AA Search

23 results (costing 1086 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Steel Vengeance (23)125 MAG (LS)80 / 1086-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XXIII on Spell Use (35% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
11: Limit Spells: Shock of Carbide Steel
12: Limit Spells: Shock of Memorial Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 35% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XXIII which deals 102000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Shock of Carbide Steel
Shock of Memorial Steel
Steel Vengeance (22)122 MAG (LS)80 / 1006-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XXII on Spell Use (35% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
11: Limit Spells: Shock of Carbide Steel
12: Limit Spells: Shock of Memorial Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 35% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XXII which deals 98000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Shock of Carbide Steel
Shock of Memorial Steel
Steel Vengeance (21)120 MAG (NoS)75 / 926-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XXI on Spell Use (35% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
11: Limit Spells: Shock of Carbide Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 35% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XXI which deals 94000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Shock of Carbide Steel
Steel Vengeance (20)120 MAG (NoS)75 / 851-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XX on Spell Use (35% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
11: Limit Spells: Shock of Carbide Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 35% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XX which deals 90000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Shock of Carbide Steel
Steel Vengeance (19)120 MAG (ToL)70 / 776-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XIX on Spell Use (35% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
11: Limit Spells: Shock of Carbide Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 35% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XIX which deals 86000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Shock of Carbide Steel
Steel Vengeance (18)117 MAG (ToL)70 / 706-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XVIII on Spell Use (35% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
11: Limit Spells: Shock of Carbide Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 35% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XVIII which deals 82000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Shock of Carbide Steel
Steel Vengeance (17)115 MAG (CoV)65 / 636-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XVII on Spell Use (35% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 35% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XVII which deals 78000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (16)115 MAG (CoV)65 / 571-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XVI on Spell Use (35% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 35% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XVI which deals 74000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (15)115 MAG (ToV)60 / 506-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XV on Spell Use (30% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 30% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XV which deals 70000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (14)113 MAG (ToV)60 / 446-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XIV on Spell Use (30% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 30% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XIV which deals 66000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (13)111 MAG (ToV)60 / 386-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XIII on Spell Use (30% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 30% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XIII which deals 63000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (12)110 MAG (TBL)60 / 326-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XII on Spell Use (30% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 30% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XII which deals 60000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (11)108 MAG (RoS)60 / 266-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance XI on Spell Use (25% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 25% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance XI which deals 50000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (10)105 MAG (EoK)50 / 206-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance X on Spell Use (25% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 25% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance X which deals 40000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (9)105 MAG (TDS)27 / 156-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance IX on Spell Use (20% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 20% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance IX which deals 32000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (8)103 MAG (TDS)24 / 129-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance VIII on Spell Use (19% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 19% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance VIII which deals 30500 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (7)101 MAG (TDS)21 / 105-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance VII on Spell Use (18% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 18% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance VII which deals 29000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (6)100 MAG (CotF)18 / 84-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance VI on Spell Use (17% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 17% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance VI which deals 27500 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (5)100 MAG (CotF)15 / 66-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance V on Spell Use (16% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 16% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance V which deals 26000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (4)100 MAG (CotF)12 / 51-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance IV on Spell Use (15% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 15% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance IV which deals 24500 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (3)100 MAG (RoF)15 / 39-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance III on Spell Use (14% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 14% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance III which deals 23000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (2)98 MAG (RoF)13 / 24-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance II on Spell Use (12% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 12% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance II which deals 21500 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel
Steel Vengeance (1)96 MAG (RoF)11 / 11-1: Cast: Steel Vengeance I on Spell Use (10% Chance)
2: Limit Spells: Shock of Silvered Steel
3: Limit Spells: Shock of Cineral Steel
4: Limit Spells: Shock of Discordant Steel
5: Limit Spells: Shock of Ethereal Steel
6: Limit Spells: Shock of Argathian Steel
7: Limit Spells: Shock of Blistersteel
8: Limit Spells: Shock of Darksteel
9: Limit Spells: Shock of Arcronite Steel
10: Limit Spells: Shock of Burning Steel
This passive ability grants the following spell lines a 10% chance to trigger Steel Vengeance I which deals 20000 damage to your target:
Shock of Silvered Steel
Shock of Cineral Steel
Shock of Discordant Steel
Shock of Ethereal Steel
Shock of Argathian Steel
Shock of Blistersteel
Shock of Darksteel
Shock of Arcronite Steel
Shock of Burning Steel

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).