AA Search

16 results (costing 379 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
920Valorous Rage (16)125 PAL (LS)40 / 37920m T75Cast: Valorous Rage XVI
Valorous Rage XVI, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 150%, reduces your base weapon delay by 20%, and grants a 340% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (15)120 PAL (ToL)35 / 33920m T75Cast: Valorous Rage XV
Valorous Rage XV, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 150%, reduces your base weapon delay by 20%, and grants a 320% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (14)120 PAL (ToL)35 / 30420m T75Cast: Valorous Rage XIV
Valorous Rage XIV, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 145%, reduces your base weapon delay by 20%, and grants a 300% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (13)120 PAL (ToL)35 / 26920m T75Cast: Valorous Rage XIII
Valorous Rage XIII, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 140%, reduces your base weapon delay by 20%, and grants a 280% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (12)115 PAL (ToV)30 / 23420m T75Cast: Valorous Rage XII
Valorous Rage XII, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 135%, reduces your base weapon delay by 20%, and grants a 260% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (11)110 PAL (ToV)30 / 20420m T75Cast: Valorous Rage XI
Valorous Rage XI, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 130%, reduces your base weapon delay by 20%, and grants a 240% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (10)105 PAL (ToV)30 / 17420m T75Cast: Valorous Rage X
Valorous Rage X, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 125%, reduces your base weapon delay by 20%, and grants a 220% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (9)100 PAL (RoF)21 / 14420m T75Cast: Valorous Rage IX
Valorous Rage IX, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 125%, reduces your base weapon delay by 20%, and grants a 200% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (8)98 PAL (RoF)18 / 12320m T75Cast: Valorous Rage VIII
Valorous Rage VIII, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 125%, reduces your base weapon delay by 19%, and grants a 180% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (7)96 PAL (RoF)15 / 10520m T75Cast: Valorous Rage VII
Valorous Rage VII, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 125%, reduces your base weapon delay by 18%, and grants a 160% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (6)95 PAL (VoA)21 / 9020m T75Cast: Valorous Rage VI
Valorous Rage VI, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 120%, reduces your base weapon delay by 17%, and grants a 140% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (5)93 PAL (VoA)18 / 6920m T75Cast: Valorous Rage V
Valorous Rage V, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 115%, reduces your base weapon delay by 16%, and grants a 120% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (4)91 PAL (VoA)15 / 5120m T75Cast: Valorous Rage IV
Valorous Rage IV, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 105%, reduces your base weapon delay by 14%, and grants a 100% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (3)90 PAL (HoT)15 / 3620m T75Cast: Valorous Rage III
Valorous Rage III, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 100%, reduces your base weapon delay by 13%, and grants a 80% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (2)88 PAL (HoT)12 / 2120m T75Cast: Valorous Rage II
Valorous Rage II, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 90%, reduces your base weapon delay by 11.5%, and grants a 60% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.
920Valorous Rage (1)86 PAL (HoT)9 / 920m T75Cast: Valorous Rage I
Valorous Rage I, when activated, increases your base melee damage by 85%, reduces your base weapon delay by 10%, and grants a 45% non-cumulative increase to the damage of your critical melee attacks for 2 minutes.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).