration by 90 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Merciful Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 5202 2: Increase AC by 67 to 89, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 5202 4: Increase Current Mana by 95 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 5202 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points by 5202, armor class by 1015, and mana regeneration by 95 for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Ardent | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 3423 2: Increase AC by 50 to 65, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 3423 4: Increase Current Mana by 63 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 4423 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Ardent Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 3594 2: Increase AC by 52 to 69, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 3594 4: Increase Current Mana by 66 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 4594 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Ardent Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 3774 2: Increase AC by 55 to 72, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 3774 4: Increase Current Mana by 69 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 4774 Places holy armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Reverent | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 2888 2: Increase AC by 43 to 57, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 2888 4: Increase Current Mana by 54 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 3888 Places reverent armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Reverent Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 3032 2: Increase AC by 45 to 59, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 3032 4: Increase Current Mana by 57 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 4032 Places reverent armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Reverent Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 3184 2: Increase AC by 47 to 62, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 3184 4: Increase Current Mana by 60 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 4184 Places reverent armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Zealous | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 2381 2: Increase AC by 35 to 47, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 2381 4: Increase Current Mana by 38 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 3381 Places zealous armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Zealous Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 2500 2: Increase AC by 37 to 49, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 2500 4: Increase Current Mana by 42 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 3500 Places zealous armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Zealous Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 2625 2: Increase AC by 39 to 51, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 2625 4: Increase Current Mana by 47 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 3625 Places zealous armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Earnest | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 1473 2: Increase AC by 24 to 32, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 1473 4: Increase Current Mana by 23 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 2946 Places earnest armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Earnest Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 1561 2: Increase AC by 26 to 34, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 1561 4: Increase Current Mana by 26 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 3122 Places earnest armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Earnest Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.5h (1500 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 1701 2: Increase AC by 28 to 37, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 1701 4: Increase Current Mana by 30 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 3402 Places earnest armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.5 hours. | |
Armor of the Devout | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.4h (1440 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 1007 2: Increase AC by 17 to 22, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 1007 4: Increase Current Mana by 13 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 2007 Places mystic armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.4 hours. | |
Armor of the Devout Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.4h (1440 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 1190 2: Increase AC by 19 to 25, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 1190 4: Increase Current Mana by 15 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 2190 Places mystic armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.4 hours. | |
Armor of the Devout Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.4h (1440 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 1281 2: Increase AC by 20 to 27, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 1281 4: Increase Current Mana by 16 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 2281 Places mystic armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.4 hours. | |
Armor of the Solemn | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.4h (1440 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 774 2: Increase AC by 14 to 18, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 774 4: Increase Current Mana by 11 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 1774 Places mystic armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.4 hours. | |
Armor of the Solemn Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.4h (1440 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 915 2: Increase AC by 16 to 21, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 915 4: Increase Current Mana by 12 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 1915 Places mystic armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.4 hours. | |
Armor of the Solemn Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.4h (1440 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 986 2: Increase AC by 17 to 22, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 986 4: Increase Current Mana by 13 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 1986 Places mystic armor around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.4 hours. | |
Armor of the Sacred | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.4h (1440 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 676 2: Increase AC by 12 to 16, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 676 4: Increase Current Mana by 10 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 1676 Places mystic armor of the sacred around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.4 hours. | |
Armor of the Sacred Rk. II | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.4h (1440 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 704 2: Increase AC by 13 to 17, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 704 4: Increase Current Mana by 10 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 1704 Places mystic armor of the sacred around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.4 hours. | |
Armor of the Sacred Rk. III | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Self Duration: 2.4h (1440 ticks) 1: Increase Max HP by 732 2: Increase AC by 13 to 18, Based on Class 3: Increase Current HP by 732 4: Increase Current Mana by 10 per tick 5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'HP Buff' and < 1732 Places mystic armor of the sacred around you, increasing your hit points, armor class, and mana regeneration for 2.4 hours. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).