Beastlord Spell List

1527 results.

68127Monkey's Guile Discipline1253130s7.5m T1818s+n/aSelf 7: Increase Chance to Dodge by 552%
You accept the spirit of the monkey, increasing your chance to dodge by 552 for up to 18 seconds.
68128Monkey's Guile Discipline Rk. II1253290s7.5m T1818s+n/aSelf 7: Increase Chance to Dodge by 580%
You accept the spirit of the monkey, increasing your chance to dodge by 580 for up to 18 seconds.
68129Monkey's Guile Discipline Rk. III1253450s7.5m T1818s+n/aSelf 7: Increase Chance to Dodge by 609%
You accept the spirit of the monkey, increasing your chance to dodge by 609 for up to 18 seconds.
68109Rimeclaw's Disease Strike1250s7.5s -Disease -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 16422
Deals 16422 disease damage to your target.
68110Rimeclaw's Disease Strike II1250s7.5s -Disease -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 17243
Deals 17243 disease damage to your target.
68111Rimeclaw's Disease Strike III1250s7.5s -Disease -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 18105
Deals 18105 disease damage to your target.
68112Rimeclaw's Ice Strike1250s7.5s -Cold -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 15046
Deals 15046 cold damage to your target.
68113Rimeclaw's Ice Strike II1250s7.5s -Cold -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 15798
Deals 15798 cold damage to your target.
68114Rimeclaw's Ice Strike III1250s7.5s -Cold -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 16588
Deals 16588 cold damage to your target.
68100Rimeclaw's Maelstrom12557430.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Rimeclaw's Maelstrom Chance (v374)
3: Cast: Rimeclaw's Poison Strike (v374)
4: Cast: Rimeclaw's Disease Strike (v374)
5: Cast: Rimeclaw's Ice Strike (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Rimeclaw's Poison Strike for 15561 poison damage, Rimeclaw's Disease Strike for 16422 disease damage, and Rimeclaw's Ice Strike for 15046 ice damage. Rimeclaw's Maelstrom Chance will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
68101Rimeclaw's Maelstrom Rk. II12560880.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Rimeclaw's Maelstrom Chance II (v374)
3: Cast: Rimeclaw's Poison Strike II (v374)
4: Cast: Rimeclaw's Disease Strike II (v374)
5: Cast: Rimeclaw's Ice Strike II (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Rimeclaw's Poison Strike II for 16339 poison damage, Rimeclaw's Disease Strike II for 17243 disease damage, and Rimeclaw's Ice Strike II for 15798 ice damage. Rimeclaw's Maelstrom Chance II will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
68102Rimeclaw's Maelstrom Rk. III12564530.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Rimeclaw's Maelstrom Chance III (v374)
3: Cast: Rimeclaw's Poison Strike III (v374)
4: Cast: Rimeclaw's Disease Strike III (v374)
5: Cast: Rimeclaw's Ice Strike III (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Rimeclaw's Poison Strike III for 17156 poison damage, Rimeclaw's Disease Strike III for 18105 disease damage, and Rimeclaw's Ice Strike III for 16588 ice damage. Rimeclaw's Maelstrom Chance III will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
68106Rimeclaw's Poison Strike1250s7.5s -Poison -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 15561
Deals 15561 poison damage to your target.
68107Rimeclaw's Poison Strike II1250s7.5s -Poison -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 16339
Deals 16339 poison damage to your target.
68108Rimeclaw's Poison Strike III1250s7.5s -Poison -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 17156
Deals 17156 poison damage to your target.
68044Shriek at the Moon12526513s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shriek at the Moon Call (82% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shrieking at the Moon (18% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 18% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
68045Shriek at the Moon Rk. II12528103s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shriek at the Moon Call (80% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shrieking at the Moon (20% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 20% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
68046Shriek at the Moon Rk. III12529793s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shriek at the Moon Call (76% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shrieking at the Moon (24% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 24% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
68048Shriek at the Moon Call1250s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS25L125Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
68047Shrieking at the Moon1250s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS25L125Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
68085SingleMalt's Call1250s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shriek at the Moon Call (91% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shrieking at the Moon (9% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 9% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
68086SingleMalt's Call II1250s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shriek at the Moon Call (90% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shrieking at the Moon (10% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 10% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
68087SingleMalt's Call III1250s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shriek at the Moon Call (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shrieking at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
68079SingleMalt's Feralgia12541733s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: SingleMalt's Call (v374)
2: Cast: SingleMalt's Growl (v374)
Blesses your warder with SingleMalt's Growl and attacks your target with SingleMalt's Call.
68080SingleMalt's Feralgia Rk. II12544233s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: SingleMalt's Call II (v374)
2: Cast: SingleMalt's Growl II (v374)
Blesses your warder with SingleMalt's Growl II and attacks your target with SingleMalt's Call II.
68081SingleMalt's Feralgia Rk. III12546883s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: SingleMalt's Call III (v374)
2: Cast: SingleMalt's Growl III (v374)
Blesses your warder with SingleMalt's Growl III and attacks your target with SingleMalt's Call III.
68082SingleMalt's Growl1250s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of Yasil
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 2072 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 12994
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 12994, heals for 2072 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
68083SingleMalt's Growl II1250s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of Yasil II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 2176 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 13644
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 13644, heals for 2176 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
68084SingleMalt's Growl III1250s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of Yasil III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 2285 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 14326
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 14326, heals for 2285 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
68041Spellbreaker's Mending VII Azia1250s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 9836
Heals your target for up to 9836 hit points.
68042Spellbreaker's Mending VII Beza1250s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 10328
Heals your target for up to 10328 hit points.
68043Spellbreaker's Mending VII Caza1250s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 10844
Heals your target for up to 10844 hit points.
68038Spellbreaker's Synergy12517303s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 171500
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending VII Azia on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 171500 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 9836 hit points.
68039Spellbreaker's Synergy Rk. II12518343s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 180000
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending VII Beza on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 180000 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 10328 hit points.
68040Spellbreaker's Synergy Rk. III12519443s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 189000
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending VII Caza on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 189000 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 10844 hit points.
68130Wildfang's Unity12574206s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Valiancy (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Enduement (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Valiancy and Spiritual Enduement.
70598Xanathan's Vindication12532510s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Xanathan's Vindication Effect (v374)
This discipline will trigger Xanathan's Vindictiveness each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
70599Xanathan's Vindication Rk. II12534140s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Xanathan's Vindication Effect II (v374)
This discipline will trigger Xanathan's Vindictiveness II each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
70600Xanathan's Vindication Rk. III12535850s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Xanathan's Vindication Effect III (v374)
This discipline will trigger Xanathan's Vindictiveness III each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
67328Aegis of Valorforged12416386s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 72000
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 72000 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
67329Aegis of Valorforged Rk. II12417366s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 75500
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 75500 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
67330Aegis of Valorforged Rk. III12418406s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 79500
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 79500 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
68140Cohort's Unity1243336.5s1.5s 6s+n/aPet 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Insatiable Voracity (v470)
2: Cast: Highest Rank of Spirit of Shoru (v470)
Grants your warder the highest ranks you know of Insatiable Voracity and Spirit of Shoru.
68052Growl of Yasil12433121.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of Yasil (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 1826 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 12994
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1826 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 12994 for 60 seconds.
68053Growl of Yasil Rk. II12435111.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of Yasil II (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 1917 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 13644
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1917 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 13644 for 60 seconds.
68054Growl of Yasil Rk. III12437221.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of Yasil III (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 2013 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 14326
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 2013 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 14326 for 60 seconds.
68055Growl of Yasil124100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1826 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 12994
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1826 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 12994 for 60 seconds.
68056Growl of Yasil II124100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1917 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 13644
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1917 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 13644 for 60 seconds.
68057Growl of Yasil III124100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 2013 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 14326
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 2013 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 14326 for 60 seconds.
68097Hoarfrost Roar12437560.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 29735
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 29735 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
68098Hoarfrost Roar Rk. II12439810.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 31222
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 31222 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
68099Hoarfrost Roar Rk. III12442200.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 32783
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 32783 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
68124Lazam's Chill124155780s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 16
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 23690
2: Decrease Current HP by 19446 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 25
An icy chill adds 25 poison counters and causes 23690 cold damage initially and between 19446 and 19446 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
68125Lazam's Chill Rk. II124165130s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 17
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 24875
2: Decrease Current HP by 20418 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 25
An icy chill adds 25 poison counters and causes 24875 cold damage initially and between 20418 and 20418 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
68126Lazam's Chill Rk. III124175040s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 18
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 26119
2: Decrease Current HP by 21439 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 25
An icy chill adds 25 poison counters and causes 26119 cold damage initially and between 21439 and 21439 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
70579Reflexive Slashing1245450s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 1764 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 1764 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 1764 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 1764 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Slashing (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four Hand to Hand attacks to your target and reflecting Reflected Slashing, which restores up to 14612 endurance to your group.
70580Reflexive Slashing Rk. II1245720s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 1852 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 1852 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 1852 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 1852 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Slashing II (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
70581Reflexive Slashing Rk. III1246010s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 1945 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 1945 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 1945 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 1945 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Slashing III (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
68022Spirit of Shoru1247683s1.5s 75m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Shoru Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 2642 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 15125 and can stun targets up to level 128 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
68023Spirit of Shoru Rk. II1248143s1.5s 75m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Shoru Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 2774 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 15125 and can stun targets up to level 128 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
68024Spirit of Shoru Rk. III1248633s1.5s 75m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Shoru Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 2913 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 15125 and can stun targets up to level 128 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
68049Wallop1244700s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 2202
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 657 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 657 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 657 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage Hand to Hand attacks of base damage 657.
68050Wallop Rk. II1244940s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 2312
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 673 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 673 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 673 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage Hand to Hand attacks of base damage 673.
68051Wallop Rk. III1245190s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 2428
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 690 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 690 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 690 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage Hand to Hand attacks of base damage 690.
68064Frozen Creep12337590.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Creep Poison (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Creep Ice (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 704
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Creep on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 704 while dealing up to 14917 poison damage and 12650 cold damage.
68065Frozen Creep Rk. II12339850.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Creep Poison II (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Creep Ice II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 704
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Creep Rk. II on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 704 while dealing up to 15663 poison damage and 13283 cold damage.
68066Frozen Creep Rk. III12342240.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Creep Poison III (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Creep Ice III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 704
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Creep Rk. III on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 704 while dealing up to 16446 poison damage and 13947 cold damage.
68070Frozen Creep Ice1230s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 12650
Freezes your target, dealing up to 12650 damage.
68071Frozen Creep Ice II1230s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 13283
Freezes your target, dealing up to 13283 damage.
68072Frozen Creep Ice III1230s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 13947
Freezes your target, dealing up to 13947 damage.
68067Frozen Creep Poison1230s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 14917
Poisons your target, dealing up to 14917 damage.
68068Frozen Creep Poison II1230s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 15663
Poisons your target, dealing up to 15663 damage.
68069Frozen Creep Poison III1230s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 16446
Poisons your target, dealing up to 16446 damage.
68019Insatiable Voracity12327916.5s1.5s 75m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 711
6: Increase AC by 216 to 285, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 3256, and attack rating by 711 for 75 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity on your group.
68020Insatiable Voracity Rk. II12329586.5s1.5s 75m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 747
6: Increase AC by 226 to 299, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 3419, and attack rating by 747 for 75 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity II on your group.
68021Insatiable Voracity Rk. III12331356.5s1.5s 75m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 784
6: Increase AC by 238 to 314, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 3590, and attack rating by 784 for 75 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity III on your group.
68035Mortimus' Bite12343330.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 26173
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 26173 poison damage.
68036Mortimus' Bite Rk. II12345930.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 27482
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 27482 poison damage.
68037Mortimus' Bite Rk. III12348690.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 28856
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 28856 poison damage.
68013Promised Reconstitution12318150.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Reconstitution Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (111375)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 111375
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 111375
Casts Promised Reconstitution Trigger on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 111375.
68014Promised Reconstitution Rk. II12319240.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Reconstitution Trigger II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (116944)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 116944
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 116944
Casts Promised Reconstitution Trigger II on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 116944.
68015Promised Reconstitution Rk. III12320390.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Reconstitution Trigger III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (122791)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 122791
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 122791
Casts Promised Reconstitution Trigger III on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 122791.
68016Promised Reconstitution Trigger1230s0s -n/aPet Hate: 2000
1: Increase Current HP by 111375
Heals your pet for 111375 hit points.
68017Promised Reconstitution Trigger II1230s0s -n/aPet Hate: 2000
1: Increase Current HP by 116944
Heals your pet for 116944 hit points.
68018Promised Reconstitution Trigger III1230s0s -n/aPet Hate: 2000
1: Increase Current HP by 122791
Heals your pet for 122791 hit points.
68131Sapping Bite12316543s1.5s 75m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Sapping Bite with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 1415 magical damage initially and 769 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 47 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 75 minutes.
68132Sapping Bite Rk. II12317533s1.5s 75m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Sapping Bite II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 1486 magical damage initially and 807 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 48 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 75 minutes.
68133Sapping Bite Rk. III12318583s1.5s 75m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Sapping Bite III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 1560 magical damage initially and 847 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 49 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 75 minutes.
68141Spirit of Shae12310356s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS25L123Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
68031Spiritual Enduement12344925s1.5s 75m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 232 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 227 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 12 per tick
Envelops your group in Spiritual Enduement, restoring 227 hit points, 232 mana, and 12 endurance every six seconds for 75 minutes.
70592Venomous Covariance123222120.5s60s T2118s+Magic -20Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 13
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 58275 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 116
6: Limit Max Level: 130 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -4650
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Convergence V Azia if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 58275 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 116 to 130 that deal at least 4650 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Convergence V Azia, dealing 4166183 damage to the target!
70593Venomous Covariance Rk. II123233230.5s60s T2118s+Magic -20Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 14
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 61189 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 116
6: Limit Max Level: 130 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -4650
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Convergence V Beza if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 61189 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 116 to 130 that deal at least 4650 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Convergence V Beza, dealing 4374492 damage to the target!
70594Venomous Covariance Rk. III123244890.5s60s T2118s+Magic -20Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 15
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 64248 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 116
6: Limit Max Level: 130 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -4650
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Convergence V Caza if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 64248 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 116 to 130 that deal at least 4650 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Convergence V Caza, dealing 4593217 damage to the target!
68073Vitalizing Warder12321471s30s 75m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Vitalizing Heal with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 16407 hit points. This power will fade after 75 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
68074Vitalizing Warder Rk. II12322761s30s 75m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Vitalizing Heal II with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 17227 hit points. This power will fade after 75 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
68075Vitalizing Warder Rk. III12324131s30s 75m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Vitalizing Heal III with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 18088 hit points. This power will fade after 75 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
68028Ankexfen Lance12230650.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 21075
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 21075 and 21075 cold damage.
68029Ankexfen Lance Rk. II12232490.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 22129
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 22129 and 22129 cold damage.
68030Ankexfen Lance Rk. III12234440.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 23235
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 23235 and 23235 cold damage.
70508Auspice of Usira12219111s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 196000
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 196000 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
70509Auspice of Usira Rk. II12220071s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 206000
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 206000 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
70510Auspice of Usira Rk. III12221071s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 216500
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 216500 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
68094Barrage of Claws1228200s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 464 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 464 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 557 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 510 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 464, 464, 557, and 510.
68095Barrage of Claws Rk. II1228610s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 476 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 476 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 571 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 523 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 476, 476, 571, and 523.
68096Barrage of Claws Rk. III1229040s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 488 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 488 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 585 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 536 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 488, 488, 585, and 536.
68032Fevered Endemic122148640s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 33
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 25
2: Decrease Current HP by 15282 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 15282 and 15282 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
68033Fevered Endemic Rk. II122157560s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 34
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 25
2: Decrease Current HP by 16046 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 16046 and 16046 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
68034Fevered Endemic Rk. III122167010s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 35
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 25
2: Decrease Current HP by 16848 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 16848 and 16848 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
68058Kindleheart's Melioration12233953s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 8445 per tick
2: Cast: Kindleheart's Miracle on Fade
Heals your warder for 8445 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience Kindleheart's Miracle, which heals for 31816 hit points.
68059Kindleheart's Melioration Rk. II12235993s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 8867 per tick
2: Cast: Kindleheart's Miracle Rk. II on Fade
Heals your warder for 8867 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience Kindleheart's Miracle Rk. II, which heals for 33407 hit points.
68060Kindleheart's Melioration Rk. III12238153s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 9310 per tick
2: Cast: Kindleheart's Miracle Rk. III on Fade
Heals your warder for 9310 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience Kindleheart's Miracle Rk. III, which heals for 35077 hit points.
68061Kindleheart's Miracle1220s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 31816
Heals you for 31816 hit points.
68062Kindleheart's Miracle Rk. II1220s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 33407
Heals you for 33407 hit points.
68063Kindleheart's Miracle Rk. III1220s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 35077
Heals you for 35077 hit points.
68012Spiritual Valiancy12218495s1.5s T375m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 500
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 850
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 11825
4: Increase Max HP by 5691
Fills your group with Spiritual Valiancy, increasing their hit points by 5691 and attack rating by 500 for 75 minutes.
68008Thornhost's Mending12226563s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 17954
Mends severe wounds in an ally or your enemy's target, healing between 17954 and 17954 hit points.
68009Thornhost's Mending Rk. II12228153s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 18852
Mends severe wounds in an ally or your enemy's target, healing between 18852 and 18852 hit points.
68010Thornhost's Mending Rk. III12229843s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 19795
Mends severe wounds in an ally or your enemy's target, healing between 19795 and 19795 hit points.
68121Companion's Aid VII Azia1210s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 11232 per tick
Heals you for up to 11232 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
68122Companion's Aid VII Beza1210s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 11794 per tick
Heals you for up to 11794 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
68123Companion's Aid VII Caza1210s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 12384 per tick
Heals you for up to 12384 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
66000Convalesce12130 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 12893 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 30% or 270000
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 12893 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 30% of your maximum or 270000 total, whichever is lower.
66001Convalesce Rk. II12130 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 13538 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 33% or 283500
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 13538 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 33% of your maximum or 283500 total, whichever is lower.
66002Convalesce Rk. III12130 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 14215 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 35% or 297500
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 14215 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 35% of your maximum or 297500 total, whichever is lower.
68011Focus of Skull Crusher12123648s1.5s 36m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 10842
2: Increase Current HP by 10842
4: Increase STR by 646
5: Increase DEX by 646
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 7646
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 7646
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 7646
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 7646
10: Increase STR Cap by 646
11: Increase DEX Cap by 646
Imbues your group with mystical focus, increasing their strength and strength cap by 646, dexterity and dexterity cap by 646, and hit points by 10842 for 36 minutes.
68005Forgebound Blood121186790s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 34
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 27785
2: Increase Poison Counter by 25
3: Decrease Current HP by 22301 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 25 poison counters, causing 27785 poison damage initially, and between 22301 and 22301 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
68006Forgebound Blood Rk. II121198000s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 35
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 29174
2: Increase Poison Counter by 25
3: Decrease Current HP by 23416 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 25 poison counters, causing 29174 poison damage initially, and between 23416 and 23416 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
68007Forgebound Blood Rk. III121209880s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 36
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 30633
2: Increase Poison Counter by 25
3: Decrease Current HP by 24587 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 25 poison counters, causing 30633 poison damage initially, and between 24587 and 24587 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
68088Magna's Aggression12127495s1.5s T1375m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 17.5%
4: Decrease AC by 72 to 95, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 37%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 25%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 28%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 25%, increases its accuracy by 37%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 28%, at the cost of losing 17.51% of its maximum health and 1091 armor class.
68089Magna's Aggression Rk. II12129145s1.5s T1375m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 18.4%
4: Decrease AC by 76 to 100, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 38%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 25%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 29%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 25%, increases its accuracy by 38%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 29%, at the cost of losing 18.39% of its maximum health and 1146 armor class.
68090Magna's Aggression Rk. III12130895s1.5s T1375m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 19.3%
4: Decrease AC by 80 to 105, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 39%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 25%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 30%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 25%, increases its accuracy by 39%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 30%, at the cost of losing 19.31% of its maximum health and 1203 armor class.
68091Magna's Protection12127495s1.5s T1375m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 23.4%
4: Increase AC by 72 to 95, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 25%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 23.42%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 1091, and the amount of hatred it generates by 25%, but lowers its accuracy by 34%.
68092Magna's Protection Rk. II12129145s1.5s T1375m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 24.6%
4: Increase AC by 76 to 100, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 25%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 24.59%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 1146, and the amount of hatred it generates by 25%, but lowers its accuracy by 34%.
68093Magna's Protection Rk. III12130895s1.5s T1375m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 25.8%
4: Increase AC by 80 to 105, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 25%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 25.82%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 1203, and the amount of hatred it generates by 25%, but lowers its accuracy by 34%.
70585Reciprocal Fury121176280.5s60s T196s+n/aTarget Group 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Reciprocal Fury (v470)
Imbues your group with the highest rank you know of Reciprocal Fury 1, adding HP, Mana, and Endurance, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, and increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
68002Salve of Homer12140671s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 70924
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 89
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 89
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 89
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 60
6: Increase Current HP by 21456 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 70924 and 70924 hit points, as well as removing 89 disease counters, 89 poison counters, 89 curse counters, and 60 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 21456 healing to warders that are severely injured.
68003Salve of Homer Rk. II12143111s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 74470
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 89
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 89
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 89
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 60
6: Increase Current HP by 22529 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 74470 and 74470 hit points, as well as removing 89 disease counters, 89 poison counters, 89 curse counters, and 60 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 22529 healing to warders that are severely injured.
68004Salve of Homer Rk. III12145701s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 78194
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 89
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 89
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 89
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 60
6: Increase Current HP by 23655 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 78194 and 78194 hit points, as well as removing 89 disease counters, 89 poison counters, 89 curse counters, and 60 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 23655 healing to warders that are severely injured.
68115Warder's Alliance12132565s0s 75m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid VII Azia (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be protected by Forecasted Aid VII Azia, and then healed for 11232 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds when the protection fades.
68116Warder's Alliance Rk. II12134515s0s 75m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid VII Beza (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be protected by Forecasted Aid VII Beza, and then healed for 11794 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds when the protection fades.
68117Warder's Alliance Rk. III12136585s0s 75m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid VII Caza (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be protected by Forecasted Aid VII Caza, and then healed for 12384 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds when the protection fades.
64184Ander's Call1200s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bellow at the Moon Call (91% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Bellow at the Moon (9% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 9% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
64185Ander's Call II1200s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bellow at the Moon Call (90% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Bellow at the Moon (10% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 10% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
64186Ander's Call III1200s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bellow at the Moon Call (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Bellow at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
64178Ander's Feralgia12034553s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Ander's Call (v374)
2: Cast: Ander's Growl (v374)
Blesses your warder with Ander's Growl and attacks your target with Ander's Call.
64179Ander's Feralgia Rk. II12036623s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Ander's Call II (v374)
2: Cast: Ander's Growl II (v374)
Blesses your warder with Ander's Growl II and attacks your target with Ander's Call II.
64180Ander's Feralgia Rk. III12038823s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Ander's Call III (v374)
2: Cast: Ander's Growl III (v374)
Blesses your warder with Ander's Growl III and attacks your target with Ander's Call III.
64181Ander's Growl1200s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Clouded Leopard
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1709 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 10714
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 10714, heals for 1709 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
64182Ander's Growl II1200s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Clouded Leopard II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1794 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 11250
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 11250, heals for 1794 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
64183Ander's Growl III1200s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Clouded Leopard III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1884 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 11813
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 11813, heals for 1884 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
64173Bellow at the Moon12021943s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bellow at the Moon Call (82% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Bellow at the Moon (18% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 18% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
64174Bellow at the Moon Rk. II12023263s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bellow at the Moon Call (80% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Bellow at the Moon (20% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 20% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
64175Bellow at the Moon Rk. III12024663s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bellow at the Moon Call (76% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Bellow at the Moon (24% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 24% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
64176Bellow at the Moon1200s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS24L120Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
64177Bellow at the Moon Call1200s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS24L120Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
64202Chieftain's Unity12064526s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vigor (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Erudition (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vigor and Spiritual Erudition.
65584Kejaan's Vindication12027430s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Kejaan's Vindication Effect (v374)
This discipline will trigger Kejaan's Vindictiveness each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
65585Kejaan's Vindication Rk. II12028800s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Kejaan's Vindication Effect II (v374)
This discipline will trigger Kejaan's Vindictiveness II each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
65586Kejaan's Vindication Rk. III12030240s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Kejaan's Vindication Effect III (v374)
This discipline will trigger Kejaan's Vindictiveness III each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
64167Spellbreaker's Fortress12014323s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 141600
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending VI Azia on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 141600 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 8110 hit points.
64168Spellbreaker's Fortress Rk. II12015183s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 148680
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending VI Beza on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 148680 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 8516 hit points.
64169Spellbreaker's Fortress Rk. III12016093s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 156114
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending VI Caza on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 156114 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 8942 hit points.
64170Spellbreaker's Mending VI Azia1200s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 8110
Heals your target for up to 8110 hit points.
64171Spellbreaker's Mending VI Beza1200s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 8516
Heals your target for up to 8516 hit points.
64172Spellbreaker's Mending VI Caza1200s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 8942
Heals your target for up to 8942 hit points.
64196Va Xakra's Disease Strike1200s7.5s -Disease -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 13541
Deals 13541 disease damage to your target.
64197Va Xakra's Disease Strike II1200s7.5s -Disease -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 14218
Deals 14218 disease damage to your target.
64198Va Xakra's Disease Strike III1200s7.5s -Disease -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 14929
Deals 14929 disease damage to your target.
64199Va Xakra's Ice Strike1200s7.5s -Cold -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 12407
Deals 12407 cold damage to your target.
64200Va Xakra's Ice Strike II1200s7.5s -Cold -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 13027
Deals 13027 cold damage to your target.
64201Va Xakra's Ice Strike III1200s7.5s -Cold -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 13678
Deals 13678 cold damage to your target.
64187Va Xakra's Maelstrom12047550.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Va Xakra's Maelstrom Chance (v374)
3: Cast: Va Xakra's Poison Strike (v374)
4: Cast: Va Xakra's Disease Strike (v374)
5: Cast: Va Xakra's Ice Strike (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Va Xakra's Poison Strike for 12830 poison damage, Va Xakra's Disease Strike for 13541 disease damage, and Va Xakra's Ice Strike for 12407 ice damage. Va Xakra's Maelstrom Chance will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
64188Va Xakra's Maelstrom Rk. II12050400.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Va Xakra's Maelstrom Chance II (v374)
3: Cast: Va Xakra's Poison Strike II (v374)
4: Cast: Va Xakra's Disease Strike II (v374)
5: Cast: Va Xakra's Ice Strike II (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Va Xakra's Poison Strike II for 13472 poison damage, Va Xakra's Disease Strike II for 14218 disease damage, and Va Xakra's Ice Strike II for 13027 ice damage. Va Xakra's Maelstrom Chance II will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
64189Va Xakra's Maelstrom Rk. III12053420.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Va Xakra's Maelstrom Chance III (v374)
3: Cast: Va Xakra's Poison Strike III (v374)
4: Cast: Va Xakra's Disease Strike III (v374)
5: Cast: Va Xakra's Ice Strike III (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Va Xakra's Poison Strike III for 14146 poison damage, Va Xakra's Disease Strike III for 14929 disease damage, and Va Xakra's Ice Strike III for 13678 ice damage. Va Xakra's Maelstrom Chance III will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
64193Va Xakra's Poison Strike1200s7.5s -Poison -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 12830
Deals 12830 poison damage to your target.
64194Va Xakra's Poison Strike II1200s7.5s -Poison -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 13472
Deals 13472 poison damage to your target.
64195Va Xakra's Poison Strike III1200s7.5s -Poison -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 14146
Deals 14146 poison damage to your target.
63334Aegis of Rumblecrush11913576s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 59500
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 59500 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
63335Aegis of Rumblecrush Rk. II11914386s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 62500
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 62500 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
63336Aegis of Rumblecrush Rk. III11915246s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 65500
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 65500 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
64151Clobber1194000s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1832
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 596 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 596 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 596 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage Hand to Hand attacks of base damage 596.
64152Clobber Rk. II1194200s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1924
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 611 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 611 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 611 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage Hand to Hand attacks of base damage 611.
64153Clobber Rk. III1194410s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 2020
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 626 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 626 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 626 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage Hand to Hand attacks of base damage 626.
64166Comrade's Unity1192466.5s1.5s 6s+n/aPet 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Unsurpassed Velocity (v470)
2: Cast: Highest Rank of Spirit of Siver (v470)
Grants your warder the highest ranks you know of Unsurpassed Velocity and Spirit of Siver.
64154Growl of the Clouded Leopard11927421.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Clouded Leopard (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 1506 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 10714
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1506 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 10714 for 60 seconds.
64155Growl of the Clouded Leopard Rk. II11929071.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Clouded Leopard II (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 1581 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 11250
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1581 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 11250 for 60 seconds.
64156Growl of the Clouded Leopard Rk. III11930811.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Clouded Leopard III (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 1660 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 11813
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1660 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 11813 for 60 seconds.
64157Growl of the Clouded Leopard119100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1506 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 10714
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1506 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 10714 for 60 seconds.
64158Growl of the Clouded Leopard II119100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1581 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 11250
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1581 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 11250 for 60 seconds.
64159Growl of the Clouded Leopard III119100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1660 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 11813
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1660 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 11813 for 60 seconds.
64160Polar Roar11931090.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 24519
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 24519 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
64161Polar Roar Rk. II11932960.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 25745
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 25745 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
64162Polar Roar Rk. III11934940.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 27032
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 27032 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
64145Spirit of Siver1196363s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Siver Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 2179 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 12500 and can stun targets up to level 123 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
64146Spirit of Siver Rk. II1196743s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Siver Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 2288 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 12500 and can stun targets up to level 123 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
64147Spirit of Siver Rk. III1197143s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Siver Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 2402 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 12500 and can stun targets up to level 123 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
64163Sylra Fris' Chill119120560s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 13
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 19533
2: Decrease Current HP by 17627 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 24
An icy chill adds 24 poison counters and causes 19533 cold damage initially and between 17627 and 17627 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
64164Sylra Fris' Chill Rk. II119127790s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 14
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 20510
2: Decrease Current HP by 18068 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 24
An icy chill adds 24 poison counters and causes 20510 cold damage initially and between 18068 and 18068 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
64165Sylra Fris' Chill Rk. III119135460s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 15
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 21536
2: Decrease Current HP by 18520 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 24
An icy chill adds 24 poison counters and causes 21536 cold damage initially and between 18520 and 18520 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
64130Frozen Blight11831120.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Blight Poison (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Blight Ice (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 582
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Blight on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 582 while dealing up to 12300 poison damage and 10430 cold damage.
64131Frozen Blight Rk. II11832990.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Blight Poison II (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Blight Ice II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 582
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Blight Rk. II on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 582 while dealing up to 12915 poison damage and 10952 cold damage.
64132Frozen Blight Rk. III11834970.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Blight Poison III (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Blight Ice III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 582
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Blight Rk. III on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 582 while dealing up to 13561 poison damage and 11500 cold damage.
64136Frozen Blight Ice1180s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 10430
Freezes your target, dealing up to 10430 damage.
64137Frozen Blight Ice II1180s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 10952
Freezes your target, dealing up to 10952 damage.
64138Frozen Blight Ice III1180s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 11500
Freezes your target, dealing up to 11500 damage.
64133Frozen Blight Poison1180s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 12300
Poisons your target, dealing up to 12300 damage.
64134Frozen Blight Poison II1180s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 12915
Poisons your target, dealing up to 12915 damage.
64135Frozen Blight Poison III1180s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 13561
Poisons your target, dealing up to 13561 damage.
64055Promised Relief11815020.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Relief Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (91837)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 91837
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 91837
Casts Promised Relief Trigger on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 91837.
64056Promised Relief Rk. II11815920.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Relief Trigger II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (96429)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 96429
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 96429
Casts Promised Relief Trigger II on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 96429.
64057Promised Relief Rk. III11816880.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Relief Trigger III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (101250)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 101250
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 101250
Casts Promised Relief Trigger III on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 101250.
64058Promised Relief Trigger1180s0s -n/aPet Hate: 2000
1: Increase Current HP by 91837
Heals your pet for 91837 hit points.
64059Promised Relief Trigger II1180s0s -n/aPet Hate: 2000
1: Increase Current HP by 96429
Heals your pet for 96429 hit points.
64060Promised Relief Trigger III1180s0s -n/aPet Hate: 2000
1: Increase Current HP by 101250
Heals your pet for 101250 hit points.
64139Protective Warder11814811s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Protective Heal with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 13529 hit points. This power will fade after 48 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
64140Protective Warder Rk. II11815701s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Protective Heal II with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 14205 hit points. This power will fade after 48 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
64141Protective Warder Rk. III11816641s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Protective Heal III with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 14915 hit points. This power will fade after 48 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
64203Spirit of Panthea1189006s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS24L118Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
64126Spiritual Erudition11839065s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 192 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 188 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 10 per tick
Envelops your group in Spiritual Erudition, restoring 188 hit points, 192 mana, and 10 endurance every six seconds for 72 minutes.
64123Unsurpassed Velocity11823106.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 586
6: Increase AC by 178 to 235, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 2685, and attack rating by 586 for 60 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity on your group.
64124Unsurpassed Velocity Rk. II11824496.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 615
6: Increase AC by 187 to 246, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 2819, and attack rating by 615 for 60 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity II on your group.
64125Unsurpassed Velocity Rk. III11825966.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 646
6: Increase AC by 196 to 259, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 2960, and attack rating by 646 for 60 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity III on your group.
65572Venomous Conjunction118183890.5s60s T2118s+Magic -15Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 10
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 58275 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 111
6: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3850
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Resolution IV Azia if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 58275 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 111 to 125 that deal at least 3850 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Resolution IV Azia, dealing 3435319 damage to the target!
65573Venomous Conjunction Rk. II118194920.5s60s T2118s+Magic -15Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 11
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 61189 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 111
6: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3850
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Resolution IV Beza if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 61189 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 111 to 125 that deal at least 3850 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Resolution IV Beza, dealing 3607085 damage to the target!
65574Venomous Conjunction Rk. III118206620.5s60s T2118s+Magic -15Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 12
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 64248 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 111
6: Limit Max Level: 125 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3850
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Resolution IV Caza if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 64248 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 111 to 125 that deal at least 3850 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Resolution IV Caza, dealing 3787439 damage to the target!
64127Zelniak's Bite11835880.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 21582
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 21582 poison damage.
64128Zelniak's Bite Rk. II11838030.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 22661
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 22661 poison damage.
64129Zelniak's Bite Rk. III11840310.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 23794
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 23794 poison damage.
65480Auspice of Valia11715821s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 161500
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 161500 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
65481Auspice of Valia Rk. II11716771s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 169500
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 169500 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
65482Auspice of Valia Rk. III11717781s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 178000
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 178000 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
64099Cissela's Melioration11728103s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 6963 per tick
2: Cast: Cissela's Miracle on Fade
Heals your warder for 6963 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience Cissela's Miracle, which heals for 26235 hit points.
64100Cissela's Melioration Rk. II11729793s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 7311 per tick
2: Cast: Cissela's Miracle Rk. II on Fade
Heals your warder for 7311 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience Cissela's Miracle Rk. II, which heals for 27547 hit points.
64101Cissela's Melioration Rk. III11731583s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 7677 per tick
2: Cast: Cissela's Miracle Rk. III on Fade
Heals your warder for 7677 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience Cissela's Miracle Rk. III, which heals for 28924 hit points.
64102Cissela's Miracle1170s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 26235
Heals you for 26235 hit points.
64103Cissela's Miracle Rk. II1170s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 27547
Heals you for 27547 hit points.
64104Cissela's Miracle Rk. III1170s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 28924
Heals you for 28924 hit points.
64093Crystalline Lance11725380.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 17378
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 17378 and 17378 cold damage.
64094Crystalline Lance Rk. II11726900.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 18247
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 18247 and 18247 cold damage.
64095Crystalline Lance Rk. III11728510.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 19159
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 19159 and 19159 cold damage.
64105Dire Bite1174633s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Dire Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a withering bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a crippling attack. This attack will reduce the target's agility by up to 171, strength by up to 171, and armor class by up to 208 for 24 seconds. It will also reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks.
64106Dire Bite Rk. II1174913s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Dire Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a withering bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a crippling attack. This attack will reduce the target's agility by up to 180, strength by up to 180, and armor class by up to 218 for 24 seconds. It will also reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks.
64107Dire Bite Rk. III1175203s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Dire Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a withering bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a crippling attack. This attack will reduce the target's agility by up to 189, strength by up to 189, and armor class by up to 229 for 24 seconds. It will also reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks.
64111Eruption of Claws1176980s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 420 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 420 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 504 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 462 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 420, 420, 504, and 462.
64112Eruption of Claws Rk. II1177330s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 431 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 431 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 517 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 474 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 431, 431, 517, and 474.
64113Eruption of Claws Rk. III1177700s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 442 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 442 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 530 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 486 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 442, 442, 530, and 486.
64089Korah's Mending11721993s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 14805
Mends severe wounds in an ally or your enemy's target, healing between 14805 and 14805 hit points.
64090Korah's Mending Rk. II11723313s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 15545
Mends severe wounds in an ally or your enemy's target, healing between 15545 and 15545 hit points.
64091Korah's Mending Rk. III11724713s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 16322
Mends severe wounds in an ally or your enemy's target, healing between 16322 and 16322 hit points.
64092Spiritual Vigor11716085s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 413
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 725
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 8650
4: Increase Max HP by 4703
Fills your group with Spiritual Vigor, increasing their hit points by 4703 and attack rating by 413 for 72 minutes.
64096Vampyric Endemic117115030s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 30
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Decrease Current HP by 13853 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 13853 and 13853 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
64097Vampyric Endemic Rk. II117121930s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 31
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Decrease Current HP by 14199 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 14199 and 14199 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
64098Vampyric Endemic Rk. III117129250s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 32
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 24
2: Decrease Current HP by 14554 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 14554 and 14554 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
64114Wearying Bite11713703s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Wearying Bite with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 1167 magical damage initially and 634 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 45 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 72 minutes.
64115Wearying Bite Rk. II11714523s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Wearying Bite II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 1225 magical damage initially and 666 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 46 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 72 minutes.
64116Wearying Bite Rk. III11715393s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Wearying Bite III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 1286 magical damage initially and 699 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 47 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 72 minutes.
64064Akhevan Blood116144570s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 31
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 22910
2: Increase Poison Counter by 24
3: Decrease Current HP by 20216 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 24 poison counters, causing 22910 poison damage initially, and between 20216 and 20216 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
64065Akhevan Blood Rk. II116153240s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 32
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 24056
2: Increase Poison Counter by 24
3: Decrease Current HP by 20721 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 24 poison counters, causing 24056 poison damage initially, and between 20721 and 20721 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
64066Akhevan Blood Rk. III116162430s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 33
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 25259
2: Increase Poison Counter by 24
3: Decrease Current HP by 21239 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 24 poison counters, causing 25259 poison damage initially, and between 21239 and 21239 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
64068Bestial Fierceness1165610s30s T760s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 174 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 42%
6: Cast: Warder's Fierceness (v374)
Increases your minimum melee damage by 174, your chance to hit harder by 42, your accuracy by 75%, and increases your warder's minimum damage by 174, its chance to hit harder by 47, and its accuracy by 75%.
64069Bestial Fierceness Rk. II1165890s30s T760s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 178 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 43%
6: Cast: Warder's Fierceness II (v374)
Increases your minimum melee damage by 178, your chance to hit harder by 43, your accuracy by 75%, and increases your warder's minimum damage by 178, its chance to hit harder by 47, and its accuracy by 75%.
64070Bestial Fierceness Rk. III1166180s30s T760s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 182 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 44%
6: Cast: Warder's Fierceness III (v374)
Increases your minimum melee damage by 182, your chance to hit harder by 44, your accuracy by 75%, and increases your warder's minimum damage by 182, its chance to hit harder by 47, and its accuracy by 75%.
64080Companion's Aid VI Azia1160s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 9262 per tick
Heals you for up to 9262 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
64081Companion's Aid VI Beza1160s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 9725 per tick
Heals you for up to 9725 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
64082Companion's Aid VI Caza1160s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 10211 per tick
Heals you for up to 10211 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
65565Ecliptic Fury116149390.5s60s T196s+n/aTarget Group 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Ecliptic Fury (v470)
Imbues your group with the highest rank you know of Ecliptic Fury 1, adding HP, Mana, and Endurance, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, and increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
64067Focus of Jaegir11618698s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 8960
2: Increase Current HP by 8960
4: Increase STR by 582
5: Increase DEX by 582
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 7405
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 7405
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 7405
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 7405
10: Increase STR Cap by 582
11: Increase DEX Cap by 582
Imbues your group with mystical focus, increasing their strength and strength cap by 582, dexterity and dexterity cap by 582, and hit points by 8960 for 30 minutes.
62000Night's Calming11630 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 11137 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 30% or 163000
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 11137 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 30% of your maximum or 163000 total, whichever is lower.
62001Night's Calming Rk. II11630 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 11694 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 33% or 171000
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 11694 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 33% of your maximum or 171000 total, whichever is lower.
62002Night's Calming Rk. III11630 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 12279 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 35% or 180000
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 12279 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 35% of your maximum or 180000 total, whichever is lower.
64083Panthea's Aggression11618965s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 14.4%
4: Decrease AC by 60 to 79, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 37%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 25%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 26%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 25%, increases its accuracy by 37%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 26%, at the cost of losing 14.44% of its maximum health and 900 armor class.
64084Panthea's Aggression Rk. II11620105s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 15.2%
4: Decrease AC by 63 to 83, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 38%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 25%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 27%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 25%, increases its accuracy by 38%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 27%, at the cost of losing 15.16% of its maximum health and 945 armor class.
64085Panthea's Aggression Rk. III11621315s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 15.9%
4: Decrease AC by 66 to 87, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 39%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 25%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 28%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 25%, increases its accuracy by 39%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 28%, at the cost of losing 15.92% of its maximum health and 992 armor class.
64086Panthea's Protection11618965s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 19.3%
4: Increase AC by 60 to 79, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 25%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 19.31%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 900, and the amount of hatred it generates by 25%, but lowers its accuracy by 34%.
64087Panthea's Protection Rk. II11620105s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 20.3%
4: Increase AC by 63 to 83, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 25%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 20.28%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 945, and the amount of hatred it generates by 25%, but lowers its accuracy by 34%.
64088Panthea's Protection Rk. III11621315s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 21.3%
4: Increase AC by 66 to 87, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 25%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 21.29%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 992, and the amount of hatred it generates by 25%, but lowers its accuracy by 34%.
64061Salve of Jaegir11633671s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 58482
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 80
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 80
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 80
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 54
6: Increase Current HP by 17691 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 58482 and 58482 hit points, as well as removing 80 disease counters, 80 poison counters, 80 curse counters, and 54 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 17691 healing to warders that are severely injured.
64062Salve of Jaegir Rk. II11635691s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 61406
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 80
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 80
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 80
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 54
6: Increase Current HP by 18576 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 61406 and 61406 hit points, as well as removing 80 disease counters, 80 poison counters, 80 curse counters, and 54 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 18576 healing to warders that are severely injured.
64063Salve of Jaegir Rk. III11637831s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 64476
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 80
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 80
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 80
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 54
6: Increase Current HP by 19505 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 64476 and 64476 hit points, as well as removing 80 disease counters, 80 poison counters, 80 curse counters, and 54 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 19505 healing to warders that are severely injured.
64074Symbiotic Alliance11622465s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid VI Azia (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be protected by Forecasted Aid VI Azia, and then healed for 9262 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds when the protection fades.
64075Symbiotic Alliance Rk. II11623815s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid VI Beza (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be protected by Forecasted Aid VI Beza, and then healed for 9725 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds when the protection fades.
64076Symbiotic Alliance Rk. III11625245s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid VI Caza (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be protected by Forecasted Aid VI Caza, and then healed for 10211 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds when the protection fades.
64071Warder's Fierceness1160s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 174 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 47%
Increases your warder's minimum damage by 174, its chance to hit harder by 47, and its accuracy by 75%.
64072Warder's Fierceness II1160s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 178 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 47%
Increases your warder's minimum damage by 178, its chance to hit harder by 47, and its accuracy by 75%.
64073Warder's Fierceness III1160s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 182 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 47%
Increases your warder's minimum damage by 182, its chance to hit harder by 47, and its accuracy by 75%.
60691Bay at the Moon11518703s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bay at the Moon Call (82% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Baying at the Moon (18% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 18% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
60692Bay at the Moon Rk. II11519543s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bay at the Moon Call (80% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Baying at the Moon (20% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 20% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
60693Bay at the Moon Rk. III11520413s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bay at the Moon Call (76% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Baying at the Moon (24% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 24% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
60695Bay at the Moon Call1150s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS23L115Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
60694Baying at the Moon1150s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS23L115Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
60687Griklor's Call1150s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bay at the Moon Call (91% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Baying at the Moon (9% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 9% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
60688Griklor's Call II1150s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bay at the Moon Call (90% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Baying at the Moon (10% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 10% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
60689Griklor's Call III1150s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Bay at the Moon Call (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Baying at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
60681Griklor's Feralgia11529443s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Griklor's Call (v374)
2: Cast: Griklor's Growl (v374)
Blesses your warder with Griklor's Growl and attacks your target with Griklor's Call.
60682Griklor's Feralgia Rk. II11530763s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Griklor's Call II (v374)
2: Cast: Griklor's Growl II (v374)
Blesses your warder with Griklor's Growl II and attacks your target with Griklor's Call II.
60683Griklor's Feralgia Rk. III11532143s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Griklor's Call III (v374)
2: Cast: Griklor's Growl III (v374)
Blesses your warder with Griklor's Growl III and attacks your target with Griklor's Call III.
60684Griklor's Growl1150s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Lioness
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1240 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 8834
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 8834, heals for 1240 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
60685Griklor's Growl II1150s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Lioness II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1302 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 9276
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 9276, heals for 1302 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
60686Griklor's Growl III1150s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Lioness III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1367 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 9740
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 9740, heals for 1367 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
61604Ikatiar's Vindication11523360s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Ikatiar's Vindication Effect (v374)
This discipline will trigger Ikatiar's Vindictiveness each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
61605Ikatiar's Vindication Rk. II11524530s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Ikatiar's Vindication Effect II (v374)
This discipline will trigger Ikatiar's Vindictiveness II each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
61606Ikatiar's Vindication Rk. III11525760s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Ikatiar's Vindication Effect III (v374)
This discipline will trigger Ikatiar's Vindictiveness III each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
60690Reclaimer's Unity11553426s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vehemence (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Insight (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vehemence and Spiritual Insight.
60696Spellbreaker's Citadel11512193s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 116759
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending V Azia on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 116759 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 6688 hit points.
60697Spellbreaker's Citadel Rk. II11512743s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 122597
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending V Beza on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 122597 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 7022 hit points.
60698Spellbreaker's Citadel Rk. III11513323s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 128727
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 31
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending V Caza on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 128727 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 7373 hit points.
60699Spellbreaker's Mending V Azia1150s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 6688
Heals your target for up to 6688 hit points.
60700Spellbreaker's Mending V Beza1150s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 7022
Heals your target for up to 7022 hit points.
60701Spellbreaker's Mending V Caza1150s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 7373
Heals your target for up to 7373 hit points.
60711Vkjen's Disease Strike1150s7.5s -Disease -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 8965
Deals 8965 disease damage to your target.
60712Vkjen's Disease Strike II1150s7.5s -Disease -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 9413
Deals 9413 disease damage to your target.
60713Vkjen's Disease Strike III1150s7.5s -Disease -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 9884
Deals 9884 disease damage to your target.
60714Vkjen's Ice Strike1150s7.5s -Cold -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 8214
Deals 8214 cold damage to your target.
60715Vkjen's Ice Strike II1150s7.5s -Cold -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 8625
Deals 8625 cold damage to your target.
60716Vkjen's Ice Strike III1150s7.5s -Cold -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 9056
Deals 9056 cold damage to your target.
60702Vkjen's Maelstrom11535750.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Vkjen's Maelstrom Chance (v374)
3: Cast: Vkjen's Poison Strike (v374)
4: Cast: Vkjen's Disease Strike (v374)
5: Cast: Vkjen's Ice Strike (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Vkjen's Poison Strike for 8494 poison damage, Vkjen's Disease Strike for 8965 disease damage, and Vkjen's Ice Strike for 8214 ice damage. Vkjen's Maelstrom Chance will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
60703Vkjen's Maelstrom Rk. II11537360.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Vkjen's Maelstrom Chance II (v374)
3: Cast: Vkjen's Poison Strike II (v374)
4: Cast: Vkjen's Disease Strike II (v374)
5: Cast: Vkjen's Ice Strike II (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Vkjen's Poison Strike II for 8919 poison damage, Vkjen's Disease Strike II for 9413 disease damage, and Vkjen's Ice Strike II for 8625 ice damage. Vkjen's Maelstrom Chance II will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
60704Vkjen's Maelstrom Rk. III11539040.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Vkjen's Maelstrom Chance III (v374)
3: Cast: Vkjen's Poison Strike III (v374)
4: Cast: Vkjen's Disease Strike III (v374)
5: Cast: Vkjen's Ice Strike III (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Vkjen's Poison Strike III for 9365 poison damage, Vkjen's Disease Strike III for 9884 disease damage, and Vkjen's Ice Strike III for 9056 ice damage. Vkjen's Maelstrom Chance III will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
60708Vkjen's Poison Strike1150s7.5s -Poison -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 8494
Deals 8494 poison damage to your target.
60709Vkjen's Poison Strike II1150s7.5s -Poison -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 8919
Deals 8919 poison damage to your target.
60710Vkjen's Poison Strike III1150s7.5s -Poison -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 9365
Deals 9365 poison damage to your target.
59847Aegis of Orfur11411576s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 49100
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 49100 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
59848Aegis of Orfur Rk. II11412086s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 51600
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 51600 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
59849Aegis of Orfur Rk. III11412626s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 54200
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 54200 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
60659Ally's Unity1142046.5s1.5s 6s+n/aPet 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Astounding Velocity (v470)
2: Cast: Highest Rank of Spirit of Mandrikai (v470)
Grants your warder the highest ranks you know of Astounding Velocity and Spirit of Mandrikai.
60678Batter1143580s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1476
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 516 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 516 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 516 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage Hand to Hand attacks of base damage 516.
60679Batter Rk. II1143660s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1550
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 529 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 529 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 529 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage Hand to Hand attacks of base damage 529.
60680Batter Rk. III1143760s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1628
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 542 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 542 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 542 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage Hand to Hand attacks of base damage 542.
60660Endaroky's Chill114102710s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 10
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 16106
2: Decrease Current HP by 15228 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 22
An icy chill adds 22 poison counters and causes 16106 cold damage initially and between 15228 and 15228 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
60661Endaroky's Chill Rk. II114107330s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 11
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 16911
2: Decrease Current HP by 15989 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 22
An icy chill adds 22 poison counters and causes 16911 cold damage initially and between 15989 and 15989 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
60662Endaroky's Chill Rk. III114112150s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 12
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 17757
2: Decrease Current HP by 16788 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 22
An icy chill adds 22 poison counters and causes 17757 cold damage initially and between 16788 and 16788 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
60666Growl of the Lioness11423351.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Lioness (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 1093 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 8834
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1093 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 8834 for 60 seconds.
60667Growl of the Lioness Rk. II11424411.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Lioness II (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 1148 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 9276
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1148 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 9276 for 60 seconds.
60668Growl of the Lioness Rk. III11425511.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Lioness III (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 1205 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 9740
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1205 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 9740 for 60 seconds.
60669Growl of the Lioness114100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1093 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 8834
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1093 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 8834 for 60 seconds.
60670Growl of the Lioness II114100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1148 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 9276
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1148 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 9276 for 60 seconds.
60671Growl of the Lioness III114100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 1205 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 9740
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 1205 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 9740 for 60 seconds.
61613Reflexive Riving1144600s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 1199 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 1199 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 1199 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 1199 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Riving (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four Hand to Hand attacks to your target and reflecting Reflected Riving, which restores up to 10505 endurance to your group.
61614Reflexive Riving Rk. II1144830s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 1259 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 1259 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 1259 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 1259 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Riving II (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
61615Reflexive Riving Rk. III1145070s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 1322 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 1322 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 1322 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 1322 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Riving III (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
60663Restless Roar11425880.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 17791
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 17791 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
60664Restless Roar Rk. II11427050.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 18681
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 18681 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
60665Restless Roar Rk. III11428260.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 19615
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 19615 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
60672Spirit of Mandrikai1145423s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Mandrikai Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 1797 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 10500 and can stun targets up to level 118 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
60673Spirit of Mandrikai Rk. II1145663s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Mandrikai Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 1887 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 10500 and can stun targets up to level 118 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
60674Spirit of Mandrikai Rk. III1145923s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Mandrikai Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 1981 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 10500 and can stun targets up to level 118 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
60717Astounding Velocity11319686.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 484
6: Increase AC by 147 to 194, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 2214, and attack rating by 484 for 60 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity on your group.
60718Astounding Velocity Rk. II11320576.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 508
6: Increase AC by 154 to 203, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 2325, and attack rating by 508 for 60 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity II on your group.
60719Astounding Velocity Rk. III11321496.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 533
6: Increase AC by 162 to 214, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 2441, and attack rating by 533 for 60 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity III on your group.
60643Bloodmaw's Bite11326980.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 14289
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 14289 poison damage.
60644Bloodmaw's Bite Rk. II11328190.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 15003
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 15003 poison damage.
60645Bloodmaw's Bite Rk. III11329460.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 15753
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 15753 poison damage.
60649Frozen Malignance11323400.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Malignance Poison (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Malignance Ice (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 554
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Malignance on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 554 while dealing up to 8925 poison damage and 7569 cold damage.
60650Frozen Malignance Rk. II11324460.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Malignance Poison II (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Malignance Ice II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 554
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Malignance Rk. II on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 554 while dealing up to 9371 poison damage and 7947 cold damage.
60651Frozen Malignance Rk. III11325560.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Malignance Poison III (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Malignance Ice III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 554
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Malignance Rk. III on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 554 while dealing up to 9840 poison damage and 8344 cold damage.
60655Frozen Malignance Ice1130s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 7569
Freezes your target, dealing up to 7569 damage.
60656Frozen Malignance Ice II1130s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 7947
Freezes your target, dealing up to 7947 damage.
60657Frozen Malignance Ice III1130s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 8344
Freezes your target, dealing up to 8344 damage.
60652Frozen Malignance Poison1130s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 8925
Poisons your target, dealing up to 8925 damage.
60653Frozen Malignance Poison II1130s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 9371
Poisons your target, dealing up to 9371 damage.
60654Frozen Malignance Poison III1130s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 9840
Poisons your target, dealing up to 9840 damage.
60574Promised Healing11312790.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Healing Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (75726)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 75726
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 75726
Casts Promised Healing Trigger on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 75726.
60575Promised Healing Rk. II11313370.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Healing Trigger II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (79512)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 79512
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 79512
Casts Promised Healing Trigger II on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 79512.
60576Promised Healing Rk. III11313970.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Healing Trigger III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (83488)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 83488
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 83488
Casts Promised Healing Trigger III on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 83488.
60577Promised Healing Trigger1130s0s -n/aPet Hate: 2000
1: Increase Current HP by 75726
Heals your pet for 75726 hit points.
60578Promised Healing Trigger II1130s0s -n/aPet Hate: 2000
1: Increase Current HP by 79512
Heals your pet for 79512 hit points.
60579Promised Healing Trigger III1130s0s -n/aPet Hate: 2000
1: Increase Current HP by 83488
Heals your pet for 83488 hit points.
60658Spirit of Blizzent1137456s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS23L113Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
60640Spiritual Insight11332345s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 159 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 155 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 7 per tick
Envelops your group in Spiritual Insight, restoring 155 hit points, 159 mana, and 7 endurance every six seconds for 72 minutes.
60634Sympathetic Warder11312621s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Sympathetic Heal with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 11155 hit points. This power will fade after 48 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
60635Sympathetic Warder Rk. II11313191s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Sympathetic Heal II with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 11713 hit points. This power will fade after 48 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
60636Sympathetic Warder Rk. III11313781s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Sympathetic Heal III with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 12299 hit points. This power will fade after 48 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
61598Venomous Coalition113148780.5s60s T2118s+Magic -10Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 7
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 48051 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 106
6: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3650
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Resolution III Azia if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 48051 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 106 to 120 that deal at least 3650 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Resolution III Azia, dealing 2832669 damage to the target!
61599Venomous Coalition Rk. II113157710.5s60s T2118s+Magic -10Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 8
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 50454 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 106
6: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3650
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Resolution III Beza if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 50454 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 106 to 120 that deal at least 3650 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Resolution III Beza, dealing 2974302 damage to the target!
61600Venomous Coalition Rk. III113167170.5s60s T2118s+Magic -10Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 9
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 52977 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 106
6: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3650
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Resolution III Caza if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 52977 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 106 to 120 that deal at least 3650 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Resolution III Caza, dealing 3123017 damage to the target!
61540Auspice of Kildrukaun11213101s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 127538
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 127538 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
61541Auspice of Kildrukaun Rk. II11213891s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 133915
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 133915 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
61542Auspice of Kildrukaun Rk. III11214721s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 140611
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 140611 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
60619Bethun's Mending11218743s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 12208
Mends severe wounds in an ally or your enemy's target, healing between 12208 and 12208 hit points.
60620Bethun's Mending Rk. II11219583s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 12818
Mends severe wounds in an ally or your enemy's target, healing between 12818 and 12818 hit points.
60621Bethun's Mending Rk. III11220463s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 13459
Mends severe wounds in an ally or your enemy's target, healing between 13459 and 13459 hit points.
60604Depleting Bite11211663s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Depleting Bite with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 1010 magical damage initially and 523 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 43 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 72 minutes.
60605Depleting Bite Rk. II11212193s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Depleting Bite II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 1035 magical damage initially and 549 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 44 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 72 minutes.
60606Depleting Bite Rk. III11212743s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Depleting Bite III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 1061 magical damage initially and 576 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 45 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 72 minutes.
60628Kallis' Melioration11223933s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 5742 per tick
2: Cast: Kallis' Miracle on Fade
Heals your warder for 5742 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience Kallis' Miracle, which heals for 21632 hit points.
60629Kallis' Melioration Rk. II11225013s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 6029 per tick
2: Cast: Kallis' Miracle II on Fade
Heals your warder for 6029 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience Kallis' Miracle II, which heals for 22714 hit points.
60630Kallis' Melioration Rk. III11226143s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 6330 per tick
2: Cast: Kallis' Miracle III on Fade
Heals your warder for 6330 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience Kallis' Miracle III, which heals for 23850 hit points.
60631Kallis' Miracle1120s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 21632
Heals you for 21632 hit points.
60632Kallis' Miracle II1120s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 22714
Heals you for 22714 hit points.
60633Kallis' Miracle III1120s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 23850
Heals you for 23850 hit points.
60616Maelstrom of Claws1126240s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 364 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 364 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 436 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 400 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 364, 364, 436, and 400.
60617Maelstrom of Claws Rk. II1126400s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 373 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 373 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 447 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 410 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 373, 373, 447, and 410.
60618Maelstrom of Claws Rk. III1126550s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 382 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 382 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 458 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 420 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 382, 382, 458, and 420.
60622Neemzaq's Endemic11297990s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 27
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 22
2: Decrease Current HP by 11967 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 11967 and 11967 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
60623Neemzaq's Endemic Rk. II112102400s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 28
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 22
2: Decrease Current HP by 12565 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 12565 and 12565 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
60624Neemzaq's Endemic Rk. III112107000s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 29
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 22
2: Decrease Current HP by 13193 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 13193 and 13193 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
60613Restless Lance11219080.5s30s T11-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 11506
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 11506 and 11506 cold damage.
60614Restless Lance Rk. II11219940.5s30s T11-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 12081
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 12081 and 12081 cold damage.
60615Restless Lance Rk. III11220840.5s30s T11-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 12685
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 12685 and 12685 cold damage.
60625Spiritual Vehemence11213315s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 341
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 625
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 7175
4: Increase Max HP by 3887
Fills your group with Spiritual Vehemence, increasing their hit points by 3887 and attack rating by 341 for 72 minutes.
60586Companion's Aid V Azia1110s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 7637 per tick
Heals you for up to 7637 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
60587Companion's Aid V Beza1110s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 8019 per tick
Heals you for up to 8019 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
60588Companion's Aid V Caza1110s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 8420 per tick
Heals you for up to 8420 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
61591Composite Fury111129900.5s60s T196s+n/aTarget Group 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Composite Fury (v470)
Imbues your group with the highest rank you know of Composite Fury 1, adding HP, Mana, and Endurance, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, and increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
60589Focus of Tobart11115478s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 7405
2: Increase Current HP by 7405
4: Increase STR by 481
5: Increase DEX by 481
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 7405
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 7405
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 7405
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 7405
10: Increase STR Cap by 481
11: Increase DEX Cap by 481
Imbues your group with mystical focus, increasing their strength and strength cap by 481, dexterity and dexterity cap by 481, and hit points by 7405 for 30 minutes.
60592Horasug's Aggression11116155s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 11.9%
4: Decrease AC by 43 to 57, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 37%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 24%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 23%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 24%, increases its accuracy by 37%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 23%, at the cost of losing 11.9% of its maximum health and 653 armor class.
60593Horasug's Aggression Rk. II11116885s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 12.5%
4: Decrease AC by 45 to 60, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 38%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 25%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 24%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 25%, increases its accuracy by 38%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 24%, at the cost of losing 12.5% of its maximum health and 686 armor class.
60594Horasug's Aggression Rk. III11117645s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 13.1%
4: Decrease AC by 48 to 63, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 39%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 25%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 25%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 25%, increases its accuracy by 39%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 25%, at the cost of losing 13.13% of its maximum health and 720 armor class.
60595Horasug's Protection11116155s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 15.9%
4: Increase AC by 43 to 57, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 25%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 15.91%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 653, and the amount of hatred it generates by 25%, but lowers its accuracy by 34%.
60596Horasug's Protection Rk. II11116885s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 16.7%
4: Increase AC by 45 to 60, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 25%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 16.71%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 686, and the amount of hatred it generates by 25%, but lowers its accuracy by 34%.
60597Horasug's Protection Rk. III11117645s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 17.6%
4: Increase AC by 48 to 63, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 25%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 17.55%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 720, and the amount of hatred it generates by 25%, but lowers its accuracy by 34%.
60601Ikatiar's Blood111123140s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 28
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 18890
2: Increase Poison Counter by 22
3: Decrease Current HP by 17463 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 22 poison counters, causing 18890 poison damage initially, and between 17463 and 17463 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
60602Ikatiar's Blood Rk. II111128690s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 29
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 19835
2: Increase Poison Counter by 22
3: Decrease Current HP by 18336 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 22 poison counters, causing 19835 poison damage initially, and between 18336 and 18336 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
60603Ikatiar's Blood Rk. III111134480s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 30
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 20827
2: Increase Poison Counter by 22
3: Decrease Current HP by 19253 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 22 poison counters, causing 20827 poison damage initially, and between 19253 and 19253 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
60580Natural Alliance11119135s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid V Azia (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be protected by Forecasted Aid V Azia, and then healed for 7637 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds when the protection fades.
60581Natural Alliance Rk. II11119995s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid V Beza (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be protected by Forecasted Aid V Beza, and then healed for 8019 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds when the protection fades.
60582Natural Alliance Rk. III11120895s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid V Caza (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be protected by Forecasted Aid V Caza, and then healed for 8420 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds when the protection fades.
58500Relax11130 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 9621 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 30% or 118000
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 9621 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 30% of your maximum or 118000 total, whichever is lower.
58501Relax Rk. II11130 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 10102 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 33% or 124000
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 10102 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 33% of your maximum or 124000 total, whichever is lower.
58502Relax Rk. III11130 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 10607 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 35% or 130000
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 10607 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 35% of your maximum or 130000 total, whichever is lower.
60598Salve of Tobart11128681s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 48222
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 76
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 75
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 75
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 51
6: Increase Current HP by 14588 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 48222 and 48222 hit points, as well as removing 76 disease counters, 75 poison counters, 75 curse counters, and 51 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 14588 healing to warders that are severely injured.
60599Salve of Tobart Rk. II11129981s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 50633
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 76
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 75
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 75
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 51
6: Increase Current HP by 15317 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 50633 and 50633 hit points, as well as removing 76 disease counters, 75 poison counters, 75 curse counters, and 51 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 15317 healing to warders that are severely injured.
60600Salve of Tobart Rk. III11131321s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 53165
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 76
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 75
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 75
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 51
6: Increase Current HP by 16083 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 53165 and 53165 hit points, as well as removing 76 disease counters, 75 poison counters, 75 curse counters, and 51 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 16083 healing to warders that are severely injured.
57459Akalit's Call1100s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Roar at the Moon Call (91% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Roaring at the Moon (9% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 9% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
57460Akalit's Call II1100s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Roar at the Moon Call (90% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Roaring at the Moon (10% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 10% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
57461Akalit's Call III1100s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Roar at the Moon Call (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Roaring at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
57453Akalit's Feralgia11024533s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Akalit's Call (v374)
2: Cast: Akalit's Growl (v374)
Blesses your warder with Akalit's Growl and attacks your target with Akalit's Call.
57454Akalit's Feralgia Rk. II11025633s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Akalit's Call II (v374)
2: Cast: Akalit's Growl II (v374)
Blesses your warder with Akalit's Growl II and attacks your target with Akalit's Call II.
57455Akalit's Feralgia Rk. III11026783s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Akalit's Call III (v374)
2: Cast: Akalit's Growl III (v374)
Blesses your warder with Akalit's Growl III and attacks your target with Akalit's Call III.
57456Akalit's Growl1100s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Sabretooth
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 900 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 7285
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 7285, heals for 900 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
57457Akalit's Growl II1100s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Sabretooth II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 945 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 7649
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 7649, heals for 945 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
57458Akalit's Growl III1100s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Sabretooth III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 992 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 8031
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 8031, heals for 992 points every six seconds, and increases its melee damage by 20%.
57485Beramos' Disease Strike1100s7.5s -Disease -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 7392
Deals 7392 disease damage to your target.
57486Beramos' Disease Strike II1100s7.5s -Disease -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 7762
Deals 7762 disease damage to your target.
57487Beramos' Disease Strike III1100s7.5s -Disease -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 8150
Deals 8150 disease damage to your target.
57488Beramos' Ice Strike1100s7.5s -Cold -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 6772
Deals 6772 cold damage to your target.
57489Beramos' Ice Strike II1100s7.5s -Cold -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 7111
Deals 7111 cold damage to your target.
57490Beramos' Ice Strike III1100s7.5s -Cold -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 7467
Deals 7467 cold damage to your target.
57476Beramos' Maelstrom11029790.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Beramos' Maelstrom Chance (v374)
3: Cast: Beramos' Poison Strike (v374)
4: Cast: Beramos' Disease Strike (v374)
5: Cast: Beramos' Ice Strike (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Beramos' Poison Strike for 7004 poison damage, Beramos' Disease Strike for 7392 disease damage, and Beramos' Ice Strike for 6772 ice damage. Beramos' Maelstrom Chance will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
57477Beramos' Maelstrom Rk. II11031130.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Beramos' Maelstrom Chance II (v374)
3: Cast: Beramos' Poison Strike II (v374)
4: Cast: Beramos' Disease Strike II (v374)
5: Cast: Beramos' Ice Strike II (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Beramos' Poison Strike II for 7354 poison damage, Beramos' Disease Strike II for 7762 disease damage, and Beramos' Ice Strike II for 7111 ice damage. Beramos' Maelstrom Chance II will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
57478Beramos' Maelstrom Rk. III11032530.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Beramos' Maelstrom Chance III (v374)
3: Cast: Beramos' Poison Strike III (v374)
4: Cast: Beramos' Disease Strike III (v374)
5: Cast: Beramos' Ice Strike III (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, casting Beramos' Poison Strike III for 7722 poison damage, Beramos' Disease Strike III for 8150 disease damage, and Beramos' Ice Strike III for 7467 ice damage. Beramos' Maelstrom Chance III will cause one of the three attacks to be repeated immediately.
57482Beramos' Poison Strike1100s7.5s -Poison -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 7004
Deals 7004 poison damage to your target.
57483Beramos' Poison Strike II1100s7.5s -Poison -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 7354
Deals 7354 poison damage to your target.
57484Beramos' Poison Strike III1100s7.5s -Poison -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 7722
Deals 7722 poison damage to your target.
57462Feralist's Unity11044526s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vibrancy (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Empowerment (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vibrancy and Spiritual Empowerment.
57463Feralist's Unity Rk. II11046166s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vibrancy Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Empowerment Rk. II (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vibrancy Rk. II and Spiritual Empowerment Rk. II.
57464Feralist's Unity Rk. III11047886s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vibrancy Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Empowerment Rk. III (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vibrancy Rk. III and Spiritual Empowerment Rk. III.
57465Roar at the Moon11015583s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Roar at the Moon Call (82% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Roaring at the Moon (18% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 18% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
57466Roar at the Moon Rk. II11016283s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Roar at the Moon Call (80% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Roaring at the Moon (20% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 20% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
57467Roar at the Moon Rk. III11017013s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Roar at the Moon Call (76% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Roaring at the Moon (24% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 24% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
57469Roar at the Moon Call1100s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS22L110Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
57468Roaring at the Moon1100s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS22L110Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
57470Spellbreaker's Keep11010163s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 84723
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending IV Azia on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 84723 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 5514 hit points.
57471Spellbreaker's Keep Rk. II11010623s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 88959
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending IV Beza on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 88959 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 5790 hit points.
57472Spellbreaker's Keep Rk. III11011103s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 93407
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending IV Caza on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that increases its ability to resist detrimental spells by 31% and absorbs 80% of incoming spell damage for 36 minutes or until it absorbs 93407 points of damage. If it fades due to absorbing too much damage, your warder will be healed for 6080 hit points.
57473Spellbreaker's Mending IV Azia1100s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 5514
Heals your target for up to 5514 hit points.
57474Spellbreaker's Mending IV Beza1100s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 5790
Heals your target for up to 5790 hit points.
57475Spellbreaker's Mending IV Caza1100s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 6080
Heals your target for up to 6080 hit points.
58251Venon's Vindication11020280s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Venon's Vindication Effect (v374)
This discipline will trigger Venon's Vindictiveness each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
58252Venon's Vindication Rk. II11021090s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Venon's Vindication Effect II (v374)
This discipline will trigger Venon's Vindictiveness II each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
58253Venon's Vindication Rk. III11021930s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Venon's Vindication Effect III (v374)
This discipline will trigger Venon's Vindictiveness III each time you cast Damage over Time spells and add a 30% chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks for 90 seconds.
56533Aegis of Zeklor1099646s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 35600
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 35600 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
56534Aegis of Zeklor Rk. II10910076s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 37400
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 37400 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
56535Aegis of Zeklor Rk. III10910526s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 39300
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 39300 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
57429Companion's Unity1091706.5s1.5s 6s+n/aPet 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Tremendous Velocity (v470)
2: Cast: Highest Rank of Spirit of Beramos (v470)
Grants your warder the highest ranks you know of Tremendous Velocity and Spirit of Beramos.
57432Ekron's Chill10985590s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 7
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 13913
2: Decrease Current HP by 12230 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 20
An icy chill adds 20 poison counters and causes 13913 cold damage initially and between 12010 and 12230 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
57433Ekron's Chill Rk. II10989440s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 8
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 14609
2: Decrease Current HP by 12831 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 20
An icy chill adds 20 poison counters and causes 14609 cold damage initially and between 12611 and 12831 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
57434Ekron's Chill Rk. III10993460s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 9
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 15339
2: Decrease Current HP by 13462 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 20
An icy chill adds 20 poison counters and causes 15339 cold damage initially and between 13242 and 13462 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
57435Frostbite Roar10921570.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 14670
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 14670 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
57436Frostbite Roar Rk. II10922540.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 15404
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 15404 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
57437Frostbite Roar Rk. III10923550.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 16174
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 16174 cold damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
57438Growl of the Sabretooth10919461.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Sabretooth (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 792 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 7285
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 792 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 7285 for 60 seconds.
57439Growl of the Sabretooth Rk. II10920341.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Sabretooth II (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 832 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 7649
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 832 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 7649 for 60 seconds.
57440Growl of the Sabretooth Rk. III10921261.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Sabretooth III (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 874 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 8031
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 874 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 8031 for 60 seconds.
57441Growl of the Sabretooth109100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 792 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 7285
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 792 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 7285 for 60 seconds.
57442Growl of the Sabretooth II109100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 832 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 7649
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 832 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 7649 for 60 seconds.
57443Growl of the Sabretooth III109100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 874 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 8031
You and your warder take the form of a great cat, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 874 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 8031 for 60 seconds.
57450Mangle1092980s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1230
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 447 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 447 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 447 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage attacks of base damage 447.
57451Mangle Rk. II1093050s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1292
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 458 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 458 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 458 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage attacks of base damage 458.
57452Mangle Rk. III1093130s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1357
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 469 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 469 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 469 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with 3 savage attacks of base damage 469.
57444Spirit of Beramos1094523s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Beramos Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 1482 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 875 and can stun targets up to level 113 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
57445Spirit of Beramos Rk. II1094723s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Beramos Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 1556 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 875 and can stun targets up to level 113 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
57446Spirit of Beramos Rk. III1094933s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Beramos Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a 1634 point magical attack which lowers the target's hatred for them by 875 and can stun targets up to level 113 for up to 1.5 seconds. Each attack reflects Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder.
57404Convivial Warder10810521s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Convivial Heal with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 9273 hit points. This power will fade after 48 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
57405Convivial Warder Rk. II10810991s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Convivial Heal II with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 9708 hit points. This power will fade after 48 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
57406Convivial Warder Rk. III10811481s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Convivial Heal III with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy for up to 10165 hit points. This power will fade after 48 minutes or after 16 heals have been triggered.
57419Frozen Toxin10819500.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Toxin Poison (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Toxin Ice (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 528
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Toxin on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 528 while dealing up to 7360 poison damage and 6241 cold damage.
57420Frozen Toxin Rk. II10820380.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Toxin Poison II (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Toxin Ice II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 528
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Toxin Rk. II on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 528 while dealing up to 7728 poison damage and 6553 cold damage.
57421Frozen Toxin Rk. III10821300.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Toxin Poison III (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Toxin Ice III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 528
4: Increase Current HP by 0
Ancient spirits inflict Frozen Toxin Rk. III on your target, increasing its hatred for you by 528 while dealing up to 8114 poison damage and 6881 cold damage.
57425Frozen Toxin Ice1080s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6241
Freezes your target, dealing up to 6241 damage.
57426Frozen Toxin Ice II1080s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6553
Freezes your target, dealing up to 6553 damage.
57427Frozen Toxin Ice III1080s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6881
Freezes your target, dealing up to 6881 damage.
57422Frozen Toxin Poison1080s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 7360
Poisons your target, dealing up to 7360 damage.
57423Frozen Toxin Poison II1080s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 7728
Poisons your target, dealing up to 7728 damage.
57424Frozen Toxin Poison III1080s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 8114
Poisons your target, dealing up to 8114 damage.
57413Mawmun's Bite10822480.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 11782
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 11782 poison damage.
57414Mawmun's Bite Rk. II10823490.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 12371
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 12371 poison damage.
57415Mawmun's Bite Rk. III10824550.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 12990
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 12990 poison damage.
56918Promised Alleviation10810660.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Alleviation Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (59727)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 59727
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 59727
Casts Promised Alleviation Trigger on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 59727.
56919Promised Alleviation Rk. II10811140.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Alleviation Trigger II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (62713)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 62713
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 62713
Casts Promised Alleviation Trigger II on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 62713.
56920Promised Alleviation Rk. III10811640.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Alleviation Trigger III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (65849)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 65849
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 65849
Casts Promised Alleviation Trigger III on your pet after 18 seconds has elapsed, which will heal it for 65849.
56921Promised Alleviation Trigger1080s0s -n/aPet Hate: 1800
1: Increase Current HP by 59727
Heals your pet for 59727 hit points.
56922Promised Alleviation Trigger II1080s0s -n/aPet Hate: 1800
1: Increase Current HP by 62713
Heals your pet for 62713 hit points.
56923Promised Alleviation Trigger III1080s0s -n/aPet Hate: 1800
1: Increase Current HP by 65849
Heals your pet for 65849 hit points.
57428Spirit of Akalit1086216s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS22L108Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
57410Spiritual Empowerment10825875s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 101 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 112 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 6 per tick
Envelops your group in Spiritual Empowerment, restoring 112 hit points, 101 mana, and 6 endurance every six seconds for 72 minutes.
57411Spiritual Empowerment Rk. II10827035s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 106 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 118 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 6 per tick
Envelops your group in Spiritual Empowerment Rk. II, restoring 118 hit points, 106 mana, and 6 endurance every six seconds for 72 minutes.
57412Spiritual Empowerment Rk. III10828255s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 111 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 124 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 7 per tick
Envelops your group in Spiritual Empowerment Rk. III, restoring 124 hit points, 111 mana, and 7 endurance every six seconds for 72 minutes.
57491Tremendous Velocity10816406.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 21% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 418
6: Increase AC by 121 to 160, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 21%, armor class by 1826, and attack rating by 418 for 60 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity on your group.
57492Tremendous Velocity Rk. II10817146.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 22% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 439
6: Increase AC by 127 to 168, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 22%, armor class by 1917, and attack rating by 439 for 60 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity II on your group.
57493Tremendous Velocity Rk. III10817916.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 461
6: Increase AC by 133 to 176, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed by 85%, melee damage by 23%, armor class by 2013, and attack rating by 461 for 60 minutes. Reflects Exceptional Velocity III on your group.
58245Venomous Covenant108123180.5s60s T2118s+Magic -10Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 4
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 39622 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 101
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3300
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Resolution if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 39622 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 101 to 115 that deal at least 3300 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Resolution, dealing 2335741 damage to the target!
58246Venomous Covenant Rk. II108130570.5s60s T2118s+Magic -10Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 5
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 41603 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 101
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3300
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Resolution II if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 41603 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 101 to 115 that deal at least 3300 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Resolution II, dealing 2452528 damage to the target!
58247Venomous Covenant Rk. III108138400.5s60s T2118s+Magic -10Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 6
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 43683 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 101
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3300
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Resolution III if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous covenant over your target, adding 43683 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 101 to 115 that deal at least 3300 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Resolution III, dealing 2575154 damage to the target!
58191Auspice of Esianti10710851s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 87836
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 87836 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
58192Auspice of Esianti Rk. II10711501s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 96620
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 96620 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
58193Auspice of Esianti Rk. III10712191s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 106282
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 106282 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
57368Debilitating Bite1073943s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Debilitating Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a withering bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a crippling attack. This attack will reduce the target's agility by up to 143, strength by up to 143, and armor class by up to 175 for 24 seconds. It will also reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks.
57369Debilitating Bite Rk. II1074123s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Debilitating Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a withering bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a crippling attack. This attack will reduce the target's agility by up to 144, strength by up to 144, and armor class by up to 177 for 24 seconds. It will also reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks.
57370Debilitating Bite Rk. III1074313s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Debilitating Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a withering bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform a crippling attack. This attack will reduce the target's agility by up to 145, strength by up to 145, and armor class by up to 179 for 24 seconds. It will also reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks.
57389Deltro's Mending10715623s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 10218
Mends severe wounds, healing between 9118 and 10218 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
57390Deltro's Mending Rk. II10716323s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 10674
Mends severe wounds, healing between 9574 and 10674 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
57391Deltro's Mending Rk. III10717053s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 11153
Mends severe wounds, healing between 10053 and 11153 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
57392Elkikatar's Endemic10781660s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 24
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 20
2: Decrease Current HP by 9658 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 9438 and 9658 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
57393Elkikatar's Endemic Rk. II10785330s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 25
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 20
2: Decrease Current HP by 10130 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 9910 and 10130 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
57394Elkikatar's Endemic Rk. III10789170s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 26
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 20
2: Decrease Current HP by 10626 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 10406 and 10626 disease damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
57374Exhausting Bite1079723s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Exhausting Bite with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 818 magical damage initially and 430 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 41 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 72 minutes.
57375Exhausting Bite Rk. II10710163s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Exhausting Bite II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 829 magical damage initially and 452 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 42 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 72 minutes.
57376Exhausting Bite Rk. III10710623s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Exhausting Bite III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity by 75 and giving them a chance to perform an attack which deals up to 840 magical damage initially and 475 damage every six seconds for 30 seconds. When this attack is triggered, it will restore 43 endurance to your group and reflect Prism Skin, which absorbs the next 2 attacks against your warder. This effect will fade after 20 reflections or 72 minutes.
57383Frostbite Lance10715900.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 9488
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 9488 and 9488 cold damage.
57384Frostbite Lance Rk. II10716620.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 9962
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 9962 and 9962 cold damage.
57385Frostbite Lance Rk. III10717370.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 10460
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 10460 and 10460 cold damage.
57395Spiritual Vibrancy10710655s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 255
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 430
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 4750
4: Increase Max HP by 2350
Fills your group with spiritual vivification, increasing their hit points by 2350 and attack rating by 255 for 72 minutes.
57396Spiritual Vibrancy Rk. II10711135s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 268
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 455
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 4865
4: Increase Max HP by 2468
Fills your group with spiritual vivification, increasing their hit points by 2468 and attack rating by 268 for 72 minutes.
57397Spiritual Vibrancy Rk. III10711635s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 281
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 490
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 5050
4: Increase Max HP by 2591
Fills your group with spiritual vivification, increasing their hit points by 2591 and attack rating by 281 for 72 minutes.
57386Storm of Claws1075200s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 277 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 277 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 332 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 304 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 277, 277, 332, and 304.
57387Storm of Claws Rk. II1075330s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 284 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 284 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 340 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 312 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 284, 284, 340, and 312.
57388Storm of Claws Rk. III1075460s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 291 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 291 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 349 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 320 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to 3 targets in front of you with melee attacks of base damage 291, 291, 349, and 320.
57398Virzak's Melioration10719943s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 4734 per tick
2: Cast: Virzak's Miracle on Fade
Heals your warder for 4734 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending that heals for 17837 hit points.
57399Virzak's Melioration Rk. II10720843s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 4971 per tick
2: Cast: Virzak's Miracle II on Fade
Heals your warder for 4971 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending that heals for 18729 hit points.
57400Virzak's Melioration Rk. III10721783s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 5220 per tick
2: Cast: Virzak's Miracle III on Fade
Heals your warder for 5220 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending that heals for 19665 hit points.
57401Virzak's Miracle1070s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 17837
Heals you for 17837 hit points.
57402Virzak's Miracle II1070s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 18729
Heals you for 18729 hit points.
57403Virzak's Miracle III1070s0s -n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 19665
Heals you for 19665 hit points.
57335Bestial Savagery1065010s30s T760s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 143 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 38%
6: Cast: Warder's Savagery (v374)
Increases your minimum melee damage by 143, your chance to hit harder by 38, your accuracy by 75%, and increases your warder's minimum damage by 143, its chance to hit harder by 45, and its accuracy by 75%.
57336Bestial Savagery Rk. II1065140s30s T760s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 150 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 39%
6: Cast: Warder's Savagery II (v374)
Increases your minimum melee damage by 150, your chance to hit harder by 39, your accuracy by 75%, and increases your warder's minimum damage by 150, its chance to hit harder by 45, and its accuracy by 75%.
57337Bestial Savagery Rk. III1065270s30s T760s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 158 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 40%
6: Cast: Warder's Savagery III (v374)
Increases your minimum melee damage by 158, your chance to hit harder by 40, your accuracy by 75%, and increases your warder's minimum damage by 158, its chance to hit harder by 45, and its accuracy by 75%.
57350Companion's Aid IV Azia1060s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 6297 per tick
Heals you for up to 6297 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
57351Companion's Aid IV Beza1060s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 6612 per tick
Heals you for up to 6612 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
57352Companion's Aid IV Caza1060s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 6943 per tick
Heals you for up to 6943 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
58238Dissident Fury106112960.5s60s T196s+n/aTarget Group 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Dissident Fury (v470)
Imbues your group with the highest rank you know of Dissident Fury 1, adding HP, Mana, and Endurance, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, and increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
57353Focus of Artikla10612898s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 5268
2: Increase Current HP by 5268
4: Increase STR by 332
5: Increase DEX by 332
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 332
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 332
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1332
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1332
10: Increase STR Cap by 332
11: Increase DEX Cap by 332
Imbues your group with mystical focus, increasing their strength and strength cap by 332, dexterity and dexterity cap by 332, and hit points by 5268 for 30 minutes.
57354Focus of Artikla Rk. II10613478s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 5531
2: Increase Current HP by 5531
4: Increase STR by 349
5: Increase DEX by 349
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 349
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 349
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1349
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1349
10: Increase STR Cap by 349
11: Increase DEX Cap by 349
Imbues your group with mystical focus, increasing their strength and strength cap by 349, dexterity and dexterity cap by 349, and hit points by 5531 for 30 minutes.
57355Focus of Artikla Rk. III10614088s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 5808
2: Increase Current HP by 5808
4: Increase STR by 366
5: Increase DEX by 366
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 366
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 366
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1366
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1366
10: Increase STR Cap by 366
11: Increase DEX Cap by 366
Imbues your group with mystical focus, increasing their strength and strength cap by 366, dexterity and dexterity cap by 366, and hit points by 5808 for 30 minutes.
55000Hiatus10630 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 8640 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 30% or 92500
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 8640 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 30% of your maximum or 92500 total, whichever is lower.
55001Hiatus Rk. II10630 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 9072 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 33% or 97500
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 9072 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 33% of your maximum or 97500 total, whichever is lower.
55002Hiatus Rk. III10630 + 1/sec0s6m T1348sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 9526 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 35% or 102500
9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000%
You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 9526 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 35% of your maximum or 102500 total, whichever is lower.
57344Natural Cooperation10615945s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid IV Azia (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be toughened to absorb the next 2500 melee damage it takes, and then healed for 6297 hit points ever six seconds for 24 seconds afterwards.
57345Natural Cooperation Rk. II10616665s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid IV Beza (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be toughened to absorb the next 2600 melee damage it takes, and then healed for 6612 hit points ever six seconds for 24 seconds afterwards.
57346Natural Cooperation Rk. III10617415s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid IV Caza (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. Your warder's skin will be toughened to absorb the next 2700 melee damage it takes, and then healed for 6943 hit points ever six seconds for 24 seconds afterwards.
57365Polybiad Blood106102620s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 25
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 16317
2: Increase Poison Counter by 20
3: Decrease Current HP by 13993 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 20 poison counters, causing 16317 poison damage initially, and between 13773 and 13993 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
57366Polybiad Blood Rk. II106107240s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 26
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 17133
2: Increase Poison Counter by 20
3: Decrease Current HP by 14682 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 20 poison counters, causing 17133 poison damage initially, and between 14462 and 14682 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
57367Polybiad Blood Rk. III106112070s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 27
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 17990
2: Increase Poison Counter by 20
3: Decrease Current HP by 15405 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, adding 20 poison counters, causing 17990 poison damage initially, and between 15185 and 15405 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
57362Salve of Artikla10623901s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 37549
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 72
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 71
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 71
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 49
6: Increase Current HP by 12029 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 36449 and 37549 hit points, as well as removing 72 disease counters, 71 poison counters, 71 curse counters, and 49 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 12029 healing to warders that are severely injured.
57363Salve of Artikla Rk. II10624981s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 39371
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 74
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 73
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 73
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 50
6: Increase Current HP by 12630 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 38271 and 39371 hit points, as well as removing 74 disease counters, 73 poison counters, 73 curse counters, and 50 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 12630 healing to warders that are severely injured.
57364Salve of Artikla Rk. III10626101s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 41285
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 76
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 75
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 75
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 51
6: Increase Current HP by 13262 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 40185 and 41285 hit points, as well as removing 76 disease counters, 75 poison counters, 75 curse counters, and 51 corruption counters. This spell will grant an additional 13262 healing to warders that are severely injured.
57356Virzak's Aggression10613465s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 10.3%
4: Decrease AC by 31 to 41, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 35%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 22%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 20%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 22%, increases its accuracy by 35%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 20%, at the cost of losing 10.28% of its maximum health and 473 armor class.
57357Virzak's Aggression Rk. II10614075s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 10.8%
4: Decrease AC by 33 to 43, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 36%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 23%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 21%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 23%, increases its accuracy by 36%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 21%, at the cost of losing 10.79% of its maximum health and 497 armor class.
57358Virzak's Aggression Rk. III10614705s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 11.3%
4: Decrease AC by 34 to 46, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 37%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 24%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 22%
Lowers the amount of hatred your warder generates by 24%, increases its accuracy by 37%, and the minimum damage it does with melee attacks by 22%, at the cost of losing 11.33% of its maximum health and 522 armor class.
57359Virzak's Protection10613465s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 13.7%
4: Increase AC by 31 to 41, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 33%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 22%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 13.74%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 473, and the amount of hatred it generates by 22%, but lowers its accuracy by 33%.
57360Virzak's Protection Rk. II10614075s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 14.4%
4: Increase AC by 33 to 43, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 33%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 23%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 14.43%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 497, and the amount of hatred it generates by 23%, but lowers its accuracy by 33%.
57361Virzak's Protection Rk. III10614705s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 15.2%
4: Increase AC by 34 to 46, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 33%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 24%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health by 15.15%, mitigation by 12%, armor class by 522, and the amount of hatred it generates by 24%, but lowers its accuracy by 33%.
57341Warder's Savagery1060s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 143 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 45%
Increases your warder's minimum damage by 143, its chance to hit harder by 45, and its accuracy by 75%.
57342Warder's Savagery II1060s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 150 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 45%
Increases your warder's minimum damage by 150, its chance to hit harder by 45, and its accuracy by 75%.
57343Warder's Savagery III1060s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 158 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 45%
Increases your warder's minimum damage by 158, its chance to hit harder by 45, and its accuracy by 75%.
45179Cry at the Moon10512973s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Cry at the Moon Call (82% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Crying at the Moon (18% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 18% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
45180Cry at the Moon Rk. II10513553s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Cry at the Moon Call (80% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Crying at the Moon (20% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 20% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
45181Cry at the Moon Rk. III10514163s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Cry at the Moon Call (76% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Crying at the Moon (24% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 24% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
45183Cry at the Moon Call1050s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS21L105Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
45182Crying at the Moon1050s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS21L105Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
45173Krenk's Call1050s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Cry at the Moon Call (91% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Crying at the Moon (9% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 9% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
45174Krenk's Call II1050s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Cry at the Moon Call (90% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Crying at the Moon (10% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 10% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
45175Krenk's Call III1050s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Cry at the Moon Call (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Crying at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
45167Krenk's Feralgia10520423s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Krenk's Call (v374)
2: Cast: Krenk's Growl (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
45168Krenk's Feralgia Rk. II10521343s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Krenk's Call II (v374)
2: Cast: Krenk's Growl II (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
45169Krenk's Feralgia Rk. III10522303s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Krenk's Call III (v374)
2: Cast: Krenk's Growl III (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
45170Krenk's Growl1050s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Leopard
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 653 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5286
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 5286, heals for 653 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
45171Krenk's Growl II1050s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Leopard II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 686 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5550
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 5550, heals for 686 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
45172Krenk's Growl III1050s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Leopard III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 720 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5828
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 5828, heals for 720 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
50362Reflexive Sundering1053860s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 814 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 814 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 814 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 814 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Sundering (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
50363Reflexive Sundering Rk. II1053960s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 855 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 855 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 855 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 855 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Sundering II (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
50364Reflexive Sundering Rk. III1054060s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 898 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 898 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 898 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 898 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Sundering III (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
45184Spellbreaker's Palisade1058463s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 61476
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 61476 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
45185Spellbreaker's Palisade Rk. II1058843s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 64550
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending II on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 64550 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
45186Spellbreaker's Palisade Rk. III1059243s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 31%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 67778
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending III on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 67778 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
45176Stormblood's Unity10536906s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vivification (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Elaboration (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vivification and Spiritual Elaboration.
45177Stormblood's Unity Rk. II10538276s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vivification Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Elaboration Rk. II (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vivification Rk. II and Spiritual Elaboration Rk. II.
45178Stormblood's Unity Rk. III10539706s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vivification Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Elaboration Rk. III (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vivification Rk. III and Spiritual Elaboration Rk. III.
45199Visoracius' Disease Strike1050s7.5s -Disease -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 6095
Deals 6095 damage to your target.
45200Visoracius' Disease Strike II1050s7.5s -Disease -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 6400
Deals 6400 damage to your target.
45201Visoracius' Disease Strike III1050s7.5s -Disease -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 6720
Deals 6720 damage to your target.
45202Visoracius' Ice Strike1050s7.5s -Cold -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5584
Deals 5584 damage to your target.
45203Visoracius' Ice Strike II1050s7.5s -Cold -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5863
Deals 5863 damage to your target.
45204Visoracius' Ice Strike III1050s7.5s -Cold -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 6156
Deals 6156 damage to your target.
45190Visoracius' Maelstrom10524790.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Visoracius' Maelstrom Chance (v374)
3: Cast: Visoracius' Poison Strike (v374)
4: Cast: Visoracius' Disease Strike (v374)
5: Cast: Visoracius' Ice Strike (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. One of the three attacks will be repeated immediately.
45191Visoracius' Maelstrom Rk. II10525910.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Visoracius' Maelstrom Chance II (v374)
3: Cast: Visoracius' Poison Strike II (v374)
4: Cast: Visoracius' Disease Strike II (v374)
5: Cast: Visoracius' Ice Strike II (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. One of the three attacks will be repeated immediately.
45192Visoracius' Maelstrom Rk. III10527080.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 1000
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Visoracius' Maelstrom Chance III (v374)
3: Cast: Visoracius' Poison Strike III (v374)
4: Cast: Visoracius' Disease Strike III (v374)
5: Cast: Visoracius' Ice Strike III (v374)
Surrounds your target in a wild maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. One of the three attacks will be repeated immediately.
45196Visoracius' Poison Strike1050s7.5s -Poison -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5775
Deals 5775 damage to your target.
45197Visoracius' Poison Strike II1050s7.5s -Poison -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 6064
Deals 6064 damage to your target.
45198Visoracius' Poison Strike III1050s7.5s -Poison -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 6367
Deals 6367 damage to your target.
44363Aegis of Japac1048026s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 24620
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 24620 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
44364Aegis of Japac Rk. II1048386s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 26467
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 26467 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
44365Aegis of Japac Rk. III1048766s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 28452
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 28452 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
45152Growl of the Leopard10416201.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Leopard (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 653 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5286
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 653 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 5286 for up to 60 seconds.
45153Growl of the Leopard Rk. II10416931.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Leopard II (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 686 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5550
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 686 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 5550 for up to 60 seconds.
45154Growl of the Leopard Rk. III10417691.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Leopard III (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 720 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5828
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 720 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 5828 for up to 60 seconds.
45155Growl of the Leopard104100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 653 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5286
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 653 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 5286 for up to 60 seconds.
45156Growl of the Leopard II104100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 686 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5550
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 686 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 5550 for up to 60 seconds.
45157Growl of the Leopard III104100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 720 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5828
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 720 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 5828 for up to 60 seconds.
45146Kirchen's Chill10471170s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 4
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 11472
2: Decrease Current HP by 10121 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 18
An icy chill causes 11472 damage initially and between 9903 and 10121 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
45147Kirchen's Chill Rk. II10474410s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 5
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 12046
2: Decrease Current HP by 10616 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 18
An icy chill causes 12046 damage initially and between 10398 and 10616 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
45148Kirchen's Chill Rk. III10477810s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 6
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 12648
2: Decrease Current HP by 11136 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 18
An icy chill causes 12648 damage initially and between 10918 and 11136 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
45149Kromtus Roar10417960.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 12096
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 12096 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
45150Kromtus Roar Rk. II10418770.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 12701
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 12701 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
45151Kromtus Roar Rk. III10419610.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 13336
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 13336 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
45164Maul1042690s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1014
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 419 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 419 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 419 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
45165Maul Rk. II1042780s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1065
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 427 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 427 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 427 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
45166Maul Rk. III1042880s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1118
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 436 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 436 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 436 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
49298Savage Rancor10435960s20m T336s+n/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 145% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 646%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 150%
4: Cast: Savage Rancor (v374)
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
49299Savage Rancor Rk. II10436860s20m T336s+n/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 149% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 662%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 150%
4: Cast: Savage Rancor II (v374)
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
49300Savage Rancor Rk. III10437780s20m T336s+n/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 153% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 679%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 150%
4: Cast: Savage Rancor III (v374)
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
49301Savage Rancor1040s0s 36s+n/aPet Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 162% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 646%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 190%
4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 71% of Base Damage
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
49302Savage Rancor II1040s0s 36s+n/aPet Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 166% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 662%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 195%
4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 73% of Base Damage
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
49303Savage Rancor III1040s0s 36s+n/aPet Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 170% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 679%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 200%
4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 75% of Base Damage
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
45158Spirit of Visoracius1043763s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Visoracius Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning poison attack with a protective reflection.
45159Spirit of Visoracius Rk. II1043933s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Visoracius Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning poison attack with a protective reflection.
45160Spirit of Visoracius Rk. III1044113s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Visoracius Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the power of a great spirit, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning poison attack with a protective reflection.
45136Frozen Miasma10316240.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Miasma Poison (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Miasma Ice (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 480
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
45137Frozen Miasma Rk. II10316970.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Miasma Poison II (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Miasma Ice II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 480
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
45138Frozen Miasma Rk. III10317730.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Miasma Poison III (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Miasma Ice III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 480
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
45142Frozen Miasma Ice1030s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5147
Freezes your target, dealing up to 5147 damage.
45143Frozen Miasma Ice II1030s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5404
Freezes your target, dealing up to 5404 damage.
45144Frozen Miasma Ice III1030s0s -Cold -5Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5674
Freezes your target, dealing up to 5674 damage.
45139Frozen Miasma Poison1030s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6069
Poisons your target, dealing up to 6069 damage.
45140Frozen Miasma Poison II1030s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6372
Poisons your target, dealing up to 6372 damage.
45141Frozen Miasma Poison III1030s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6691
Poisons your target, dealing up to 6691 damage.
45130Kreig's Bite10318720.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 9715
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 9715 damage.
45131Kreig's Bite Rk. II10319560.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 10201
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 10201 damage.
45132Kreig's Bite Rk. III10320440.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 10711
Inflicts your target with a poisonous bite, dealing 10711 damage.
45121Mending Warder1038761s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Mending Heal with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
45122Mending Warder Rk. II1039151s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Mending Heal II with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
45123Mending Warder Rk. III1039561s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Mending Heal III with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
44704Promised Invigoration1038870.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Invigoration Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (36116)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 36116
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 36116
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
44705Promised Invigoration Rk. II1039270.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Invigoration Trigger II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (37922)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 37922
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 37922
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
44706Promised Invigoration Rk. III1039690.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Invigoration Trigger III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (39818)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 39818
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 39818
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
45145Spirit of Avalit1035406s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS21L103Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
45127Spiritual Elaboration10321545s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 84 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 92 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 5 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual elaboration, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
45128Spiritual Elaboration Rk. II10322515s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 88 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 97 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 5 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual elaboration, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
45129Spiritual Elaboration Rk. III10323525s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 92 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 102 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 6 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual elaboration, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
50353Al`ele's Vindication10218130s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Al`ele's Vindication Effect (v374)
This discipline will trigger damaging spells each time you cast Damage over Time spells, and adds a chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks.
50354Al`ele's Vindication Rk. II10218580s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Al`ele's Vindication Effect II (v374)
This discipline will trigger damaging spells each time you cast Damage over Time spells, and adds a chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks.
50355Al`ele's Vindication Rk. III10219040s7.5m T21-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Al`ele's Vindication Effect III (v374)
This discipline will trigger damaging spells each time you cast Damage over Time spells, and adds a chance for your melee attacks to trigger additional melee attacks.
49253Auspice of Eternity1029211s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 58074
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 58074 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
49254Auspice of Eternity Rk. II1029531s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 63881
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 63881 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
49255Auspice of Eternity Rk. III1029861s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 70269
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 70269 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
45109Hemocoraxius' Endemic10267940s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 21
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 7996 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 7782 and 7996 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
45110Hemocoraxius' Endemic Rk. II10271010s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 22
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 8385 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 8171 and 8385 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
45111Hemocoraxius' Endemic Rk. III10274240s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 23
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 8794 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 8580 and 8794 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
45100Kromtus Lance10213230.5s30s T11-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 7823
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 7823 and 7823 damage.
45101Kromtus Lance Rk. II10213830.5s30s T11-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 8214
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 8214 and 8214 damage.
45102Kromtus Lance Rk. III10214450.5s30s T11-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 8625
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 8625 and 8625 damage.
45106Sabhattin's Mending10213003s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 7518
Mends severe wounds, healing between 7518 and 7518 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
45107Sabhattin's Mending Rk. II10213593s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 7894
Mends severe wounds, healing between 7894 and 7894 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
45108Sabhattin's Mending Rk. III10214203s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 8289
Mends severe wounds, healing between 8289 and 8289 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
45112Spiritual Vivification1028865s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 210
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 360
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 3425
4: Increase Max HP by 1705
Fills your group with spiritual vivification, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
45113Spiritual Vivification Rk. II1029265s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 221
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 380
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 3545
4: Increase Max HP by 1790
Fills your group with spiritual vivification, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
45114Spiritual Vivification Rk. III1029685s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 232
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 410
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 3675
4: Increase Max HP by 1880
Fills your group with spiritual vivification, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
45103Tempest of Claws1024690s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 260 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 260 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 312 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 285 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
45104Tempest of Claws Rk. II1024850s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 265 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 265 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 318 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 291 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
45105Tempest of Claws Rk. III1025020s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 270 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 270 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 324 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 297 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
45115Tirik's Melioration10216603s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 3904 per tick
2: Cast: Tirik's Miracle on Fade
Heals your warder for 3904 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
45116Tirik's Melioration Rk. II10217353s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 4099 per tick
2: Cast: Tirik's Miracle II on Fade
Heals your warder for 4099 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
45117Tirik's Melioration Rk. III10218133s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 4304 per tick
2: Cast: Tirik's Miracle III on Fade
Heals your warder for 4304 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
43000Breather10125 + 1/sec0s90s T1342sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 3812 per tick (Decaying to 1268 @ 424/tick)
3: Cap Endurance at 21%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 21% of your maximum. Your endurance will be restored most quickly when the ability begins.
43001Breather Rk. II10125 + 1/sec0s90s T1342sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 4003 per tick (Decaying to 1333 @ 445/tick)
3: Cap Endurance at 25%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 25% of your maximum. Your endurance will be restored most quickly when the ability begins.
43002Breather Rk. III10125 + 1/sec0s90s T1342sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 4203 per tick (Decaying to 1401 @ 467/tick)
3: Cap Endurance at 29%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 29% of your maximum. Your endurance will be restored most quickly when the ability begins.
45082Companion's Aid1010s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 3808 per tick
Heals you for up to 3808 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
45083Companion's Aid II1010s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 3998 per tick
Heals you for up to 3998 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
45084Companion's Aid III1010s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 4198 per tick
Heals you for up to 4198 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
49291Dichotomic Fury10198230.5s60s T196s+n/aTarget Group 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Dichotomic Fury (v470)
Imbues your group with dichotomic fury, adding HP, Mana, and Endurance, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, and increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
45085Focus of Okasi10110748s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 3822
2: Increase Current HP by 3822
4: Increase STR by 274
5: Increase DEX by 274
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 274
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 274
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1274
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1274
10: Increase STR Cap by 274
11: Increase DEX Cap by 274
Imbues your group with mystical focus, providing increased strength, dexterity, and hit points for 30 minutes.
45086Focus of Okasi Rk. II10111228s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 4013
2: Increase Current HP by 4013
4: Increase STR by 288
5: Increase DEX by 288
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 288
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 288
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1288
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1288
10: Increase STR Cap by 288
11: Increase DEX Cap by 288
Imbues your group with mystical focus, providing increased strength, dexterity, and hit points for 30 minutes.
45087Focus of Okasi Rk. III10111728s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 4214
2: Increase Current HP by 4214
4: Increase STR by 302
5: Increase DEX by 302
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 302
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 302
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1302
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1302
10: Increase STR Cap by 302
11: Increase DEX Cap by 302
Imbues your group with mystical focus, providing increased strength, dexterity, and hit points for 30 minutes.
45097Glistenwing Blood10185320s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 22
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 13455
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 11569 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 13455 damage initially and between 11357 and 11569 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
45098Glistenwing Blood Rk. II10189210s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 23
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 14128
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 12137 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 14128 damage initially and between 11925 and 12137 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
45099Glistenwing Blood Rk. III10193290s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 24
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 14834
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 12733 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 14834 damage initially and between 12521 and 12733 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
45076Natural Affiliation10113275s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. The chances will decrease if you slay creatures below level 100.
45077Natural Affiliation Rk. II10113875s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid II (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. The chances will decrease if you slay creatures below level 100.
45078Natural Affiliation Rk. III10114495s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid III (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. The chances will decrease if you slay creatures below level 100.
45094Salve of Clorith10119891s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 22040
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 68
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 68
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 68
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 47
6: Increase Current HP by 7273 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 22040 and 22040 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
45095Salve of Clorith Rk. II10120791s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 23142
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 69
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 69
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 69
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 48
6: Increase Current HP by 7637 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 23142 and 23142 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
45096Salve of Clorith Rk. III10121731s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 24299
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 70
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 70
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 70
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 49
6: Increase Current HP by 8019 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 24299 and 24299 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
45088Sekmoset's Aggression10111215s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 9.7%
4: Decrease AC by 23 to 30, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 33%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 20%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 18%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
45089Sekmoset's Aggression Rk. II10111715s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 9.9%
4: Decrease AC by 24 to 31, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 21%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 19%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
45090Sekmoset's Aggression Rk. III10112245s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 10.2%
4: Decrease AC by 25 to 33, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 35%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 22%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 20%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
45091Sekmoset's Protection10111215s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 9.7%
4: Increase AC by 23 to 30, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 33%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 20%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 10%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
45092Sekmoset's Protection Rk. II10111715s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 9.9%
4: Increase AC by 24 to 31, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 34%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 21%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 11%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
45093Sekmoset's Protection Rk. III10112245s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 10.2%
4: Increase AC by 25 to 33, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 35%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 22%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 12%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
50344Venomous Alliance101103530.5s60s T2118s+Magic -10Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 1
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 32671 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 96
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3000
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Fulmination if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous alliance over your target, adding 32671 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 96 to 110 that deal at least 3000 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Fulmination, dealing 2017701 damage to the target!
50345Venomous Alliance Rk. II101107670.5s60s T2118s+Magic -10Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 2
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 34305 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 96
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3000
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Fulmination II if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous alliance over your target, adding 34305 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 96 to 110 that deal at least 3000 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Fulmination II, dealing 2118586 damage to the target!
50346Venomous Alliance Rk. III101111980.5s60s T2118s+Magic -10Single Stacking: Venomous Alliance 3
Max Hits: 4 Matching Spells
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 36020 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current HP
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 96
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (lose 100% per level)
7: Limit Min Duration: 18s
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3000
10: Limit Caster Class: BST
11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
12: Cast: Venomous Fulmination III if Max Hits Used
Forms a venomous alliance over your target, adding 36020 damage to other Beastlord Damage-over-Time spells (levels 96 to 110 that deal at least 3000 damage) that land on that target for up to 18 seconds.
If 4 spells land in that time, it will trigger Venomous Fulmination III, dealing 2224515 damage to the target!
36447Kesar's Call1000s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yell at the Moon Call (91% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yelling at the Moon (9% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 9% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
36448Kesar's Call II1000s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yell at the Moon Call (90% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yelling at the Moon (10% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 10% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
36449Kesar's Call III1000s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yell at the Moon Call (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yelling at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
36441Kesar's Feralgia10017993s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Kesar's Call (v374)
2: Cast: Kesar's Growl (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
36442Kesar's Feralgia Rk. II10018713s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Kesar's Call II (v374)
2: Cast: Kesar's Growl II (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
36443Kesar's Feralgia Rk. III10019453s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Kesar's Call III (v374)
2: Cast: Kesar's Growl III (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
36444Kesar's Growl1000s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Snow Leopard
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 564 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 4566
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 4566, heals for 564 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
36445Kesar's Growl II1000s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Snow Leopard II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 592 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 4794
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 4794, heals for 592 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
36446Kesar's Growl III1000s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Snow Leopard III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 622 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5034
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 5034, heals for 622 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
36483Nak's Disease Strike1000s7.5s -Disease -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5266
36484Nak's Disease Strike II1000s7.5s -Disease -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5529
36485Nak's Disease Strike III1000s7.5s -Disease -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5805
36486Nak's Ice Strike1000s7.5s -Cold -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4824
36487Nak's Ice Strike II1000s7.5s -Cold -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5065
36488Nak's Ice Strike III1000s7.5s -Cold -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5318
36474Nak's Maelstrom10021830.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 925
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Nak's Maelstrom Chance (v374)
3: Cast: Nak's Poison Strike (v374)
4: Cast: Nak's Disease Strike (v374)
5: Cast: Nak's Ice Strike (v374)
Surrounds your target in Nak's Maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. One of the three attacks will be repeated immediately.
36475Nak's Maelstrom Rk. II10022700.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 925
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Nak's Maelstrom Chance II (v374)
3: Cast: Nak's Poison Strike II (v374)
4: Cast: Nak's Disease Strike II (v374)
5: Cast: Nak's Ice Strike II (v374)
Surrounds your target in Nak's Maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. One of the three attacks will be repeated immediately.
36476Nak's Maelstrom Rk. III10023610.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 925
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Nak's Maelstrom Chance III (v374)
3: Cast: Nak's Poison Strike III (v374)
4: Cast: Nak's Disease Strike III (v374)
5: Cast: Nak's Ice Strike III (v374)
Surrounds your target in Nak's Maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. One of the three attacks will be repeated immediately.
36480Nak's Poison Strike1000s7.5s -Poison -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4989
36481Nak's Poison Strike II1000s7.5s -Poison -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5238
36482Nak's Poison Strike III1000s7.5s -Poison -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 5500
36425Pummel1002460s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 989
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 374 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 374 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 374 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
36426Pummel Rk. II1002620s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1038
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 393 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 393 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 393 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
36427Pummel Rk. III1002760s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1090
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 413 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 413 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 413 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
36450Reflexive Rending1003480s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 256 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 173 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 125 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 290 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Rending (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
36451Reflexive Rending Rk. II1003600s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 269 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 182 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 131 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 305 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Rending II (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
36452Reflexive Rending Rk. III1003730s10m T19-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 282 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 191 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 138 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 320 with 1000% Accuracy Mod
5: Cast: Reflected Rending III (v374)
You steel your reflexes, delivering four hand-to-hand attacks to your target and restoring a large amount of endurance to your group.
36422Shared Merciless Ferocity10029153s36s T912m+n/aTarget Group Stacking: Ferocity 22
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30%
5: Increase STA by 162
7: Increase ATK by 640
8: Increase All Resists by 163
Fills your group with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
36423Shared Merciless Ferocity Rk. II10030333s36s T912m+n/aTarget Group Stacking: Ferocity 24
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30%
5: Increase STA by 170
7: Increase ATK by 672
8: Increase All Resists by 171
Fills your group with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
36424Shared Merciless Ferocity Rk. III10031543s36s T912m+n/aTarget Group Stacking: Ferocity 26
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30%
5: Increase STA by 179
7: Increase ATK by 706
8: Increase All Resists by 180
Fills your group with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
36435Spellbreaker's Ward1007453s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 51870
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 51870 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
36436Spellbreaker's Ward Rk. II1007753s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 54464
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending II on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 54464 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
36437Spellbreaker's Ward Rk. III1008063s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 57187
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending III on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 57187 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
40522Spiritual Unity10031756s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vindication (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Evolution (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vindication and Spiritual Evolution.
40523Spiritual Unity Rk. II10032836s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vindication Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Evolution Rk. II (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vindication Rk. II and Spiritual Evolution Rk. II.
40524Spiritual Unity Rk. III10033956s1.5s T36s+n/aSingle Ally or Self 1: Cast: Spiritual Vindication Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast: Spiritual Evolution Rk. III (v374)
Grants your group the effects of Spiritual Vindication Rk. III and Spiritual Evolution Rk. III.
36428Yell at the Moon10011203s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yell at the Moon Call (82% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yelling at the Moon (18% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 18% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
36429Yell at the Moon Rk. II10011763s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yell at the Moon Call (80% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yelling at the Moon (20% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 20% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
36430Yell at the Moon Rk. III10012353s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yell at the Moon Call (76% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yelling at the Moon (24% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 24% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
36432Yell at the Moon Call1000s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS20L100Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
36431Yelling at the Moon1000s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS20L100Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
35701Aegis of Nefori997076s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 20772
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 20772 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
35702Aegis of Nefori Rk. II997356s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 21811
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 21811 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
35703Aegis of Nefori Rk. III997646s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 22902
Protects your pet with a shield that absorbs up to 22902 damage from the next 9 melee strikes or direct damage spells before dissipating.
36471Edoth's Chill9946610s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 1
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 6937
2: Decrease Current HP by 6197 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 18
An icy chill causes 6937 damage initially and between 5989 and 6197 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
36472Edoth's Chill Rk. II9948700s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 2
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 7284
2: Decrease Current HP by 6496 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 18
An icy chill causes 7284 damage initially and between 6288 and 6496 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
36473Edoth's Chill Rk. III9950890s1.5s 42s+Cold -10Single Stacking: Edoth's Chill 3
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 7648
2: Decrease Current HP by 6810 per tick
3: Increase Poison Counter by 18
An icy chill causes 7648 damage initially and between 6602 and 6810 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
36392Frozen Carbomate9914300.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Carbomate Poison (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Carbomate Ice (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 480
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
36393Frozen Carbomate Rk. II9914880.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Carbomate Poison II (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Carbomate Ice II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 480
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
36394Frozen Carbomate Rk. III9915470.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Carbomate Poison III (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Carbomate Ice III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 480
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
36398Frozen Carbomate Ice990s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4447
Freezes your target, dealing up to 4447 damage.
36399Frozen Carbomate Ice II990s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4669
Freezes your target, dealing up to 4669 damage.
36400Frozen Carbomate Ice III990s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4902
Freezes your target, dealing up to 4902 damage.
36395Frozen Carbomate Poison990s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5243
Poisons your target, dealing up to 5243 damage.
36396Frozen Carbomate Poison II990s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5505
Poisons your target, dealing up to 5505 damage.
36397Frozen Carbomate Poison III990s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5780
Poisons your target, dealing up to 5780 damage.
36407Growl of the Snow Leopard9914261.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Snow Leopard (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 564 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 4566
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a snow leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 564 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 4566 for up to 60 seconds.
36408Growl of the Snow Leopard Rk. II9914831.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Snow Leopard II (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 592 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 4794
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a snow leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 592 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 4794 for up to 60 seconds.
36409Growl of the Snow Leopard Rk. III9915431.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Snow Leopard III (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 622 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5034
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a snow leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 622 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 5034 for up to 60 seconds.
36410Growl of the Snow Leopard99100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 564 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 4566
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a snow leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 564 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 4566 for up to 60 seconds.
36411Growl of the Snow Leopard II99100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 592 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 4794
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a snow leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 592 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 4794 for up to 60 seconds.
36412Growl of the Snow Leopard III99100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 622 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 5034
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a snow leopard, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 622 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 5034 for up to 60 seconds.
36401Kromrif Lance9911640.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6757
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 6757 and 6757 damage.
36402Kromrif Lance Rk. II9912110.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 7095
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 7095 and 7095 damage.
36403Kromrif Lance Rk. III9912600.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 7450
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 7450 and 7450 damage.
36404Kromrif Roar9915810.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 10449
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 10449 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
36405Kromrif Roar Rk. II9916440.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 10971
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 10971 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
36406Kromrif Roar Rk. III9917100.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 11520
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 11520 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
36386Savage Rage9933380s20m T336s+n/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 130% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 558%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 140%
4: Cast: Savage Rage (v374)
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
36387Savage Rage Rk. II9934220s20m T336s+n/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 134% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 586%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 145%
4: Cast: Savage Rage II (v374)
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
36388Savage Rage Rk. III9935080s20m T336s+n/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 138% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 615%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 150%
4: Cast: Savage Rage III (v374)
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
36389Savage Rage990s0s 36s+n/aPet Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 140% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 558%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 164%
4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 62% of Base Damage
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
36390Savage Rage II990s0s 36s+n/aPet Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 147% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 586%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 172%
4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 65% of Base Damage
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
36391Savage Rage III990s0s 36s+n/aPet Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 154% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 615%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 181%
4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 68% of Base Damage
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage rage, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
36413Spirit of Nak993313s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Nak Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Nak, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning poison attack with a protective reflection.
36414Spirit of Nak Rk. II993443s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Nak Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Nak, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning poison attack with a protective reflection.
36415Spirit of Nak Rk. III993583s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Nak Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Nak, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning poison attack with a protective reflection.
36419Spiritual Evolution9918955s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 70 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 78 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 4 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual evolution, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
36420Spiritual Evolution Rk. II9919715s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 74 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 82 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 4 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual evolution, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
36421Spiritual Evolution Rk. III9920515s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 78 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 86 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 5 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual evolution, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
40531Warder's Unity9917096.5s1.5s 6s+n/aPet 1: Cast: Extraordinary Velocity (v374)
2: Cast: Spirit of Nak (v374)
Grants your warder the effects of both Extraordinary Velocity and Spirit of Nak.
40532Warder's Unity Rk. II9917776.5s1.5s 6s+n/aPet 1: Cast: Extraordinary Velocity Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast: Spirit of Nak Rk. II (v374)
Grants your warder the effects of both Extraordinary Velocity Rk. II and Spirit of Nak Rk. II.
40533Warder's Unity Rk. III9918486.5s1.5s 6s+n/aPet 1: Cast: Extraordinary Velocity Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast: Spirit of Nak Rk. III (v374)
Grants your warder the effects of both Extraordinary Velocity Rk. III and Spirit of Nak Rk. III.
36370Extraordinary Velocity9813786.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 19% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 303
6: Increase AC by 73 to 97, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
36371Extraordinary Velocity Rk. II9814336.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 318
6: Increase AC by 77 to 101, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
36372Extraordinary Velocity Rk. III9814916.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 21% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 334
6: Increase AC by 81 to 106, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
40516Focused Clamor of Claws983240s30s T6-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 197 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 209 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 250 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes a single target with a flurry of melee attacks.
40517Focused Clamor of Claws Rk. II983320s30s T6-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 207 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 219 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 263 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes a single target with a flurry of melee attacks.
40518Focused Clamor of Claws Rk. III983400s30s T6-Unresistable Single 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 217 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 230 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 276 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes a single target with a flurry of melee attacks.
36364Invigorating Warder987711s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Invigorating Heal with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
36365Invigorating Warder Rk. II988021s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Invigorating Heal II with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
36366Invigorating Warder Rk. III988341s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Invigorating Heal III with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
36379Poantaar's Bite9816480.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 8391
Inflicts your target with Poantaar's bite, dealing 8391 damage.
36380Poantaar's Bite Rk. II9817140.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 8811
Inflicts your target with Poantaar's bite, dealing 8811 damage.
36381Poantaar's Bite Rk. III9817830.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 9252
Inflicts your target with Poantaar's bite, dealing 9252 damage.
35911Promised Amelioration987810.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Amelioration Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (31198)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 31198
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 31198
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
35912Promised Amelioration Rk. II988130.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Amelioration Trigger II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (32758)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 32758
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 32758
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
35913Promised Amelioration Rk. III988450.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Amelioration Trigger III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (34396)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 34396
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 34396
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
36376Ruaabri's Fury986680s20m T436sn/aCaster Group 1: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 120%
2: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 65%
3: Increase Chance to Flurry by 46%
6: Decrease Weapon Delay by 33.8%
Imbues your group with nature's fury, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, while increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
36377Ruaabri's Fury Rk. II987210s20m T436sn/aCaster Group 1: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 126%
2: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 67%
3: Increase Chance to Flurry by 48%
6: Decrease Weapon Delay by 33.8%
Imbues your group with nature's fury, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, while increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
36378Ruaabri's Fury Rk. III987640s20m T436sn/aCaster Group 1: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 132%
2: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 69%
3: Increase Chance to Flurry by 50%
6: Decrease Weapon Delay by 33.8%
Imbues your group with nature's fury, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, while increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
36385Spirit of Lachemit984806s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS20L098Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
36346Clamor of Claws974320s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 232 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 232 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 278 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 255 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
36347Clamor of Claws Rk. II974590s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 244 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 244 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 292 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 268 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
36348Clamor of Claws Rk. III974810s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 256 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 256 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 307 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 281 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
40525Fatiguing Bite978173s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Fatiguing Bite with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform an attack with a protective reflection that can restore endurance to your group. This effect will fade after 20 reflections.
40526Fatiguing Bite Rk. II978503s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Fatiguing Bite II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform an attack with a protective reflection that can restore endurance to your group. This effect will fade after 20 reflections.
40527Fatiguing Bite Rk. III978843s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 20 Offensive Proc Casts
1: Add Melee Proc: Fatiguing Bite III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a fatiguing bite, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform an attack with a protective reflection that can restore endurance to your group. This effect will fade after 20 reflections.
36358Huaene's Melioration9714613s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 3148 per tick
2: Cast: Huaene's Miracle on Fade
Heals your warder for 3148 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
36359Huaene's Melioration Rk. II9715203s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 3305 per tick
2: Cast: Huaene's Miracle II on Fade
Heals your warder for 3305 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
36360Huaene's Melioration Rk. III9715813s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 3470 per tick
2: Cast: Huaene's Miracle III on Fade
Heals your warder for 3470 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
36349Jaerol's Mending9711453s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 6494
Mends severe wounds, healing between 6494 and 6494 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
36350Jaerol's Mending Rk. II9711903s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 6819
Mends severe wounds, healing between 6819 and 6819 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
36351Jaerol's Mending Rk. III9712383s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 7160
Mends severe wounds, healing between 7160 and 7160 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
36343Merciless Ferocity9712953s36s T912m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 21
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30%
5: Increase STA by 162
7: Increase ATK by 640
8: Increase All Resists by 163
Fills your target with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
36344Merciless Ferocity Rk. II9713483s36s T912m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 23
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30%
5: Increase STA by 170
7: Increase ATK by 672
8: Increase All Resists by 171
Fills your target with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
36345Merciless Ferocity Rk. III9714023s36s T912m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 25
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30%
5: Increase STA by 179
7: Increase ATK by 706
8: Increase All Resists by 180
Fills your target with merciless ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
36352Natigo's Endemic9744640s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 18
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 4910 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 4706 and 4910 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
36353Natigo's Endemic Rk. II9746610s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 19
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 5145 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 4941 and 5145 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
36354Natigo's Endemic Rk. III9748680s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 20
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 5392 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 5188 and 5392 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
36355Spiritual Vindication977805s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 186
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 310
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 2840
4: Increase Max HP by 1438
Fills your group with spiritual vindication, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
36356Spiritual Vindication Rk. II978125s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 195
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 330
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 2925
4: Increase Max HP by 1510
Fills your group with spiritual vindication, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
36357Spiritual Vindication Rk. III978445s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 205
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 350
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 3035
4: Increase Max HP by 1586
Fills your group with spiritual vindication, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
36465Withering Bite973313s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Withering Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a withering bite, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a crippling attack with a protective reflection.
36466Withering Bite Rk. II973443s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Withering Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a withering bite, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a crippling attack with a protective reflection.
36467Withering Bite Rk. III973583s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Withering Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Grants your warder a withering bite, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a crippling attack with a protective reflection.
36340Asp Blood9656590s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 19
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 8136
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 7069 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 8136 damage initially and between 6867 and 7069 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
36341Asp Blood Rk. II9659130s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 20
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 8543
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 7412 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 8543 damage initially and between 7210 and 7412 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
36342Asp Blood Rk. III9661790s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 21
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 8970
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 7773 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 8970 damage initially and between 7571 and 7773 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
36052Auspice of Shadows968231s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 45804
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 45804 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
36053Auspice of Shadows Rk. II968561s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 48094
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 48094 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
36054Auspice of Shadows Rk. III968901s48s T1636m+n/aPet 2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 50499
Places a protective auspice on your pet, absorbing up to 50499 damage from the next 5 melee or spell strikes that hit it.
36319Bestial Evulsing964560s30s T7-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Bestial Evulsing (v340)
Increases the melee damage and accuracy of both you and your warder.
36320Bestial Evulsing Rk. II964700s30s T7-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Bestial Evulsing II (v340)
Increases the melee damage and accuracy of both you and your warder.
36321Bestial Evulsing Rk. III964840s30s T7-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Bestial Evulsing III (v340)
Increases the melee damage and accuracy of both you and your warder.
36322Bestial Evulsing960s0s 30s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 118 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 34%
6: Cast: Warder's Evulsing (v340)
Increases your accuracy and the damage you do with melee attacks.
36323Bestial Evulsing II960s0s 30s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 124 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 36%
6: Cast: Warder's Evulsing II (v340)
Increases your accuracy and the damage you do with melee attacks.
36324Bestial Evulsing III960s0s 30s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 130 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 38%
6: Cast: Warder's Evulsing III (v340)
Increases your accuracy and the damage you do with melee attacks.
36462Companion's Aid960s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 3140 per tick
Heals you for up to 3140 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
36463Companion's Aid II960s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 3297 per tick
Heals you for up to 3297 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
36464Companion's Aid III960s3s 24s+n/aSelf 2: Increase Current HP by 3462 per tick
Heals you for up to 3462 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
36328Focus of Sanera969468s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 3225
2: Increase Current HP by 3225
4: Increase STR by 237
5: Increase DEX by 237
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 237
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 237
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1237
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1237
10: Increase STR Cap by 237
11: Increase DEX Cap by 237
Imbues your group with the focus of Sanera, providing increased strength, dexterity, and hit points for 30 minutes.
36329Focus of Sanera Rk. II969848s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 3386
2: Increase Current HP by 3386
4: Increase STR by 249
5: Increase DEX by 249
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 249
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 249
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1249
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1249
10: Increase STR Cap by 249
11: Increase DEX Cap by 249
Imbues your group with the focus of Sanera, providing increased strength, dexterity, and hit points for 30 minutes.
36330Focus of Sanera Rk. III9610238s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 3555
2: Increase Current HP by 3555
4: Increase STR by 261
5: Increase DEX by 261
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 261
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 261
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1261
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1261
10: Increase STR Cap by 261
11: Increase DEX Cap by 261
Imbues your group with the focus of Sanera, providing increased strength, dexterity, and hit points for 30 minutes.
40519Monkey's Spirit Discipline962800s7.5m T1818s+n/aSelf 7: Increase Chance to Dodge by 477%
You accept the spirit of the monkey, increasing your chance to dodge by 477 for up to 18 seconds.
40520Monkey's Spirit Discipline Rk. II962870s7.5m T1818s+n/aSelf 7: Increase Chance to Dodge by 501%
You accept the spirit of the monkey, increasing your chance to dodge by 501 for up to 18 seconds.
40521Monkey's Spirit Discipline Rk. III962940s7.5m T1818s+n/aSelf 7: Increase Chance to Dodge by 526%
You accept the spirit of the monkey, increasing your chance to dodge by 526 for up to 18 seconds.
36456Natural Cooperation9611695s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. The chances will decrease if you slay creatures below level 95.
36457Natural Cooperation Rk. II9612155s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid II (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. The chances will decrease if you slay creatures below level 95.
36458Natural Cooperation Rk. III9612645s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid III (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. The chances will decrease if you slay creatures below level 95.
36331Plakt's Aggression969875s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 8.6%
4: Decrease AC by 20 to 26, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 31%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 18%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 18%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
36332Plakt's Aggression Rk. II9610265s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 9%
4: Decrease AC by 20 to 27, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 32%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 19%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 19%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
36333Plakt's Aggression Rk. III9610685s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 9.5%
4: Decrease AC by 21 to 28, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 33%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 20%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 20%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
36334Plakt's Protection969875s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 8.6%
4: Increase AC by 20 to 26, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 31%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 18%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 9%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
36335Plakt's Protection Rk. II9610265s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 9%
4: Increase AC by 20 to 27, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 32%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 19%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 10%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
36336Plakt's Protection Rk. III9610685s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 9.5%
4: Increase AC by 21 to 28, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 33%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 20%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 11%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
34000Rest9625 + 1/sec0s90s T1354sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 1546 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at 21%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 21% of your maximum.
34001Rest Rk. II9625 + 1/sec0s90s T1354sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 1623 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at 25%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 25% of your maximum.
34002Rest Rk. III9625 + 1/sec0s90s T1354sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 1704 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at 29%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 29% of your maximum.
36337Salve of Blezon9617511s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 18596
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 62
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 62
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 62
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 43
6: Increase Current HP by 6137 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 18596 and 18596 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
36338Salve of Blezon Rk. II9618211s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 19526
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 65
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 65
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 65
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 45
6: Increase Current HP by 6444 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 19526 and 19526 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
36339Salve of Blezon Rk. III9618941s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 20502
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 68
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 68
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 68
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 47
6: Increase Current HP by 6766 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 20502 and 20502 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
36325Warder's Evulsing960s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 118 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 41%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks.
36326Warder's Evulsing II960s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 124 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 43%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks.
36327Warder's Evulsing III960s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 130 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 45%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks.
30362Bale's Disease Strike950s7.5s -Disease -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4402
Strikes your target with disease, dealing 4402 damage.
30363Bale's Disease Strike II950s7.5s -Disease -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4622
Strikes your target with disease, dealing 4622 damage.
30364Bale's Disease Strike III950s7.5s -Disease -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4853
Strikes your target with disease, dealing 4853 damage.
30365Bale's Ice Strike950s7.5s -Cold -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4032
Strikes your target with ice, dealing 4032 damage.
30366Bale's Ice Strike II950s7.5s -Cold -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4234
Strikes your target with ice, dealing 4234 damage.
30367Bale's Ice Strike III950s7.5s -Cold -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4446
Strikes your target with ice, dealing 4446 damage.
30350Bale's Maelstrom9520120.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 875
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Bale's Maelstrom Gaze (v374)
3: Cast: Bale's Poison Strike (v374)
4: Cast: Bale's Disease Strike (v374)
5: Cast: Bale's Ice Strike (v374)
Surrounds your target in Bale's Maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. Bale's gaze will then fall upon them for a short time, repeating one of the three attacks when it fades.
30351Bale's Maelstrom Rk. II9520920.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 875
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Bale's Maelstrom Gaze II (v374)
3: Cast: Bale's Poison Strike II (v374)
4: Cast: Bale's Disease Strike II (v374)
5: Cast: Bale's Ice Strike II (v374)
Surrounds your target in Bale's Maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. Bale's gaze will then fall upon them for a short time, repeating one of the three attacks when it fades.
30352Bale's Maelstrom Rk. III9521760.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 875
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Bale's Maelstrom Gaze III (v374)
3: Cast: Bale's Poison Strike III (v374)
4: Cast: Bale's Disease Strike III (v374)
5: Cast: Bale's Ice Strike III (v374)
Surrounds your target in Bale's Maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. Bale's gaze will then fall upon them for a short time, repeating one of the three attacks when it fades.
30359Bale's Poison Strike950s7.5s -Poison -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4170
Strikes your target with poison, dealing 4170 damage.
30360Bale's Poison Strike II950s7.5s -Poison -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4379
Strikes your target with poison, dealing 4379 damage.
30361Bale's Poison Strike III950s7.5s -Poison -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4598
Strikes your target with poison, dealing 4598 damage.
30368Barrage952380s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 823
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 315 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 315 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 315 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
30369Barrage Rk. II952530s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 864
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 331 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 331 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 331 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
30370Barrage Rk. III952670s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 907
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 348 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 348 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 348 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
30371Scream at the Moon9510323s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Scream at the Moon Call (82% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Screaming at the Moon (18% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 18% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
30372Scream at the Moon Rk. II9510843s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Scream at the Moon Call II (80% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Screaming at the Moon (20% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 20% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
30373Scream at the Moon Rk. III9511383s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Scream at the Moon Call III (76% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Screaming at the Moon (24% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 24% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
30375Scream at the Moon Call950s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS19L095Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
30376Scream at the Moon Call II950s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS19L095Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
30377Scream at the Moon Call III950s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS19L095Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
30374Screaming at the Moon950s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS19L095Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
30347Shared Brutal Ferocity9526873s36s T912m+n/aTarget Group Stacking: Ferocity 16
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 28%
5: Increase STA by 130
7: Increase ATK by 528
8: Increase All Resists by 138
Fills your group with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
30348Shared Brutal Ferocity Rk. II9527953s36s T912m+n/aTarget Group Stacking: Ferocity 18
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 29%
5: Increase STA by 137
7: Increase ATK by 554
8: Increase All Resists by 145
Fills your group with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
30349Shared Brutal Ferocity Rk. III9529073s36s T912m+n/aTarget Group Stacking: Ferocity 20
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30%
5: Increase STA by 144
7: Increase ATK by 582
8: Increase All Resists by 152
Fills your group with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
30378Spellbreaker's Armor956873s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 20%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 37638
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: NA Spellbreaker's Mending on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 37638 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
30379Spellbreaker's Armor Rk. II957143s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 25%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 39520
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: NA Spellbreaker's Mending II on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 39520 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
30380Spellbreaker's Armor Rk. III957433s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 41496
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: NA Spellbreaker's Mending III on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 41496 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
30390Yahnoa's Call950s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Scream at the Moon Call (91% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Screaming at the Moon (9% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 9% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
30391Yahnoa's Call II950s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Scream at the Moon Call II (90% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Screaming at the Moon (10% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 10% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
30392Yahnoa's Call III950s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Scream at the Moon Call III (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Screaming at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
30384Yahnoa's Feralgia9516583s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yahnoa's Call (v374)
2: Cast: Yahnoa's Growl (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
30385Yahnoa's Feralgia Rk. II9517243s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yahnoa's Call II (v374)
2: Cast: Yahnoa's Growl II (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
30386Yahnoa's Feralgia Rk. III9517933s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yahnoa's Call III (v374)
2: Cast: Yahnoa's Growl III (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
30387Yahnoa's Growl950s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Lion
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 445 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3901
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 3901, heals for 445 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
30388Yahnoa's Growl II950s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Lion II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 467 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 4096
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 4096, heals for 467 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
30389Yahnoa's Growl III950s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Lion III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 490 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 4301
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 4301, heals for 490 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
30326Frostrift Lance9410730.5s30s T11-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5448
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 5448 and 5448 damage.
30327Frostrift Lance Rk. II9411160.5s30s T11-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5720
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 5720 and 5720 damage.
30328Frostrift Lance Rk. III9411610.5s30s T11-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6006
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 6006 and 6006 damage.
30329Frostrift Roar9414570.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 3744
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 3744 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
30330Frostrift Roar Rk. II9415150.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 3931
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 3931 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
30331Frostrift Roar Rk. III9415760.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 4128
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 4128 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
30317Frozen Cyanin9413180.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Cyanin Poison (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Cyanin Ice (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 446
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
30318Frozen Cyanin Rk. II9413710.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Cyanin Poison II (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Cyanin Ice II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 446
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
30319Frozen Cyanin Rk. III9414260.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Cyanin Poison III (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Cyanin Ice III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 446
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
30323Frozen Cyanin Ice940s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 3433
Freezes your target, dealing up to 3433 damage.
30324Frozen Cyanin Ice II940s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 3605
Freezes your target, dealing up to 3605 damage.
30325Frozen Cyanin Ice III940s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 3785
Freezes your target, dealing up to 3785 damage.
30320Frozen Cyanin Poison940s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4135
Poisons your target, dealing up to 4135 damage.
30321Frozen Cyanin Poison II940s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4342
Poisons your target, dealing up to 4342 damage.
30322Frozen Cyanin Poison III940s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4559
Poisons your target, dealing up to 4559 damage.
30332Growl of the Lion9413141.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Lion (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 445 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3601
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a lion, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 445 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 3601 for up to 60 seconds.
30333Growl of the Lion Rk. II9413671.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Lion II (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 467 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3781
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a lion, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 467 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 3781 for up to 60 seconds.
30334Growl of the Lion Rk. III9414221.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Lion III (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 490 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3970
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a lion, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 490 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 3970 for up to 60 seconds.
30335Growl of the Lion94100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 445 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3601
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a lion, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 445 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 3601 for up to 60 seconds.
30336Growl of the Lion II94100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 467 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3781
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a lion, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 467 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 3781 for up to 60 seconds.
30337Growl of the Lion III94100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 490 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3970
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a lion, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 490 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 3970 for up to 60 seconds.
30311Savage Fury9432250s20m T336s+n/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 99% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 460%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 115%
4: Cast: Savage Fury (v374)
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
30312Savage Fury Rk. II9433060s20m T336s+n/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 106% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 483%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 121%
4: Cast: Savage Fury II (v374)
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
30313Savage Fury Rk. III9433890s20m T336s+n/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 114% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 507%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 127%
4: Cast: Savage Fury III (v374)
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
30314Savage Fury940s0s 36s+n/aPet Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 115% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 460%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 135%
4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 50% of Base Damage
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
30315Savage Fury II940s0s 36s+n/aPet Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 121% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 483%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 142%
4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 53% of Base Damage
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
30316Savage Fury III940s0s 36s+n/aPet Hate: 1
1: Increase Hit Damage by 127% (v185)
2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 507%
3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 149%
4: Increase Critical Hit Damage by 56% of Base Damage
Consumes your warder and yourself in a savage fury, greatly increasing your melee damage for 36 seconds.
30338Spirit of Bale943053s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Bale Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Bale, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning fire attack with a protective reflection.
30339Spirit of Bale Rk. II943173s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Bale Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Bale, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning fire attack with a protective reflection.
30340Spirit of Bale Rk. III943303s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Bale Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Bale, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning fire attack with a protective reflection.
30344Spiritual Enrichment9417475s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 56 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 40 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 3 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enhancement, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
30345Spiritual Enrichment Rk. II9418175s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 59 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 42 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 3 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enhancement, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
30346Spiritual Enrichment Rk. III9418905s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 62 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 44 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 4 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enhancement, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
30307Beastwood Rampart933500.5s60s T1072s+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 20265
Bestows a defensive bulwark upon your pet, absorbing up to 20265 damage from the next 9 incoming attacks.
30308Beastwood Rampart Rk. II933500.5s60s T1072s+n/aPet 1: Absorb 10 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 20265
Bestows a defensive bulwark upon your pet, absorbing up to 20265 damage from the next 10 incoming attacks.
30309Beastwood Rampart Rk. III933500.5s60s T1072s+n/aPet 1: Absorb 11 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 20265
Bestows a defensive bulwark upon your pet, absorbing up to 20265 damage from the next 11 incoming attacks.
30289Empowering Warder937111s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Empowering Heal with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
30290Empowering Warder Rk. II937391s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Empowering Heal II with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
30291Empowering Warder Rk. III937691s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Empowering Heal III with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
30295Exceptional Velocity9312706.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 16% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 244
6: Increase AC by 58 to 76, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
30296Exceptional Velocity Rk. II9313216.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 17% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 256
6: Increase AC by 60 to 80, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
30297Exceptional Velocity Rk. III9313746.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Exceptional Velocity III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 18% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 269
6: Increase AC by 64 to 84, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
30298Exceptional Velocity93100s0s 60m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Melee Haste by 53%
Increases your attack speed by 53% for 60 minutes.
30299Exceptional Velocity II93100s0s 60m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Melee Haste by 53%
Increases your attack speed by 53% for 60 minutes.
30300Exceptional Velocity III93100s0s 60m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Melee Haste by 53%
Increases your attack speed by 53% for 60 minutes.
30301Kolos' Fury936450s20m T436sn/aCaster Group 1: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 99%
2: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 55%
3: Increase Chance to Flurry by 41%
6: Decrease Weapon Delay by 33.8%
Imbues your group with nature's fury, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, while increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
30302Kolos' Fury Rk. II936970s20m T436sn/aCaster Group 1: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 104%
2: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 57%
3: Increase Chance to Flurry by 44%
6: Decrease Weapon Delay by 33.8%
Imbues your group with nature's fury, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, while increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
30303Kolos' Fury Rk. III937380s20m T436sn/aCaster Group 1: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 109%
2: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 59%
3: Increase Chance to Flurry by 46%
6: Decrease Weapon Delay by 33.8%
Imbues your group with nature's fury, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, while increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
29848Promised Amendment937200.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Amendment Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (20655)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 20655
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 20655
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
29849Promised Amendment Rk. II937490.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Amendment Trigger II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (21688)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 21688
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 21688
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
29850Promised Amendment Rk. III937790.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Amendment Trigger III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (22772)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 22772
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 22772
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
30304Rotsil's Bite9315190.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6919
Inflicts your target with Rotsil's bite, dealing 6919 damage.
30305Rotsil's Bite Rk. II9315800.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 7265
Inflicts your target with Rotsil's bite, dealing 7265 damage.
30306Rotsil's Bite Rk. III9316430.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 7628
Inflicts your target with Rotsil's bite, dealing 7628 damage.
30310Spirit of Kolos934806s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS19L093Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
30268Brutal Ferocity9211943s36s T912m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 15
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 28%
5: Increase STA by 130
7: Increase ATK by 528
8: Increase All Resists by 138
Fills your target with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
30269Brutal Ferocity Rk. II9212423s36s T912m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 17
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 29%
5: Increase STA by 137
7: Increase ATK by 554
8: Increase All Resists by 145
Fills your target with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
30270Brutal Ferocity Rk. III9212923s36s T912m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 19
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 30%
5: Increase STA by 144
7: Increase ATK by 582
8: Increase All Resists by 152
Fills your target with brutal ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
30274Mending of the Izon9210553s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 4980
Mends severe wounds, healing between 4980 and 4980 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
30275Mending of the Izon Rk. II9210973s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 5229
Mends severe wounds, healing between 5229 and 5229 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
30276Mending of the Izon Rk. III9211413s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 5490
Mends severe wounds, healing between 5490 and 5490 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
30277Silbar's Endemic9229710s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 15
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 3040 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 2846 and 3040 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
30278Silbar's Endemic Rk. II9230990s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 16
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 3182 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 2988 and 3182 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
30279Silbar's Endemic Rk. III9232320s1.5s T472s+Disease -10Single Stacking: Malaria 17
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 3331 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 3137 and 3331 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
30280Spiritual Valiance927195s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 153
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 260
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 2170
4: Increase Max HP by 1159
Fills your group with spiritual valiance, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
30281Spiritual Valiance Rk. II927485s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 161
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 275
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 2250
4: Increase Max HP by 1217
Fills your group with spiritual valiance, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
30282Spiritual Valiance Rk. III927785s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 169
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 290
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 2340
4: Increase Max HP by 1278
Fills your group with spiritual valiance, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
30271Tumult of Claws924170s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 194 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 194 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 232 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 213 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
30272Tumult of Claws Rk. II924430s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 204 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 204 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 244 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 224 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
30273Tumult of Claws Rk. III924650s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 214 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 214 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 256 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 235 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
30283Yurv's Mending9213473s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 2483 per tick
2: Cast: Yurv's Miracle on Fade
Heals your warder for 2483 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
30284Yurv's Mending Rk. II9214013s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 2607 per tick
2: Cast: Yurv's Miracle II on Fade
Heals your warder for 2607 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
30285Yurv's Mending Rk. III9214573s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 2737 per tick
2: Cast: Yurv's Miracle III on Fade
Heals your warder for 2737 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
30238Bestial Rending914410s30s T7-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Bestial Rending (v340)
Increases the melee damage and accuracy of both you and your warder.
30239Bestial Rending Rk. II914540s30s T7-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Bestial Rending II (v340)
Increases the melee damage and accuracy of both you and your warder.
30240Bestial Rending Rk. III914680s30s T7-n/aSelf 1: Cast: Bestial Rending III (v340)
Increases the melee damage and accuracy of both you and your warder.
30241Bestial Rending910s0s 30s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 97 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 68%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 28%
6: Cast: Warder's Rending (v340)
Increases your accuracy and the damage you do with melee attacks.
30242Bestial Rending II910s0s 30s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 102 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 71%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 29%
6: Cast: Warder's Rending II (v340)
Increases your accuracy and the damage you do with melee attacks.
30243Bestial Rending III910s0s 30s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 107 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 31%
6: Cast: Warder's Rending III (v340)
Increases your accuracy and the damage you do with melee attacks.
30265Binaesa Blood9137990s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 16
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 4920
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 4344 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 4920 damage initially and between 4152 and 4344 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
30266Binaesa Blood Rk. II9139660s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 17
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 5166
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 4552 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 5166 damage initially and between 4360 and 4552 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
30267Binaesa Blood Rk. III9141410s1.5s 42s+Poison -10Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 18
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 5424
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 4770 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 5424 damage initially and between 4578 and 4770 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
30250Companion's Aid910s3s 24s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 2111 per tick
Heals you for 2111 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
30251Companion's Aid II910s3s 24s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 2216 per tick
Heals you for 2216 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
30252Companion's Aid III910s3s 24s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Current HP by 2326 per tick
Heals you for 2326 hit points every six seconds for 24 seconds.
30253Focus of Klar918728s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 2543
2: Increase Current HP by 2543
4: Increase STR by 205
5: Increase DEX by 205
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 205
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 205
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1205
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1205
10: Increase STR Cap by 205
11: Increase DEX Cap by 205
Imbues your group with the focus of Klar, providing increased strength, dexterity, and hit points for 30 minutes.
30254Focus of Klar Rk. II919078s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 2670
2: Increase Current HP by 2670
4: Increase STR by 215
5: Increase DEX by 215
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 215
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 215
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1215
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1215
10: Increase STR Cap by 215
11: Increase DEX Cap by 215
Imbues your group with the focus of Klar, providing increased strength, dexterity, and hit points for 30 minutes.
30255Focus of Klar Rk. III919438s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 2804
2: Increase Current HP by 2804
4: Increase STR by 226
5: Increase DEX by 226
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 226
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 226
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1226
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1226
10: Increase STR Cap by 226
11: Increase DEX Cap by 226
Imbues your group with the focus of Klar, providing increased strength, dexterity, and hit points for 30 minutes.
30256Mea's Aggression919105s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 6.9%
4: Decrease AC by 16 to 21, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 28%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 15%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 14%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
30257Mea's Aggression Rk. II919465s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 7.3%
4: Decrease AC by 16 to 22, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 29%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 16%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 15%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
30258Mea's Aggression Rk. III919845s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 7.6%
4: Decrease AC by 17 to 23, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 30%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 17%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 16%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
30259Mea's Protection919105s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 6.9%
4: Increase AC by 16 to 21, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 28%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 15%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 6%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
30260Mea's Protection Rk. II919465s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 7.3%
4: Increase AC by 16 to 22, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 29%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 16%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 7%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
30261Mea's Protection Rk. III919845s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 7.6%
4: Increase AC by 17 to 23, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 30%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 17%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 8%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
30247Natural Collaboration9110775s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. The chances will decrease if you slay creatures below level 90.
30248Natural Collaboration Rk. II9111205s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid II (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. The chances will decrease if you slay creatures below level 90.
30249Natural Collaboration Rk. III9111655s0s 48m+n/aSelf 1: Add Killshot Proc: Forecasted Aid III (100% Chance)
This spell will cause some of your conquests' life to be stored by your warder when you slay creatures. The chances will decrease if you slay creatures below level 90.
28000Reprieve9125 + 1/sec0s90s T1354sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 1274 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at 21%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 21% of your maximum.
28001Reprieve Rk. II9125 + 1/sec0s90s T1354sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 1338 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at 25%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 25% of your maximum.
28002Reprieve Rk. III9125 + 1/sec0s90s T1354sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 1405 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at 29%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 29% of your maximum.
30262Salve of Yubai9114891s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 9765
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 53
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 53
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 53
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 37
6: Increase Current HP by 3222 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 9765 and 9765 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
30263Salve of Yubai Rk. II9115491s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 10253
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 56
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 56
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 56
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 39
6: Increase Current HP by 3383 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 10253 and 10253 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
30264Salve of Yubai Rk. III9116111s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 10766
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 59
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 59
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 59
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 41
6: Increase Current HP by 3552 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 10766 and 10766 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
30244Warder's Rending910s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 97 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 68%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 33%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks.
30245Warder's Rending II910s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 102 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 71%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 35%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks.
30246Warder's Rending III910s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 107 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 75%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 37%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks.
27192Callous Ferocity9010283s36s T912m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 12
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 20%
5: Increase STA by 98
7: Increase ATK by 395
8: Increase All Resists by 104
Fills your target with callous ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
27193Callous Ferocity Rk. II9011733s36s T912m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 13
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 22%
5: Increase STA by 110
7: Increase ATK by 450
8: Increase All Resists by 117
Fills your target with callous ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
27194Callous Ferocity Rk. III9012493s36s T912m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 14
1: Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 25%
5: Increase STA by 118
7: Increase ATK by 480
8: Increase All Resists by 125
Fills your target with callous ferocity, increasing their triple attack chance, standard resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
27195Deadlock Jaws9010803s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 2 Offensive Proc Casts
4: Add Melee Proc: Deadlock Jaws Strike with 200% Rate Mod
8: Increase DEX by 86
Increases your warder's dexterity and gives them a chance to perform a debilitating attack that will slow and damage their target.
27196Deadlock Jaws Rk. II9010803s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 2 Offensive Proc Casts
4: Add Melee Proc: Deadlock Jaws Strike II with 200% Rate Mod
8: Increase DEX by 86
Increases your warder's dexterity and gives them a chance to perform a debilitating attack that will slow and damage their target.
27197Deadlock Jaws Rk. III9010803s1.5s 72m+n/aPet Max Hits: 2 Offensive Proc Casts
4: Add Melee Proc: Deadlock Jaws Strike III with 200% Rate Mod
8: Increase DEX by 86
Increases your warder's dexterity and gives them a chance to perform a debilitating attack that will slow and damage their target.
27213Kron's Disease Strike900s7.5s -Disease -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 3357
Strikes your target with disease, dealing 3357 damage.
27214Kron's Disease Strike II900s7.5s -Disease -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 3704
Strikes your target with disease, dealing 3704 damage.
27215Kron's Disease Strike III900s7.5s -Disease -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 4002
Strikes your target with disease, dealing 4002 damage.
27216Kron's Ice Strike900s7.5s -Cold -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 3071
Strikes your target with ice, dealing 3071 damage.
27217Kron's Ice Strike II900s7.5s -Cold -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 3393
Strikes your target with ice, dealing 3393 damage.
27218Kron's Ice Strike III900s7.5s -Cold -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 3665
Strikes your target with ice, dealing 3665 damage.
27201Kron's Maelstrom9017640.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 800
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Kron's Maelstrom Gaze (v374)
3: Cast: Kron's Poison Strike (v374)
4: Cast: Kron's Disease Strike (v374)
5: Cast: Kron's Ice Strike (v374)
Surrounds your target in Kron's Maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. Kron's gaze will then fall upon them for a short time, repeating one of the three attacks when it fades.
27202Kron's Maelstrom Rk. II9018930.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 800
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Kron's Maelstrom Gaze II (v374)
3: Cast: Kron's Poison Strike II (v374)
4: Cast: Kron's Disease Strike II (v374)
5: Cast: Kron's Ice Strike II (v374)
Surrounds your target in Kron's Maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. Kron's gaze will then fall upon them for a short time, repeating one of the three attacks when it fades.
27203Kron's Maelstrom Rk. III9019550.5s12s T15-Unresistable Single Hate: 800
1: Increase Current HP by 0
2: Cast: Kron's Maelstrom Gaze III (v374)
3: Cast: Kron's Poison Strike III (v374)
4: Cast: Kron's Disease Strike III (v374)
5: Cast: Kron's Ice Strike III (v374)
Surrounds your target in Kron's Maelstrom, damaging them with poison, disease, and ice attacks. Kron's gaze will then fall upon them for a short time, repeating one of the three attacks when it fades.
27210Kron's Poison Strike900s7.5s -Poison -5Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 3180
Strikes your target with poison, dealing 3180 damage.
27211Kron's Poison Strike II900s7.5s -Poison -10Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 3509
Strikes your target with poison, dealing 3509 damage.
27212Kron's Poison Strike III900s7.5s -Poison -15Single Hate: 1
1: Decrease Current HP by 3791
Strikes your target with poison, dealing 3791 damage.
27219Rush902300s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 511
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 235 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 235 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 235 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
27220Rush Rk. II902440s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 665
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 261 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 261 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 261 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
27221Rush Rk. III902580s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 755
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 286 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 286 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 286 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
27222Shout at the Moon908993s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shout at the Moon Call (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shouting at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
27223Shout at the Moon Rk. II9010253s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shout at the Moon Call II (84% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shouting at the Moon (16% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 16% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
27224Shout at the Moon Rk. III9010923s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shout at the Moon Call III (78% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shouting at the Moon (22% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 22% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
27226Shout at the Moon Call900s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS18L090Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
27227Shout at the Moon Call II900s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS18L090Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
27228Shout at the Moon Call III900s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS18L090Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
27225Shouting at the Moon900s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS18L090Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
27229Spellbreaker's Rampart905713s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 20%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 22880
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 22880 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
27230Spellbreaker's Rampart Rk. II906003s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 25%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 28392
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending II on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 28392 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
27231Spellbreaker's Rampart Rk. III906293s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 32032
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
5: Cast: Spellbreaker's Mending III on Rune Fade
Places a rampart around your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells. It will absorb up to 32032 damage before fading. When this rampart fades, your warder will be healed.
27241Tuzil's Call900s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shout at the Moon Call (94% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shouting at the Moon (6% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 6% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
27242Tuzil's Call II900s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shout at the Moon Call II (92% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shouting at the Moon (8% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 8% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
27243Tuzil's Call III900s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Shout at the Moon Call III (89% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Shouting at the Moon (11% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 11% chance that four creatures will heed this call.
27235Tuzil's Feralgia9014553s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Tuzil's Call (v374)
2: Cast: Tuzil's Growl (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
27236Tuzil's Feralgia Rk. II9016593s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Tuzil's Call II (v374)
2: Cast: Tuzil's Growl II (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
27237Tuzil's Feralgia Rk. III9017683s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Tuzil's Call III (v374)
2: Cast: Tuzil's Growl III (v374)
Infuses your pet with offensive and regenerative power and summons animals to fight at its side.
27238Tuzil's Growl900s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Tiger
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 319 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2971
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 2971, heals for 319 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
27239Tuzil's Growl II900s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Tiger II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 363 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3223
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 3223, heals for 363 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
27240Tuzil's Growl III900s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Tiger III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 387 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3392
Increases the bearer's maximum hit points by 3392, heals for 387 points every six seconds, and increases the damage done by melee attacks.
27162Frozen Venin8911300.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Venin Poison (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Venin Ice (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 388
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
27163Frozen Venin Rk. II8912390.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Venin Poison II (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Venin Ice II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 388
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
27164Frozen Venin Rk. III8913050.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Venin Poison III (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Venin Ice III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 388
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
27168Frozen Venin Ice890s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 2435
Freezes your target, dealing up to 2435 damage.
27169Frozen Venin Ice II890s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 2765
Freezes your target, dealing up to 2765 damage.
27170Frozen Venin Ice III890s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 2985
Freezes your target, dealing up to 2985 damage.
27165Frozen Venin Poison890s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 2941
Poisons your target, dealing up to 3209 damage.
27166Frozen Venin Poison II890s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 3343
Poisons your target, dealing up to 3646 damage.
27167Frozen Venin Poison III890s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 3610
Poisons your target, dealing up to 3938 damage.
27171Glacial Lance899150.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4038
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 4038 and 4038 damage.
27172Glacial Lance Rk. II8910150.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4586
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 4586 and 4586 damage.
27173Glacial Lance Rk. III8910710.5s30s T7-Cold -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4953
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 4953 and 4953 damage.
27174Glacial Roar8912860.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 2873
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 2873 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
27175Glacial Roar Rk. II8913930.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 3140
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 3140 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
27176Glacial Roar Rk. III8914960.5s18s T11-Cold Caster PB (30) 1: Decrease Current HP by 3404
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing 3404 damage to up to 30 surrounding enemies.
27177Growl of the Tiger8911131.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Tiger (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 319 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2742
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a tiger, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 319 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2742 for up to 60 seconds.
27178Growl of the Tiger Rk. II8912691.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Tiger II (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 363 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2975
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a tiger, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 363 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2975 for up to 60 seconds.
27179Growl of the Tiger Rk. III8913521.5s2.75s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
2: Cast: Growl of the Tiger III (v374)
6: Increase Current HP by 387 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3131
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a tiger, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 387 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 3131 for up to 60 seconds.
27180Growl of the Tiger89100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 319 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2742
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a tiger, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 319 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2742 for up to 60 seconds.
27181Growl of the Tiger II89100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 363 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2975
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a tiger, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 363 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2975 for up to 60 seconds.
27182Growl of the Tiger III89100s0s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 387 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 3131
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a tiger, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 387 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 3131 for up to 60 seconds.
27183Spirit of Kron892393s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Kron Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Kron, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning magical attack.
27184Spirit of Kron Rk. II892633s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Kron Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Kron, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning magical attack.
27185Spirit of Kron Rk. III892773s1.5s 72m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Kron Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Kron, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning magical attack.
27189Spiritual Enhancement8914815s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 43 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 28 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 2 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enhancement, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
27190Spiritual Enhancement Rk. II8916885s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 48 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 34 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 2 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enhancement, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
27191Spiritual Enhancement Rk. III8917995s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 51 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 36 per tick
9: Increase Current Endurance by 3 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enhancement, increasing their hit point, mana, and endurance regeneration.
27140Bolstering Warder886241s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Bolstering Heal with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
27141Bolstering Warder Rk. II886531s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Bolstering Heal II with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
27142Bolstering Warder Rk. III886701s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 16 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Bolstering Heal III with 100% Rate Mod
Grants your warder a bolstering power, allowing it to heal its enemy's most hated enemy.
27146Incomparable Velocity889646.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Incomparable Velocity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 14% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 179
6: Increase AC by 31 to 41, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
27147Incomparable Velocity Rk. II8810996.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Incomparable Velocity II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 15% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 199
6: Increase AC by 34 to 46, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
27148Incomparable Velocity Rk. III8811716.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Incomparable Velocity III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 16% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 222
6: Increase AC by 38 to 51, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
27149Incomparable Velocity88100s0s 60m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Melee Haste by 52%
Increases your attack speed for 60 minutes.
27150Incomparable Velocity II88100s0s 60m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Melee Haste by 52%
Increases your attack speed for 60 minutes.
27151Incomparable Velocity III88100s0s 60m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Melee Haste by 52%
Increases your attack speed for 60 minutes.
27152Nature's Fury886230s20m T436sn/aCaster Group 1: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 76%
2: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 46%
3: Increase Chance to Flurry by 32%
6: Decrease Weapon Delay by 22.5%
Imbues your group with nature's fury, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, while increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
27153Nature's Fury Rk. II886730s20m T436sn/aCaster Group 1: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 82%
2: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 48%
3: Increase Chance to Flurry by 35%
6: Decrease Weapon Delay by 27%
Imbues your group with nature's fury, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, while increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
27154Nature's Fury Rk. III887130s20m T436sn/aCaster Group 1: Increase Pet Chance to Flurry by 92%
2: Decrease Offhand Damage Shield Taken by 50%
3: Increase Chance to Flurry by 38%
6: Decrease Weapon Delay by 33.8%
Imbues your group with nature's fury, increasing your damage mitigation and weapon speed, while increasing the chance for you and your pets to perform flurries of attacks.
26728Promised Wardmending886310.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Wardmending Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (15736)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 15736
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 15736
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
26729Promised Wardmending Rk. II886590.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Wardmending Trigger II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (17067)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 17067
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 17067
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
26730Promised Wardmending Rk. III886770.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Wardmending Trigger III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (17961)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 17961
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 17961
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
27155Sarsez' Bite8812950.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5128
Inflicts your target with Sarsez' bite, dealing 5128 damage.
27156Sarsez' Bite Rk. II8814180.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 5825
Inflicts your target with Sarsez' bite, dealing 5825 damage.
27157Sarsez' Bite Rk. III8814940.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 6290
Inflicts your target with Sarsez' bite, dealing 6290 damage.
27158Spectral Rampart883000.5s60s T1072s+n/aPet 1: Absorb 6 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 19580
Bestows a spectral rampart upon your pet, absorbing up to 19580 damage from the next 6 incoming attacks.
27159Spectral Rampart Rk. II883000.5s60s T1072s+n/aPet 1: Absorb 7 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 19580
Bestows a spectral rampart upon your pet, absorbing up to 19580 damage from the next 7 incoming attacks.
27160Spectral Rampart Rk. III883000.5s60s T1072s+n/aPet 1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 19580
Bestows a spectral rampart upon your pet, absorbing up to 19580 damage from the next 9 incoming attacks.
27161Spirit of Averc884306s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS18L088Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
27119Flurry of Claws874030s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 151 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 151 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 181 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 165 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
27120Flurry of Claws Rk. II874280s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 165 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 165 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 198 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 181 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
27121Flurry of Claws Rk. III874490s30s T6-Unresistable Directional AE (3) 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 176 with 300% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 176 with 275% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 211 with 200% Accuracy Mod
4: Hand to Hand Attack for 194 with 225% Accuracy Mod
Strikes up to three targets in front of you with a flurry of melee attacks.
27122Jorra's Mending878663s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 3553
Mends severe wounds, healing between 3553 and 3553 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
27123Jorra's Mending Rk. II879193s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 3912
Mends severe wounds, healing between 3912 and 3912 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
27124Jorra's Mending Rk. III879513s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 4150
Mends severe wounds, healing between 4150 and 4150 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
27125Sha's Reprisal872201.5s6s 90s+Magic -35Single 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 65%
3: Increase Disease Counter by 24
Causes your target to fall into a lethargic state, slowing their attack speed for 90 seconds.
27126Sha's Reprisal Rk. II872381.5s6s 90s+Magic -40Single 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 66%
3: Increase Disease Counter by 24
Causes your target to fall into a lethargic state, slowing their attack speed for 90 seconds.
27127Sha's Reprisal Rk. III872521.5s6s 96s+Magic -45Single 2: Decrease Melee Haste by 67%
3: Increase Disease Counter by 24
Causes your target to fall into a lethargic state, slowing their attack speed for 96 seconds.
27128Shiverback Endemic8720130s1.5s T472s+Disease Single Stacking: Malaria 12
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 1905 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 1721 and 1905 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
27129Shiverback Endemic Rk. II8720960s1.5s T472s+Disease Single Stacking: Malaria 13
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 1991 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 1807 and 1991 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
27130Shiverback Endemic Rk. III8721820s1.5s T472s+Disease Single Stacking: Malaria 14
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 2081 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 1897 and 2081 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
27131Spiritual Valor875605s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 111
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 211
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 1778
4: Increase Max HP by 778
Fills your group with spiritual valor, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
27132Spiritual Valor Rk. II876395s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 126
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 226
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 1919
4: Increase Max HP by 919
Fills your group with spiritual valor, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
27133Spiritual Valor Rk. III876815s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 139
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 239
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 2008
4: Increase Max HP by 1008
Fills your group with spiritual valor, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
27134Wilap's Mending8711803s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 1892 per tick
2: Cast: Wilap's Miracle on Fade
Heals your warder for 1892 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
27135Wilap's Mending Rk. II8712363s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 2054 per tick
2: Cast: Wilap's Miracle II on Fade
Heals your warder for 2054 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
27136Wilap's Mending Rk. III8712683s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 2159 per tick
2: Cast: Wilap's Miracle III on Fade
Heals your warder for 2159 hit points every six seconds for 60 seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
27098Bestial Vivisection864100s30s T730s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 72 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 53%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 21%
6: Cast: Warder's Vivisection (v340)
Increases your accuracy and the damage you do with melee attacks.
27099Bestial Vivisection Rk. II864270s30s T730s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 79 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 58%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 22%
6: Cast: Warder's Vivisection II (v340)
Increases your accuracy and the damage you do with melee attacks.
27100Bestial Vivisection Rk. III864440s30s T730s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 88 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 62%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 25%
6: Cast: Warder's Vivisection III (v340)
Increases your accuracy and the damage you do with melee attacks.
27104Focus of Emiq866428s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 1607
2: Increase Current HP by 1607
4: Increase STR by 153
5: Increase DEX by 153
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 153
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 153
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1153
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1153
10: Increase STR Cap by 153
11: Increase DEX Cap by 153
Imbues your group with the focus of Emiq, providing increased hit points for 30 minutes.
27105Focus of Emiq Rk. II867348s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 1900
2: Increase Current HP by 1900
4: Increase STR by 175
5: Increase DEX by 175
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 175
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 175
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1175
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1175
10: Increase STR Cap by 175
11: Increase DEX Cap by 175
Imbues your group with the focus of Emiq, providing increased hit points for 30 minutes.
27106Focus of Emiq Rk. III868568s1.5s 30m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 2312
2: Increase Current HP by 2312
4: Increase STR by 186
5: Increase DEX by 186
6: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 186
7: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 186
8: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'STR' and < 1186
9: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'DEX' and < 1186
10: Increase STR Cap by 186
11: Increase DEX Cap by 186
Imbues your group with the focus of Emiq, providing increased hit points for 30 minutes.
27107Neivr's Aggression867685s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 4.5%
4: Decrease AC by 11 to 15, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 20%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 11%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 6%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
27108Neivr's Aggression Rk. II868085s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 5%
4: Decrease AC by 13 to 17, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 22%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 12%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 9%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
27109Neivr's Aggression Rk. III868615s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Decrease Max HP by 5.5%
4: Decrease AC by 14 to 19, Based on Class (v416)
6: Increase Chance to Hit by 25%
7: Decrease Hate Generated by 14%
11: Increase Min Hit Damage by 12%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks, at the cost of its maximum health and armor class.
27110Neivr's Protection867685s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 4.5%
4: Increase AC by 11 to 15, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 20%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 11%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 3%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
27111Neivr's Protection Rk. II868085s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 5%
4: Increase AC by 13 to 17, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 22%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 12%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 4%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
27112Neivr's Protection Rk. III868615s1.5s T1348m+n/aPet 3: Increase Max HP by 5.5%
4: Increase AC by 14 to 19, Based on Class (v416)
6: Decrease Chance to Hit by 25%
7: Increase Hate Generated by 14%
11: Absorb Melee Damage: 5%
Increases your warder's maximum health, mitigation, and armor class at the cost of accuracy.
25000Respite8625 + 1/sec0s90s T1354sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 845 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at 21%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 21% of your maximum.
25001Respite Rk. II8625 + 1/sec0s90s T1354sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 964 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at 25%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 25% of your maximum.
25002Respite Rk. III8625 + 1/sec0s90s T1354sn/aSelf Hate: 1
1: Increase Current Endurance by 1213 per tick
3: Cap Endurance at 29%
Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 29% of your maximum.
27113Salve of Sevna869951s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 5623
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 44
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 44
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 44
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 18
6: Increase Current HP by 1856 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 5623 and 5623 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
27114Salve of Sevna Rk. II8610351s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 5904
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 50
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 50
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 50
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 28
6: Increase Current HP by 1949 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 5904 and 5904 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
27115Salve of Sevna Rk. III8610761s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 6199
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 53
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 53
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 53
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 37
6: Increase Current HP by 2046 (If HP Between 1 and 25 Percent)
Restores your warder's health, healing between 6199 and 6199 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption. This spell will grant additional healing to warders that are severely injured.
27116Spinechiller Blood8625920s1.5s 42s+Poison Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 13
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 2975
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 2692 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 2975 damage initially and between 2510 and 2692 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
27117Spinechiller Blood Rk. II8627020s1.5s 42s+Poison Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 14
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 3124
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 2818 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 3124 damage initially and between 2636 and 2818 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
27118Spinechiller Blood Rk. III8628180s1.5s 42s+Poison Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 15
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 3280
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 2950 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 3280 damage initially and between 2768 and 2950 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
27101Warder's Vivisection860s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 72 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 53%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 22%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks.
27102Warder's Vivisection II860s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 79 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 58%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 24%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks.
27103Warder's Vivisection III860s0s 30s+n/aPet 1: Increase Hit Damage Bonus by 88 (v418)
3: Increase Chance to Hit by 62%
5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 30%
Increases your warder's accuracy and the damage it does with melee attacks.
18135Fellgrip Jaws853003s1.5s 10m+n/aPet Max Hits: 2 Offensive Proc Casts
4: Add Melee Proc: Fellgrip Jaws Strike with 200% Rate Mod
8: Increase DEX by 75
Increases your warder's dexterity and gives them a chance to perform a debilitating attack that will slow and damage their target.
18136Fellgrip Jaws Rk. II853003s1.5s 10m+n/aPet Max Hits: 2 Offensive Proc Casts
4: Add Melee Proc: Fellgrip Jaws Strike Rk. II with 200% Rate Mod
8: Increase DEX by 75
Increases your warder's dexterity and gives them a chance to perform a debilitating attack that will slow and damage their target.
18137Fellgrip Jaws Rk. III853003s1.5s 10m+n/aPet Max Hits: 2 Offensive Proc Casts
4: Add Melee Proc: Fellgrip Jaws Strike Rk. III with 200% Rate Mod
8: Increase DEX by 75
Increases your warder's dexterity and gives them a chance to perform a debilitating attack that will slow and damage their target.
18170Foray853070s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 681
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 134 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 134 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 134 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
18171Foray Rk. II853990s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 886
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 148 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 148 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 148 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
18172Foray Rk. III854530s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 1006
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 163 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 163 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 163 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
22672Haergen's Call I850s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yowl at the Moon Call (95% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yowling at the Moon (5% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 5% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
22673Haergen's Call II850s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yowl at the Moon Call Rk. II (93% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yowling at the Moon (7% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 7% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
22674Haergen's Call III850s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yowl at the Moon Call Rk. III (91% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yowling at the Moon (9% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 9% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
22500Haergen's Feralgia8513863s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Haergen's Call I (v374)
2: Cast: Haergen's Growl I (v374)
Summons a feral companion to attack your target. This spell will sometimes summon multiple companions. The growl of these companions incites you and your warder with increase melee power, maximum hit points, and regeneration.
22501Haergen's Feralgia Rk. II8515803s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Haergen's Call II (v374)
2: Cast: Haergen's Growl II (v374)
Summons a feral companion to attack your target. This spell will sometimes summon multiple companions. The growl of these companions incites you and your warder with increase melee power, maximum hit points, and regeneration.
22502Haergen's Feralgia Rk. III8516843s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Haergen's Call III (v374)
2: Cast: Haergen's Growl III (v374)
Summons a feral companion to attack your target. This spell will sometimes summon multiple companions. The growl of these companions incites you and your warder with increase melee power, maximum hit points, and regeneration.
18154Savage Ferocity8512243s2m T96.5m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 9
5: Increase STA by 85
7: Increase ATK by 305
8: Increase All Resists by 90
Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
18155Savage Ferocity Rk. II8513963s2m T96.5m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 10
5: Increase STA by 96
7: Increase ATK by 348
8: Increase All Resists by 102
Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
18156Savage Ferocity Rk. III8514873s2m T96.5m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 11
5: Increase STA by 103
7: Increase ATK by 371
8: Increase All Resists by 109
Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
18160Spellbreaker's Aegis855006s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 20%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 11440
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
Places a guard on your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells.
18161Spellbreaker's Aegis Rk. II855006s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 25%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 13520
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
Places a guard on your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells.
18162Spellbreaker's Aegis Rk. III855006s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 14560
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
Places a guard on your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells.
18163Yowl at the Moon858563s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yowl at the Moon Call (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yowling at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
18164Yowl at the Moon Rk. II859763s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yowl at the Moon Call Rk. II (84% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yowling at the Moon (16% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 16% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
18165Yowl at the Moon Rk. III8510403s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Yowl at the Moon Call Rk. III (78% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Yowling at the Moon (22% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 22% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
18167Yowl at the Moon Call850s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS17L085Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
18168Yowl at the Moon Call Rk. II850s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS17L085Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
18169Yowl at the Moon Call Rk. III850s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS17L085Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
18166Yowling at the Moon850s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS17L085Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
18141Frigid Lance844510.5s30s T11-Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 1624
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 1624 and 1624 damage.
18142Frigid Lance Rk. II844940.5s30s T11-Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 1844
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 1844 and 1844 damage.
18143Frigid Lance Rk. III845210.5s30s T11-Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 1992
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 1992 and 1992 damage.
19726Frozen Venom847200.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Venom Poison Rk. I (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Venom Ice Rk. I (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 353
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
19727Frozen Venom Rk. II847890.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Venom Poison Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Venom Ice Rk. II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 353
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
19728Frozen Venom Rk. III848310.5s4.5s T14-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Frozen Venom Poison Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast: Frozen Venom Ice Rk. III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 353
4: Increase Current HP by 0
A spell which increases the target's hate, and strikes it with cold and poisonous venom.
19732Frozen Venom Ice Rk. I840s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 974
This component of Frozen Venom freezes the target.
19733Frozen Venom Ice Rk. II840s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 1106
This component of Frozen Venom freezes the target.
19734Frozen Venom Ice Rk. III840s0s -Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 1194
This component of Frozen Venom freezes the target.
18182Growl of the Jaguar8410603s1.5s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Jaguar
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 245 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2285
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a jaguar, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 245 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2285 for up to 60 seconds.
18183Growl of the Jaguar Rk. II8412093s1.5s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Jaguar II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 279 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2479
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a jaguar, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 279 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2479 for up to 60 seconds.
18184Growl of the Jaguar Rk. III8412883s1.5s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Jaguar III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 298 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2609
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a jaguar, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 298 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2609 for up to 60 seconds.
18185Growl of the Jaguar840s0s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 245 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2285
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a jaguar, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 245 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2285 for up to 60 seconds.
18186Growl of the Jaguar II840s0s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 279 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2479
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a jaguar, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 279 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2479 for up to 60 seconds.
18187Growl of the Jaguar III840s0s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 298 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2609
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a jaguar, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 298 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2609 for up to 60 seconds.
22675Haergen's Growl I840s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Jaguar
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 245 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2285
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a jaguar, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 245 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2285 for up to 60 seconds.
22676Haergen's Growl II840s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Jaguar II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 279 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2479
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a jaguar, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 279 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2479 for up to 60 seconds.
22677Haergen's Growl III840s0s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Jaguar III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 298 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2609
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a jaguar, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 298 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2609 for up to 60 seconds.
18129Spirit of Vaxztn842173s1.5s 60m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Vaxztn Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Vaxztn, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning disease attack.
18130Spirit of Vaxztn Rk. II842393s1.5s 60m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Vaxztn Strike Rk. II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Vaxztn, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning disease attack.
18131Spirit of Vaxztn Rk. III842523s1.5s 60m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Vaxztn Strike Rk. III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Vaxztn, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning disease attack.
18144Spiritual Edification8414105s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 20 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 20 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enlightenment, increasing their mana and hit point regeneration.
18145Spiritual Edification Rk. II8416085s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 24 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 24 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enlightenment, increasing their mana and hit point regeneration.
18146Spiritual Edification Rk. III8417135s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 26 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 26 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enlightenment, increasing their mana and hit point regeneration.
18157Bite of the Vitrik839910.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 3567
Bites your target with the Vitrik's beak, inflicting 3567 damage.
18158Bite of the Vitrik Rk. II8310850.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4052
Bites your target with the Vitrik's beak, inflicting 4052 damage.
18159Bite of the Vitrik Rk. III8311430.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 4376
Bites your target with the Vitrik's beak, inflicting 4376 damage.
19735Friendly Pet834613s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 6 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Friendly Pet Heal
This spell cast on the pet will give the pet a contact healing ability, which will periodically heal the pet's enemy's enemy.
19736Friendly Pet Rk. II834823s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 6 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Friendly Pet Heal II
This spell cast on the pet will give the pet a contact healing ability, which will periodically heal the pet's enemy's enemy.
19737Friendly Pet Rk. III834953s30s 48m+n/aPet Max Hits: 6 Offensive Proc Casts
8: Add Melee Proc: Friendly Pet Heal III
This spell cast on the pet will give the pet a contact healing ability, which will periodically heal the pet's enemy's enemy.
19738Friendly Pet Heal830s0s -n/aTargets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 2947
This element of the Friendly Pet spell will heal the target's target.
19739Friendly Pet Heal II830s0s -n/aTargets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 3142
This element of the Friendly Pet spell will heal the target's target.
19740Friendly Pet Heal III830s0s -n/aTargets Target 1: Increase Current HP by 3272
This element of the Friendly Pet spell will heal the target's target.
19729Frozen Venom Poison Rk. I830s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 2139
This component of Frozen Venom poisons the target.
19730Frozen Venom Poison Rk. II830s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 2431
This component of Frozen Venom poisons the target.
19731Frozen Venom Poison Rk. III830s0s -Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 2625
This component of Frozen Venom poisons the target.
18120Promised Rejuvenation835570.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Rejuvenation Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (11583)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 11583
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 11583
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
18121Promised Rejuvenation Rk. II835820.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Rejuvenation Trigger Rk. II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (12563)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 12563
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 12563
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
18122Promised Rejuvenation Rk. III835980.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Rejuvenation Trigger Rk. III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (13221)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 13221
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 13221
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
18150Spirit of Hoshkar834006s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS17L083Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
18126Unrivaled Rapidity839186.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Unrivaled Rapidity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 12% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 138
6: Increase AC by 24 to 31, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
18127Unrivaled Rapidity Rk. II8310476.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Unrivaled Rapidity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 13% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 157
6: Increase AC by 27 to 36, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
18128Unrivaled Rapidity Rk. III8311156.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Unrivaled Rapidity
2: Increase Hit Damage by 14% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 168
6: Increase AC by 29 to 38, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
18111Cadmael's Mending824613s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 1720
Mends severe wounds, healing between 870 and 1720 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
18112Cadmael's Mending Rk. II824823s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 1866
Mends severe wounds, healing between 1016 and 1866 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
18113Cadmael's Mending Rk. III824953s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 1964
Mends severe wounds, healing between 1114 and 1964 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
18188Minax's Mending825245s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 700 per tick
2: Cast: Miraculous Mending on Fade
Heals your pet for 700 hit points every six seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
18189Minax's Mending Rk. II825485s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 759 per tick
2: Cast: Miraculous Mending on Fade
Heals your pet for 759 hit points every six seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
18190Minax's Mending Rk. III825635s1.5s 60s+n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 799 per tick
2: Cast: Miraculous Mending on Fade
Heals your pet for 799 hit points every six seconds. When this spell wears off, the bearer will experience a miraculous mending.
18117Spiritual Verve825095s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 85
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 185
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 1501
4: Increase Max HP by 501
Fills your group with spiritual brawn, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
18118Spiritual Verve Rk. II825815s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 96
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 196
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 1592
4: Increase Max HP by 592
Fills your group with spiritual brawn, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
18119Spiritual Verve Rk. III826195s1.5s T372m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase ATK by 103
2: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'ATK' and < 203
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is 'HP Buff' and < 1637
4: Increase Max HP by 637
Fills your group with spiritual brawn, increasing their hit points and attack rating for 72 minutes.
18151Tsetsian Endemic8213970s1.5s T472s+Disease Single Stacking: Malaria 9
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 1214 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 1040 and 1214 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
18152Tsetsian Endemic Rk. II8214500s1.5s T472s+Disease Single Stacking: Malaria 10
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 1266 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 1092 and 1266 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
18153Tsetsian Endemic Rk. III8215060s1.5s T472s+Disease Single Stacking: Malaria 11
Quiet: 3s
1: Increase Disease Counter by 18
2: Decrease Current HP by 1321 per tick
Infects your target with a fever that causes between 1147 and 1321 damage every six seconds for 72 seconds.
18114Focus of Yemall8126728s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 1009
2: Increase Current HP by 1009
Imbues your group with the focus of Yemall, providing increased hit points for 72 minutes.
18115Focus of Yemall Rk. II8130468s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 1193
2: Increase Current HP by 1193
Imbues your group with the focus of Yemall, providing increased hit points for 72 minutes.
18116Focus of Yemall Rk. III8132468s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 1: Increase Max HP by 1284
2: Increase Current HP by 1284
Imbues your group with the focus of Yemall, providing increased hit points for 72 minutes.
18108Ikaav Blood8118060s1.5s 42s+Poison Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 10
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1799
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 1689 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 1799 damage initially and between 1517 and 1689 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
18109Ikaav Blood Rk. II8118790s1.5s 42s+Poison Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 11
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1889
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 1765 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 1889 damage initially and between 1593 and 1765 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
18110Ikaav Blood Rk. III8119560s1.5s 42s+Poison Single Stacking: Scorpion Venom 12
Quiet: 3s
1: Decrease Current HP by 1983
2: Increase Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Current HP by 1845 per tick
Fills your target's veins with deadly venom, causing 1983 damage initially and between 1673 and 1845 damage every six seconds for 42 seconds.
18105Salve of Reshan817941s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 4411
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 43
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 43
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 43
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 18
Restores your warder's health, healing between 3527 and 4411 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption.
18106Salve of Reshan Rk. II818301s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 4786
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 49
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 49
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 49
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 27
Restores your warder's health, healing between 3902 and 4786 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption.
18107Salve of Reshan Rk. III818521s4.25s -n/aPet 1: Increase Current HP by 5036
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 52
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 52
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 52
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 36
Restores your warder's health, healing between 4152 and 5036 hit points, as well as curing them of diseases, poisons, curses, and corruption.
14154Baying at the Moon800s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS16L080Ward x 2 for 18s
Summons 2 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
14158Harrow802060s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 458
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 89 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 89 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 89 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
14159Harrow Rk. II802680s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 595
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 98 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 98 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 98 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
14160Harrow Rk. III803040s30s T9-Unresistable Single Hate: 676
1: Hand to Hand Attack for 108 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
2: Hand to Hand Attack for 108 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
3: Hand to Hand Attack for 108 with 10000% Accuracy Mod
Assaults your target with a flurry of savage attacks.
14151Howl at the Moon807023s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Howl at the Moon Call (88% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Baying at the Moon (12% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 12% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
14152Howl at the Moon Rk. II808003s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Howl at the Moon Call Rk. II (84% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Baying at the Moon (16% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 16% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
14153Howl at the Moon Rk. III808533s18s T5-Unresistable Single 1: Cast: Howl at the Moon Call Rk. III (78% Chance) (v340)
2: Cast: Baying at the Moon (22% Chance) (v340)
3: Decrease Current HP by 1
Beckons to the denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds. There is a 22% chance that 2 creatures will heed this call.
14155Howl at the Moon Call800s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS16L080Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
14156Howl at the Moon Call Rk. II800s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS16L080Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
14157Howl at the Moon Call Rk. III800s0s -Unresistable Single 1: Summon Pet: PCSwmBstS16L080Ward x 1 for 18s
Summons 1 denizens of the wild to attack your target for 18 seconds.
14123Lockfang Jaws803003s1.5s 10m+n/aPet Max Hits: 2 Offensive Proc Casts
4: Add Melee Proc: NA Lockfang Jaws Strike with 200% Rate Mod
8: Increase DEX by 75
Increases your warder's dexterity and gives them a chance to perform a debilitating attack that will slow and damage their target.
14124Lockfang Jaws Rk. II803003s1.5s 10m+n/aPet Max Hits: 2 Offensive Proc Casts
4: Add Melee Proc: NA Lockfang Jaws Strike Rk. II with 200% Rate Mod
8: Increase DEX by 75
Increases your warder's dexterity and gives them a chance to perform a debilitating attack that will slow and damage their target.
14125Lockfang Jaws Rk. III803003s1.5s 10m+n/aPet Max Hits: 2 Offensive Proc Casts
4: Add Melee Proc: NA Lockfang Jaws Strike Rk. III with 200% Rate Mod
8: Increase DEX by 75
Increases your warder's dexterity and gives them a chance to perform a debilitating attack that will slow and damage their target.
14148Spellbreaker's Bulwark805006s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 20%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 8800
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
Places a guard on your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells.
14149Spellbreaker's Bulwark Rk. II805006s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 25%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 10400
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
Places a guard on your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells.
14150Spellbreaker's Bulwark Rk. III805006s36s T1036m+n/aPet Max Hits: 10 Incoming Spells
1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 30%
2: Absorb Spell Damage: 80%, Total: 11200
3: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
4: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is 'Absorb Hits' and < 100
Places a guard on your warder that greatly increases its chance to mitigate or completely resist detrimental spells.
14142Vicious Ferocity8010043s2m T96.5m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 6
5: Increase STA by 70
7: Increase ATK by 250
8: Increase All Resists by 74
Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
14143Vicious Ferocity Rk. II8011443s2m T96.5m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 7
5: Increase STA by 79
7: Increase ATK by 285
8: Increase All Resists by 84
Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
14144Vicious Ferocity Rk. III8012193s2m T96.5m+n/aSingle Stacking: Ferocity 8
5: Increase STA by 85
7: Increase ATK by 304
8: Increase All Resists by 90
Fills your target with ruthless ferocity, increasing their resistances, attack rating, and stamina.
14170Growl of the Puma798693s1.5s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Puma
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 201 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 1988
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a puma, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 201 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 1988 for up to 60 seconds.
14171Growl of the Puma Rk. II799913s1.5s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Puma II
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 229 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2156
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a puma, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 229 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2156 for up to 60 seconds.
14172Growl of the Puma Rk. III7910563s1.5s 60s+n/aPet Recourse: Growl of the Puma III
1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 244 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2269
Infuses you and your pet with the power of a puma, increasing melee damage by 20%, healing 244 health every six seconds and increasing your maximum hit points by 2269 for up to 60 seconds.
14173Growl of the Puma790s0s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 201 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 1988
14174Growl of the Puma II790s0s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 229 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2156
14175Growl of the Puma III790s0s 60s+n/aSelf 1: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
6: Increase Current HP by 244 per tick
7: Increase Max HP by 2269
14129Jagged Torrent793840.5s30s T7-Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 1298
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 1298 and 1298 damage.
14130Jagged Torrent Rk. II794210.5s30s T7-Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 1475
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 1475 and 1475 damage.
14131Jagged Torrent Rk. III794440.5s30s T7-Cold Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 1594
Strikes your target with sharp shards of ice, causing between 1594 and 1594 damage.
14117Spirit of Jeswin791543s1.5s 48m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Jeswin Strike with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Jeswin, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning frost attack.
14118Spirit of Jeswin Rk. II791693s1.5s 48m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Jeswin Strike Rk. II with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Jeswin, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning frost attack.
14119Spirit of Jeswin Rk. III791783s1.5s 48m+n/aPet 1: Add Melee Proc: Spirit of Jeswin Strike Rk. III with 150% Rate Mod
2: Increase DEX by 75
Fills your warder with the spirit of Jeswin, increasing their dexterity and giving them a chance to perform a stunning frost attack.
50228Spirit of Tala'Tak791206.5s1.5s 36m+n/aTarget Group 2: Increase Movement Speed by 85%
6: Increase ATK by 300
Fills your group with the spirit of Tala`Tak, increasing their run speed and attack rating.
14132Spiritual Epiphany7911565s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 14 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 14 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enlightenment, increasing their mana and hit point regeneration.
14133Spiritual Epiphany Rk. II7913185s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 17 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 17 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enlightenment, increasing their mana and hit point regeneration.
14134Spiritual Epiphany Rk. III7914045s1.5s 72m+n/aTarget Group 5: Increase Current Mana by 18 per tick
8: Increase Current HP by 18 per tick
Envelops your group in an aura of spiritual enlightenment, increasing their mana and hit point regeneration.
14145Bite of the Borrower788430.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 2852
Bites your target with the Borrower's fangs, inflicting 2852 damage.
14146Bite of the Borrower Rk. II789240.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 3241
Bites your target with the Borrower's fangs, inflicting 3241 damage.
14147Bite of the Borrower Rk. III789740.5s30s T6-Poison -20Single 1: Decrease Current HP by 3502
Bites your target with the Borrower's fangs, inflicting 3502 damage.
14114Peerless Penchant787526.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Peerless Penchant
2: Increase Hit Damage by 9% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 113
6: Increase AC by 19 to 26, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
14115Peerless Penchant Rk. II788586.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Peerless Penchant
2: Increase Hit Damage by 10% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 129
6: Increase AC by 22 to 29, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
14116Peerless Penchant Rk. III789146.5s1.5s 60m+n/aPet Recourse: Peerless Penchant
2: Increase Hit Damage by 11% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase ATK by 138
6: Increase AC by 24 to 31, Based on Class
Fills your warder with prowess, increasing their attack speed, damage, armor class, and attack rating. Increases the attack speed of your group members.
14108Promised Recovery785160.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Recovery Trigger on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (10069)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 10069
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 10069
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
14109Promised Recovery Rk. II785390.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Recovery Trigger Rk. II on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (10926)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 10926
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 10926
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
14110Promised Recovery Rk. III785540.25s15s T1218sn/aPet 1: Cast: Promised Recovery Trigger Rk. III on Duration Fade
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (11500)
3: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 11500
4: Stacking: Overwrite existing spell if slot 2 is 'Delayed Heal Marker' and < 11500
Imbues your pet with the promise of a great heal in 18 seconds.
14138Spirit of Silverwing784006s1.5s -n/aSelf 1: Summon Warder: PCPetBstS16L078Ward
Summons a feral warder to aid you in battle.
14164Bulwark of Tri'Qaras777506s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 6 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 18017
2: Cast: Rage of Tri'Qaras on Fade
Bestows a protective guard upon your pet, absorbing up to 18017 damage from the next 6 incoming attacks. When this protection fades, your pet will inflict additional melee damage for 30 seconds.
14165Bulwark of Tri'Qaras Rk. II777506s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 6 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 18467
2: Cast: Rage of Tri'Qaras on Fade
Bestows a protective guard upon your pet, absorbing up to 18467 damage from the next 6 incoming attacks. When this protection fades, your pet will inflict additional melee damage for 30 seconds.
14166Bulwark of Tri'Qaras Rk. III777506s36s T1036m+n/aPet 1: Absorb 6 Hits or Spells, Max Per Hit: 18929
2: Cast: Rage of Tri'Qaras on Fade
Bestows a protective guard upon your pet, absorbing up to 18929 damage from the next 6 incoming attacks. When this protection fades, your pet will inflict additional melee damage for 30 seconds.
14099Daria's Mending774273s1.5s -n/aSingle Ally or TT 1: Increase Current HP by 1496
Mends severe wounds, healing between 696 and 1496 hit points. If your target is an enemy, you will heal that enemy's current target instead.
14100Daria's Mending Rk. II77