ID | Name | Level | Mana | Cast | Recast | Duration | Resist | Target | Effects |
68208 | Axe of Orrak | 125 | 583 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1285 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1767 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 2247 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 1285, 1767, and 2247. Requires, but does not consume, $4 {44}#4. |
68209 | Axe of Orrak Rk. II | 125 | 612 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1317 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1811 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 2303 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 1317, 1811, and 2303. Requires, but does not consume, $4 {44}#4. |
68210 | Axe of Orrak Rk. III | 125 | 643 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1350 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1856 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 2361 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 1350, 1856, and 2361. Requires, but does not consume, $4 {44}#4. |
68154 | Desperate Frenzy | 125 | 1041 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Desperate Frenzy Strike with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Desperate Frenzy Strike, which will deal an additional 6101 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
68155 | Desperate Frenzy Rk. II | 125 | 1093 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Desperate Frenzy Strike Rk. II with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Desperate Frenzy Strike Rk. II, which will deal an additional 6345 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
68156 | Desperate Frenzy Rk. III | 125 | 1148 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Desperate Frenzy Strike Rk. III with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Desperate Frenzy Strike Rk. III, which will deal an additional 6599 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
70629 | Eviscerator's Covariance | 125 | 12293 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Eviscerator's Covariance Trigger V Azia (v374) 2: Cast: Eviscerator's Covariance Selection V Azia (v374) Applies Eviscerator's Covariance Effect V Azia to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Eviscerator's Bladestrike V Azia on your melee attacks. Applies Eviscerator's Covariance Trigger V Azia to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Eviscerator's Convergence V Azia dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
70630 | Eviscerator's Covariance Rk. II | 125 | 12908 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Eviscerator's Covariance Trigger V Beza (v374) 2: Cast: Eviscerator's Covariance Selection V Beza (v374) Applies Eviscerator's Covariance Effect V Beza to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Eviscerator's Bladestrike V Beza on your melee attacks. Applies Eviscerator's Covariance Trigger V Beza to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Eviscerator's Convergence V Beza dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
70631 | Eviscerator's Covariance Rk. III | 125 | 13553 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Eviscerator's Covariance Trigger V Caza (v374) 2: Cast: Eviscerator's Covariance Selection V Caza (v374) Applies Eviscerator's Covariance Effect V Caza to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Eviscerator's Bladestrike V Caza on your melee attacks. Applies Eviscerator's Covariance Trigger V Caza to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Eviscerator's Convergence V Caza dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
68163 | Shared Barbarism | 125 | 2306 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Barbarism 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 218 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 218 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 432 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 432 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 218 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 218 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 432 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 218 more damage with one handed weapons and 432 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 658 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
68164 | Shared Barbarism Rk. II | 125 | 2421 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Barbarism II 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 229 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 229 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 454 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 454 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 229 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 229 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 454 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 229 more damage with one handed weapons and 454 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 691 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
68165 | Shared Barbarism Rk. III | 125 | 2542 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Barbarism III 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 240 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 240 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 477 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 477 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 240 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 240 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 477 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 240 more damage with one handed weapons and 477 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 726 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
70607 | Arcscale | 124 | 568 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 294 1: 2H Slash Attack for 515 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 515 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 515 damage each. |
70608 | Arcscale Rk. II | 124 | 596 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 294 1: 2H Slash Attack for 541 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 541 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 541 damage each. |
70609 | Arcscale Rk. III | 124 | 626 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 294 1: 2H Slash Attack for 568 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 568 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 568 damage each. |
68151 | Eviscerating Volley | 124 | 338 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 331 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 331 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 331 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 331 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 331 base damage. |
68152 | Eviscerating Volley Rk. II | 124 | 355 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 339 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 339 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 339 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 339 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 339 base damage. |
68153 | Eviscerating Volley Rk. III | 124 | 373 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 347 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 347 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 347 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 347 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 347 base damage. |
68184 | Heightened Frenzy | 124 | 1126 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Heightened Frenzy Strike with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 11915 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
68185 | Heightened Frenzy Rk. II | 124 | 1182 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Heightened Frenzy Strike II with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 12392 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
68186 | Heightened Frenzy Rk. III | 124 | 1241 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Heightened Frenzy Strike III with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 12888 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
68148 | Jarring Crash | 124 | 308 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -56 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 30219 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 30219. |
68149 | Jarring Crash Rk. II | 124 | 323 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -61 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 31730 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 31730. |
68150 | Jarring Crash Rk. III | 124 | 339 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -67 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 33317 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 33317. |
70623 | Draining Strikes | 123 | 334 | 0s | 2.5m T8 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 4 Offensive Proc Casts 13: Add Melee Proc: Draining Strike with 400% Rate Mod Focuses your melee strikes on your target's vitals, allowing you to trigger Draining Strike, which will deal 18610 damage to your target and return 40% of that damage as endurance. This focus will fade after 4 strikes or 60 seconds. |
70624 | Draining Strikes Rk. II | 123 | 351 | 0s | 2.5m T8 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 4 Offensive Proc Casts 13: Add Melee Proc: Draining Strike II with 400% Rate Mod Focuses your melee strikes on your target's vitals, allowing you to trigger Draining Strike II, which will deal 19541 damage to your target and return 40% of that damage as endurance. This focus will fade after 4 strikes or 60 seconds. |
70625 | Draining Strikes Rk. III | 123 | 369 | 0s | 2.5m T8 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 4 Offensive Proc Casts 13: Add Melee Proc: Draining Strike III with 400% Rate Mod Focuses your melee strikes on your target's vitals, allowing you to trigger Draining Strike III, which will deal 20518 damage to your target and return 40% of that damage as endurance. This focus will fade after 4 strikes or 60 seconds. |
68160 | Rending Axe Throw | 123 | 531 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -67 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 1043 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 1043. Consumes $2 {44}#2. |
68161 | Rending Axe Throw Rk. II | 123 | 558 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -70 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 1069 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 1069. Consumes $2 {44}#2. |
68162 | Rending Axe Throw Rk. III | 123 | 586 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -74 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 1096 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 1096. Consumes $2 {44}#2. |
68145 | Skull Strike | 123 | 486 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -56 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 125 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 125. Consumes $2 {44}#2. |
68146 | Skull Strike Rk. II | 123 | 486 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -61 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 125 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 125. Consumes $2 {44}#2. |
68147 | Skull Strike Rk. III | 123 | 486 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -67 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 125 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 125. Consumes $2 {44}#2. |
68199 | Unthinking Retaliation | 123 | 935 | 0s | 60s T18 | 60m+ | n/a | Self | 2: Cast: Unthinking Retaliation Trigger if 22500 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker A (37) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with Unthinking Retaliation Trigger if you are struck by a melee attack that causes 22500 or more damage. Each target stunned will restore endurance to you. |
68200 | Unthinking Retaliation Rk. II | 123 | 912 | 0s | 60s T18 | 60m+ | n/a | Self | 2: Cast: Unthinking Retaliation Trigger II if 25000 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker A (38) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with Unthinking Retaliation Trigger II if you are struck by a melee attack that causes 25000 or more damage. Each target stunned will restore endurance to you. |
68201 | Unthinking Retaliation Rk. III | 123 | 890 | 0s | 60s T18 | 60m+ | n/a | Self | 2: Cast: Unthinking Retaliation Trigger III if 27500 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker A (39) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with Unthinking Retaliation Trigger III if you are struck by a melee attack that causes 27500 or more damage. Each target stunned will restore endurance to you. |
68169 | Punch to the Gut | 122 | 857 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 7172 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Hand to Hand attack with a base damage of 7172 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
68170 | Punch to the Gut Rk. II | 122 | 900 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 7351 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Hand to Hand attack with a base damage of 7351 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
68171 | Punch to the Gut Rk. III | 122 | 945 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 7535 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Hand to Hand attack with a base damage of 7535 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
68190 | Roiling Rage | 122 | 290 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Roiling Rage Strike with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 448 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
68191 | Roiling Rage Rk. II | 122 | 305 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Roiling Rage Strike II with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 459 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
68192 | Roiling Rage Rk. III | 122 | 320 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Roiling Rage Strike III with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 470 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
68181 | Vicious Vortex | 122 | 526 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -56 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 411 1: Decrease Current HP by 10955 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 10955 damage to up to 12 targets. |
68182 | Vicious Vortex Rk. II | 122 | 552 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -61 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 411 1: Decrease Current HP by 11393 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 11393 damage to up to 12 targets. |
68183 | Vicious Vortex Rk. III | 122 | 580 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -67 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 411 1: Decrease Current HP by 11849 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 11849 damage to up to 12 targets. |
68211 | Axe of the Eviscerator | 121 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Honed Axe Components x 5 1: Summon: Axe of the Eviscerator x 100 Consumes [Item 82697] to create 100 [Item 159964]s. |
66000 | Convalesce | 121 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 12893 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 30% or 270000 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 12893 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 30% of your maximum or 270000 total, whichever is lower. |
66001 | Convalesce Rk. II | 121 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 13538 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 33% or 283500 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 13538 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 33% of your maximum or 283500 total, whichever is lower. |
66002 | Convalesce Rk. III | 121 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 14215 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 35% or 297500 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 14215 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 35% of your maximum or 297500 total, whichever is lower. |
68178 | Eviscerating Frenzy | 121 | 209 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 301 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 301 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 301 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 301 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
68179 | Eviscerating Frenzy Rk. II | 121 | 219 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 309 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 309 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 309 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 309 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
68180 | Eviscerating Frenzy Rk. III | 121 | 230 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 317 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 317 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 317 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 317 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
68172 | Preemptive Retaliation | 121 | 1235 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Preemptive Retaliation Reflection 1: 2H Slash Attack for 620 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 620 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 620 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 620 and modifying your dodge ability by 300% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
68173 | Preemptive Retaliation Rk. II | 121 | 1297 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Preemptive Retaliation Reflection II 1: 2H Slash Attack for 636 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 636 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 636 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 636 and modifying your dodge ability by 300% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
68174 | Preemptive Retaliation Rk. III | 121 | 1362 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Preemptive Retaliation Reflection III 1: 2H Slash Attack for 652 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 652 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 652 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 652 and modifying your dodge ability by 300% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
70610 | Reciprocal Rage | 121 | 10954 | 0s | 60s T22 | - | Unresistable | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 Hate: -38978 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Reciprocal Rage (v470) Triggers the highest rank you know of Reciprocal Rage 1 on your opponent, which launches massive axe attacks and splashes blood on your group which will further enhance your melee abilities. Consumes an Axe of the Conqueror when activated. This initial attack lowers your opponent's hatred for you by 38978. |
68142 | Tendon Slice | 121 | 286 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -56 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3649 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 3649 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. Consumes $3 {44}#3. |
68143 | Tendon Slice Rk. II | 121 | 300 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -61 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3831 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 3831 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. Consumes $3 {44}#3. |
68144 | Tendon Slice Rk. III | 121 | 315 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -67 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eviscerator x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 4023 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 4023 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. Consumes $3 {44}#3. |
64274 | Axe of Xin Diabo | 120 | 496 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1011 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1389 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1768 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 1011, 1389, and 1768. Requires, but does not consume, an [Item 124360]. |
64275 | Axe of Xin Diabo Rk. II | 120 | 521 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1036 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1424 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1812 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 1036, 1424, and 1812. Requires, but does not consume, an [Item 124360]. |
64276 | Axe of Xin Diabo Rk. III | 120 | 547 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 1062 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1460 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1857 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 1062, 1460, and 1857. Requires, but does not consume, an [Item 124360]. |
64262 | Blinding Frenzy | 120 | 886 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Blinding Frenzy Strike with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Blinding Frenzy Strike, which will deal an additional 4039 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
64263 | Blinding Frenzy Rk. II | 120 | 930 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Blinding Frenzy Strike Rk. II with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Blinding Frenzy Strike Rk. II, which will deal an additional 4241 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
64264 | Blinding Frenzy Rk. III | 120 | 977 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Blinding Frenzy Strike Rk. III with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Blinding Frenzy Strike Rk. III, which will deal an additional 4453 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
65609 | Conqueror's Conjunction | 120 | 10371 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Conqueror's Conjunction Trigger IV Azia (v374) 2: Cast: Conqueror's Conjunction Selection IV Azia (v374) Applies Conqueror's Conjunction Effect IV Azia to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Conqueror's Bladestrike IV Azia on your melee attacks. Applies Conqueror's Conjunction Trigger IV Azia to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Conqueror's Resolution IV Azia dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
65610 | Conqueror's Conjunction Rk. II | 120 | 10890 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Conqueror's Conjunction Trigger IV Beza (v374) 2: Cast: Conqueror's Conjunction Selection IV Beza (v374) Applies Conqueror's Conjunction Effect IV Beza to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Conqueror's Bladestrike IV Beza on your melee attacks. Applies Conqueror's Conjunction Trigger IV Beza to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Conqueror's Resolution IV Beza dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
65611 | Conqueror's Conjunction Rk. III | 120 | 11435 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Conqueror's Conjunction Trigger IV Caza (v374) 2: Cast: Conqueror's Conjunction Selection IV Caza (v374) Applies Conqueror's Conjunction Effect IV Caza to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Conqueror's Bladestrike IV Caza on your melee attacks. Applies Conqueror's Conjunction Trigger IV Caza to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Conqueror's Resolution IV Caza dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
64268 | Shared Violence | 120 | 1964 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Violence 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 188 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 188 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 374 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 374 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 188 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 188 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 374 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 188 more damage with one handed weapons and 374 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 569 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
64269 | Shared Violence Rk. II | 120 | 2062 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Violence II 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 193 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 193 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 383 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 383 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 193 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 193 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 383 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 193 more damage with one handed weapons and 383 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 583 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
64270 | Shared Violence Rk. III | 120 | 2165 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Violence III 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 198 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 198 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 393 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 393 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 198 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 198 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 393 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 198 more damage with one handed weapons and 393 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 598 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
65606 | Arcshear | 119 | 479 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 250 1: 2H Slash Attack for 425 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 425 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 425 damage each. |
65607 | Arcshear Rk. II | 119 | 503 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 250 1: 2H Slash Attack for 446 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 446 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 446 damage each. |
65608 | Arcshear Rk. III | 119 | 528 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 250 1: 2H Slash Attack for 468 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 468 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 468 damage each. |
64256 | Buttressed Frenzy | 119 | 959 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Buttressed Frenzy Strike with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 7889 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
64257 | Buttressed Frenzy Rk. II | 119 | 1007 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Buttressed Frenzy Strike II with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 8283 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
64258 | Buttressed Frenzy Rk. III | 119 | 1057 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Buttressed Frenzy Strike III with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 8697 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
64250 | Jarring Impact | 119 | 262 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -49 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 24918 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 24918. |
64251 | Jarring Impact Rk. II | 119 | 275 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -53 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 26164 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 26164. |
64252 | Jarring Impact Rk. III | 119 | 289 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -58 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 27472 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 27472. |
64253 | Pulverizing Volley | 119 | 288 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 287 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 287 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 287 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 287 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 287 base damage. |
64254 | Pulverizing Volley Rk. II | 119 | 302 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 294 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 294 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 294 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 294 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 294 base damage. |
64255 | Pulverizing Volley Rk. III | 119 | 317 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 301 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 301 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 301 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 301 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 301 base damage. |
64235 | Instinctive Retaliation | 118 | 796 | 0s | 60s T18 | 60m+ | n/a | Self | 2: Cast: Instinctive Retaliation Trigger if 18500 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker A (34) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with Instinctive Retaliation Trigger if you are struck by a melee attack that causes 18500 or more damage. Each target stunned will restore endurance to you. |
64236 | Instinctive Retaliation Rk. II | 118 | 772 | 0s | 60s T18 | 60m+ | n/a | Self | 2: Cast: Instinctive Retaliation Trigger II if 18500 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker A (35) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with Instinctive Retaliation Trigger II if you are struck by a melee attack that causes 18500 or more damage. Each target stunned will restore endurance to you. |
64237 | Instinctive Retaliation Rk. III | 118 | 749 | 0s | 60s T18 | 60m+ | n/a | Self | 2: Cast: Instinctive Retaliation Trigger III if 18500 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker A (36) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with Instinctive Retaliation Trigger III if you are struck by a melee attack that causes 18500 or more damage. Each target stunned will restore endurance to you. |
64247 | Maiming Axe Throw | 118 | 452 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -58 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 781 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 781. |
64248 | Maiming Axe Throw Rk. II | 118 | 475 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -61 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 801 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 801. |
64249 | Maiming Axe Throw Rk. III | 118 | 499 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -64 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 821 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 821. |
64244 | Temple Shatter | 118 | 432 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -49 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 120 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 120. |
64245 | Temple Shatter Rk. II | 118 | 432 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -53 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 120 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 120. |
64246 | Temple Shatter Rk. III | 118 | 432 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -58 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 120 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 120. |
64226 | Frothing Rage | 117 | 247 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Frothing Rage Strike with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 336 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
64227 | Frothing Rage Rk. II | 117 | 259 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Frothing Rage Strike II with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 344 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
64228 | Frothing Rage Rk. III | 117 | 272 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Frothing Rage Strike III with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 353 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
64220 | Swift Punch | 117 | 730 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 5641 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Hand to Hand attack with a base damage of 5641 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
64221 | Swift Punch Rk. II | 117 | 767 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 5782 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Hand to Hand attack with a base damage of 5782 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
64222 | Swift Punch Rk. III | 117 | 805 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 5927 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Hand to Hand attack with a base damage of 5927 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
64223 | Vicious Whirl | 117 | 448 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -49 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 350 1: Decrease Current HP by 7252 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 7252 damage to up to 12 targets. |
64224 | Vicious Whirl Rk. II | 117 | 470 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -53 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 350 1: Decrease Current HP by 7615 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 7615 damage to up to 12 targets. |
64225 | Vicious Whirl Rk. III | 117 | 494 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -58 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 350 1: Decrease Current HP by 7996 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 7996 damage to up to 12 targets. |
64204 | Axe of the Conqueror | 116 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Honed Axe Components x 5 1: Summon: Axe of the Conqueror x 100 Forges a stack of [Item 124360]. |
65593 | Ecliptic Rage | 116 | 9737 | 0s | 60s T22 | - | Unresistable | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 Hate: -33173 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Ecliptic Rage (v470) Triggers the highest rank you know of Ecliptic Rage 1 on your opponent, which launches massive axe attacks and splashes blood on your group which will further enhance your melee abilities. Consumes an Axe of the Conqueror when activated. This initial attack lowers your opponent's hatred for you by 33173. |
62000 | Night's Calming | 116 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 11137 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 30% or 163000 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 11137 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 30% of your maximum or 163000 total, whichever is lower. |
62001 | Night's Calming Rk. II | 116 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 11694 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 33% or 171000 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 11694 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 33% of your maximum or 171000 total, whichever is lower. |
62002 | Night's Calming Rk. III | 116 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 12279 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 35% or 180000 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 12279 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 35% of your maximum or 180000 total, whichever is lower. |
64214 | Oppressing Frenzy | 116 | 178 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 260 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 260 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 260 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 260 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
64215 | Oppressing Frenzy Rk. II | 116 | 187 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 267 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 267 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 267 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 267 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
64216 | Oppressing Frenzy Rk. III | 116 | 196 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 274 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 274 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 274 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 274 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
64208 | Primed Retaliation | 116 | 1052 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Primed Retaliation Reflection 1: 2H Slash Attack for 537 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 537 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 537 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 537 and modifying your dodge ability by 300% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
64209 | Primed Retaliation Rk. II | 116 | 1105 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Primed Retaliation Reflection II 1: 2H Slash Attack for 550 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 550 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 550 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 550 and modifying your dodge ability by 300% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
64210 | Primed Retaliation Rk. III | 116 | 1160 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Primed Retaliation Reflection III 1: 2H Slash Attack for 564 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 564 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 564 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 564 and modifying your dodge ability by 300% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
64217 | Stinging Incision | 116 | 0s | 0s | 4m | n/a | Self | Hate: -1 2: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 3% 3: Decrease Current HP by 1% up to 10000 per tick 5: Cap HP at 89% 6: Increase Chance to Riposte by 25% You wound yourself, reducing your maximum hit points to 89% and bleeding 1% of your hit points (to a maximum of 10000) every six seconds for 4 minutes. The pain sharpens your reflexes, making you 3% more likely to avoid attacks and 25% more likely to riposte attacks. | |
64205 | Tendon Shred | 116 | 244 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -49 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3009 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 3009 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
64206 | Tendon Shred Rk. II | 116 | 256 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -53 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3159 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 3159 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
64207 | Tendon Shred Rk. III | 116 | 269 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -58 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Conqueror x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 3317 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 3317 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
60787 | Axe of Derakor | 115 | 410 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 875 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1202 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1530 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 875, 1202, and 1530. Requires, but does not consume, an [Item 150401]. |
60788 | Axe of Derakor Rk. II | 115 | 437 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 897 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1232 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1568 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 897, 1232, and 1568. Requires, but does not consume, an [Item 150401]. |
60789 | Axe of Derakor Rk. III | 115 | 466 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 919 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1263 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1607 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 919, 1263, and 1607. Requires, but does not consume, an [Item 150401]. |
60775 | Restless Frenzy | 115 | 776 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Restless Frenzy Strike with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Restless Frenzy Strike, which will deal an additional 3330 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
60776 | Restless Frenzy Rk. II | 115 | 804 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Restless Frenzy Strike Rk. II with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Restless Frenzy Strike Rk. II, which will deal an additional 3497 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
60777 | Restless Frenzy Rk. III | 115 | 832 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Restless Frenzy Strike Rk. III with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Restless Frenzy Strike Rk. III, which will deal an additional 3672 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
60781 | Shared Atavism | 115 | 1722 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Atavism 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 163 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 163 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 324 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 324 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 163 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 163 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 324 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 163 more damage with one handed weapons and 324 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 492 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
60782 | Shared Atavism Rk. II | 115 | 1782 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Atavism II 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 167 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 167 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 332 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 332 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 167 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 167 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 332 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 167 more damage with one handed weapons and 332 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 504 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
60783 | Shared Atavism Rk. III | 115 | 1844 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Atavism III 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 171 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 171 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 340 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 340 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 171 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 171 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 340 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 171 more damage with one handed weapons and 340 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 517 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
61641 | Vindicator's Coalition | 115 | 8832 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Vindicator's Coalition Trigger III Azia (v374) 2: Cast: Vindicator's Coalition Selection III Azia (v374) Applies Vindicator's Coalition Effect III Azia to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Vindicator's Bladestrike III Azia on your melee attacks. Applies Vindicator's Coalition Trigger III Azia to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Vindicator's Resolution III Azia dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
61642 | Vindicator's Coalition Rk. II | 115 | 9274 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Vindicator's Coalition Trigger III Beza (v374) 2: Cast: Vindicator's Coalition Selection III Beza (v374) Applies Vindicator's Coalition Effect III Beza to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Vindicator's Bladestrike III Beza on your melee attacks. Applies Vindicator's Coalition Trigger III Beza to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Vindicator's Resolution III Beza dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
61643 | Vindicator's Coalition Rk. III | 115 | 9738 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Vindicator's Coalition Trigger III Caza (v374) 2: Cast: Vindicator's Coalition Selection III Caza (v374) Applies Vindicator's Coalition Effect III Caza to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Vindicator's Bladestrike III Caza on your melee attacks. Applies Vindicator's Coalition Trigger III Caza to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Vindicator's Resolution III Caza dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
61638 | Arcslash | 114 | 394 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 250 1: 2H Slash Attack for 350 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 350 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 350 damage each. |
61639 | Arcslash Rk. II | 114 | 414 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 250 1: 2H Slash Attack for 368 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 368 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 368 damage each. |
61640 | Arcslash Rk. III | 114 | 435 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 250 1: 2H Slash Attack for 386 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 386 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 386 damage each. |
60772 | Jarring Shock | 114 | 229 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -43 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 18081 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 18081. |
60773 | Jarring Shock Rk. II | 114 | 238 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -46 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 18985 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 18985. |
60774 | Jarring Shock Rk. III | 114 | 246 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -50 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 19934 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 19934. |
60763 | Magnified Frenzy | 114 | 840 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Magnified Frenzy Strike with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 6505 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
60764 | Magnified Frenzy Rk. II | 114 | 870 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Magnified Frenzy Strike II with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 6830 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
60765 | Magnified Frenzy Rk. III | 114 | 900 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Magnified Frenzy Strike III with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 7172 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
60769 | Vindicating Volley | 114 | 252 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 249 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 249 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 249 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 249 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 249 base damage. |
60770 | Vindicating Volley Rk. II | 114 | 260 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 255 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 255 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 255 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 255 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 255 base damage. |
60771 | Vindicating Volley Rk. III | 114 | 270 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 261 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 261 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 261 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 261 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 261 base damage. |
60748 | Reflexive Retaliation | 113 | 678 | 0s | 60s T18 | 60m+ | n/a | Self | 2: Cast: Reflexive Retaliation Trigger if 17500 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker A (31) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with Reflexive Retaliation Trigger if you are struck by a melee attack that causes 17500 or more damage. Each target stunned will restore endurance to you. |
60749 | Reflexive Retaliation Rk. II | 113 | 661 | 0s | 60s T18 | 60m+ | n/a | Self | 2: Cast: Reflexive Retaliation Trigger II if 17500 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker A (32) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with Reflexive Retaliation Trigger II if you are struck by a melee attack that causes 17500 or more damage. Each target stunned will restore endurance to you. |
60750 | Reflexive Retaliation Rk. III | 113 | 646 | 0s | 60s T18 | 60m+ | n/a | Self | 2: Cast: Reflexive Retaliation Trigger III if 17500 Melee Damage Taken in Single Hit 4: Buff Blocker A (33) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with Reflexive Retaliation Trigger III if you are struck by a melee attack that causes 17500 or more damage. Each target stunned will restore endurance to you. |
61632 | Shriveling Strikes | 113 | 282 | 0s | 2.5m T8 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 4 Offensive Proc Casts 13: Add Melee Proc: Shriveling Strike with 400% Rate Mod Focuses your melee strikes on your target's vitals, allowing you to trigger Shriveling Strike, which will deal 12653 damage to your target and return 40% of that damage as endurance. This focus will fade after 4 strikes or 60 seconds. |
61633 | Shriveling Strikes Rk. II | 113 | 296 | 0s | 2.5m T8 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 4 Offensive Proc Casts 13: Add Melee Proc: Shriveling Strike II with 400% Rate Mod Focuses your melee strikes on your target's vitals, allowing you to trigger Shriveling Strike II, which will deal 13286 damage to your target and return 40% of that damage as endurance. This focus will fade after 4 strikes or 60 seconds. |
61634 | Shriveling Strikes Rk. III | 113 | 311 | 0s | 2.5m T8 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 4 Offensive Proc Casts 13: Add Melee Proc: Shriveling Strike III with 400% Rate Mod Focuses your melee strikes on your target's vitals, allowing you to trigger Shriveling Strike III, which will deal 13950 damage to your target and return 40% of that damage as endurance. This focus will fade after 4 strikes or 60 seconds. |
60760 | Temple Crack | 113 | 368 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -43 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 115 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 115. |
60761 | Temple Crack Rk. II | 113 | 368 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -46 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 115 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 115. |
60762 | Temple Crack Rk. III | 113 | 368 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -50 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 115 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 115. |
60757 | Vindicating Axe Throw | 113 | 395 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -50 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 676 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 676. |
60758 | Vindicating Axe Throw Rk. II | 113 | 409 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -53 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 693 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 693. |
60759 | Vindicating Axe Throw Rk. III | 113 | 424 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -56 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 710 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 710. |
60733 | Rabbit Punch | 112 | 640 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 4881 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Hand to Hand attack with a base damage of 4881 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
60734 | Rabbit Punch Rk. II | 112 | 662 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 5003 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Hand to Hand attack with a base damage of 5003 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
60735 | Rabbit Punch Rk. III | 112 | 685 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 5128 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Hand to Hand attack with a base damage of 5128 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
60739 | Seething Rage | 112 | 216 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Seething Rage Strike with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 291 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
60740 | Seething Rage Rk. II | 112 | 223 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Seething Rage Strike II with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 298 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
60741 | Seething Rage Rk. III | 112 | 232 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Seething Rage Strike III with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 305 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
60736 | Vicious Revolution | 112 | 394 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -43 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 290 1: Decrease Current HP by 5720 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 5720 damage to up to 12 targets. |
60737 | Vicious Revolution Rk. II | 112 | 407 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -46 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 290 1: Decrease Current HP by 6006 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 6006 damage to up to 12 targets. |
60738 | Vicious Revolution Rk. III | 112 | 421 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -50 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 290 1: Decrease Current HP by 6306 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 6306 damage to up to 12 targets. |
60720 | Axe of the Vindicator | 111 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Fine Axe Components x 5 1: Summon: Axe of the Vindicator x 100 Forges a stack of [Item 150401]. |
61619 | Composite Rage | 111 | 8655 | 0s | 60s T22 | - | Unresistable | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 Hate: -28232 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Composite Rage (v470) Triggers the highest rank you know of Composite Rage 1 on your opponent, which launches massive axe attacks and splashes blood on your group which will further enhance your melee abilities. Consumes an Axe of the Conqueror when activated. This initial attack lowers your opponent's hatred for you by 28232. |
60721 | Premature Retaliation | 111 | 922 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Premature Retaliation Reflection 1: 2H Slash Attack for 464 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 464 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 464 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 464 and modifying your dodge ability by 287% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
60722 | Premature Retaliation Rk. II | 111 | 954 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Premature Retaliation Reflection II 1: 2H Slash Attack for 476 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 476 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 476 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 476 and modifying your dodge ability by 290% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
60723 | Premature Retaliation Rk. III | 111 | 988 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Premature Retaliation Reflection III 1: 2H Slash Attack for 488 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 488 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 488 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 488 and modifying your dodge ability by 293% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
58500 | Relax | 111 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 9621 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 30% or 118000 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 9621 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 30% of your maximum or 118000 total, whichever is lower. |
58501 | Relax Rk. II | 111 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 10102 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 33% or 124000 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 10102 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 33% of your maximum or 124000 total, whichever is lower. |
58502 | Relax Rk. III | 111 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 10607 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 35% or 130000 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 10607 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 35% of your maximum or 130000 total, whichever is lower. |
60730 | Tendon Rip | 111 | 215 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -43 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2481 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 2481 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
60731 | Tendon Rip Rk. II | 111 | 222 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -46 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2605 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 2605 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
60732 | Tendon Rip Rk. III | 111 | 229 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -50 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Vindicator x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2735 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 2735 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
60727 | Vindicating Frenzy | 111 | 155 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 224 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 224 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 224 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 224 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
60728 | Vindicating Frenzy Rk. II | 111 | 161 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 230 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 230 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 230 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 230 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
60729 | Vindicating Frenzy Rk. III | 111 | 167 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 236 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 236 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 236 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 236 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
57564 | Axe of Rekatok | 110 | 353 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Rekatok's Vengeance (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Rekatok Stun Effect (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Rekatok Jolt Effect (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe wildly, dealing skill attacks of 579, 493, and 418 base damage to your opponent and having a chance to apply one of these effects: 33% - Axe of Rekatok Stun Effect - Stuns a target up to level 113 for up to 4 seconds. 34% - Axe of Rekatok Jolt Effect - Lowers your target's hatred for you by 9892. 33% - Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect - Increases incoming melee damage on your target by 6% for 18 seconds. |
57565 | Axe of Rekatok Rk. II | 110 | 365 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Rekatok's Vengeance II (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Rekatok Stun Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Rekatok Jolt Effect II (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe wildly, dealing skill attacks of 593, 505, and 428 base damage to your opponent and having a chance to apply one of these effects: 33% - Axe of Rekatok Stun Effect II - Stuns a target up to level 113 for up to 4 seconds. 34% - Axe of Rekatok Jolt Effect II - Lowers your target's hatred for you by 10387. 33% - Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect II - Increases incoming melee damage on your target by 6% for 18 seconds. |
57566 | Axe of Rekatok Rk. III | 110 | 378 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Rekatok's Vengeance III (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Rekatok Stun Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Rekatok Jolt Effect III (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe wildly, dealing skill attacks of 608, 518, and 439 base damage to your opponent and having a chance to apply one of these effects: 33% - Axe of Rekatok Stun Effect III - Stuns a target up to level 113 for up to 4 seconds. 34% - Axe of Rekatok Jolt Effect III - Lowers your target's hatred for you by 10906. 33% - Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect III - Increases incoming melee damage on your target by 7% for 18 seconds. |
58279 | Mangler's Covenant | 110 | 7312 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Mangler's Covenant Trigger (v374) 2: Cast: Mangler's Covenant Selection (v374) Applies Mangler's Covenant Effect to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Mangler's Bladestrike on your melee attacks. Applies Mangler's Covenant Trigger to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Mangler's Resolution dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
58280 | Mangler's Covenant Rk. II | 110 | 7787 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Mangler's Covenant Trigger II (v374) 2: Cast: Mangler's Covenant Selection II (v374) Applies Mangler's Covenant Effect II to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Mangler's Bladestrike II on your melee attacks. Applies Mangler's Covenant Trigger II to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Mangler's Resolution II dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
58281 | Mangler's Covenant Rk. III | 110 | 8293 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Mangler's Covenant Trigger III (v374) 2: Cast: Mangler's Covenant Selection III (v374) Applies Mangler's Covenant Effect III to your group, granting you and other berserkers in your group the chance to proc Mangler's Bladestrike III on your melee attacks. Applies Mangler's Covenant Trigger III to your foe, weakening their defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If 10 spells strike your foe in 18 seconds, the covenant will be resolved, resulting in Mangler's Resolution III dealing a large amount of damage to your foe. |
57558 | Shared Ruthlessness | 110 | 1435 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Ruthlessness 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 153 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 153 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 305 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 305 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 153 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 153 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 305 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 153 more damage with one handed weapons and 305 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 473 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
57559 | Shared Ruthlessness Rk. II | 110 | 1485 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Ruthlessness II 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 157 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 157 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 313 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 313 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 157 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 157 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 313 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 157 more damage with one handed weapons and 313 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 480 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
57560 | Shared Ruthlessness Rk. III | 110 | 1537 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Ruthlessness III 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 161 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 161 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 321 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 321 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 161 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 161 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 321 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. Your target's target will deal 161 more damage with one handed weapons and 321 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds while you will do 487 more damage with two handed weapons for 30 seconds. |
57552 | Torrid Frenzy | 110 | 647 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Torrid Frenzy Strike with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Torrid Frenzy Strike, which will deal an additional 2746 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
57553 | Torrid Frenzy Rk. II | 110 | 670 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Torrid Frenzy Strike II with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Torrid Frenzy Strike II, which will deal an additional 2883 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
57554 | Torrid Frenzy Rk. III | 110 | 693 | 0s | 10m T11 | 36s+ | n/a | Self | 12: Add Melee Proc: Torrid Frenzy Strike III with 400% Rate Mod Allows your melee attacks to trigger Torrid Frenzy Strike III, which will deal an additional 3027 damage. This ability lasts for 36 seconds, but each successful strike will refresh the ability. {39}%C |
58276 | Arcsteel | 109 | 342 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 225 1: 2H Slash Attack for 289 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 289 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 289 damage each. |
58277 | Arcsteel Rk. II | 109 | 356 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 225 1: 2H Slash Attack for 303 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 303 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 303 damage each. |
58278 | Arcsteel Rk. III | 109 | 370 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 225 1: 2H Slash Attack for 318 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 318 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 318 damage each. |
57540 | Bolstered Frenzy | 109 | 700 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Bolstered Frenzy Strike with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 5364 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
57541 | Bolstered Frenzy Rk. II | 109 | 725 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Bolstered Frenzy Strike II with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 5632 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
57542 | Bolstered Frenzy Rk. III | 109 | 750 | 0s | 2m T11 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | 1: Decrease Frenzy Timer by 3s (Before Haste) 2: Add Skill Proc: Bolstered Frenzy Strike III with 5000% Rate Mod 3: Limit Skill: Frenzy Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, reducing the refresh time by 3 seconds and adding 5914 additional damage to each successful hit. {39}%C |
57549 | Jarring Jolt | 109 | 191 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -43 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 13120 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 13120. |
57550 | Jarring Jolt Rk. II | 109 | 198 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -46 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 13776 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 13776. |
57551 | Jarring Jolt Rk. III | 109 | 205 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -50 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 14465 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent and lowering their hatred for you by 14465. |
57546 | Mangling Volley | 109 | 210 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 225 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 225 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 225 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 225 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 225 base damage. |
57547 | Mangling Volley Rk. II | 109 | 217 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 231 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 231 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 231 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 231 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 231 base damage. |
57548 | Mangling Volley Rk. III | 109 | 225 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 237 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 237 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 237 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 237 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target dealing 237 base damage. |
57531 | Mangling Axe Throw | 108 | 329 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -50 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 613 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 613. |
57532 | Mangling Axe Throw Rk. II | 108 | 341 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -53 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 628 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 628. |
57533 | Mangling Axe Throw Rk. III | 108 | 353 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -56 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 644 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target that deals a base damage of 644. |
57537 | Mangling Discipline | 108 | 1968 + 15/sec | 0s | 20m T21 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Slash by 221% 2: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Pierce by 221% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Frenzy by 221% 4: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Blunt by 221% 5: Increase Base Hit Damage by 54% Increases your chance to critically hit with two-handed melee skills and frenzy by 221%, and adds a 54% damage bonus to all of your melee attacks for 60 seconds. |
57538 | Mangling Discipline Rk. II | 108 | 2017 + 15/sec | 0s | 20m T21 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Slash by 227% 2: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Pierce by 227% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Frenzy by 227% 4: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Blunt by 227% 5: Increase Base Hit Damage by 55% Increases your chance to critically hit with two-handed melee skills and frenzy by 227%, and adds a 55% damage bonus to all of your melee attacks for 60 seconds. |
57539 | Mangling Discipline Rk. III | 108 | 2067 + 15/sec | 0s | 20m T21 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Slash by 233% 2: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Pierce by 233% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Frenzy by 233% 4: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Blunt by 233% 5: Increase Base Hit Damage by 56% Increases your chance to critically hit with two-handed melee skills and frenzy by 233%, and adds a 56% damage bonus to all of your melee attacks for 60 seconds. |
57534 | Temple Slam | 108 | 307 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -43 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 110 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 110. |
57535 | Temple Slam Rk. II | 108 | 307 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -46 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 110 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 110. |
57536 | Temple Slam Rk. III | 108 | 307 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -50 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 110 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, stunning them for up to 4 seconds. This affects targets up to level 110. |
58273 | Axe of Empyr | 107 | 342 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 755 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1038 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1322 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 755, 1038, and 1322. Requires, but does not consume, an Axe of the Mangler. |
58274 | Axe of Empyr Rk. II | 107 | 364 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 793 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1090 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1388 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 793, 1090, and 1388. Requires, but does not consume, an Axe of the Mangler. |
58275 | Axe of Empyr Rk. III | 107 | 388 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 833 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 1145 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1457 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 833, 1145, and 1457. Requires, but does not consume, an Axe of the Mangler. |
57525 | Smoldering Rage | 107 | 180 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Smoldering Rage Strike with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 263 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
57526 | Smoldering Rage Rk. II | 107 | 186 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Smoldering Rage Strike II with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 270 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
57527 | Smoldering Rage Rk. III | 107 | 193 | 0s | 60s T7 | 60s | n/a | Self | 4: Add Melee Proc: Smoldering Rage Strike III with 280% Rate Mod By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for you to make 2 additional melee attacks of base damage 277 for up to 60 seconds. There is a 27% chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
57519 | Sucker Punch | 107 | 533 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Kick Attack for 4425 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Kick attack with a base damage of 4425 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
57520 | Sucker Punch Rk. II | 107 | 552 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Kick Attack for 4536 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Kick attack with a base damage of 4536 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
57521 | Sucker Punch Rk. III | 107 | 571 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Kick Attack for 4649 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious Kick attack with a base damage of 4649 on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
57522 | Vicious Cycle | 107 | 328 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -43 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 265 1: Decrease Current HP by 4716 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 4716 damage to up to 12 targets. |
57523 | Vicious Cycle Rk. II | 107 | 339 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -46 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 265 1: Decrease Current HP by 4952 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 4952 damage to up to 12 targets. |
57524 | Vicious Cycle Rk. III | 107 | 351 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -50 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 265 1: Decrease Current HP by 5200 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 5200 damage to up to 12 targets. |
57503 | Axe of the Mangler | 106 | 1 | 4s | 12s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Fine Axe Components x 5 1: Summon: Axe of the Mangler x 100 Forges several Axes of the Mangler. |
58260 | Dissident Rage | 106 | 7693 | 0s | 60s T22 | - | Unresistable | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 Hate: -24027 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Dissident Rage (v470) Triggers the highest rank you know of Dissident Rage 1 on your opponent, which launches massive axe attacks and splashes blood on your group which will further enhance your melee abilities. Consumes an Axe of the Conqueror when activated. This initial attack lowers your opponent's hatred for you by 24027. |
55000 | Hiatus | 106 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 8640 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 30% or 92500 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 8640 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 30% of your maximum or 92500 total, whichever is lower. |
55001 | Hiatus Rk. II | 106 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 9072 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 33% or 97500 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 9072 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 33% of your maximum or 97500 total, whichever is lower. |
55002 | Hiatus Rk. III | 106 | 30 + 1/sec | 0s | 6m T13 | 48s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 9526 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at lowest of 35% or 102500 9: Increase Weapon Delay by 1000% You rest your arms, slowing melee attacks by 1000% for 48 seconds. Adds 9526 endurance to your pool every six seconds until you reach 35% of your maximum or 102500 total, whichever is lower. |
57513 | Mangling Frenzy | 106 | 129 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 203 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 203 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 203 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 203 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
57514 | Mangling Frenzy Rk. II | 106 | 134 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 208 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 208 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 208 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 208 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
57515 | Mangling Frenzy Rk. III | 106 | 139 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 213 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 213 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 213 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks of base damage 213 while making them take an additional 25% damage from Frenzy and Throwing attacks for 18 seconds. |
57507 | Proactive Retaliation | 106 | 768 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Proactive Retaliation Reflection 1: 2H Slash Attack for 420 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 420 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 420 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 420 and modifying your dodge ability by 273% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
57508 | Proactive Retaliation Rk. II | 106 | 795 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Proactive Retaliation Reflection II 1: 2H Slash Attack for 431 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 431 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 431 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 431 and modifying your dodge ability by 280% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
57509 | Proactive Retaliation Rk. III | 106 | 823 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Proactive Retaliation Reflection III 1: 2H Slash Attack for 442 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 442 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 442 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target three times with a base damage of 442 and modifying your dodge ability by 287% for 60 seconds. {39}%C |
57504 | Ritual Scarification | 106 | 84 | 0s | 0s | 4m | n/a | Self | Hate: -1 2: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 3% 5: Cap HP at lowest of 89% or 370000 6: Increase Chance to Riposte by 21% 14: Decrease Current HP by 1834 per tick You wound yourself, reducing your maximum hit points to the lower of 89% or 370000 and bleeding 1834 hit points every six seconds for 4 minutes. The pain sharpens your reflexes, making you 3% more likely to avoid attacks and 21% more likely to riposte attacks. |
57505 | Ritual Scarification Rk. II | 106 | 87 | 0s | 0s | 4m | n/a | Self | Hate: -1 2: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 3% 5: Cap HP at lowest of 89% or 425000 6: Increase Chance to Riposte by 22% 14: Decrease Current HP by 1926 per tick You wound yourself, reducing your maximum hit points to the lower of 89% or 425000 and bleeding 1926 hit points every six seconds for 4 minutes. The pain sharpens your reflexes, making you 3% more likely to avoid attacks and 22% more likely to riposte attacks. |
57506 | Ritual Scarification Rk. III | 106 | 90 | 0s | 0s | 4m | n/a | Self | Hate: -1 2: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 3% 5: Cap HP at lowest of 89% or 475000 6: Increase Chance to Riposte by 23% 14: Decrease Current HP by 2022 per tick You wound yourself, reducing your maximum hit points to the lower of 89% or 475000 and bleeding 2022 hit points every six seconds for 4 minutes. The pain sharpens your reflexes, making you 3% more likely to avoid attacks and 23% more likely to riposte attacks. |
57516 | Tendon Rupture | 106 | 179 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -43 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2046 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 2046 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
57517 | Tendon Rupture Rk. II | 106 | 185 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -46 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2148 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 2148 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
57518 | Tendon Rupture Rk. III | 106 | 191 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -50 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Mangler x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 2255 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 2255 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
45284 | Axe of Numicia | 105 | 314 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Numicia's Vengeance (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Numicia Stun Effect (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Numicia Jolt Effect (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
45285 | Axe of Numicia Rk. II | 105 | 325 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Numicia's Vengeance II (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Numicia Stun Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Numicia Jolt Effect II (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
45286 | Axe of Numicia Rk. III | 105 | 336 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Numicia's Vengeance III (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Numicia Stun Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Numicia Jolt Effect III (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
50386 | Demolisher's Alliance | 105 | 6327 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Demolisher's Alliance Trigger (v374) 2: Cast: Demolisher's Alliance Selection (v374) Forms a demolisher's alliance over your target, granting you and your group damaging spells on your melee attacks and weakening your foe's defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If enough of these spells strike your foe in time, the alliance will be fulminated, resulting in a large amount of damage. |
50387 | Demolisher's Alliance Rk. II | 105 | 6485 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Demolisher's Alliance Trigger II (v374) 2: Cast: Demolisher's Alliance Selection II (v374) Forms a demolisher's alliance over your target, granting you and your group damaging spells on your melee attacks and weakening your foe's defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If enough of these spells strike your foe in time, the alliance will be fulminated, resulting in a large amount of damage. |
50388 | Demolisher's Alliance Rk. III | 105 | 6647 | 0s | 60s T20 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Demolisher's Alliance Trigger III (v374) 2: Cast: Demolisher's Alliance Selection III (v374) Forms a demolisher's alliance over your target, granting you and your group damaging spells on your melee attacks and weakening your foe's defenses against those spells from other Berserkers. If enough of these spells strike your foe in time, the alliance will be fulminated, resulting in a large amount of damage. |
45278 | Shared Cruelty | 105 | 1276 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Cruelty 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 137 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 137 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 274 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 274 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 137 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 137 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 274 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
45279 | Shared Cruelty Rk. II | 105 | 1321 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Cruelty II 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 144 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 144 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 288 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 288 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 144 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 144 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 288 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
45280 | Shared Cruelty Rk. III | 105 | 1367 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Cruelty III 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 151 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 151 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 302 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 302 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 151 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 151 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 302 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust, increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
45269 | Stormwild Frenzy | 105 | 575 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Stormwild Frenzy Effect (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
45270 | Stormwild Frenzy Rk. II | 105 | 595 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Stormwild Frenzy Effect II (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
45271 | Stormwild Frenzy Rk. III | 105 | 616 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Stormwild Frenzy Effect III (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
45254 | Amplified Frenzy | 104 | 622 | 0s | 2m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Amplified Frenzy Effect (v374) Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, allowing you to use the skill more often and adding additional damage to each successful hit. You must be below 90% health to use this effect. |
45255 | Amplified Frenzy Rk. II | 104 | 644 | 0s | 2m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Amplified Frenzy Effect II (v374) Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, allowing you to use the skill more often and adding additional damage to each successful hit. You must be below 90% health to use this effect. |
45256 | Amplified Frenzy Rk. III | 104 | 667 | 0s | 2m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Amplified Frenzy Effect III (v374) Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, allowing you to use the skill more often and adding additional damage to each successful hit. You must be below 90% health to use this effect. |
49320 | Arcslice | 104 | 305 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 200 1: 2H Slash Attack for 238 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 238 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 238 damage each. |
49321 | Arcslice Rk. II | 104 | 313 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 200 1: 2H Slash Attack for 250 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 250 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 250 damage each. |
49322 | Arcslice Rk. III | 104 | 321 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 200 1: 2H Slash Attack for 263 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 263 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Slashes up to 4 targets in a cone in front of you with two axe cuts of 263 damage each. |
45263 | Demolishing Volley | 104 | 186 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 213 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 213 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 213 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 213 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
45264 | Demolishing Volley Rk. II | 104 | 193 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 218 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 218 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 218 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 218 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
45265 | Demolishing Volley Rk. III | 104 | 200 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 223 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 223 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 223 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 223 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
50383 | Disconcerting Discipline | 104 | 286 | 0s | 3m T21 | 96s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Slash by 50% 2: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Pierce by 50% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Frenzy by 50% 4: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Blunt by 50% 5: Increase Base Hit Damage by 10% Increases your chance to critically hit with two-handed melee skills and frenzy by 50%, and adds a 10% damage bonus to all of your melee attacks for 96 seconds. |
50384 | Disconcerting Discipline Rk. II | 104 | 293 | 0s | 3m T21 | 96s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Slash by 53% 2: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Pierce by 53% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Frenzy by 53% 4: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Blunt by 53% 5: Increase Base Hit Damage by 11% Increases your chance to critically hit with two-handed melee skills and frenzy by 53%, and adds a 11% damage bonus to all of your melee attacks for 96 seconds. |
50385 | Disconcerting Discipline Rk. III | 104 | 301 | 0s | 3m T21 | 96s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Slash by 55% 2: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Pierce by 55% 3: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with Frenzy by 55% 4: Increase Chance to Critical Hit with 2H Blunt by 55% 5: Increase Base Hit Damage by 12% Increases your chance to critically hit with two-handed melee skills and frenzy by 55%, and adds a 12% damage bonus to all of your melee attacks for 96 seconds. |
45266 | Jarring Smite | 104 | 170 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -39 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 9520 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
45267 | Jarring Smite Rk. II | 104 | 176 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -42 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 9996 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
45268 | Jarring Smite Rk. III | 104 | 182 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -45 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 10496 Throws an axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
45248 | Demolishing Axe Throw | 103 | 292 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -45 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 578 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
45249 | Demolishing Axe Throw Rk. II | 103 | 302 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -48 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 592 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
45250 | Demolishing Axe Throw Rk. III | 103 | 313 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -51 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 1: Throwing Attack for 607 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
50374 | Sapping Strikes | 103 | 237 | 0s | 2.5m T8 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Sapping Strikes Effect (v374) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a sapping strike, which will return a portion of the damage done as Endurance. |
50375 | Sapping Strikes Rk. II | 103 | 243 | 0s | 2.5m T8 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Sapping Strikes Effect II (v374) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a sapping strike, which will return a portion of the damage done as Endurance. |
50376 | Sapping Strikes Rk. III | 103 | 249 | 0s | 2.5m T8 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Sapping Strikes Effect III (v374) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a sapping strike, which will return a portion of the damage done as Endurance. |
45251 | Temple Demolish | 103 | 286 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -39 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 105 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 105. |
45252 | Temple Demolish Rk. II | 103 | 286 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -42 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 105 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 105. |
45253 | Temple Demolish Rk. III | 103 | 286 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -45 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 105 Aims an axe at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 105. |
50371 | Axe of the Aeons | 102 | 296 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 637 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 876 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1115 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 637, 876, and 1115. Requires, but does not consume, an Axe of the Demolisher. |
50372 | Axe of the Aeons Rk. II | 102 | 303 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 669 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 920 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1171 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 669, 920, and 1171. Requires, but does not consume, an Axe of the Demolisher. |
50373 | Axe of the Aeons Rk. III | 102 | 311 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: 2H Slash Attack for 702 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 966 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 1230 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Strikes your opponent with three axe swings, dealing base damage of 702, 966, and 1230. Requires, but does not consume, an Axe of the Demolisher. |
45233 | Bubbling Rage | 102 | 159 | 0s | 60s T7 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Bubbling Rage Effect (v374) By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for additional melee attacks for a period of time. There is a chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
45234 | Bubbling Rage Rk. II | 102 | 165 | 0s | 60s T7 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Bubbling Rage Effect II (v374) By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for additional melee attacks for a period of time. There is a chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
45235 | Bubbling Rage Rk. III | 102 | 171 | 0s | 60s T7 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Bubbling Rage Effect III (v374) By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for additional melee attacks for a period of time. There is a chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
45227 | Kick in the Shins | 102 | 474 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Kick Attack for 4170 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
45228 | Kick in the Shins Rk. II | 102 | 491 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Kick Attack for 4274 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
45229 | Kick in the Shins Rk. III | 102 | 508 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Kick Attack for 4381 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
45230 | Vicious Cyclone | 102 | 291 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -39 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 230 1: Decrease Current HP by 3889 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 3889 damage to up to 12 targets. |
45231 | Vicious Cyclone Rk. II | 102 | 301 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -42 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 230 1: Decrease Current HP by 4083 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 4083 damage to up to 12 targets. |
45232 | Vicious Cyclone Rk. III | 102 | 312 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -45 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 230 1: Decrease Current HP by 4287 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 4287 damage to up to 12 targets. |
45214 | Axe of the Demolisher | 101 | 1 | 4s | 12s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Fine Axe Components x 5 1: Summon: Axe of the Demolisher x 100 Forges several Axes of the Demolisher. |
43000 | Breather | 101 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 42s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 3812 per tick (Decaying to 1268 @ 424/tick) 3: Cap Endurance at 21% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 21% of your maximum. Your endurance will be restored most quickly when the ability begins. |
43001 | Breather Rk. II | 101 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 42s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 4003 per tick (Decaying to 1333 @ 445/tick) 3: Cap Endurance at 25% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 25% of your maximum. Your endurance will be restored most quickly when the ability begins. |
43002 | Breather Rk. III | 101 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 42s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 4203 per tick (Decaying to 1401 @ 467/tick) 3: Cap Endurance at 29% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 29% of your maximum. Your endurance will be restored most quickly when the ability begins. |
45221 | Demolishing Frenzy | 101 | 115 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 191 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 191 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 191 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
45222 | Demolishing Frenzy Rk. II | 101 | 119 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 196 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 196 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 196 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
45223 | Demolishing Frenzy Rk. III | 101 | 123 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 201 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 201 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 201 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
49307 | Dichotomic Rage | 101 | 6838 | 0s | 60s T22 | - | Unresistable | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 Hate: -21843 1: Cast: Highest Rank of Dichotomic Rage (v470) Triggers a massive axe attack on your opponent, and splashes blood on your group which will further enhance your melee abilities. Consumes an Axe of the Demolisher when activated. |
45215 | Prior Retaliation | 101 | 682 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Prior Retaliation Reflection 1: 2H Slash Attack for 396 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 396 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 396 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target and allowing you to dodge better for a period of time. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
45216 | Prior Retaliation Rk. II | 101 | 706 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Prior Retaliation Reflection II 1: 2H Slash Attack for 406 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 406 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 406 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target and allowing you to dodge better for a period of time. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
45217 | Prior Retaliation Rk. III | 101 | 731 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Prior Retaliation Reflection III 1: 2H Slash Attack for 416 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 416 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 416 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target and allowing you to dodge better for a period of time. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
45224 | Tendon Tear | 101 | 158 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -39 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1687 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1687 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
45225 | Tendon Tear Rk. II | 101 | 164 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -42 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1771 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1771 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
45226 | Tendon Tear Rk. III | 101 | 170 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -45 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Demolisher x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1860 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1860 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
36568 | Axe of Zurel | 100 | 297 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Zurel's Vengeance (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Zurel Stun Effect (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Zurel Jolt Effect (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
36569 | Axe of Zurel Rk. II | 100 | 310 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Zurel's Vengeance II (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Zurel Stun Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Zurel Jolt Effect II (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
36570 | Axe of Zurel Rk. III | 100 | 322 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Zurel's Vengeance III (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Zurel Stun Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Zurel Jolt Effect III (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
36529 | Brutal Discipline | 100 | 132/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 116% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 595% Cause your body to be consumed by a berserking rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
36530 | Brutal Discipline Rk. II | 100 | 132/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 120% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 610% Cause your body to be consumed by a berserking rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
36531 | Brutal Discipline Rk. III | 100 | 132/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 124% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 625% Cause your body to be consumed by a berserking rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
36532 | Fearless Frenzy | 100 | 546 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Fearless Frenzy Effect (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
36533 | Fearless Frenzy Rk. II | 100 | 568 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Fearless Frenzy Effect II (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
36534 | Fearless Frenzy Rk. III | 100 | 590 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Fearless Frenzy Effect III (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
40564 | Phantom Assailant | 100 | 283 | 0s | 2m T19 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Summon Doppelganger: PCSwmBerS20L100DoppMelDmgRk1 You contact a version of yourself from another thread of reality. This version of you will attack your target repeatedly. |
40565 | Phantom Assailant Rk. II | 100 | 290 | 0s | 2m T19 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Summon Doppelganger: PCSwmBerS20L100DoppMelDmgRk2 You contact a version of yourself from another thread of reality. This version of you will attack your target repeatedly. |
40566 | Phantom Assailant Rk. III | 100 | 297 | 0s | 2m T19 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Summon Doppelganger: PCSwmBerS20L100DoppMelDmgRk3 You contact a version of yourself from another thread of reality. This version of you will attack your target repeatedly. |
36541 | Shared Viciousness | 100 | 1211 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Viciousness 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 122 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 122 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 244 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 244 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 122 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 122 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 244 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared viciousness increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
36542 | Shared Viciousness Rk. II | 100 | 1259 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Viciousness II 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 126 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 126 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 253 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 253 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 126 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 126 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 253 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared viciousness increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
36543 | Shared Viciousness Rk. III | 100 | 1309 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Viciousness III 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 130 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 130 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 262 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 262 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 130 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 130 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 262 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared viciousness increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
40579 | Arcblade | 99 | 284 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 200 1: 2H Slash Attack for 197 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 197 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Attacks up to four targets in front of you with two axe strikes. |
40580 | Arcblade Rk. II | 99 | 291 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 200 1: 2H Slash Attack for 202 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 202 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Attacks up to four targets in front of you with two axe strikes. |
40581 | Arcblade Rk. III | 99 | 298 | 0s | 30s T16 | - | Unresistable | Directional AE (4) | Hate: 200 1: 2H Slash Attack for 207 with 1000% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 207 with 1000% Accuracy Mod Attacks up to four targets in front of you with two axe strikes. |
36559 | Augmented Frenzy | 99 | 525 | 0s | 2m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Augmented Frenzy Effect (v374) Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, allowing you to use the skill more often and adding additional damage to each successful hit. You must be below 90% health to use this effect. |
36560 | Augmented Frenzy Rk. II | 99 | 579 | 0s | 2m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Augmented Frenzy Effect II (v374) Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, allowing you to use the skill more often and adding additional damage to each successful hit. You must be below 90% health to use this effect. |
36561 | Augmented Frenzy Rk. III | 99 | 638 | 0s | 2m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Augmented Frenzy Effect III (v374) Enhances your natural Frenzy ability, allowing you to use the skill more often and adding additional damage to each successful hit. You must be below 90% health to use this effect. |
36523 | Brutal Volley | 99 | 176 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 191 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 191 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 191 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 191 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
36524 | Brutal Volley Rk. II | 99 | 183 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 201 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 201 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 201 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 201 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
36525 | Brutal Volley Rk. III | 99 | 191 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 211 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 211 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 211 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 211 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
36526 | Jarring Crush | 99 | 161 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 8032 Throws an axe of the brute wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
36527 | Jarring Crush Rk. II | 99 | 167 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 8434 Throws an axe of the brute wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
36528 | Jarring Crush Rk. III | 99 | 174 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 8856 Throws an axe of the brute wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
36511 | Blood Brand | 98 | 75 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 Recourse: Blood Brand Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 425 per tick Hurls an axe of the brute to slash the skin of your target, causing 425 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood axe attack will injure you. |
36512 | Blood Brand Rk. II | 98 | 81 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 Recourse: Blood Brand Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 446 per tick Hurls an axe of the brute to slash the skin of your target, causing 446 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood axe attack will injure you. |
36513 | Blood Brand Rk. III | 98 | 85 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 Recourse: Blood Brand Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 468 per tick Hurls an axe of the brute to slash the skin of your target, causing 468 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood axe attack will injure you. |
36517 | Brutal Axe Throw | 98 | 277 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | Hate Mod: -4006 1: Decrease Current HP by 6163 Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
36518 | Brutal Axe Throw Rk. II | 98 | 288 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | Hate Mod: -4206 1: Decrease Current HP by 6471 Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
36519 | Brutal Axe Throw Rk. III | 98 | 299 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | Hate Mod: -4416 1: Decrease Current HP by 6795 Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
36556 | Cry Carnage | 98 | 320 | 0s | 1.5s T1 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 100% 6: Increase Accuracy by 20 Bellows a terrible battle cry, increasing your companions' accuracy and damage dealt by their critical hits. |
36557 | Cry Carnage Rk. II | 98 | 328 | 0s | 1.5s T1 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 100% 6: Increase Accuracy by 21 Bellows a terrible battle cry, increasing your companions' accuracy and damage dealt by their critical hits. |
36558 | Cry Carnage Rk. III | 98 | 336 | 0s | 1.5s T1 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 100% 6: Increase Accuracy by 22 Bellows a terrible battle cry, increasing your companions' accuracy and damage dealt by their critical hits. |
40555 | Festering Rage | 98 | 155 | 0s | 60s T7 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Festering Rage Effect (v374) By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for additional melee attacks for a period of time. There is a chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
40556 | Festering Rage Rk. II | 98 | 159 | 0s | 60s T7 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Festering Rage Effect II (v374) By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for additional melee attacks for a period of time. There is a chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
40557 | Festering Rage Rk. III | 98 | 163 | 0s | 60s T7 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Festering Rage Effect III (v374) By tempering your rage, you can hold on to it longer, adding the chance for additional melee attacks for a period of time. There is a chance these attacks will refresh your rage. |
36520 | Temple Crush | 98 | 279 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 100 Aims an axe of the brute at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 100. |
36521 | Temple Crush Rk. II | 98 | 279 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 100 Aims an axe of the brute at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 100. |
36522 | Temple Crush Rk. III | 98 | 279 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 100 Aims an axe of the brute at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 100. |
40570 | Conditioned Retaliation | 97 | 565 | 0s | 60s T18 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Conditioned Retaliation Effect (v374) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with a stunning blow if you are struck by a particularly large melee strike. |
40571 | Conditioned Retaliation Rk. II | 97 | 551 | 0s | 60s T18 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Conditioned Retaliation Effect II (v374) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with a stunning blow if you are struck by a particularly large melee strike. |
40572 | Conditioned Retaliation Rk. III | 97 | 538 | 0s | 60s T18 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Conditioned Retaliation Effect III (v374) Focuses your mind to instantly retaliate with a stunning blow if you are struck by a particularly large melee strike. |
36508 | Punch in the Throat | 97 | 449 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 3745 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
36509 | Punch in the Throat Rk. II | 97 | 467 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 3932 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
36510 | Punch in the Throat Rk. III | 97 | 486 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 4129 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
34003 | Seventh Wind | 97 | 337 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 498 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a seventh wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 498 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
34004 | Seventh Wind Rk. II | 97 | 337 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 523 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a seventh wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 523 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
34005 | Seventh Wind Rk. III | 97 | 337 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 549 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a seventh wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 549 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
36553 | Vicious Spiral | 97 | 284 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -28 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 230 1: Decrease Current HP by 3530 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 3530 damage to up to 12 targets. |
36554 | Vicious Spiral Rk. II | 97 | 291 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -34 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 230 1: Decrease Current HP by 3617 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 3617 damage to up to 12 targets. |
36555 | Vicious Spiral Rk. III | 97 | 298 | 0s | 60s T16 | - | Physical -40 | Caster PB (12) | Hate: 230 1: Decrease Current HP by 3704 You swing your axe in a wide circle, dealing up to 3704 damage to up to 12 targets. |
36496 | Advanced Retaliation | 96 | 647 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Advanced Retaliation Reflection 1: 2H Slash Attack for 355 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 355 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 355 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target and allowing you to dodge better for a period of time. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
36497 | Advanced Retaliation Rk. II | 96 | 672 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Advanced Retaliation Reflection II 1: 2H Slash Attack for 373 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 373 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 373 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target and allowing you to dodge better for a period of time. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
36498 | Advanced Retaliation Rk. III | 96 | 699 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Advanced Retaliation Reflection III 1: 2H Slash Attack for 392 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 392 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 392 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target and allowing you to dodge better for a period of time. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
36495 | Axe of the Brute | 96 | 1 | 4s | 12s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Crafted Axe Components x 5 1: Summon: Axe of the Brute x 100 Forges several Axes of the Brute. |
36547 | Capricious Rage Discipline | 96 | 30/sec | 0s | 12.5m T7 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Add Defensive Proc: Capricious Rage Effect with 150% Rate Mod Focuses your energy to attempt to increase your damage any time you are attacked. |
36548 | Capricious Rage Discipline Rk. II | 96 | 30/sec | 0s | 12.5m T7 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Add Defensive Proc: Capricious Rage Effect II with 150% Rate Mod Focuses your energy to attempt to increase your damage any time you are attacked. |
36549 | Capricious Rage Discipline Rk. III | 96 | 30/sec | 0s | 12.5m T7 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Add Defensive Proc: Capricious Rage Effect III with 150% Rate Mod Focuses your energy to attempt to increase your damage any time you are attacked. |
40549 | Open Wound | 96 | 76 | 0s | 0s | - | n/a | Self | Hate: -1 1: Cast: Open Wound Effect (v374) You wound yourself, reducing your maximum hit points and bleeding for a period of time. The pain sharpens your reflexes, making you more likely to riposte attacks and avoid getting riposted yourself. |
40550 | Open Wound Rk. II | 96 | 78 | 0s | 0s | - | n/a | Self | Hate: -1 1: Cast: Open Wound Effect II (v374) You wound yourself, reducing your maximum hit points and bleeding for a period of time. The pain sharpens your reflexes, making you more likely to riposte attacks and avoid getting riposted yourself. |
40551 | Open Wound Rk. III | 96 | 80 | 0s | 0s | - | n/a | Self | Hate: -1 1: Cast: Open Wound Effect III (v374) You wound yourself, reducing your maximum hit points and bleeding for a period of time. The pain sharpens your reflexes, making you more likely to riposte attacks and avoid getting riposted yourself. |
34000 | Rest | 96 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 54s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 1546 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at 21% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 21% of your maximum. |
34001 | Rest Rk. II | 96 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 54s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 1623 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at 25% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 25% of your maximum. |
34002 | Rest Rk. III | 96 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 54s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 1704 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at 29% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 29% of your maximum. |
36505 | Tendon Gash | 96 | 150 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1457 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the brute at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1457 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
36506 | Tendon Gash Rk. II | 96 | 156 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1530 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the brute at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1530 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
36507 | Tendon Gash Rk. III | 96 | 162 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Brute x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1607 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the brute at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1607 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
36502 | Vanquishing Frenzy | 96 | 110 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 139 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 139 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 139 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
36503 | Vanquishing Frenzy Rk. II | 96 | 114 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 146 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 146 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 146 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
36504 | Vanquishing Frenzy Rk. III | 96 | 118 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 153 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 153 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 153 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
30448 | Axe of Illdaera | 95 | 290 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Illdaera's Vengeance (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Stun Effect (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Jolt Effect (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe of the sunderer wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
30449 | Axe of Illdaera Rk. II | 95 | 302 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Illdaera's Vengeance II (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Stun Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Jolt Effect II (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe of the sunderer wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
30450 | Axe of Illdaera Rk. III | 95 | 314 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Illdaera's Vengeance III (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Stun Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Jolt Effect III (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Illdaera Dread Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe of the sunderer wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
30475 | Shared Savagery | 95 | 1181 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Savagery 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 102 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 102 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 210 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 210 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 102 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 102 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 210 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
30476 | Shared Savagery Rk. II | 95 | 1228 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Savagery II 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 107 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 107 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 221 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 221 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 107 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 107 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 221 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
30477 | Shared Savagery Rk. III | 95 | 1277 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Savagery III 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 112 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 112 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 232 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 232 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 112 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 112 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 232 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
30466 | Steel Frenzy | 95 | 533 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Steel Frenzy Effect (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
30467 | Steel Frenzy Rk. II | 95 | 554 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Steel Frenzy Effect II (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
30468 | Steel Frenzy Rk. III | 95 | 576 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Steel Frenzy Effect III (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
30463 | Sundering Discipline | 95 | 130/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 99% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 529% Cause your body to be consumed by a berserking rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
30464 | Sundering Discipline Rk. II | 95 | 130/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 106% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 555% Cause your body to be consumed by a berserking rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
30465 | Sundering Discipline Rk. III | 95 | 130/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 113% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 583% Cause your body to be consumed by a berserking rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
30436 | Frenzied Resolve Discipline | 94 | 1124 | 0s | 10m T15 | 60s | n/a | Self | 3: Increase Chance of 1 Additional 2H Attacks by 100% 5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 300% 9: Decrease Movement Speed by 10000% 10: Increase Chance to Hit by 30% Increases your accuracy by 30%, minimum damage per hit to be 300, and a 100% chance to land one extra hit with 2-handed weapons, but prevents you from moving for 60 seconds. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
30437 | Frenzied Resolve Discipline Rk. II | 94 | 1169 | 0s | 10m T15 | 60s | n/a | Self | 3: Increase Chance of 1 Additional 2H Attacks by 100% 5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 315% 9: Decrease Movement Speed by 10000% 10: Increase Chance to Hit by 32% Increases your accuracy by 32%, minimum damage per hit to be 315, and a 100% chance to land one extra hit with 2-handed weapons, but prevents you from moving for 60 seconds. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
30438 | Frenzied Resolve Discipline Rk. III | 94 | 1216 | 0s | 10m T15 | 60s | n/a | Self | 3: Increase Chance of 1 Additional 2H Attacks by 100% 5: Increase Min Hit Damage by 331% 9: Decrease Movement Speed by 10000% 10: Increase Chance to Hit by 34% Increases your accuracy by 34%, minimum damage per hit to be 331, and a 100% chance to land one extra hit with 2-handed weapons, but prevents you from moving for 60 seconds. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
30445 | Jarring Blow | 94 | 157 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 6623 Throws an axe of the sunderer wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
30446 | Jarring Blow Rk. II | 94 | 163 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 6954 Throws an axe of the sunderer wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
30447 | Jarring Blow Rk. III | 94 | 170 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 7302 Throws an axe of the sunderer wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
30442 | Sundering Volley | 94 | 172 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 158 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 158 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 158 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 158 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
30443 | Sundering Volley Rk. II | 94 | 179 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 166 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 166 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 166 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 166 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
30444 | Sundering Volley Rk. III | 94 | 186 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 174 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 174 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 174 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 174 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
30421 | Blood Blade | 93 | 73 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 Recourse: NA Blood Blade Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 343 per tick Hurls an axe of the savage to slash the skin of your target, causing 343 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood axe attack will injure you. |
30422 | Blood Blade Rk. II | 93 | 79 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 Recourse: Blood Blade Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 360 per tick Hurls an axe of the savage to slash the skin of your target, causing 360 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood axe attack will injure you. |
30423 | Blood Blade Rk. III | 93 | 83 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 Recourse: Blood Blade Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 378 per tick Hurls an axe of the savage to slash the skin of your target, causing 378 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood axe attack will injure you. |
28006 | Inner Rejuvenation | 93 | 272 | 24s | 25m T14 | - | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current HP by 35% up to 29000 Allows you to heal yourself for up to 29000 or 35% of your life, whichever is lower. This can only occur when you are at peace. |
28007 | Inner Rejuvenation Rk. II | 93 | 272 | 24s | 25m T14 | - | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current HP by 35% up to 30500 Allows you to heal yourself for up to 30500 or 35% of your life, whichever is lower. This can only occur when you are at peace. |
28008 | Inner Rejuvenation Rk. III | 93 | 272 | 24s | 25m T14 | - | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current HP by 35% up to 32000 Allows you to heal yourself for up to 32000 or 35% of your life, whichever is lower. This can only occur when you are at peace. |
30427 | Spirited Axe Throw | 93 | 270 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | Hate Mod: -3303 1: Decrease Current HP by 5082 Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
30428 | Spirited Axe Throw Rk. II | 93 | 281 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | Hate Mod: -3468 1: Decrease Current HP by 5336 Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
30429 | Spirited Axe Throw Rk. III | 93 | 292 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | Hate Mod: -3642 1: Decrease Current HP by 5603 Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
30430 | Temple Smash | 93 | 272 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 95 Aims an axe of the sunderer at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 95. |
30431 | Temple Smash Rk. II | 93 | 272 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 95 Aims an axe of the sunderer at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 95. |
30432 | Temple Smash Rk. III | 93 | 272 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 95 Aims an axe of the sunderer at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 95. |
30433 | Unyielding Will Discipline | 93 | 1633 | 0s | 30m T5 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 4 Incoming Spells Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 100% Fills your mind with an unflinching will, allowing you to ignore the effects of several incoming detrimental spells. |
30434 | Unyielding Will Discipline Rk. II | 93 | 1568 | 0s | 30m T5 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 4 Incoming Spells Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 100% Fills your mind with an unflinching will, allowing you to ignore the effects of several incoming detrimental spells. |
30435 | Unyielding Will Discipline Rk. III | 93 | 1505 | 0s | 30m T5 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 4 Incoming Spells Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 100% Fills your mind with an unflinching will, allowing you to ignore the effects of several incoming detrimental spells. |
30418 | Kick in the Teeth | 92 | 438 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 3131 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
30419 | Kick in the Teeth Rk. II | 92 | 456 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 3288 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
30420 | Kick in the Teeth Rk. III | 92 | 474 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 3452 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
30415 | Perturbing Scream | 92 | 982 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -28 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 38% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 21% Using this high-pitched scream, you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
30416 | Perturbing Scream Rk. II | 92 | 982 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -34 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 40% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 22% Using this high-pitched scream, you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
30417 | Perturbing Scream Rk. III | 92 | 982 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -40 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 42% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 23% Using this high-pitched scream, you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
28003 | Sixth Wind | 92 | 321 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 410 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a sixth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 410 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
28004 | Sixth Wind Rk. II | 92 | 321 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 431 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a sixth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 431 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
28005 | Sixth Wind Rk. III | 92 | 321 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 453 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a sixth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 453 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
30402 | Axe of the Sunderer | 91 | 1 | 4s | 12s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 5 1: Summon: Axe of the Sunderer x 100 Forges several Axes of the Sunderer. |
30409 | Conquering Frenzy | 91 | 107 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 114 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 114 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 114 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
30410 | Conquering Frenzy Rk. II | 91 | 111 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 120 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 120 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 120 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
30411 | Conquering Frenzy Rk. III | 91 | 115 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 126 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 126 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 126 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
30403 | Early Retaliation | 91 | 631 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Early Retaliation Reflection 1: 2H Slash Attack for 295 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 295 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 295 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target and allowing you to dodge better for a period of time. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
30404 | Early Retaliation Rk. II | 91 | 656 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Early Retaliation Reflection II 1: 2H Slash Attack for 310 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 310 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 310 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target and allowing you to dodge better for a period of time. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
30405 | Early Retaliation Rk. III | 91 | 682 | 0s | 10m T15 | - | Unresistable | Single | Recourse: Early Retaliation Reflection III 1: 2H Slash Attack for 326 with 500% Accuracy Mod 2: 2H Slash Attack for 326 with 500% Accuracy Mod 3: 2H Slash Attack for 326 with 500% Accuracy Mod You execute an early series of retaliative strikes, slashing your target and allowing you to dodge better for a period of time. You must be below 90% of your maximum health to use this ability. |
28000 | Reprieve | 91 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 54s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 1274 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at 21% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 21% of your maximum. |
28001 | Reprieve Rk. II | 91 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 54s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 1338 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at 25% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 25% of your maximum. |
28002 | Reprieve Rk. III | 91 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 54s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 1405 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at 29% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 29% of your maximum. |
30412 | Tendon Slash | 91 | 146 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1174 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the sunderer at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1174 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
30413 | Tendon Slash Rk. II | 91 | 152 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1233 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the sunderer at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1233 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
30414 | Tendon Slash Rk. III | 91 | 158 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Sunderer x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1295 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the sunderer at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1295 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
27293 | Axe of Graster | 90 | 260 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Graster's Vengeance (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Graster Stun Effect (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Graster Hate Reduction Effect (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Graster Dread Effect (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe of the savage wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
27294 | Axe of Graster Rk. II | 90 | 276 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Graster's Vengeance II (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Graster Stun Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Graster Hate Reduction Effect II (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Graster Dread Effect II (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe of the savage wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
27295 | Axe of Graster Rk. III | 90 | 307 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Graster's Vengeance III (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Graster Stun Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Graster Hate Reduction Effect III (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Graster Dread Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe of the savage wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
27308 | Fighting Frenzy | 90 | 446 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Fighting Frenzy Effect (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
27309 | Fighting Frenzy Rk. II | 90 | 508 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Fighting Frenzy Effect II (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
27310 | Fighting Frenzy Rk. III | 90 | 542 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Fighting Frenzy Effect III (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
27317 | Shared Brutality | 90 | 978 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Brutality 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 69 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 69 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 137 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 137 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 69 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 69 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 137 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
27318 | Shared Brutality Rk. II | 90 | 1113 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Brutality II 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 79 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 79 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 159 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 159 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 79 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 79 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 159 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
27319 | Shared Brutality Rk. III | 90 | 1186 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Brutality III 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 91 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 91 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 183 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 183 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 91 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 91 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 183 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
27284 | Avenging Flurry Discipline | 89 | 77/sec | 0s | 15m T6 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance of 1 Additional 2H Attacks by 100% 2: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 10000% 3: Decrease Weapon Delay by 18% 4: Increase Chance to Flurry by 15% Reduces your weapon's delay by 18%, grants a 100% chance to double attack, a 15% chance to perform a flurry of attacks, and a 100% chance to land one extra hit with 2-handed weapons. |
27285 | Avenging Flurry Discipline Rk. II | 89 | 79/sec | 0s | 15m T6 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance of 1 Additional 2H Attacks by 100% 2: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 10000% 3: Decrease Weapon Delay by 20.3% 4: Increase Chance to Flurry by 16% Reduces your weapon's delay by 20.3%, grants a 100% chance to double attack, a 16% chance to perform a flurry of attacks, and a 100% chance to land one extra hit with 2-handed weapons. |
27286 | Avenging Flurry Discipline Rk. III | 89 | 81/sec | 0s | 15m T6 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance of 1 Additional 2H Attacks by 100% 2: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 10000% 3: Decrease Weapon Delay by 24.8% 4: Increase Chance to Flurry by 17% Reduces your weapon's delay by 24.8%, grants a 100% chance to double attack, a 17% chance to perform a flurry of attacks, and a 100% chance to land one extra hit with 2-handed weapons. |
27290 | Jarring Slam | 89 | 128 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 4308 Throws an axe of the savage wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
27291 | Jarring Slam Rk. II | 89 | 144 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 5158 Throws an axe of the savage wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
27292 | Jarring Slam Rk. III | 89 | 155 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 6021 Throws an axe of the savage wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
27287 | Savage Volley | 89 | 147 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 113 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 113 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 113 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 113 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
27288 | Savage Volley Rk. II | 89 | 154 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 123 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 123 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 123 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 123 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
27289 | Savage Volley Rk. III | 89 | 165 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 144 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 144 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 144 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 144 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
27272 | Blood Axe | 88 | 71 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 Recourse: Blood Axe Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 244 per tick Hurls an axe of the savage to slash the skin of your target, causing 244 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood axe attack will injure you. |
27273 | Blood Axe Rk. II | 88 | 77 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 Recourse: Blood Axe Recourse II 1: Decrease Current HP by 275 per tick Hurls an axe of the savage to slash the skin of your target, causing 275 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood axe attack will injure you. |
27274 | Blood Axe Rk. III | 88 | 81 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 Recourse: Blood Axe Recourse III 1: Decrease Current HP by 298 per tick Hurls an axe of the savage to slash the skin of your target, causing 298 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood axe attack will injure you. |
27278 | Energetic Axe Throw | 88 | 210 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | Hate Mod: -2145 1: Decrease Current HP by 3300 Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
27279 | Energetic Axe Throw Rk. II | 88 | 246 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | Hate Mod: -2574 1: Decrease Current HP by 3960 Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
27280 | Energetic Axe Throw Rk. III | 88 | 266 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | Hate Mod: -3003 1: Decrease Current HP by 4620 Launches a gigantic throwing axe at your target. |
27281 | Temple Chop | 88 | 265 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 90 Aims an axe of the savage at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 90. |
27282 | Temple Chop Rk. II | 88 | 265 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 90 Aims an axe of the savage at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 90. |
27283 | Temple Chop Rk. III | 88 | 265 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 90 Aims an axe of the savage at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 90. |
27266 | Distracting Scream | 87 | 958 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -28 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 29% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 15% Using this high-pitched scream, you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
27267 | Distracting Scream Rk. II | 87 | 958 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -34 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 32% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 17% Using this high-pitched scream you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
27268 | Distracting Scream Rk. III | 87 | 958 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -40 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 36% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 20% Using this high-pitched scream you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
25003 | Fifth Wind | 87 | 313 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 268 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a fifth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 268 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
25004 | Fifth Wind Rk. II | 87 | 313 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 305 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a fifth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 305 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
25005 | Fifth Wind Rk. III | 87 | 313 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 373 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a fifth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 373 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
27269 | Slap in the Face | 87 | 374 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 2228 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
27270 | Slap in the Face Rk. II | 87 | 389 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 2510 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
27271 | Slap in the Face Rk. III | 87 | 411 | 0s | 2m T9 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Hand to Hand Attack for 2846 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Executes a vicious melee attack on your opponent. This ability can only be used if you are not currently in combat. |
27256 | Axe of the Savage | 86 | 1 | 4s | 12s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 5 1: Summon: Axe of the Savage x 100 Forges several Axes of the Savage. |
27257 | Cleaving Acrimony Discipline | 86 | 33/sec | 0s | 22m T3 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 270% 2: Increase Chance to Crippling Blow by 215% Consumes your body with a cleaving anger that greatly increase your chances of landing a crippling blow. |
27258 | Cleaving Acrimony Discipline Rk. II | 86 | 34/sec | 0s | 22m T3 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 275% 2: Increase Chance to Crippling Blow by 230% Consumes your body with a cleaving anger that greatly increase your chances of landing a crippling blow. |
27259 | Cleaving Acrimony Discipline Rk. III | 86 | 35/sec | 0s | 22m T3 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 285% 2: Increase Chance to Crippling Blow by 250% Consumes your body with a cleaving anger that greatly increase your chances of landing a crippling blow. |
27260 | Overwhelming Frenzy | 86 | 86 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 83 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 83 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 83 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
27261 | Overwhelming Frenzy Rk. II | 86 | 97 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 93 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 93 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 93 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
27262 | Overwhelming Frenzy Rk. III | 86 | 103 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 104 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 104 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 104 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
25000 | Respite | 86 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 54s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 845 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at 21% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 21% of your maximum. |
25001 | Respite Rk. II | 86 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 54s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 964 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at 25% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 25% of your maximum. |
25002 | Respite Rk. III | 86 | 25 + 1/sec | 0s | 90s T13 | 54s | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 1213 per tick 3: Cap Endurance at 29% Quickens the rate at which you regain endurance, but only if your reserves are lower than 29% of your maximum. |
27263 | Tendon Lacerate | 86 | 124 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 869 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the savage at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 869 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
27264 | Tendon Lacerate Rk. II | 86 | 139 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 986 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the savage at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 986 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
27265 | Tendon Lacerate Rk. III | 86 | 148 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Savage x 1 1: Decrease Current HP by 1067 per tick 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the savage at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed and dealing 1067 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. |
19741 | Axe of Rallos | 85 | 201 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Rallosian Vengeance (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Rallos Stun Effect (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Rallos Hate Reduction Effect (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Rallos Dread Effect (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe of the destroyer wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
19742 | Axe of Rallos Rk. II | 85 | 241 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Rallosian Vengeance II (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Rallos Stun Effect (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Rallos Hate Reduction Effect II (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Rallos Dread Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe of the destroyer wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
19743 | Axe of Rallos Rk. III | 85 | 264 | 0s | 12s T17 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Cast: Rallosian Vengeance III (v374) 2: Cast: Axe of Rallos Stun Effect (33% Chance) (v340) 3: Cast: Axe of Rallos Hate Reduction Effect III (34% Chance) (v340) 4: Cast: Axe of Rallos Dread Effect III (33% Chance) (v340) Throws an axe of the destroyer wildly, damaging your opponent and having a chance to apply other detrimental effects. |
18219 | Combat Frenzy | 85 | 425 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Combat Frenzy Effect (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
18220 | Combat Frenzy Rk. II | 85 | 484 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Combat Frenzy Effect II (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
18221 | Combat Frenzy Rk. III | 85 | 516 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Combat Frenzy Effect III (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
22506 | Shared Bloodlust | 85 | 990 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Bloodlust 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 50 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 50 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 100 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 100 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 50 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 50 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 100 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
22507 | Shared Bloodlust Rk. II | 85 | 1128 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Bloodlust Rk. II 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 58 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 58 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 116 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 116 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 58 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 58 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 116 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
22508 | Shared Bloodlust Rk. III | 85 | 1202 | 0s | 30s T14 | 30s+ | n/a | Targets Target | Recourse: Reflected Bloodlust Rk. III 1: Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 67 2: Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 67 3: Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 134 4: Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 134 5: Increase Hand to Hand Damage Bonus by 67 6: Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 67 7: Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 134 Incites your target's target and yourself with a shared bloodlust increasing the amount of damage you both do with melee weapons. |
18216 | Eradicator's Volley | 84 | 149 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 88 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 88 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 88 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 88 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
18217 | Eradicator's Volley Rk. II | 84 | 149 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 92 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 92 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 92 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 92 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
18218 | Eradicator's Volley Rk. III | 84 | 149 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 97 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 97 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 97 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 97 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
18207 | Jarring Clash | 84 | 305 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 979 Throws an axe of the eradicator wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
18208 | Jarring Clash Rk. II | 84 | 305 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 1116 Throws an axe of the eradicator wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
18209 | Jarring Clash Rk. III | 84 | 305 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 1190 Throws an axe of the eradicator wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
18210 | Blood Hatchet | 83 | 136 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 Recourse: Blood Hatchet Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 160 per tick Hurls an axe of the eradicator to slash the skin of your target, causing 160 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood hatchet attack will injure you. |
18211 | Blood Hatchet Rk. II | 83 | 148 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 Recourse: Blood Hatchet Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 181 per tick Hurls an axe of the eradicator to slash the skin of your target, causing 181 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood hatchet attack will injure you. |
18212 | Blood Hatchet Rk. III | 83 | 157 | 0s | 6s T1 | 60s+ | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 Recourse: Blood Hatchet Recourse 1: Decrease Current HP by 196 per tick Hurls an axe of the eradicator to slash the skin of your target, causing 196 damage every six seconds for 60 seconds. The exertion of the blood hatchet attack will injure you. |
18204 | Temple Bash | 83 | 269 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 85 Aims an axe of the eradicator at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 85. |
18205 | Temple Bash Rk. II | 83 | 269 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 85 Aims an axe of the eradicator at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 85. |
18206 | Temple Bash Rk. III | 83 | 269 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 85 Aims an axe of the eradicator at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 85. |
19753 | Vigorous Axe Throw | 83 | 250 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | 1: Decrease Current HP by 2400 Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
19754 | Vigorous Axe Throw Rk. II | 83 | 292 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | 1: Decrease Current HP by 2880 Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
19755 | Vigorous Axe Throw Rk. III | 83 | 316 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -300 | Single | 1: Decrease Current HP by 3360 Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
18201 | Distressing Scream | 82 | 1016 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -28 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 23% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 11% Using this high-pitched scream, you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
18202 | Distressing Scream Rk. II | 82 | 1016 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -34 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 26% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 13% Using this high-pitched scream you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
18203 | Distressing Scream Rk. III | 82 | 1016 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -40 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 28% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 14% Using this high-pitched scream you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
18213 | Fourth Wind | 82 | 313 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 196 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a fourth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 196 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
18214 | Fourth Wind Rk. II | 82 | 313 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 223 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a fourth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 223 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
18215 | Fourth Wind Rk. III | 82 | 313 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 238 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a fourth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 238 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
18197 | Axe of the Eradicator | 81 | 1 | 4s | 12s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 5 1: Summon: Axe of the Eradicator x 100 Forges several Axes of the Eradicator. |
16918 | Overpowering Frenzy | 81 | 96 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 63 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 63 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 63 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
16919 | Overpowering Frenzy Rk. II | 81 | 110 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 67 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 67 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 67 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
16920 | Overpowering Frenzy Rk. III | 81 | 117 | 0s | 30s T12 | - | Unresistable | Single | Hate: 1 1: Frenzy Attack for 70 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Frenzy Attack for 70 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Frenzy Attack for 70 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Cast: Overpowering Frenzy Effect (v374) Strikes your opponent with three Frenzy attacks while making them weaker against additional Frenzy and Throwing attacks. |
18198 | Tendon Shear | 81 | 127 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -28 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the eradicator at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
18199 | Tendon Shear Rk. II | 81 | 127 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -34 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the eradicator at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
18200 | Tendon Shear Rk. III | 81 | 127 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Eradicator x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the eradicator at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
14198 | Battle Frenzy | 80 | 348 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Battle Frenzy Effect (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
14199 | Battle Frenzy Rk. II | 80 | 397 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Battle Frenzy Effect II (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
14200 | Battle Frenzy Rk. III | 80 | 423 | 0s | 10m T11 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Cast: Battle Frenzy Effect III (v340) Allows your melee attacks to do additional harm in the form of a frenzied strike. This ability can only be invoked when below 90% health. The effect will replenish itself when a frenzied strike is invoked in combat. |
14195 | Decimator's Volley | 79 | 119 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 71 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 71 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 71 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 71 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
14196 | Decimator's Volley Rk. II | 79 | 119 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 75 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 75 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 75 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 75 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
14197 | Decimator's Volley Rk. III | 79 | 119 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 79 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 79 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 79 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 79 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
14186 | Jarring Smash | 79 | 244 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -27 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Decimator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 803 Throws an axe of the decimator wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
14187 | Jarring Smash Rk. II | 79 | 244 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -33 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Decimator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 915 Throws an axe of the decimator wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
14188 | Jarring Smash Rk. III | 79 | 244 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Decimator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 975 Throws an axe of the decimator wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
14183 | Temple Strike | 78 | 256 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -27 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Decimator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 80 Aims an axe of the decimator at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 80. |
14184 | Temple Strike Rk. II | 78 | 256 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -33 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Decimator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 80 Aims an axe of the decimator at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 80. |
14185 | Temple Strike Rk. III | 78 | 256 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Decimator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 80 Aims an axe of the decimator at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 80. |
14180 | Agitating Scream | 77 | 813 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -27 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 19% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 9% Using this high-pitched scream, you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
14181 | Agitating Scream Rk. II | 77 | 813 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -33 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 21% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 10% Using this high-pitched scream you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
14182 | Agitating Scream Rk. III | 77 | 813 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -40 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 23% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 11% Using this high-pitched scream you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
14192 | Third Wind | 77 | 250 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 161 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a third wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 161 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
14193 | Third Wind Rk. II | 77 | 250 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 183 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a third wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 183 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
14194 | Third Wind Rk. III | 77 | 250 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 195 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a third wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 195 every six seconds for 2 minutes. |
14176 | Axe of the Decimator | 76 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Axe of the Decimator x 20 Forges several Axes of the Decimator. |
14177 | Tendon Sever | 76 | 121 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -27 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Decimator x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the decimator at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
14178 | Tendon Sever Rk. II | 76 | 121 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -33 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Decimator x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the decimator at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
14179 | Tendon Sever Rk. III | 76 | 121 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -40 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Decimator x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the decimator at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
10923 | Berserking Discipline | 75 | 120/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 67% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 468% Cause your body to be consumed by a berserking rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
10924 | Berserking Discipline Rk. II | 75 | 120/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 73% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 492% Cause your body to be consumed by a berserking rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
10925 | Berserking Discipline Rk. III | 75 | 120/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 79% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 516% Cause your body to be consumed by a berserking rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
11928 | Annihilator's Volley | 74 | 95 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 59 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 59 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 59 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 59 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
11929 | Annihilator's Volley Rk. II | 74 | 95 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 61 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 61 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 61 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 61 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
11930 | Annihilator's Volley Rk. III | 74 | 95 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 63 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 63 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 63 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 63 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
10920 | Jarring Strike | 74 | 195 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -27 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Annihilator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 720 Throws an axe of the annihilator wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
10921 | Jarring Strike Rk. II | 74 | 195 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -32 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Annihilator x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 750 Throws an axe of the annihilator wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
10917 | Temple Blow | 73 | 244 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -27 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Annihilator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 75 Aims an axe of the annihilator at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 75. |
10918 | Temple Blow Rk. II | 73 | 244 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -32 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Annihilator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 75 Aims an axe of the annihilator at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 75. |
10919 | Temple Blow Rk. III | 73 | 244 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -37 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Annihilator x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 75 Aims an axe of the annihilator at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. This affects targets up to level 75. |
11913 | Second Wind | 72 | 200 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 144 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a second wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 144 every 6 seconds for 2 minutes. |
11914 | Second Wind Rk. II | 72 | 200 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 150 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a second wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 150 every 6 seconds for 2 minutes. |
11915 | Second Wind Rk. III | 72 | 200 + 1/sec | 0s | 36m T13 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Current Endurance by 156 per tick Sacrifices endurance to receive a second wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 156 every 6 seconds for 2 minutes. |
10914 | Unsettling Scream | 72 | 650 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -27 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 13% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 6% Using this high-pitched scream, you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
10915 | Unsettling Scream Rk. II | 72 | 650 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -32 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 17% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 8% Using this high-pitched scream you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
10916 | Unsettling Scream Rk. III | 72 | 650 | 0s | 2m T10 | 90s+ | Physical -37 | Single | 2: Increase Throwing Damage Taken by 21% 3: Increase Archery Damage Taken by 10% Using this high-pitched scream you can unsettle your opponent and make them more vulnerable to ranged archery and thrown attacks. |
10907 | Axe of the Annihilator | 71 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Axe of the Annihilator x 20 Forges several Axes of the Annihilator. |
10908 | Tendon Cleave | 71 | 115 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -27 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Annihilator x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the annihilator at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
10909 | Tendon Cleave Rk. II | 71 | 115 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -32 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Annihilator x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the annihilator at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
8477 | Bloodlust Aura | 70 | 200 | 3s | 1.5s T1 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Aura Effect: Bloodlust Aura Effect (PCIObBerS14L070AuraCritMel) Fills those around you with bloodlust, increasing the damage that their critical strikes will cause. The effect only benefits those that stay within the area of your aura. |
8476 | Bloodthirst | 70 | 380 | 0s | 30m T9 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 3: Add Defensive Proc: Bloodthirst Effect with 400% Rate Mod Fills nearby allies with a rage that is sometimes unleashed when they take melee damage. The rage will increase their melee damage considerably for a short time. |
6199 | Vengeful Flurry Discipline | 70 | 75/sec | 0s | 15m T6 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance of 1 Additional 2H Attacks by 100% 2: Increase Chance to Double Attack by 10000% 3: Decrease Weapon Delay by 13.5% Reduces your weapon's delay by 13.5%, grants a 100% chance to double attack, and a 100% chance to land one extra hit with 2-handed weapons. |
6171 | Baffling Strike | 69 | 150 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -32 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Destroyer x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 600 Throws an axe of the destroyer wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
6729 | Destroyer's Volley | 69 | 95 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 49 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 49 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 49 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 49 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
8003 | Cry Havoc | 68 | 200 | 0s | 1.5s T1 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 100% Bellows a terrible battle cry, increasing the damage your companions deal with a critical hit. |
6170 | Mind Strike | 68 | 212 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -32 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Destroyer x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 70 Aims an axe of the destroyer at your opponent's head, briefly stunning them. |
6201 | Unflinching Will Discipline | 68 | 1785 | 0s | 30m T5 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Max Hits: 3 Incoming Spells Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Resist Spell by 100% Fills your mind with an unflinching will, allowing you to ignore the effects of several incoming detrimental spells. |
6169 | Crippling Strike | 67 | 93 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -52 | Single | Consumes: Axe of the Destroyer x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims an axe of the destroyer at your opponent's legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
6172 | Axe of the Destroyer | 66 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Axe of the Destroyer x 20 Forges several Axes of the Destroyer. |
6200 | Unpredictable Rage Discipline | 66 | 30/sec | 0s | 12.5m T7 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Add Defensive Proc: Increase Damage Effect with 150% Rate Mod Focuses your energy to attempt to increase your damage any time you are attacked. |
5032 | Ancient: Cry of Chaos | 65 | 600 | 0s | 30m T9 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 2: Decrease Weapon Delay by 11.3% 11: Increase ATK by 60 Lets loose a fierce battle cry that inspires your group, increasing their attack speed and attack rating. |
5031 | Battle Cry of the Mastruq | 65 | 600 | 0s | 30m T9 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 2: Decrease Weapon Delay by 9% 11: Increase ATK by 50 Lets loose a fierce battle cry that inspires your group, increasing their attack speed and attack rating. |
5043 | Cleaving Anger Discipline | 65 | 30/sec | 0s | 22m T3 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 200% 2: Increase Chance to Crippling Blow by 200% Consumes your body with a cleaving anger that greatly increase your chances of landing a crippling blow. |
4936 | Confusing Strike | 65 | 119 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -17 | Single | Consumes: Rage Axe x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 550 Aims a rage axe at your opponents vitals, causing them to bleed for a short time. |
4950 | Deathfury Axe | 65 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Deathfury Axe x 20 Forges a Deathfury Axe. |
5107 | Tainted Axe of Hatred | 65 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Tainted Axe of Hatred x 20 Forges a Tainted Axe of Hatred. |
5030 | War Cry of Dravel | 64 | 550 | 0s | 30m T9 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 2: Decrease Weapon Delay by 9% 11: Increase ATK by 40 Lets loose a fierce battle cry that inspires your group, increasing their attack speed and attack rating. |
4687 | Healing Will Discipline | 63 | 33/sec | 0s | 5m T5 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 2: Cancel if Combat Initiated 6: Increase Current HP by 100 per tick Focuses the power of your will to heal your wounds. |
5042 | Indomitable Discipline | 63 | 25/sec | 0s | 22m T3 | 2m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Resist Any Stun by 100% Fills you mind with an indomitable will, making it impossible to stun you for a short time. |
6754 | Rage Volley | 61 | 85 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Unresistable | Single | 1: Throwing Attack for 38 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 2: Throwing Attack for 38 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 3: Throwing Attack for 38 with 10000% Accuracy Mod 4: Throwing Attack for 38 with 10000% Accuracy Mod Launches a volley of four axes at your target. |
5044 | Sprint Discipline | 61 | 75/sec | 0s | 30m T5 | 18s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Movement Speed by 125% Allows you to focus your energy into a sudden burst of movement speed. |
4949 | Battlerage Axe | 60 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Battlerage Axe x 20 Forges a Battlerage Axe. |
5034 | Burning Rage Discipline | 60 | 25/sec | 0s | 30m T4 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 30% (v185) Your attacks become reckless, increasing the melee damage you are capable of. |
4933 | Head Crush | 60 | 182 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -25 | Single | Consumes: Rage Axe x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 65 Aims a rage axe at your opponents head, briefly stunning them. |
5038 | Battle Focus Discipline | 59 | 65/sec | 0s | 40m T3 | 12s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 10000% Focuses your awareness of the situation around you to such an extent that it is impossible for melee attacks to strike you. |
5041 | Blind Rage Discipline | 58 | 60/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Hit Damage by 50% (v185) 2: Increase Min Hit Damage by 400% Cause your body to be consumed by a blind rage, greatly increasing the damage potential of your attacks. |
5029 | Battle Cry of Dravel | 57 | 450 | 0s | 30m T9 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 2: Decrease Weapon Delay by 6.8% 11: Increase ATK by 30 Lets loose a fierce battle cry that inspires your group, increasing their attack speed and attack rating. |
5035 | Focused Fury Discipline | 57 | 20/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 Fills you with a focused fury, increasing your melee accuracy dramatically. |
5040 | Reckless Discipline | 56 | 62/sec | 0s | 40m T3 | 12s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Riposte by 10000% Fills you with a burning rage, causing you to riposte nearly all incoming attacks. |
8924 | Aura of Rage | 55 | 165 | 6s | 1.5s T1 | - | n/a | Self | 1: Aura Effect: Aura of Rage Effect (PCIObBerS11L055AuraCritMel) Fills those around you with bloodlust, increasing the damage that their critical strikes will cause. The effect only benefits those that stay within the area of your aura. |
4948 | Bloodseeker's Axe | 55 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Balanced Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Bloodseeker's Axe x 20 Forges a Bloodseeker's Axe. |
5037 | Cleaving Rage Discipline | 54 | 50/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 10000% Consumes your mind in a cleaving rage, causing every attack you make to be a critical hit. |
4930 | Leg Slice | 54 | 76 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -17 | Single | Consumes: Rage Axe x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims a rage axe at your opponents legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
5039 | Inspired Anger Discipline | 53 | 45/sec | 0s | 25m T4 | 30s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Hit by 10000% Inspires you with a spirit of anger that makes it impossible for you to miss a melee attack. |
4947 | Rage Axe | 50 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Rage Axe x 20 Forges a Rage Axe. |
5028 | War Cry | 50 | 380 | 0s | 30m T9 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 2: Decrease Weapon Delay by 4.5% 11: Increase ATK by 20 Lets loose a fierce battle cry that inspires your group, increasing their attack speed and attack rating. |
4935 | Distracting Strike | 48 | 74 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -17 | Single | Consumes: Bonesplicer Axe x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 400 Aims a bonesplicer at your opponents vitals, causing them to bleed for a short time. |
4946 | Mithril Bloodaxe | 45 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Mithril Bloodaxe x 20 Forges a Mithril Bloodaxe. |
4945 | Cold Steel Cleaving Axe | 40 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Cold Steel Cleaving Axe x 20 Forges a Cold Steel Cleaving Axe. |
4587 | Fearless Discipline | 40 | 6/sec | 0s | 30m T5 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase Chance to Resist Fear Spell by 10000% Strengthens your resolve, rendering you immune to fear. |
4932 | Head Pummel | 40 | 106 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -12 | Single | Consumes: Bonesplicer Axe x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 55 Aims a bonesplicer at your opponents head, briefly stunning them. |
4944 | Fleshtear Axe | 35 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Fleshtear Axe x 20 Forges a Fleshtear Axe. |
4929 | Leg Cut | 32 | 43 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -17 | Single | Consumes: Bonesplicer Axe x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims a bonesplicer at your opponents legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
5027 | Battle Cry | 30 | 200 | 0s | 30m T9 | 60s+ | n/a | Caster Group | 2: Decrease Weapon Delay by 2.3% 11: Increase ATK by 10 Lets loose a fierce battle cry that inspires your group, increasing their attack speed and attack rating. |
4943 | Bonesplicer Axe | 30 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Bonesplicer Axe x 20 Forges a Bonesplicer Axe. |
4585 | Resistant Discipline | 30 | 3/sec | 0s | 30m T5 | 5m+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 1: Increase All Resists by 20 Focuses your will, increasing your resistances for a short time. |
4942 | Balanced War Axe | 25 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Basic Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Balanced War Axe x 20 Forges a Balanced War Axe. |
4934 | Divertive Strike | 24 | 40 | 0s | 12s T2 | - | Physical -1 | Single | Consumes: Blunt Axe x 1 3: Decrease Hate by 250 Throws a blunt axe wildly, briefly distracting your opponent. |
4941 | Mithril Axe | 20 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Basic Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Mithril Axe x 20 Forges a Mithril Axe. |
4931 | Head Strike | 16 | 49 | 0s | 12s T10 | - | Physical -12 | Single | Consumes: Blunt Axe x 1 1: Stun for 4s up to level 55 Aims a blunt axe at your opponents head, briefly stunning them. |
4940 | Bearded Axe | 15 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Basic Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Bearded Axe x 20 Forges a Bearded Axe. |
4721 | Focused Will Discipline | 10 | 1/sec | 0s | 5m T5 | 60s+ | n/a | Self | Hate: 1 2: Cancel if Combat Initiated 6: Increase Current HP by 3 per tick Focuses the energy of your will to heal your wounds. Any aggressive action you take will break your concentration. |
4939 | Steel Axe | 10 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Basic Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Steel Axe x 20 Forges a Steel Axe. |
4928 | Leg Strike | 8 | 24 | 0s | 12s T10 | 60s+ | Physical -1 | Single | Consumes: Blunt Axe x 1 2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55% Aims a blunt axe at your opponents legs, causing slower movement speed for a short time. |
4938 | Blunt Axe | 5 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Basic Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Blunt Axe x 20 Forges a Blunt Axe. |
25060 | Elbow Strike | 5 | 20 | 0s | 20s T9 | - | Physical -10 | Single | 1: Decrease Current HP by 5 Strikes your opponent with an elbow, dealing 5 damage to them. |
4937 | Corroded Axe | 1 | 1 | 2s | 6s | - | n/a | Self | Consumes: Basic Axe Components x 1 1: Summon: Corroded Axe x 20 Forges a Corroded Axe. |
5225 | Throw Stone | 1 | 10 | 0s | 10s T9 | - | Physical -1000 | Single | 1: Decrease Current HP by 1 Strikes your target with a thrown stone, causing 1 damage. |
Spell list updated Nov 30, 2024