Spiritwalker Coat of Steadfast ResolveArmor — 171270 MAGICLORENO TRADEPRESTIGEINFUSIBLE Chest 50 111911960 + 15/tick11960 + 10/tick1196030 58 + 31 48 + 24 43 + 31 29 71 58 + 22 52 + 28 70 67 81 83 74 1 94 94 119 SHM Roar Duration 1 1: Increase Duration by 6s Rejuvenation of the Ancestors (Must be SHM) 0.25s 10m 16 1: Increase Current HP by 45000 (If HP Between 55 and 65 Percent) 2: Increase Current HP by 54999 (If HP Between 45 and 55 Percent) 3: Increase Current HP by 66666 (If HP Between 35 and 45 Percent) 4: Increase Current HP by 74999 (If HP Between 25 and 35 Percent) 5: Increase Current HP by 85000 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent) empty empty empty