Velium Enhanced Mace1HB — 164155 MAGICLORENO TRADEPRESTIGE Primary 338 26 13.00 3459527 + 14/tick9715 + 10/tick971533 56 + 32 72 + 27 91 + 71 39 61 81 + 24 49 + 30 88 87 93 74 83 2 98 78 113 Hand of Holy Wrath VII +200 1: Decrease Current HP by 5200 2: Cast: Alleviating Burst XIV (v374) Recourse: Hand of Holy Wrath VII Recourse Sympathetic Hand of Holy Wrath VII 1: Cast: Hand of Holy Wrath VII on Spell Use (Base1=100) e.g. Cast Time 2s=25% 3s=33% 4s=50% 5s=67% empty