AA Search

6 results (costing 162 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
911Warlord's Resurgence (6)125 WAR (LS)40 / 16210m T73Cast: Warlord's Resurgence VI
Warlord's Resurgence VI, when activated, heals you for 80000 health, increases your health regeneration by 2100 points, and endurance regeneration by 66 points for 3 minutes.
911Warlord's Resurgence (5)120 WAR (ToL)35 / 12210m T73Cast: Warlord's Resurgence V
Warlord's Resurgence V, when activated, heals you for 60000 health, increases your health regeneration by 1550 points, and endurance regeneration by 48 points for 3 minutes.
911Warlord's Resurgence (4)115 WAR (ToV)30 / 8710m T73Cast: Warlord's Resurgence IV
Warlord's Resurgence IV, when activated, heals you for 40000 health, increases your health regeneration by 1000 points, and endurance regeneration by 30 points for 3 minutes.
911Warlord's Resurgence (3)105 WAR (TBM)25 / 5710m T73Cast: Warlord's Resurgence III
Warlord's Resurgence III, when activated, heals you for 20000 health, increases your health regeneration by 450 points, and endurance regeneration by 12 points for 3 minutes.
911Warlord's Resurgence (2)95 WAR (TBM)20 / 3210m T73Cast: Warlord's Resurgence II
Warlord's Resurgence II, when activated, heals you for 10000 health, increases your health regeneration by 400 points, and endurance regeneration by 8 points for 3 minutes.
911Warlord's Resurgence (1)85 WAR (HoT)12 / 1210m T73Cast: Warlord's Resurgence I
Warlord's Resurgence I, when activated, increases your health regeneration by 300 points for 3 minutes.

AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).