AA Search

9 results (costing 345 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
1166Visionary's Unity (9)125 SHM (LS)55 / 3452m T56Cast: Visionary's Unity IX (10 Mana)
Visionary's Unity IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Pack of Ancestral Beasts that you have scribed.
1166Visionary's Unity (8)120 SHM (ToL)50 / 2902m T56Cast: Visionary's Unity VIII (10 Mana)
Visionary's Unity VIII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Pack of Lunar Wolves that you have scribed.
1166Visionary's Unity (7)115 SHM (ToV)45 / 2402m T56Cast: Visionary's Unity VII (10 Mana)
Visionary's Unity VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Pack of The Black Fang that you have scribed.
1166Visionary's Unity (6)110 SHM (RoS)45 / 1952m T56Cast: Visionary's Unity VI (10 Mana)
Visionary's Unity VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Pack of Mirtuk that you have scribed.
1166Visionary's Unity (5)105 SHM (RoS)40 / 1502m T56Cast: Visionary's Unity V (10 Mana)
Visionary's Unity V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Pack of Olesira that you have scribed.
1166Visionary's Unity (4)100 SHM (RoS)35 / 1102m T56Cast: Visionary's Unity IV (10 Mana)
Visionary's Unity IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Pack of Kriegas that you have scribed.
1166Visionary's Unity (3)95 SHM (RoS)30 / 752m T56Cast: Visionary's Unity III (10 Mana)
Visionary's Unity III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Pack of Hilnaah that you have scribed.
1166Visionary's Unity (2)90 SHM (RoS)25 / 452m T56Cast: Visionary's Unity II (10 Mana)
Visionary's Unity II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Pack of Wurt that you have scribed.
1166Visionary's Unity (1)85 SHM (RoS)20 / 202m T56Cast: Visionary's Unity I (10 Mana)
Visionary's Unity I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Pack of Aina that you have scribed.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).