AA Search

4 results (costing 32 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Group Silent Presence (2)100 SHM (TBM)10 / 161sCast: Group Perfected Silent Presence
This ability, when activated, grants all group members within a 50 foot radius permanent standard invisibility.
Group Silent Presence (1)85 SHM (HoT)6 / 61sCast: Group Silent Presence
This ability, when activated, grants all group members within a 50 foot radius standard invisibility for up to 10 minutes.
Silent Presence (2)85 SHM (TBM)10 / 161sCast: Perfected Silent Presence
This ability, when activated, grants you permanent standard invisibility.
Silent Presence (1)72 SHM (SoF)6 / 61sCast: Silent Presence
This ability, when activated, grants you standard invisibility for up to 10 minutes.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).