Citizen's Energeiac Chain CoatArmor — 80425 MAGICLORENO TRADEINFUSIBLE Chest 45 95210 + 4/tick210 + 4/tick21035 9 + 2 9 9 + 2 9 + 2 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 Cleave II 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 1H Blunt by 80% 2: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 1H Slash by 80% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Blunt by 80% 4: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Slash by 80% 5: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Backstab by 80% 6: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Bash by 80% 7: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Flying Kick by 80% 8: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Hand to Hand by 80% 9: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Kick by 80% 10: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 1H Pierce by 80% 11: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Frenzy by 80% 12: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Pierce by 80% empty