Jann's VeilIllusion — 129907 MAGICLORENO TRADE Ammo Illusion: Greater Jann 1.5s 1: Cast: Illusion: Djinn Soldier (v374) 2: Cast: Illusion: Duende Scholar (v374) 3: Cast: Illusion: Efreeti Amir (v374) 4: Cast: Illusion: Djinn Emissary (v374) 5: Cast: Illusion: Ondine Wavefront (v374) 6: Cast: Illusion: Efreeti Diviner (v374) Illusion Benefit Greater Jann 1: Increase Spell Damage by 200 (v286, After Crit) 2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Add Melee Proc v419' and < 49000 3: Increase Melee Haste by 50% 4: Absorb Spell Damage: 100%, Max Per Hit: 500 5: Increase Corruption Resist by 20 6: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 5% with up to 100% Base Damage and 100 Improved Resist Mod 7: Decrease Food Consumption by 50% 8: Increase Max Mana by 1000 9: Increase Damage Shield by 100 10: Increase Current HP by 10 per tick 11: Increase Max Endurance by 1000 12: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 6% 13: Increase Chance to Dodge by 20% 14: Decrease Damage Shield Taken by 200 15: Increase Current Mana by 10 per tick 16: Absorb Melee Damage: 100%, Max Per Hit: 500 17: Increase Max HP by 1000 18: Increase Current Endurance by 10 per tick 19: Absorb DoT Damage: 100%, Max Per Hit: 500 20: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 25 21: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 25 22: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 25 23: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 25 24: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 25 25: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 25 26: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 25 29: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Damage Bonus' and < 200 30: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Spell Damage Bonus' and < 200 31: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Reflect Spell' and < 5 32: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Reflect Spell' and < 5 33: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 7 is 'Food Consumption' and < 50 34: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 7 is 'Food Consumption' and < 50 35: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Add Melee Proc v419' and < 49000 36: Add Melee Proc: Jann's Light All Find upgradesAdd to wish list Achievement: Paragon of the Burning Lands in The Burning Lands Misc - Correct drop info, Alla, Magelo, EQR