AA Search

11 results (costing 370 AA points).

/alt actNameLevelCostRecastEffects
1165Wildtender's Unity (11)125 DRU (LS)55 / 3702m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity XI (1150 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity XI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Bramblespike Coat and Mask of the Ferntender that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (10)120 DRU (ToL)50 / 3152m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity X (1060 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity X, when activated, casts the highest rank of Shadespine Coat and Mask of the Dusksage Tender that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (9)115 DRU (ToV)45 / 2652m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity IX (970 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity IX, when activated, casts the highest rank of Icebriar Coat and Mask of the Arbor Tender that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (8)110 DRU (RoS)45 / 2202m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity VIII (880 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity VIII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Daggerspike Coat and Mask of the Wildtender that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (7)105 DRU (RoS)40 / 1752m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity VII (740 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity VII, when activated, casts the highest rank of Daggerspur Coat and Mask of the Copsetender that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (6)100 DRU (RoS)35 / 1352m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity VI (660 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity VI, when activated, casts the highest rank of Spikethistle Coat and Mask of the Bosquetender that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (5)95 DRU (RoS)30 / 1002m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity V (620 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity V, when activated, casts the highest rank of Spineburr Coat and Mask of the Thicket Dweller that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (4)90 DRU (RoS)25 / 702m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity IV (525 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity IV, when activated, casts the highest rank of Bonebriar Coat and Mask of the Arboreal that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (3)85 DRU (RoS)20 / 452m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity III (475 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity III, when activated, casts the highest rank of Brierbloom Coat and Mask of the Raptor that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (2)80 DRU (RoS)15 / 252m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity II (420 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity II, when activated, casts the highest rank of Viridithorn Coat and Mask of the Shadowcat that you have scribed.
1165Wildtender's Unity (1)75 DRU (RoS)10 / 102m T56Cast: Wildtender's Unity I (220 Mana)
Wildtender's Unity I, when activated, casts the highest rank of Viridicoat that you have scribed.

AA list updated November 2024 (thank you Szilent).