AA Search

6 results (costing 40 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
Total Domination (6)80 ENC (SoF)12 / 40-1: Decrease Chance of Charm Breaking by 50%
This passive ability makes it 50% less likely that your charm spells will break early.
Total Domination (5)78 ENC (SoF)9 / 28-1: Decrease Chance of Charm Breaking by 45%
This passive ability makes it 45% less likely that your charm spells will break early.
Total Domination (4)76 ENC (SoF)7 / 19-1: Decrease Chance of Charm Breaking by 40%
This passive ability makes it 40% less likely that your charm spells will break early.
Total Domination (3)65 ENC (PoP)6 / 12-1: Decrease Chance of Charm Breaking by 35%
This passive ability makes it 35% less likely that your charm spells will break early.
Total Domination (2)63 ENC (PoP)4 / 6-1: Decrease Chance of Charm Breaking by 25%
This passive ability makes it 25% less likely that your charm spells will break early.
Total Domination (1)61 ENC (PoP)2 / 2-1: Decrease Chance of Charm Breaking by 15%
This passive ability makes it 15% less likely that your charm spells will break early.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).