Guardian's Crystal Stud Jewelry — 127885MAGIC LORE NO TRADE Ear
76 1577 + 3/tick 1565 + 3/tick 1567 18 11
+ 6 23
+ 6 30
+ 10 42
+ 10 42
+ 6 49
+ 10 18
+ 10
42 53 29 40 42
Sharpshooting VII
1: Increase Chance to Hit with Archery by 21%
2: Increase Chance to Hit with Throwing by 21%
Detrimental Duration 26 L95
1: Increase Spell Duration by 26%
Geomantra VI (Must be All except WAR, MNK, ROG, BER) 0.5s 3m 24
7: Absorb Spell Damage: 30%, Total: 3750
9: Decrease Current Mana by 7 per tick
10: Decrease Current Endurance by 7 per tick
All except WAR, MNK, ROG, BER
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Mob: Sarith's Guardian in Sarith - Correct drop info, Alla, Magelo, EQR