Eye of the BeastJewelry — 129228 MAGICLORENO TRADEPRESTIGE Fingers 1062460 + 3/tick2338 + 3/tick242750 14 + 11 27 + 13 40 + 13 34 + 13 36 + 13 36 + 12 27 + 9 66 89 67 51 36 23 26 25 Beneficial Mana Pres 22 L95 1: Decrease Spell Mana Cost by 1% to 22% Guardian Circle III (Must be WAR, PAL, RNG, SHD, MNK, BRD, ROG, BST, BER) 0.5s 30m 12 1: Aura Effect: Guardian Circle III Effect (PORMeleeAura3) empty empty
WAR, PAL, RNG, SHD, MNK, BRD, ROG, BST, BER Find upgradesAdd to wish list Raid: The King of the Beasts in Veil of Alaris Tier 3 Vendor: Olgor the Finder in The Resplendent Temple (48 Diamond Coins) - Correct drop info, Alla, Magelo, EQR