/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (17) | 125 SHM (LS) | 30 / 350 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention XII Soothsayer's Intervention XII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Immortal Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (16) | 120 SHM (ToL) | 25 / 320 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention XI Soothsayer's Intervention XI, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Antediluvian Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (15) | 115 SHM (ToV) | 25 / 295 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention X Soothsayer's Intervention X, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Primordial Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (14) | 110 SHM (RoS) | 25 / 270 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention IX Soothsayer's Intervention IX, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Prehistoric Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (13) | 105 SHM (TDS) | 25 / 245 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention VIII Soothsayer's Intervention VIII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Historian's Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (12) | 104 SHM (TDS) | 25 / 220 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention VII Soothsayer's Intervention VII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Antecessor's Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (11) | 103 SHM (TDS) | 25 / 195 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention VI Soothsayer's Intervention VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Antecessor's Intervention that you have scribed. Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 50%. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (10) | 100 SHM (RoF) | 20 / 170 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention V Soothsayer's Intervention V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Antecessor's Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (9) | 95 SHM (VoA) | 20 / 150 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention IV Soothsayer's Intervention IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Progenitor's Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (8) | 95 SHM (VoA) | 20 / 130 | 3m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention III Soothsayer's Intervention III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ascendant's Intervention that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (7) | 94 SHM (VoA) | 20 / 110 | 3.4m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention III Soothsayer's Intervention III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ascendant's Intervention that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (6) | 93 SHM (VoA) | 20 / 90 | 3.8m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention III Soothsayer's Intervention III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ascendant's Intervention that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (5) | 92 SHM (VoA) | 20 / 70 | 4.2m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention III Soothsayer's Intervention III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ascendant's Intervention that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (4) | 91 SHM (VoA) | 20 / 50 | 4.6m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention III Soothsayer's Intervention III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ascendant's Intervention that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (3) | 90 SHM (HoT) | 10 / 30 | 5m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention III Soothsayer's Intervention III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ascendant's Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (2) | 85 SHM (SoD) | 10 / 20 | 5m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention II Soothsayer's Intervention II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Antecedent's Intervention that you have scribed. |
619 | Soothsayer's Intervention (1) | 80 SHM (SoF) | 10 / 10 | 5m T75 | Cast: Soothsayer's Intervention I Soothsayer's Intervention I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ancestral Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Immortal Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention XII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Immortal Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Antediluvian Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention XI, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Antediluvian Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention X | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Primordial Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention X, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Primordial Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Prehistoric Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention IX, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Prehistoric Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Historian's Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention VIII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Historian's Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Antecessor's Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention VII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Antecessor's Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Antecessor's Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Antecessor's Intervention that you have scribed. Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 50%. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Antecessor's Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Antecessor's Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Progenitor's Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Progenitor's Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Ascendant's Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ascendant's Intervention that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Antecedent's Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Antecedent's Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Soothsayer's Intervention I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Ancestral Intervention (v470) Soothsayer's Intervention I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Ancestral Intervention that you have scribed. |
| Immortal Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 8594 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 17192 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 25787 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 34376 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 42970 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 8594 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 42970 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Immortal Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 9024 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 18052 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 27076 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 36095 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 45119 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 9024 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 45119 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Immortal Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 9475 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 18955 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 28430 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 37900 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 47375 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 9475 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 47375 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Antediluvian Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 7087 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 14176 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 21264 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 28346 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 35432 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 7087 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 35432 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Antediluvian Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 7441 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 14885 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 22327 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 29763 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 37204 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 7441 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 37204 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Antediluvian Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 7813 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 15629 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 23443 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 31251 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 39064 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 7813 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 39064 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Primordial Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 5844 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 11689 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 17533 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 23373 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 29216 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 5844 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 29216 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Primordial Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 6136 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 12273 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 18410 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 24542 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 30677 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 6136 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 30677 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Primordial Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 6443 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 12887 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 19331 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 25769 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 32211 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 6443 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 32211 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Prehistoric Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 4819 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 9638 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 14457 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 19272 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 24090 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 4819 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 24090 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Prehistoric Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 5060 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 10120 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 15180 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 20236 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 25295 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 5060 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 25295 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Prehistoric Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 5313 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 10626 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 15939 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 21248 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 26560 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. This heal will vary in effectiveness from 5313 hit points on group members that are below 55% of their maximum health to 26560 hit points for those that are near death. |
| Historian's Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3973 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 7946 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 11919 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 15888 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 19860 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Historian's Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 4172 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 8344 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 12516 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 16684 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 20855 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Historian's Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 4381 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 8762 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 13143 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 17520 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 21900 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Antecessor's Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3403 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 6807 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 10210 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 13613 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 17017 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Antecessor's Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3573 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 7147 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 10721 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 14295 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 17868 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Antecessor's Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3752 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 7505 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 11257 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 15009 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 18762 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Progenitor's Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2624 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 5254 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 7881 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 10508 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 13135 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Progenitor's Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2755 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 5517 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 8275 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 11033 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 13792 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Progenitor's Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2893 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 5793 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 8689 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 11585 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 14482 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Ascendant's Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2001 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 4002 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 6003 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 8004 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 10005 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Ascendant's Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2171 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 4343 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 6514 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 8685 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 10857 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Ascendant's Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2284 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 4569 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 6853 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 9137 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 11422 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Antecedent's Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1477 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 2954 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 4432 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 5909 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 7386 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Antecedent's Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1603 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 3206 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 4808 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 6411 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 8014 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Antecedent's Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1686 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 3373 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 5059 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 6746 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 8432 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Ancestral Intervention | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1285 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 2570 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 3854 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 5139 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 6424 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Ancestral Intervention Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1394 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 2787 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 4181 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 5574 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 6968 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
| Ancestral Intervention Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1467 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 2933 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 4400 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 5866 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 7333 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Calls upon the spirits of your ancestors, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the intervention. |
AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).