AA Search

9 results (costing 235 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
854Veil of Darkness (9)125 SHD (LS)35 / 2355m T14Cast: Veil of Darkness VIII
Veil of Darkness VIII, when activated, instantly increases your target's hatred for you by 90000 points then reduces their accuracy by 75% for 54 seconds.
854Veil of Darkness (8)122 SHD (LS)35 / 2005m T14Cast: Veil of Darkness VII
Veil of Darkness VII, when activated, instantly increases your target's hatred for you by 80000 points then reduces their accuracy by 75% for 48 seconds.
854Veil of Darkness (7)120 SHD (ToL)30 / 1655m T14Cast: Veil of Darkness VI
Veil of Darkness VI, when activated, instantly increases your target's hatred for you by 70000 points then reduces their accuracy by 75% for 42 seconds.
854Veil of Darkness (6)120 SHD (ToL)30 / 1355m T14Cast: Veil of Darkness V
Veil of Darkness V, when activated, instantly increases your target's hatred for you by 60000 points then reduces their accuracy by 75% for 36 seconds.
854Veil of Darkness (5)115 SHD (ToV)25 / 1055m T14Cast: Veil of Darkness IV
Veil of Darkness IV, when activated, instantly increases your target's hatred for you by 50000 points then reduces their accuracy by 75% for 30 seconds.
854Veil of Darkness (4)110 SHD (ToV)25 / 805m T14Cast: Veil of Darkness III
Veil of Darkness III, when activated, instantly increases your target's hatred for you by 40000 points then reduces their accuracy by 75% for 24 seconds.
854Veil of Darkness (3)105 SHD (TBM)18 / 555m T14Cast: Veil of Darkness II
Veil of Darkness II, when activated, instantly increases your target's hatred for you by 35000 points then reduces their accuracy by 75% for 18 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 1 minute.
854Veil of Darkness (2)105 SHD (TBM)16 / 376m T14Cast: Veil of Darkness II
Veil of Darkness II, when activated, instantly increases your target's hatred for you by 35000 points then reduces their accuracy by 75% for 18 seconds.
854Veil of Darkness (1)105 SHD (TDS)21 / 216m T14Cast: Veil of Darkness I
Veil of Darkness I, when activated, instantly increases your target's hatred for you by 30000 points then reduces their accuracy by 75% for 12 seconds.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).