Soulforge Armwraps of Steadfast ResolveArmor — 171247 MAGICLORENO TRADEPRESTIGEINFUSIBLE Arms 50 57111618 + 10/tick01116260 58 + 29 52 + 30 35 + 23 29 64 + 30 42 + 30 55 + 29 67 71 66 85 85 1 45 49 10 Cleave VII - 38 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 1H Blunt by 280% 2: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 1H Slash by 280% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Blunt by 280% 4: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Slash by 280% 5: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Backstab by 280% 6: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Bash by 280% 7: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Flying Kick by 280% 8: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Hand to Hand by 280% 9: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Pierce by 280% 10: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 1H Pierce by 280% 11: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Frenzy by 280% 12: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 38 empty empty empty