/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
| Twinproc (11) | 125 ALL (LS) | 40 / 237 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 23% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 23% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 23% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (10) | 120 ALL (ToL) | 35 / 197 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 22% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 22% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 22% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (9) | 115 ALL (ToV) | 30 / 162 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 21% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 21% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 21% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (8) | 110 ALL (RoS) | 25 / 132 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 20% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 20% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 20% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (7) | 105 ALL (EoK) | 25 / 107 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 19% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 19% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 19% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (6) | 100 ALL (RoF) | 21 / 82 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 18% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 18% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 18% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (5) | 95 ALL (VoA) | 18 / 61 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 15% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 15% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 15% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (4) | 91 ALL (VoA) | 15 / 43 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 12% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 12% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 12% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (3) | 85 ALL (UF) | 12 / 28 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 9% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 9% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 9% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (2) | 84 ALL (UF) | 9 / 16 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 6% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 6% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 6% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Twinproc (1) | 83 ALL (UF) | 7 / 7 | - | 1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 3% 2: Limit Class: ALL 3: Limit Min Level: 255 4: Limit Max Duration: 0s 5: Limit Type: Detrimental 6: Limit Max Mana Cost: 0 7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 8: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 9: Limit Effect: Exclude Root 10: Limit Effect: Exclude Summon Swarm Pet 11: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 12: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 13: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 14: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 15: Increase Chance to Twincast by 3% 16: Limit Spells: Vampiric Embrace 17: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker 18: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 340 19: Limit Effect: Exclude Cast With Chance 20: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 469 21: Limit Effect: Exclude Type 470 This passive ability grants a 3% chance to twincast detrimental combat-activated instant spells triggered from your items, buffs, and alternate abilities. |
| Vampiric Embrace | - | - | 1.5s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 137
| Shroud of Death Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 50
| Mental Corruption Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Corruption Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 50
| Scream of Death Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 25
| Shroud of Chaos Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 65
| Mental Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 90
| Black Shroud Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 90
| Touch of the Cursed I | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 50 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed I, a 50 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 75 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed II, a 75 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 100 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed III, a 100 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Shroud of Discord Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 115
| Shroud of the Nightborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 138
| Shroud of the Nightborn Strike Rk. II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 144
| Shroud of the Nightborn Strike Rk. III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 150
| Touch of the Cursed IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 125 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed IV, a 125 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed V | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 150 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed V, a 150 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 175 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed VI, a 175 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Marrowthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Marrowthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 108
| Marrowthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Marrowthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 113
| Marrowthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Marrowthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 117
| Touch of the Cursed VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 210 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed VII, a 210 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 245 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed VIII, a 245 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 280 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed IX, a 280 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed X | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 315 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed X, a 315 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 350 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XI, a 350 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 385 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XII, a 385 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Shroud of the Gloomborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 158
| Shroud of the Gloomborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 180
| Shroud of the Gloomborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 194
| Soulthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Soulthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 124
| Soulthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Soulthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 141
| Soulthirst Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Soulthirst Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 153
| Touch of the Cursed XIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 420 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XIII, a 420 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 455 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XIV, a 455 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 490 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XV, a 490 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 525 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XVI, a 525 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 560 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XVII, a 560 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 595 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XVIII, a 595 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XIX | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 630 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XIX, a 630 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XX | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 675 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XX, a 675 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 710 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXI, a 710 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Shroud of the Blightborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 198 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Blightborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 225 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Blightborn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 243 Instant Duration. |
| Mindshear Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mindshear Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 155 Instant Duration. |
| Mindshear Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mindshear Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 176 Instant Duration. |
| Mindshear Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mindshear Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 190 Instant Duration. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 750 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXII, a 750 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 800 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXIII, a 800 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 850 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXIV, a 850 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Amygdalan Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Amygdalan Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 214 Instant Duration. |
| Amygdalan Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Amygdalan Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 243 Instant Duration. |
| Amygdalan Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Amygdalan Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 261 Instant Duration. |
| Amygdalan Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 9 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Amygdalan Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 11 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Amygdalan Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 13 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Shroud of the Plagueborne Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 285 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Plagueborne Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 324 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Plagueborne Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 349 Instant Duration. |
| Sholothian Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Sholothian Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 287 Instant Duration. |
| Sholothian Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Sholothian Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 301 Instant Duration. |
| Sholothian Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Sholothian Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 316 Instant Duration. |
| Sholothian Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 9 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Sholothian Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 11 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Sholothian Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 13 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Shroud of the Shadeborne Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 384 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Shadeborne Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 403 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Shadeborne Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 423 Instant Duration. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXV | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 900 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXV, a 900 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 950 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXVI, a 950 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1000 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXVII, a 1000 point lifetap, on your target. |
| Grelleth's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Grelleth's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 348 Instant Duration. |
| Grelleth's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Grelleth's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 365 Instant Duration. |
| Grelleth's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Grelleth's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 383 Instant Duration. |
| Grelleth's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 9 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Grelleth's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 11 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Grelleth's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 13 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Shroud of the Darksworn Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 465 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Darksworn Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 488 Instant Duration. |
| Shroud of the Darksworn Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 512 Instant Duration. |
| Mental Terror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Terror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 251 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 251 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Mental Terror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Terror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 264 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 264 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Mental Terror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 Recourse: Mental Terror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 277 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 277 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Vizat's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Vizat's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 402 Deals 402 damage to your target. |
| Vizat's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Vizat's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 422 Deals 422 damage to your target. |
| Vizat's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Vizat's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 443 Deals 443 damage to your target. |
| Vizat's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Vizat's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Vizat's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mental Dread Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 367 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1138 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 367 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Mental Dread Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 385 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1194 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 385 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Mental Dread Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 404 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1252 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 404 damage and returning mana to you. |
| Shroud of the Doomscale Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 640 Drains 640 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Doomscale Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 672 Drains 672 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Doomscale Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 706 Drains 706 life from your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4000 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 53360 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXVIII on your target which deals 4000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 53360 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXIX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4400 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 58696 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXIX on your target which deals 4400 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 58696 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4500 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 60000 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXX on your target which deals 4500 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 60000 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4600 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 61300 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXI on your target which deals 4600 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 61300 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 4800 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 64000 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXII on your target which deals 4800 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 64000 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5000 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 66666 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXIII on your target which deals 5000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 66666 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5200 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 70000 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXIV on your target which deals 5200 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 70000 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5400 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 73333 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXV on your target which deals 5400 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 73333 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXVI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5600 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 76666 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXVI on your target which deals 5600 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 76666 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXVII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5800 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 79999 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXVII on your target which deals 5800 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 79999 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXVIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6000 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 83332 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXVIII on your target which deals 6000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 83332 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XXXIX | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6200 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 86665 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XXXIX on your target which deals 6200 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 86665 points. |
| Tylix's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Tylix's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 554 Deals 554 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Tylix's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 582 Deals 582 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Tylix's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 611 Deals 611 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Tylix's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mental Fright Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 505 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1566 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 505 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Fright Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 530 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1643 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 530 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Fright Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 557 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1727 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 557 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Shroud of the Krellnakor Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 777 Drains 777 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Krellnakor Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 816 Drains 816 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Krellnakor Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 857 Drains 857 life from your target. |
| Touch of the Cursed XL | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6400 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 89998 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XL on your target which deals 6400 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 89998 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLI | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6600 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 93331 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLI on your target which deals 6600 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 93331 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 6800 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 96664 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLII on your target which deals 6800 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 96664 points. |
| Cadcane's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Cadcane's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 672 Deals 672 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Cadcane's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 706 Deals 706 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Cadcane's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 741 Deals 741 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Cadcane's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mental Torment Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 613 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1900 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 613 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Torment Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 644 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 1996 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 644 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Torment Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 676 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2096 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 676 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Shroud of the Restless Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1028 Drains 1028 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Restless Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1079 Drains 1079 life from your target. |
| Shroud of the Restless Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1133 Drains 1133 life from your target. |
| Mental Anguish Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 744 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2306 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 744 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Anguish Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 781 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2421 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 781 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Anguish Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 820 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2542 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 820 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Brightfeld's Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 815 Deals 815 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Brightfeld's Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 856 Deals 856 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Brightfeld's Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 899 Deals 899 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Brightfeld's Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Shroud of Zelinstein Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1246 Drains 1246 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Zelinstein Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1308 Drains 1308 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Zelinstein Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1373 Drains 1373 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Rimeclaw Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1510 Drains 1510 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Rimeclaw Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1586 Drains 1586 life from your target. |
| Shroud of Rimeclaw Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Lifetap Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 1665 Drains 1665 life from your target. |
| Mortimus' Horror Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Mortimus' Horror Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 989 Deals 989 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Mortimus' Horror Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 1038 Deals 1038 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -220 Recourse: Mortimus' Horror Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 1090 Deals 1090 magical damage to your target and reflects a buff which will restore 10% of your melee damage as health. This buff will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 10 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 12 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mortimus' Horror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 14 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. This effect will fade after 14 successful strikes or 12 seconds. |
| Mental Wretchedness Strike | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 902 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2796 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 902 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Wretchedness Strike II | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 947 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2936 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 947 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Mental Wretchedness Strike III | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Disease -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 994 2: Return 77.5% of Spell Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 3083 Strikes your target with mental terror, dealing up to 994 magical damage and returning 77.5% of that damage as mana to you. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7000 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 99997 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLIII on your target which deals 7000 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 99997 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLIV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7200 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 103330 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLIV on your target which deals 7200 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 103330 points. |
| Touch of the Cursed XLV | - | - | 0s | Target: Single Resist: Magic -200 1: Decrease Current HP by 7400 2: Return 75% of Spell Damage as HP, Max Per Hit: 106663 This passive ability grants your melee attacks a chance (with a 5% bonus) to trigger Touch of the Cursed XLV on your target which deals 7400 damage and heals you for 75% of that damage up to 106663 points. |
| Mental Corruption Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 100
| Mental Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 150
| Marrowthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 8 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP
| Marrowthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP
| Marrowthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP
| Soulthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 8 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Soulthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Soulthirst Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mindshear Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 8 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mindshear Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 10 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mindshear Horror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Max Hits: 12 Outgoing Hit Successes 10: Return 10% of Melee Damage as HP Restores 10% of your melee damage as health. |
| Mental Terror Recourse | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 156 Steals up to 156 mana from your target. |
| Mental Terror Recourse II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 164 Steals up to 164 mana from your target. |
| Mental Terror Recourse III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Increase Current Mana by 172 Steals up to 172 mana from your target. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).