Bow of NightfallArchery — 167164 MAGICATTUNEABLE Range 281 23 12.22 210 3808829 + 8/tick8178 + 11/tick834453 50 + 27 56 + 28 37 + 26 29 49 + 24 63 + 26 41 + 28 66 62 66 70 76 1 61 76 97 Strike of the Archer VIII 1: Archery Attack for 100 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Improved Dodge V 1: Increase Chance to Dodge by 50% Prismatic Ward XX (Must be RNG) 0.5s 1: Increase All Resists by 90 10: Increase AC by 112 to 148, Based on Class empty empty empty empty