/alt act | Name | Level | Cost | Recast | Effects |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (17) | 125 DRU (LS) | 35 / 360 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival XII Wildtender's Survival XII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Heroic that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (16) | 118 DRU (ToL) | 30 / 325 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival XI Wildtender's Survival XI, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Unrelenting that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (15) | 115 DRU (ToV) | 25 / 295 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival X Wildtender's Survival X, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Favored that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (14) | 110 DRU (RoS) | 25 / 270 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival IX Wildtender's Survival IX, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Auspicious that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (13) | 105 DRU (TDS) | 25 / 245 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival VIII Wildtender's Survival VIII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Serendipitous that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (12) | 104 DRU (TDS) | 25 / 220 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival VII Wildtender's Survival VII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Fortuitous that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (11) | 103 DRU (TDS) | 25 / 195 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival VI Wildtender's Survival VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Fortuitous that you have scribed. Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 50%. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (10) | 100 DRU (RoF) | 20 / 170 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival V Wildtender's Survival V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Fortuitous that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (9) | 95 DRU (VoA) | 20 / 150 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival IV Wildtender's Survival IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Prosperous that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (8) | 95 DRU (VoA) | 20 / 130 | 3m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival III Wildtender's Survival III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Propitious that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (7) | 94 DRU (VoA) | 20 / 110 | 3.4m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival III Wildtender's Survival III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Propitious that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (6) | 93 DRU (VoA) | 20 / 90 | 3.8m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival III Wildtender's Survival III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Propitious that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (5) | 92 DRU (VoA) | 20 / 70 | 4.2m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival III Wildtender's Survival III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Propitious that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (4) | 91 DRU (VoA) | 20 / 50 | 4.6m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival III Wildtender's Survival III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Propitious that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (3) | 90 DRU (HoT) | 10 / 30 | 5m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival III Wildtender's Survival III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Propitious that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (2) | 85 DRU (SoD) | 10 / 20 | 5m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival II Wildtender's Survival II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Felicitous that you have scribed. |
2056 | Wildtender's Survival (1) | 80 DRU (SoF) | 10 / 10 | 5m T75 | Cast: Wildtender's Survival I Wildtender's Survival I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Fittest that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival XII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Heroic (v470) Wildtender's Survival XII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Heroic that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival XI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Unrelenting (v470) Wildtender's Survival XI, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Unrelenting that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival X | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Favored (v470) Wildtender's Survival X, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Favored that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival IX | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Auspicious (v470) Wildtender's Survival IX, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Auspicious that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival VIII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Serendipitous (v470) Wildtender's Survival VIII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Serendipitous that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival VII | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Fortuitous (v470) Wildtender's Survival VII, when activated, instantly casts the highest rank of Survival of the Fortuitous that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival VI | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Fortuitous (v470) Wildtender's Survival VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Fortuitous that you have scribed. Reduces the base cast time of this ability by 50%. |
| Wildtender's Survival V | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Fortuitous (v470) Wildtender's Survival V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Fortuitous that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival IV | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Prosperous (v470) Wildtender's Survival IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Prosperous that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival III | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Propitious (v470) Wildtender's Survival III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Propitious that you have scribed. Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 24 seconds. |
| Wildtender's Survival II | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Felicitous (v470) Wildtender's Survival II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Felicitous that you have scribed. |
| Wildtender's Survival I | - | - | 0s | Target: Self 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Survival of the Fittest (v470) Wildtender's Survival I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Survival of the Fittest that you have scribed. |
| Survival of the Heroic | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 8671 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 17342 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 26012 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 34674 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 43341 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 8671 hit points for targets at 55% health to 43341 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Heroic Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 9105 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 18209 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 27313 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 36408 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 45508 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 9105 hit points for targets at 55% health to 45508 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Heroic Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 9560 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 19119 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 28679 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 38228 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 47783 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 9560 hit points for targets at 55% health to 47783 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Unrelenting | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 7150 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 14299 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 21449 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 28591 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 35738 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 7150 hit points for targets at 55% health to 35738 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Unrelenting Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 7508 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 15014 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 22521 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 30021 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 37525 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 7508 hit points for targets at 55% health to 37525 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Unrelenting Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 7883 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 15765 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 23647 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 31522 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 39401 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 7883 hit points for targets at 55% health to 39401 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Favored | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 5895 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 11790 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 17686 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 23575 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 29469 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 5895 hit points for targets at 55% health to 29469 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Favored Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 6190 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 12380 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 18570 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 24754 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 30942 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 6190 hit points for targets at 55% health to 30942 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Favored Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 6500 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 12999 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 19499 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 25992 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 32489 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 6500 hit points for targets at 55% health to 32489 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Auspicious | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 4861 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 9722 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 14583 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 19439 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 24299 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 4861 hit points for targets at 55% health to 24299 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Auspicious Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 5104 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 10208 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 15312 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 20411 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 25514 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 5104 hit points for targets at 55% health to 25514 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Auspicious Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 5359 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 10718 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 16078 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 21432 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 26790 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal, from 5359 hit points for targets at 55% health to 26790 hit points for targets below 25% health. |
| Survival of the Serendipitous | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 4009 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 8018 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 12027 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 16032 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 20040 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Serendipitous Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 4209 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 8418 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 12627 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 16832 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 21040 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Serendipitous Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 4419 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 8838 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 13257 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 17672 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 22090 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Fortuitous | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3459 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 6929 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 10388 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 13847 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 17317 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Fortuitous Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3632 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 7275 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 10907 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 14539 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 18182 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Fortuitous Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3814 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 7638 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 11452 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 15266 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 19090 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Prosperous | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2852 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 5714 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 8566 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 11418 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 14280 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Prosperous Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2995 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 6000 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 8994 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 11989 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 14994 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Prosperous Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 3145 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 6300 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 9444 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 12588 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 15744 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Propitious | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2001 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 4002 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 6003 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 8004 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 10005 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Propitious Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2171 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 4343 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 6514 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 8685 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 10857 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Propitious Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 2284 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 4569 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 6853 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 9137 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 11422 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Felicitous | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1477 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 2954 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 4432 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 5909 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 7386 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Felicitous Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1603 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 3206 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 4808 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 6411 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 8014 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Felicitous Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1686 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 3373 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 5059 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 6746 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 8432 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Fittest | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1285 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 2570 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 3854 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 5139 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 6424 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Fittest Rk. II | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1394 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 2787 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 4181 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 5574 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 6968 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
| Survival of the Fittest Rk. III | - | - | 3m | Target: Target Group 1: Increase Current HP by 1467 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 2933 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 4400 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 5866 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 7333 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) Gives your companions the will to survive despite overwhelming odds, rescuing group members that are in danger of death with a large heal. The lower the health of your companions, the more they will benefit from the heal. |
AA list updated December 2023 (thank you Szilent).