AA Search

7 results (costing 37 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
405Secondary Recall (7)105 DRU, WIZ (TDS)5 / 374m T10Cast: Secondary Recall (70 Mana)
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your second bind point with a 5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Your second bind point can be set using a Stone of Marking item or your Mark of Travel ability.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
405Secondary Recall (6)104 DRU, WIZ (TDS)5 / 325m T10Cast: Secondary Recall (70 Mana)
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your second bind point with a 5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Your second bind point can be set using a Stone of Marking item or your Mark of Travel ability.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
405Secondary Recall (5)103 DRU, WIZ (TDS)5 / 276m T10Cast: Secondary Recall (70 Mana)
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your second bind point with a 5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Your second bind point can be set using a Stone of Marking item or your Mark of Travel ability.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
405Secondary Recall (4)102 DRU, WIZ (TDS)5 / 227m T10Cast: Secondary Recall (70 Mana)
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your second bind point with a 5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Your second bind point can be set using a Stone of Marking item or your Mark of Travel ability.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
405Secondary Recall (3)101 DRU, WIZ (TDS)5 / 178m T10Cast: Secondary Recall (70 Mana)
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your second bind point with a 5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Your second bind point can be set using a Stone of Marking item or your Mark of Travel ability.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
405Secondary Recall (2)100 DRU, WIZ (TDS)5 / 129m T10Cast: Secondary Recall (70 Mana)
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your second bind point with a 5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Your second bind point can be set using a Stone of Marking item or your Mark of Travel ability.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
405Secondary Recall (1)66 DRU, WIZ (OoW)7 / 710m T10Cast: Secondary Recall (70 Mana)
This ability, when activated, transports you back to your second bind point with a 5 second cast time.
You can check your bind points using the command /charinfo.
Your second bind point can be set using a Stone of Marking item or your Mark of Travel ability.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).