Ancient Prismatic Fist WrapsHand — 29441 MAGICLORENO TRADE Primary, Secondary 15 20 0.75 10505050 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Avatar 3: Increase ATK by 100 5: Increase AGI by 100 6: Increase STR by 100 7: Increase DEX by 100 empty
MNK, BST Find upgradesAdd to wish list Raid: Tjudawos/Kildrukaun/Vyskudra/Zeixshi`Kar the Ancient in Sleeper's Tomb Raid: The Progenitor in Sleeper's Tomb Raid: The Final Arbiter in Sleeper's Tomb Raid: Master of the Guard in Sleeper's Tomb - Correct drop info, Alla, Magelo, EQR