AA Search

17 results (costing 284 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
751Scent of Thule (17)125 NEC (LS)40 / 2844s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 90%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule XVII
Scent of Thule XVII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of The Realm that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise VI on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 90 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise VI reduces attack speed by 49%, strength, dexterity, and agility by 340 points, armor class by 130 points, and the ability to dual wield by 18% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (16)120 NEC (ToL)35 / 2444s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 90%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule XVI
Scent of Thule XVI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of The Grave that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise V on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 90 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise V reduces attack speed by 47%, strength, dexterity, and agility by 280 points, armor class by 110 points, and the ability to dual wield by 16% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (15)115 NEC (ToV)15 / 2094s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 90%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule XV
Scent of Thule XV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Mortality that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise IV on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 90 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise IV reduces attack speed by 45%, strength, dexterity, and agility by 220 points, armor class by 90 points, and the ability to dual wield by 14% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (14)110 NEC (RoS)15 / 1944s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 90%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule XIV
Scent of Thule XIV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Extinction that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise IV on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 90 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise IV reduces attack speed by 45%, strength, dexterity, and agility by 220 points, armor class by 90 points, and the ability to dual wield by 14% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (13)110 NEC (RoS)30 / 1794s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 80%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule XIII
Scent of Thule XIII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Extinction that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise III on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 80 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise III reduces attack speed by 40% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (12)100 NEC (RoF)10 / 1494s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 70%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule XII
Scent of Thule XII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Dread that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise III on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 70 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise III reduces attack speed by 40% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (11)100 NEC (RoF)25 / 1394s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 60%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule XI
Scent of Thule XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Dread that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise II on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 60 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise II reduces attack speed by 35% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (10)95 NEC (VoA)10 / 1144s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 50%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule X
Scent of Thule X, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Nightfall that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise II on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 50 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise II reduces attack speed by 35% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (9)95 NEC (VoA)20 / 1044s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule IX
Scent of Thule IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Nightfall that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise I on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 20 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise I reduces attack speed by 30% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (8)95 NEC (VoA)10 / 844s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule VIII
Scent of Thule VIII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Doom that you have scribed and triggers Death's Malaise I on undead targets with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 20 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
Death's Malaise I reduces attack speed by 30% for 6.5 minutes.
751Scent of Thule (7)95 NEC (VoA)10 / 744s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule VII
Scent of Thule VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Doom that you have scribed with a 0.5 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 20 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
751Scent of Thule (6)94 NEC (VoA)10 / 644s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule VI
Scent of Thule VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Doom that you have scribed with a 0.8 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 20 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
751Scent of Thule (5)93 NEC (VoA)10 / 544s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule V
Scent of Thule V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Doom that you have scribed with a 1.1 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 20 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
751Scent of Thule (4)92 NEC (VoA)10 / 444s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule IV
Scent of Thule IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Doom that you have scribed with a 1.4 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 20 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
751Scent of Thule (3)91 NEC (VoA)10 / 344s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule III
Scent of Thule III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Doom that you have scribed with a 1.7 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 20 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
751Scent of Thule (2)90 NEC (HoT)15 / 244s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule II
Scent of Thule II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Doom that you have scribed with a 2 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 20 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.
751Scent of Thule (1)85 NEC (SoD)9 / 94s T631: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 130%
2: Limit Spells: Scent of Terris
3: Decrease Spell Resist Rate by 20%
4: Limit Resist: Magic
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Resist: Corruption
Cast: Scent of Thule I
Scent of Thule I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Scent of Terris and Scent of Gloom that you have scribed with a 2 second cast time.
As a passive effect this ability improves the resist modifier of your corruption, fire, and magic spells by 20 points and the resist modifier of Scent of Terris by 130 points.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).