AA Search

6 results (costing 30 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Salvage (6)85 ALL (UF)5 / 30-1: Increase Chance to Salvage Components by 40%
This passive ability grants you a 40% chance to recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine.
Salvage (5)80 ALL (UF)5 / 25-1: Increase Chance to Salvage Components by 35%
This passive ability grants you a 35% chance to recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine.
Salvage (4)75 ALL (UF)5 / 20-1: Increase Chance to Salvage Components by 30%
This passive ability grants you a 30% chance to recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine.
Salvage (3)70 ALL (OoW)5 / 15-1: Increase Chance to Salvage Components by 25%
This passive ability grants you a 25% chance to recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine.
Salvage (2)65 ALL (OoW)5 / 10-1: Increase Chance to Salvage Components by 15%
This passive ability grants you a 15% chance to recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine.
Salvage (1)60 ALL (OoW)5 / 5-1: Increase Chance to Salvage Components by 5%
This passive ability grants you a 5% chance to recover an item that would otherwise be lost on a failed tradeskill combine.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).