Marrow's Song Brass — 147412MAGIC LORE NO TRADE PRESTIGE Primary, Secondary
205 4501 + 5/tick 4313 + 5/tick 4313 37 32
+ 23 36
+ 23 17
+ 21 32
+ 22 28
+ 22 25
+ 19
64 64 64 64 64
BRD Melee Damage Focus
1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage by 30% (v185)
2: Increase 1H Slash Damage by 30% (v185)
3: Increase 1H Pierce Damage by 30% (v185)
4: Increase 2H Pierce Damage by 30% (v185)
Brass Resonance 35
1: Increase Base Spell Effectiveness by 350%
Brass Finesse II
1: Increase Duration by 6s
Aria of Absolution Rk. III (Must be BRD) 0s 90s 3
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 17
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 17
3: Decrease Curse Counter by 17
4: Decrease Corruption Counter by 15
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Raid: Maestro of Rancor in Hate Revisited
Vendor: Nelirid Wittma in The Broken Mirror Misc (510 Bifurcated Coin) - Correct drop info, Alla, Magelo, EQR