Earring of SusurrationJewelry — 160318 MAGICNO TRADEPRESTIGE Ear 1-5 2385787 + 7/tick5798 + 7/tick579842 51 + 22 44 + 22 51 + 22 56 + 23 47 + 22 47 + 22 33 + 55 57 57 66 60 60 1 50 62 71 Sharpshooting VII 1: Increase Chance to Hit with Archery by 21% 2: Increase Chance to Hit with Throwing by 21% Detrimental Duration 26 L115 1: Increase Spell Duration by 26% Soothing Breath XVII 0.5s 8: Increase Current Mana by 100 per tick 10: Increase Current HP by 100 per tick empty empty empty